Avatar of KazAlkemi


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 days ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 days ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia
21 days ago
Did the void answer back?
1 mo ago
May the Fourth be with thee!


May death send his worst. Cold to freeze the love in my heart. Fire to burn my memories to ash. Wind to force me through his gate. And time to wear my loyalty away. I'll wait for you at death's gate.
The Last Namsara; Binding Ceremony

lofi hip hop radio

Name: KazAlkemi
Age: Thirty
Birthday: Ask me
Ethnicity: Canadian
Location: Mountain Standard Time
Occupation: Reception / Student
Languages: Fluent English, Amateur Scottish Gaelic
Preferred RP Section: Casual/Advanced
RP Level:Advanced
Dedication Level: High
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Unchecked Ignorance; Disrespect
My Pets: MEOW!
Fandoms: Grishaverse; Supernatural; Harry Potter; Heartstopper; Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss

Song of the Month: Daredevil -- Stellar

Books I Am Currently Reading:
  • Amulet Series -- Kazu Kibuishi
  • Things We Do In The Dark -- Jennifer Hillier

Shows I Am Currently Watching:

  • Supernatural Season 12
  • The Originals (rewatch)
  • Doctor Who

Current Favourite Movies:

Role Plays I Am In:

  • Darke Magyk: CONCLUDED by Morose -- Playing Cuyler Eysteinsson (Alive and well; will he see Ayra again?);
    Amarantha (death by Fyre);
    Ahote Proudstar (Alive and no longing melting inside)
  • The Gifted by Morose -- Playing Luna Braddock (whereabouts unknown) & Cayden Proudstar (deceased by gunshot to the neck)
  • Once Upon A Time by Nallore -- Playing Cassiopeia Hood (Living back in the mortal world with her cats and girlfriend, working at her old job, and visiting her father, Robin Hood and twin sister when she can) & Willow Jones (Living in the fairytale world with her mother, Aurora and father, learning all the ins and outs of ruling, and visiting her girlfriend on the weekends)
  • Inferno - by Morose -- Playing Annika Falling Star (ancestor of Ahote Proudstar) -- Now a baby, Annika has been adopted by Jack and is living in the Everdark

Favourite Post 1
Favourite Post 2

Most Recent Posts

Cuyler Eysteinsson

Location: Bifröst, Asgard ---> Wizard Tower Courtyard -- The Castle

Cuyler was smiling slightly, stretching out as Halley relayed the information to Bruce and Myth. He chuckled to himself at the nickname and then Bruce’s protesting. He slid closer to Arnora and whispered to her.
”Twenty on Bruce.” The Bifröst then opened and he moved away from Arnora before he stepped forward and was pulled into the rainbow. It had taken him awhile to get used to this sort of travel but he had grown fond of it. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to go back to simple boat travel but he did miss it.
Cuyler looked around, familiarizing himself with the area once again and sighed. A part of him had missed this place. The beacon that was Wizard Tower shadowed over him. He looked up further, seeing the sky and the stars. They looked completely different on Asgard. Cuyler inhaled, smelling familiar scents plus the distinct one of smoke.
”Does anyone else smell burning?” Thia growled her ascent, having shifted into her wolf form the moment they touched down. Her ears twitched and she shifted uneasily as she picked up distant sounds that Cuyler couldn’t hear.


Location: P7, J6 ---> J8 -- The Palace Courtyard
Skills: Stamina, Resistance

Lennox jumped back when Antonjie came rushing forward and jumped the vampire in front of him. He quickly looked around him, scanning for more vampires before he refocused on Myrus. He put his sword away and walked to the Prince as he expertly charged the Vampire with enough power that would cause him to explode. His warning to Antonjie went unnoticed thought. Lennox placed a hand on Myrus’s shoulder.
“We have to go,” he urged the Prince.

