Avatar of KazAlkemi


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 days ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 days ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia
21 days ago
Did the void answer back?
1 mo ago
May the Fourth be with thee!


May death send his worst. Cold to freeze the love in my heart. Fire to burn my memories to ash. Wind to force me through his gate. And time to wear my loyalty away. I'll wait for you at death's gate.
The Last Namsara; Binding Ceremony

lofi hip hop radio

Name: KazAlkemi
Age: Thirty
Birthday: Ask me
Ethnicity: Canadian
Location: Mountain Standard Time
Occupation: Reception / Student
Languages: Fluent English, Amateur Scottish Gaelic
Preferred RP Section: Casual/Advanced
RP Level:Advanced
Dedication Level: High
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Unchecked Ignorance; Disrespect
My Pets: MEOW!
Fandoms: Grishaverse; Supernatural; Harry Potter; Heartstopper; Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss

Song of the Month: Daredevil -- Stellar

Books I Am Currently Reading:
  • Amulet Series -- Kazu Kibuishi
  • Things We Do In The Dark -- Jennifer Hillier

Shows I Am Currently Watching:

  • Supernatural Season 12
  • The Originals (rewatch)
  • Doctor Who

Current Favourite Movies:

Role Plays I Am In:

  • Darke Magyk: CONCLUDED by Morose -- Playing Cuyler Eysteinsson (Alive and well; will he see Ayra again?);
    Amarantha (death by Fyre);
    Ahote Proudstar (Alive and no longing melting inside)
  • The Gifted by Morose -- Playing Luna Braddock (whereabouts unknown) & Cayden Proudstar (deceased by gunshot to the neck)
  • Once Upon A Time by Nallore -- Playing Cassiopeia Hood (Living back in the mortal world with her cats and girlfriend, working at her old job, and visiting her father, Robin Hood and twin sister when she can) & Willow Jones (Living in the fairytale world with her mother, Aurora and father, learning all the ins and outs of ruling, and visiting her girlfriend on the weekends)
  • Inferno - by Morose -- Playing Annika Falling Star (ancestor of Ahote Proudstar) -- Now a baby, Annika has been adopted by Jack and is living in the Everdark

Favourite Post 1
Favourite Post 2

Most Recent Posts

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground Medical -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy

At least M-pox hadn’t taken away everything from the mutants. Luna could still access her memories and have feelings and sensations. It might just have enhanced them or taken away the ability to block certain things out. Whichever it was, Callie was still very present in Luna’s mind when the metal in the Medical room started to rise. Which was a lot, bed included. Luna looked around alarmed and scrambled to the edge of the bed. She hit the floor and groaned, rolling over and stared at the floating metal objects. Vaguely, Luna knew of Polaris being at the Underground now. Did she contract M-pox and now her power was out of control? Luna wasn’t sure but she did manage to get herself to the door and investigated the hallway. No one was around, not even James.
Luna huffed and leaned against the door frame, at least her symptoms weren’t severe. She breathed as evenly as she could manage and ignored the dizziness as she tried to connect to James. It was with incredible difficulty but just for a moment she saw through his eyes and saw Magneto outside the Underground. The connection dropped away and Luna held her head for a moment. ”Well, that’s me out,” Luna grumbled. She could barely stand so would be useless in combat and her telepathy was haphazard right now. It didn’t help that M-pox messed with the mind.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Blackbird Hanger

The floor continued to rise up around Antoinette and Edus, or rather, they continued to sink below it. Antoinette was trying her best not to panic but their options were limited. She tried not to move too much either, knowing that would just speed up the process from the movie she watched years and years ago. Unfortunately, Antoinette didn’t have much of a power to get them out of this. And with the shield up around them, she couldn’t create a vine or rope that could pull them out either.
She watched as Bethany tried to help them out of it, while the others stood around talking about what to do. Antoinette watched Mira scream in Iris’s ears and she winced, knowing how loud that scream could get and now what Iris must be hearing or rather, no longer hearing. Hopefully, the damage wouldn’t be permanent. Antoinette returned her attention to her partner, hoping he did have a spell to return the floor to normal, or perhaps levitate them.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Bus-- Washington D.C.

Ezekiel listened to the limited information the girl gave them and frowned. It wasn’t a lot to go on but it was a lot they were being hit with. Ezekiel slumped in his seat and twinkled his fingers, playing with the light. ”Oh? I thought having the daughter of the sun titan on our asses was a good thing,” Ezekiel mocked Kristin. ”It is interesting though. I mean my father took over Helios’s job and everything the titan claimed to be his is now my fathers. And a son of Apollo was tasked to be on the mission. Interesting,” Ezekiel mused.
Ezekiel turned and faced the daughter of Circe. ”We are no stranger to death threats so that really isn’t going to stop us from continuing. Is that really the only reason they sent you here? I mean really, did they think that was going to scare us? I’m really starting to think this Echinda is nothing to fear,” Ezekiel goaded and nudged Janelle. He was hoping to make the girl mad or annoyed that they were just pushing this off and slip up into telling them more information.