Amarantha’s eyes sparkled as she watched the Fyre be lit; however, it wasn’t around who she had been hoping for. Her eyes darted to the mysterious woman who started the blasted thing and she clenched her fists. Innocents were burning and although Amarantha didn’t normally care for that sort of causality, this was somehow different.
She looked over at Oliver, deeming him not a threat at the moment and growled at him.
”Shut it.” She turned from him and moved to go to Violet when Mona came into view. Amarantha clamped her mouth and looked away, fighting the desire when Mona threw a marble at Oliver. He lit up quickly and Amarantha relaxed. Thank the gods it worked. She received two more fire marbles from Mona and spun them around in the palm of her hand. Mona made comment on her teeth and Amarantha glared at her a moment. The pulse in Mona’s neck was strong and Amarantha forced herself to look away.
”It seems I’ve been compromised but my job is far from done yet.”
She walked away from Mona, making her way to Violet. As she walked, the beating of hearts became very loud in her ears. The smell and taste of fear, of blood enhanced and only continued to escalate her need for blood. It was beginning to drive her mad but still Amarantha resisted. She reached Violet and shook her arm. ”And just what the hell do you think you are doing?! Vampires need to burn, not…” Her words were cut off as the woman’s features came into focus underneath the hood. It couldn’t be, but it had to be. Her daughter said she would be coming back.
”Arya, you’ve returned,” she said plainly. She remembered all of Apollo’s words suddenly and didn’t know how else to talk to a person who had suffered from memory loss.

Ahote Proudstar

Location: The Queen’s Room --- The Palace ; Old Cottage -- Marram Marshes

Ahote was stunned with the Queen’s venomous words to her own daughter. He had never experienced such treatment of parent to child before. It was horrifying. Ahote stood tall, glaring down at the former Queen. He moved over when Valda walked past him in such a way that showed this woman that he would protect Valda, as a supposed servant would do, no matter from whom.
He turned his head when Valda addressed him, bidding him to follow. In all honesty, he hadn’t intended on following. He was determined to keep them safe and if he followed through, what was to stop the Vampires from getting in? He didn’t know where Myrus was. Perhaps the Prince had been taken down and now a Vampire was full of his blood and could walk into the room, rendering them all defenseless. And if he went, who was to stop them from getting to the cupboard the same as they had?
Ahote said nothing as he watched Valda disappear. He looked back at the late Queen and frowned.
”You only see glimpses, things you desire. The Queen, your daughter, is stronger and well equipped for the dangers of this world. She has already surpassed you,” Ahote said confidently.

Titan ran a finger across the table, pulling it back and wiped away the film of dust left on his fingers. He opened cupboards and quickly closed them, finding dead vermin or a disturbing smell. If they were to stay for any length of time, they would need to find food. And water. He watched the Queen appear and then shifted and crossed the room to the stairs before Luna could reach them. He climbed them first, checking every nook and cranny before the Crown Princess stepped foot on the second floor.
He still wasn’t sure where they were but it seemed the Princess had an idea. That was a start. Titan descended the stairs again and looked about the room, trying to jog his memory if he knew anything about the Marram Marshes.
“If we stay here, we will need to get supplies. At the very least water,” he said and looked towards the window.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Infirmary -- The Palace: New York City, New York.

Antoinette sat in silence for awhile, watching her sleeping friend and hoping that she was getting somewhere with the Queen. She was glad October was with her, even if they both sat in silence. At least it was companionable. Prince Flynn came back a short while later and Antoinette shifted to attention. She breathed a sigh of relief. Well at least they had one; hopefully, they would be able to get the information they needed.
”And what of your sister? Princess Wanda, how is she?” She had gone after the culprits responsible for this and so Antoinette hoped she fared well. There was more commotion as another couple people entered the room. Antoinette now stood as the fiance to one of the Prince’s walked in. She cocked her head, looking to Prince Flynn curiously when Guin addressed him. What was happening now? She was rather intrigued. Who could blame her though. There wasn’t much else going on at the moment.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: The Lake ---> Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel chuckled, shaking his head before he went about his swimming adventure. It was as much as a work out as it was time to clear his head and reset. He swam about, doing laps and then would flip over and float around for awhile. The sun glowed over the water and warmed him completely whenever he decided to just float. After some time in the water, Ezekiel returned to his cabin to clean up for supper. There was much discussion about the newcomers and Ezekiel was bombarded with questions about the quest and what happened. He explained all of the kids, who the annoying ones were, who the ones with potential were and the fact that even though he was in charge, Kristen had taken over.
”I don’t care. I’m sick of always being over stepped by her. Leaders make mistakes but if I’m never given the opportunity to, how am I supposed to learn? Besides, there is always criticism and none of it is constructive or helpful by any means.” He grumbled along as he got ready and his siblings just smirked but attempted to lift his spirits. Conversation turned to the four kids who were chosen by the big three. Four of the new kids, all a child to one of the big three. Damn. Ezekiel pulled his camp t-shirt on and shook his head.
”What fresh hell this is going to be,” he commented before they all wandered from the cabin and headed to the dining pavilion.
Ezekiel dished up his food, starved and even made a bit of a sacrifice this time, uttering a small, private pray before he went and took his usual seat. They were all eating and relatively happy when Chiron started introducing the newbies. Ezekiel clapped along politely with everyone before he went back to his eating.

Cuyler Eysteinsson

Location: Bifröst -- Asgard

A lot has changed in these last six months. Cuyler glanced down at his mini arsenal of weapons and Asgardian army. No longer was the simple boy of the Land of Lost Nights, moving from port to port to sell his wares and learning about their unique items. He listened to Halley’s words, appreciating the review of Loki and just who they were dealing with. They would have to be on their guard and if they got separated they would have to challenge each other. If Loki could really mask himself as one of them, it would probably be his best option.
”Pleasant as always Heimdall,” Cuyler greeted after his usual speech. The four of them weren’t left alone for long and Cuyler smiled as he saw Bruce and Myth approach them. Cuyler wasn’t upset by the notion of more people joining. To him, more people meant more backup and they could cover more ground.
”Myth, I barely recognized you without the little one attached to your hip,” he teased her. He gave her a side hug before he smiled warmly at Bruce. He still fangirled over the man but was at least contained.


Location: P7, J8 --> J6 -- The Palace Courtyard
Skills: Brawling, Stamina, Resistance

Lennox stalled in the middle of the path towards the Castle. There was a fire on one side of him, vampires on the other and a vampire in front of him. He slowly bent to the ground, sliding Myrus off of his back before he rose, unsheathing his sword and made ready to fight an immortal thing. They were on their own and Lennox shifted his weight, ready to defend.
“Prince Myrus, if you find it in yourself to use your gift at any point, I encourage you to do so,” Lennox said kindly before he went forward and struck the vampire. He made his mark but the vampire made no reaction. Lennox skipped back one step, leaving enough room behind him to protect Myrus still but defend from the vampire as well.