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Catacombs

Cassiopeia grabbed onto Rose after Merlin put up the shield to guard their backs. ”And we’re running,” she reminded the redhead and pulled Rose along, whether she wanted to be dragged along or not. She watched in amusement as Colby got mad at one of the skeletons for attacking Matt. Well, how did he expect that not to happen with Matt stopping to sketch the skeletons. Or Colby raising the dead. Cassiopeia was handling the rising dead fairly well she thought but she was still sure she would have been more comfortable if it had been animal bones rather than human.
Merlin opened a door for them and Cassiopeia pushed in Rose after Layla and jumped through herself. She looked behind her as others piled in, watching the skeletons behind the group to see how they were fairing. Cassiopeia took a brief moment to glance around at the new place they found themselves in, wondering if there was a magical wall or a button that could accidentally be pressed and release a horde of spiders or monkeys. Who knew with this place.

Willow Jones

Location: Catacombs

Willow grasped Sierra’s hand after she squeezed her arm and ran with her after Merlin and into the room beyond. Willow was glad that even though she chose a dress, she could still pick it up and run fairly easy in it. It had yet to hinder her movements and she appreciated this. A few others barreled into the room behind it and Willow hoped all would be in the room quickly so Merlin could shut the door on the skeletons. The skeletons moved like the rest of them, minus the flesh of a human and it creeped Willow out.
She dropped her skirts and smoothed out her dress with her free hand. It was then she realized she was still gripping Sierra’s hand, rather tightly too. Willow blushed and dropped Sierra’s hand. ”Sorry, “ she whispered, her words tinted with embarrassment. Willow distracted herself by looking around the room they found themselves in and wondered if they had reached their destination yet.

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground Medical -- Washington D.C.

Luna smiled weakly at James and nodded, watching him go to fetch her some water and hopefully something she could eat. Luna sighed, trying to get her breath even but she just couldn’t. She tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the situation they all found themselves in and how royally fucked a lot of them were. James was right about one thing though. She would be doing what she could to look after him if it was him in this position or doing what she could to find a cure. Her father said he was working on finding one and she hoped he was close.
Slowly, Luna’s mind started to shift and she groaned as she realized that the symptoms were getting worse again. Luna grabbed onto the trash can and vomited into the can rather than on herself or the bed. The red winked up at her and tears ran down her face as she thought that dying may not be so bad at this moment. She pulled her head out of the trash can and looked around the medical room for a moment before he head pulled her in a different direction and she started to giggle like someone with a school yard crush. There was a certain female on her mind suddenly and Luna was blushing.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Blackbird Hanger

Antoinette’s eyes widened as she was charged by one of the hippos. She wasn’t nearly fast enough and it hit her, flinging her to the side. Antoinette rolled in the air before she hit the ground, the wind being knocked out of her momentarily. The hippos that remained, turned and got ready to charge again. Antoinette flung a hand out, ready to try her pyrokinetics again when Guin yelled for everyone to cover their ears. She followed suit, curling in and covered her ears while Guin sent out her sonic pulse. The hippos seemed to be dispatched, tied up and otherwise subdued.
Antoinette pushed herself to her knees, seeing that Klara was now acting normally for which Antoinette felt a great relief. ”Yes, I am unharmed,” she answered Edus. She got to her feet and followed him to the board as he rolled. She read the riddle and thought it made much more sense than all the other riddles.
Edus acted quickly and sent a protective shield over them, almost like bubbles but it didn’t prevent them from sinking into the floor. Hopefully, it would allow them to be able to keep breathing though. Antoinette was unsure how they were supposed to get out of a sinking floor situation other than to quickly roll the dice again. However, the pair that was supposed to be next was still missing. Perhaps their turn would just be skipped over until they were retrieved. ”Is there any spell to make the floor solid again?”
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Depot ---> Bus Bus-- Washington D.C.

Ezekiel smiled at Janelle and chuckled a little. ”I’m afraid Kristin and I arguing with each other is a constant. It’s how we show love to each other,” he joked. He had walked a bit carrying the girl before Kristin took her and covered her tied up hands. They headed towards the bus now and Ezekiel looked back at Janelle. ”I wouldn’t worry too much. People don’t tend to pay attention,” he noted. Sometimes, depending on where you were, it wasn’t weird carrying an unconscious person around.
They got onto the bus and into their seats when the girl awoke. She shifted, trying to get free and Kristin quickly covered her mouth. Ezekiel shifted so he was closer to the aisle and could stop the girl if she tried to break away again. ”Why were you following us? Were you told to or do you have a message for us?”