Meanwhile, things with Amarantha could be going better but it could be much worse. She now had the vampire pinned underneath her and felt an increasing amount of raw strength and power. Couple that with her pre-existing strength and skill and Amarantha felt damn near unstoppable. The only problem seemed to be a pain in her jaw and the need to cut someone open and fill her mouth with the liquid that flowed from it. It seems when she was bitten, she was turned as well. What an interesting predicament. Amarantha held on tighter to the vampire below her as the change over took her.
”It seems I am. What a mistake that was on your part,” Amarantha noted. Amarantha was a fighter, she didn’t give into anyone or anything unless it was by her design. She leaned in, moving quickly and fangs dropped as she neared Oliver’s neck. The shift in weight though made it easy for the vampire to flip her over and have her pinned to the ground. Amarantha hissed in annoyance, sounding much more menacing now. She shifted, moving her knee up to kick the thing in its groin but it didn’t even seem phased. It was like hitting a wall with pillows.
Annoyed Amarantha looked around her, seeing a vampire on fire that seemed to turn to ash before their very eyes. The food table was also on fire. Antonjie was with Sylvi now, Lennox and Myrus were cornered and there were many dead bodies on the ground. Including Amarantha’s guard. She glared and looked back at Oliver. She went slack, relaxing a bit and stared up at the vampire curiously annoyed.
”Well since I have you, mind telling me what you are doing here? A little far from home, isn't it?" It was a common thing she did in training, teaching a few people as well. A little misdirection, pretending to be weak and admit defeat by going slack and the attacker would think they won. This was particularly true when it came to the male ego. She only hoped vampires suffered from that same affliction. Dangerous thing hope. Amarantha knew very little about Vampires but she did know they didn’t belong here. Screaming and yelling filled her ears. The smell of burning food, blood and salted tears filled her nostrils. Everything was turned up, including the sensation of clothes rubbing against her skin and the vampire pressed down on top of her. The vampire still didn’t tightened his hold on her so Amarantha didn’t wait any longer. She shifted, pushing her arms against him, using him as a counterweight and rolled them back over so she was on top and could stand up, getting away from him.
She was now beside the food table that was Magykally burning. Without hesitating Amarantha kicked the leg of the table, shattering it and the table collapsed sending burning food flying and rolling across the ground. Unfortunately it missed its intended target. She pulled out another knife and stared at Oliver before she started shouting for those around her to hear.
Magyked fire!” Her voice carried and she hoped there were enough in the area with the ability. ”Use it on them and they will die.” Amarantha was at an impasse. If she used the fire, it could easily be turned on her and she would die. She had no Magyk of her own but she did know of something that was born with it. It was reckless and stupid but unless a miracle occurred in the next few seconds, Amarantha was going to the barracks.

Ahote Proudstar

Location: Luna’s Bedroom off The Long Walk -- The Palace

Titan put a hand out, stopping Ahote from going any further. What was the point? They were here, safe for the moment.
“How about we think of a better plan rather than, ‘let’s go out and see what happens’ ya?” The Queen shared a similar sentiment and Ahote turned around, ready to argue and just go. He was expendable, they were not. A ghost then Appeared and Ahote was seemingly unfazed other than the fact this ghost was scolding Valda for letting men into her room. Ah, this must be the mother. Queen Meliscente. Ahote took to a sweeping bow, hoping to show a sign of respect to the former Queen.
”No ill will is intended I assure you.” There was a flash before he could say anymore and Ahote turned just in time to see Luna’s hair vanish into a cupboard. He blinked a few times, shocked.
Titan walked over to the cupboard, ignoring the others in the room. He examined the outside of it before he opened it up and was transported as well. He appeared behind Luna and quickly went about examining the room. “What do you see,” he asked Luna as he searched.
Ahote looked away from the spot where two people now vanished. There was no telling where it went or what waited on the other side. It might not even take them to the same place but there was a chance. He turned and looked at Valda. ”Go,” he instructed. There was a kindness but demand in his voice still. Ahote was still expendable but Valda wasn’t.

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Luna pulled her eyes away from Veil's and looked down at the grimy floor. It was the first time she had shown anything else other than feigned indifference.
”He’s been asking me to meet with him on and off for the better part of a year. It wouldn’t be alarming if I just showed up unannounced.” Luna had no intention of joining the Hellfire club. Ever. Sure, her family was deeply connected but her desires tended to be much more neutral.
She glanced over, watching Sapphire and Havok whisper back and forth. Clearly her Aunt’s words to Sapphire meant very little on Luna’s character. Luna straightened and looked back at Veil before her attention was drawn away once again.
A man stepped forward, bursting into flames. Luna’s eyebrow rose, the only indication of interest or alarm. Overreaction much? She smirked at the other one who stepped forward to explain that was meant to be a welcome, rather than harassment.
”I have to agree with Negasonic on that front. Nonetheless, get in line. There are others before you that are having a dodgy time getting around the name.” There wasn’t much she could say about the Hellfire club. She was here, bringing up their plans and what she would do to get them in there. It wouldn’t help her case. No, they would all have to take a chance on her.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Cayden was still all smiles until they walked back into the other room and he could feel the tension. He glanced around, worried when Sunspot lit himself on fire. He jumped back startled and when Cannonball just touched him, without even flinching, his jaw dropped. He stepped up beside Negasonic and leaned in just slightly.
”How is he doing that?” He was amazed by the simple act of just touching him like that when he was all lit up. Cayden found Luna Braddock and grinned. She was still just as cool and laid back as when he first met her a few minutes ago. Damn. She was right up there with like Wolverine and some of the other infamous X-Men. So cool.
Cayden’s excitement was put on hold when there was a flash and then a split in reality seemed to open. Everyone was still in the room but now there seemed to be people in another room, speaking and then one stepped through and looked around at all the people staring at her. She was a pretty raven haired girl, who was dressed extremely well. When she spoke up and informed them of her power straight away, Cayden looked straight to Sapphire.
”Hey! Same as you. What are the odds,” he exclaimed and looked back at the portal, curious to see if anyone else would be coming through.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Infirmary -- The Palace: New York City, New York.