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Merlin’s Tower ---> Catacombs

Cassiopeia smirked at her sister and shook her head. ”So we can have an ice princess as a sister? I’m sure that’ll be good for dinner parties.” She lifted her stuff up again, looking in the cat carrier at Arty and sighed at him. He was still awake and looking highly agitated. To be fair, it had been his longest time in a cage. ”I know buddy, hopefully we’ll be out soon.”
Cassiopeia followed the others into the catacombs down below and frowned at the skeletons. She was used to seeing animal skeletons, even collected a few of the cooler, more intact ones to put on display in the hunting lodges but human skeletons? No, that was a bit much for Cassiopeia’s tastes. She had no problems not touching them but Colby clearly couldn’t resist. The dead started to rise and although the hair stood on end and Cassiopeia’s heart was raising, she didn’t lose her cool. ”You truly are a cat aren’t you,” she said shaking her head. ”Just keep moving. Perhaps if we hurry and don’t touch anymore they will leave us alone,” Cassiopeia said as Rose shot at a couple.

Willow Jones

Location: Merlin’s Tower ---> Catacombs

Willow smiled at Rosila and nodded. The puppy did seem a little annoyed to be cooped up but she had to agree that it would be a shame if the cute thing ran off. It seemed a few people had actually brought their pets with them. Willow wished she could have done the same.
They walked into the catacombs and Willow was now walking with Sierra, just behind Taylor and Rosila. ”I am doing well actually, how are you adjusting?” The skeletons down below were a bit creepy and even Tinker Bell told them not to disturb the dead. Willow gulped, not fully believing that they could do anything once they were disturbed but she had a horrid feeling that belief was wrong.
After being told not to touch, Colby in fact did. Willow screamed as one of the skeletons rose and then Colby took it out, only to have two more take up it’s place. Willow’s eyes were wild as she looked at the skeletons rising. Rose took out another one and Willow started to relax, although she was still shaking but she was relieved to see the skeletons could be handled. She agreed with Cass though. They should keep going and if any came at them, deal with them then. They were underground after all and the tunnel seemed long. Willow was sure there would be more rising skeletons thanks to Colby.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Blackbird Hanger
Skills: Illusion Casting; Pyrokenetic

Antoinette sighed with relief and smiled when Edus came too and the shield around Neil dropped. She squeezed her partner's shoulder before he was off. Antoinette turned around to see Bethany roll and then hippos appear. She didn’t even get a good chance to read the riddle before the creatures came to. As Antoinette looked at the hippos, she was reminded of the Christmas song about wanting a hippopotamus for Christmas. It made Antoinette smile a little but hippos were not nice creatures by nature.
Edus came to stand back behind Antoinette, asking for coverage as he held something fine in his hands that Antoinette could not see. She would try her best to cover him and refocused on the hippos. Antoinette thought of a nice jungle scene and calm waters. Kind of like what Disney’s Tarzan’s one looked like before he fell into the water and minus the elephants. It was a beautiful image inside Antoinette’s mind, but unfortunately even with her purple eye glowing, no illusion came to light.
Antoinette sighed but didn’t give up, she switched tactics as her eyes started to sparkle. Perhaps it would be a bit reckless to shoot fireworks at enraged hippos but Antoinette had a shortage of options and she couldn’t think of another illusion to try at the moment. Unfortunately, these too fizzled out. Antoinette frowned, an unusual expression on her normally calm face. ”Edus, you may want to hurry with your task,” she urged him.

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Hallway ---> Infirmary -- Washington D.C.

Part of Luna was trying to get to her feet so she could help the others with this mission, another part just didn’t want to be on the floor anymore. She was still struggling to get to her feet, despite Veil’s instructions when James came over and helped her up. She struggled with him to the infirmary, wanting to go the other way and be useful. Luna hated being useless. She didn’t want to be viewed as weak or a liability; especially, when she had abilities that could be quite useful.
By the time James got Luna to a cot, she was out of breath and panting heavily. The looniness and bleeding subsided but her stomach was still in knots and she couldn’t catch her breath. Luna leaned back, opening her airways and took in deep gulps of air before she could even think to answer James. ”I did… sleep… last night,” she got out between breaths. She looked over at James apologetically. ”Just get me... some water and... go eat. I’m not... vomiting yet,” she noted weakly.
She felt a bit like a doll with James sitting beside her and cleaning her up. She hated this. ”I’m sorry James, for everything. You watched... me die and it ... seems like... ever since then... you’re looking... after me….” Luna was also feeling guilty for invading James’s mind. She couldn’t help her powers right now, it was like they would go out of control on her so she had gotten into his head a couple of times in her distress. It wasn’t fair to him and Luna still didn’t completely understand why they had this sudden telepathic connection.
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