Antoinette hugged her friend back fiercely, feeling a complete comfort and state of peace from that gentle touch. She moved away though and the Prince’s voice drifted over to Antoinette. She blinked her eyes peaceably as he explained needing to go find his father. Apparently the King’s approval was still a necessary thing. Still, they had a rough go ahead and Antoinette turned to look at Carolina as Prince Flynn left. Her friend found a place to lie down and Antoinette watched as her friend grew a bit slack, starting her journey.
Antoinette shifted, pulling at the fabric of her dress and looked about the room. She wasn’t entirely confident she would be able to help as October suggested. She didn’t mess about with her power much as there had never been much need to. Up until today, she had felt safe and secure. Antoinette looked between the Queen and her friend, trying to determine who she should focus on. She wiggled her nose, a common thing she did while painting, trying to determine how she could help.

Cuyler Eysteinsson

Location:The Palace Lounge -- Asgard
Skills: Knowledge

Cuyler was in a decent mood until Halley uttered two words. Two little words that Cuyler thought he could handle hearing and cope easily enough with. Thia started to trot along beside Halley as she moved to leave the room but it seemed Cuyler wasn't able to move for a moment.
”The Castle?” He shook his head, stealing himself for a moment. The man had fought creatures ten times more powerful than him and won. One place was not going to throw him off his cue. Even if his one, true love was down there. He shook his head again before he ran forward to catch up to the girls. What was in the past, should be left in the past but Cuyler should know the past has a tendency to come back at the most inopportune times.
”Okay the Castle. Well, it has been six months but at least we have a decent idea of the lay out. Should give us a bit of an advantage there. Now we just have to think where is the one place Loki would hang out or hide something valuable.” He thought as they walked, a mental map forming in his head of his time within the Castle.
”There’s Snake Slipway, it’s a residential area but houses more of the shady types. Oh, or Gothyk Grotto perhaps. It’s a shop that is known for their unique items and ah, more intense patrons. I sold a couple things there once. We might be able to get some information about a unique person such as Loki. He does tend to stand out.” Cuyler was mostly thinking out loud but also hoped his suggestions would be taken into account. If anything, it would knock a couple places off of their list. The Castle wasn’t exactly small.


Location: The Palace Courtyard
Skills: Brawling, Stamina, Knife Fighting

Amarantha slipped the protective ear pieces into her ears while Antonjie walked forward, gathering the Vampire’s attention from Sylvi. Apparently the thing knew he would have to fight if he followed Amarantha’s initial invitation to join her, so he continued to stalk Sylvi until Antonjie was able to subdue him. Sylvi meanwhile, no longer under immediate threat, turned and started yelling at Amarantha. Apparently she didn’t understand Amarantha’s body language when she initially beckoned the Vampire to follow her, and leave Sylvi and Myrus alone.
Meanwhile, Myrus’s guard, Lennox had moved forward behind the Prince and laid hands on the Prince.
“Time to go Your Highness” Lennox said. He slipped one arm around the Prince’s waist, grabbing one of the Prince's arms and hosted him up onto Lennox's shoulders and turned. “You’re my extra eyes. Let me know if anything comes after us.” Without so much of a warning Lennox started running with the Prince, dodging as much of the fray as he could.
The rest of the guards in the area immediately jumped into action, defending the citizens as best they could while trying to get them all to safety. It was chaos and everyone would be able to hear the screaming and fighting. May the Gods be on the Castles' side.
Amarantha pulled a set of knives from her belt and the blades gleamed in the firelight. ”Well it is a very good thing I had the decency to train people to protect the royals when there is more than one of them under my charge hmm?” She didn’t have the time nor the patience to deal with Sylvi’s opinion of her.
Turning away she focused her sights on the closest Vampire and let a dagger hurl towards it. She hit her target but it didn’t go down the way she imagined it. The Vampire she hit happened to be the one Antonjie was in control of. Well, if it wasn’t paying attention to her before it was now as it turned and charged Amarantha. It managed to get a hold of her neck and bite down. Amarantha yelled in frustration. She flicked her wrist which contained her hidden gauntlet and thrusted up between the fourth and fifth rib, piercing his heart; however, that didn't seem to bother nor phase the Vampire.
”First you don’t bite me where I can at least get a little pleasure from it and now you don’t have the decency of having a heart to stop beating?” Luckily, Amarantha felt no immediate effects from the Vampires bite. She flicked her wrist again, retracting the hidden knife and placed hands on the Vampire’s head and quickly twisted, effectively breaking his neck. The thing was still not dead though and now looked like a wanna-be headless horseman. (Nearly Headless Nick, is that you?)
Amarantha twisted her face in disgust. What the hell were these things made of? Still. If bones could be broken, why not break every single one until the thing was limp. Amarantha charged the thing and grabbed onto it’s wrist, pulling and twisting its arm as she went in hopes to dislocate the shoulder before she would shove her knee against the elbow joint and sever that as well.

Ahote Proudstar

Location: Luna’s Bedroom off The Long Walk -- The Palace

Ahote tensed, hearing the fighting going on behind the door and looked at Queen Valda, praying she had the solution. And she did. He relaxed momentarily while the Queen used her Magyk to Transporte them all outside the Queen’s room. They didn’t hesitate to all walk into the Queen’s bedroom. Titan and Ahote were both permitted inside since they had direct contact with one of the royal bloodline.
Titan secured the door and withdrew his sword, planting himself in front of it. Luckily this room seemed to only have one entrance so there were multiple areas that would need to be secured. He could focus all his attention on the front door.
”Alright. You two stay here. I’m going to go see if I can slow some of these things down and buy us more time,” he said and made his way to the door, walking past Titan.
Ahote really wanted to know how these things got here in the first place and why they were here. With all his research, they weren’t native to this land and it didn’t make much sense for them to be here. They looked like average people though, so it wasn’t surprising they were able to get past the initial Castle defenses so easily.

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Luna was growing a little fed up with the constant reminder of who her parents were. And who, exactly was obsessed with that knowledge? She merely looked at Sapphire while she went on with her diatribe. Speaking one’s mind Luna could tolerate. She had been around enough liars in her lifetime to appreciate the truth telling. But there was a fine line between having an opinion and being opinionated. Her father was more than just a face, as well as her mother. They were her whole world, her own personal heroes of scratched knees and bruised heads. Saviours of head colds and nightmares. They were more than just a name. Sure, when it came to lives on the line, names and family lines meant nothing but the fact of the matter was, if they were going to get anywhere with their goals, names was what was going to get them through the door. That was the dark, sticky reality of life. You were nothing but your name.
Veil snapped, bringing all of the attention back to her and Luna obliged. She knew she wasn’t in charge here, she came in here with that understanding. Hence why she waited for the one who was in charge before disclosing her information. Regardless of what Veil thought, she was in charge and she did command a room without even trying. There was a saying: some were born great and some had greatness thrust upon them.
”Well I have Shaw’s direct information and another direct connection with the Hellfire club. Although dated, my great grandfather dabbled in the Hellfire club and despite your obvious concern with my name and my purposed entitlement, it’s your quickest way in. Of course, if you have better options, I’m all ears. Being bait, isn’t my most favourable past time.” She knew this information was going to be hit with more head butting and outraged concerns. There was no trust established, they we were working on the trust still and Luna just told the leaders of the Mutant Underground that she had direct connections to the Hellfire club that was in part to the Hound Program. At the very least, Luna didn’t beat around the bush either.
Luna found herself an agreeable seat and sat down, settling in for the potential arguments and disbelief at her news. Her only chance weighed on Veil’s intuition and the chance that they all had some belief in Xavier still. Luna’s body language had her seated relaxed but open as well, not in such a dominate, intimidating way but in a way that conveyed she was an open book and willing to answer more questions.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C.

Cayden’s cheeks flushed a little from Negasonic’s agreement with his obvious overshare. He shrugged it off, grinning at Cannonball. ”Well Moonwalker works then. Seems everyone here goes by codenames anyways.”
When Sunspot shook Cayden’s hand, it took him an effort not to rip his hand away. His neck and cheeks flushed again purely from the heat. When his hand was released Cayden couldn’t help but glance at his hand to make sure it was still intact and didn’t need to be ran under cool water.
”Oh! You mean Luna Braddock,” Cayden said to Negasonic’s comment, forgetting about his hand. ”She seems decent enough, considering she’s also surrounded by a bunch of people she doesn’t know. I mean she’s a Braddock though, so that’s pretty sweet.” Cayden was still fangirling over the fact that he had just met Capitan Britain's daughter.
”Hey, are you guys hungry? Veil and Saph brought back food. There should be some left.”

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Palace Infirmary -- The Palace: New York City, New York.

Antoinette managed to find a spot and sat down. She wasn’t of much use, other than an extra pair of hands should October require it. Things seemed to be going well though and Antoinette was just continue to sit with her other friend and watch the progress. Antoinette’s eyes drifted over to Prince Flynn and she picked out minor similarities in his face to that of his sister’s Wanda. She bit her bottom lip and looked away. Hopefully they caught the miscreants who attempted to assassinate the Queen.
Carolina’s voice drifted into Antoinette’s head and she looked at her friend, startled a moment as Antoinette had seemed to drift off there a moment, lost in her thoughts. Carolina offered to fetch something to eat or drink for her but Antoinette wasn’t so sure she was that hungry, or could even eat for that matter. She shook her head, about to reply when October spoke up with some potentially distressing news. The Queen was stable, which by all accounts was amazing but she also wasn’t “here”. Wherever she was those, the way October made it sound, was not a good thing at all.
”I think we should try talking to her, reaching her wherever she is and bring her back,” Antoinette agreed with her friend. Whatever they could do to bring the Queen back, they had to at least try. She looked to Prince Flynn to see what his decision would be. While the King was preoccupied, he was more or less in charge of his mother’s well-being it seemed.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: The Lake -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel followed her eyes over the lake, watching the water nymphs play and he smirked. Ah yes. They could be devilish little things but it was just as fun to mess with them as it was for them to do the same to you.
”No sense of adventure Rosie,” he remarked. He stood up and discarded his shoes, ready to get into the water after harassing her a bit.
There was a shift in the sky and a darkening just behind him. Frowning, thinking it would be rain, Ezekiel turned his head in time to hear the thunder clap over the camp where he had left all the newbies. He groaned, rolling his head and stared at the sky in annoyance before stepping into the water.
”Looks like we got another big three. Great.” He was less than enthused though. Sure it was just a kid and they would do the typical innocence thing and be overwhelmed by all the attention and praise that would be momentary. The humble surprise never lasted and soon they would become self-entitled little shits who thought they could do no wrong because of who their “parents are”. Honestly, it was like each child of the big three was Draco Malfoy yelling, “Wait until my father hears about this!”
Ezekiel waded out into the water, letting the refreshing bit of the lake, calm him down and tether him back into reality. Proof. They always wanted proof. Well, Ezekiel had no problem giving them proof. He dove under the water and let the underwater world take him somewhere else for awhile. Somewhere without godly parents and unrealistic expectations.
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