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Brod took a nice deep inhale of the cigar clasped in his lips. One of his powerful arms was held perfectly still while the other swung his hammer down onto the glowing metal. The clang echoed out into the crowd of the festival as he worked. People, namely teens and children, were looking over the silvery sheened weapons laid out on a display. Knives, daggers, broadswords, long-swords, axes, maces, any ancient styled medieval weaponry. They were probably more used to clunky misshapen things. He had been to a faire in New England and the blades were thick, clunky, and overweight. Wall hangers, the most appalling creations. A snort sent the smoke of his cigar out of his nose while he slid the metal blade back into the hot coals to reheat.

Oddly golden eyes looked out at the crowd with a dull look, something most people associated with a cow. Completely empty like no one was home. The poor giant was dreadfully bored, he really needed to do something worthwhile before he went crazy. He had made so many designs for weapons, improved the designs of armor to their peak for their specific materials. Hell he had even made the classic steel plate armor bullet proof just to fuck with the military of the various countries of the world.

Grunting and rolling his shoulder, Brod used the tongs to take out the metal before resuming his hammering. Each strike was expertly placed to shape the blade as he wished. A saber was taking form faster than most of these people had seen. Modern day smiths without their hydraulic hammers took a day or more to make a single weapon. It was taking him an hour to make a three foot long saber. Mid-stroke he felt an odd warmth, something that he hadn't felt in centuries...or was it millennia? Was the vacation finally over? Thankfully he kept to his human form instead of returning to his Godly self. But his eyes glanced up to take a brief look around. Nothing had changed in the physical world that he could feel.

Shortly after the warm tingling he heard that damned ringing. The weird summoning bell followed by a yell from a voice he recognized. That voice received a grimace while Brod doused the nearly finished blade in oil, making a brief flash of fire. "Alright, get goin ya runts." He growled out, his voice almost painful to listen to due to how deep it was. While he spoke he packed up his more pricey weapons in a steel chest. It was already pretty packed full and was heavy enough someone would need a fork-lift just to move it. The lock was crafted by him and he doubted short of a tank someone would be able to break it or pick it.

Looks like I have some hunting to do... He thought grumpily while putting his smithing hammer in the loop at his thigh. He put up an out to lunch sign on his forge before he walked off. His immense stride taking him along towards where the bell had rung and probably where that damned voice had hollered from.
Wooo :p now to pop up somewhere...
Name: Brod

Also known as: The Titan, Leviathan, The Destroyer/Creator

Age: Hasn't kept track

God Aspect: Creation

Personality: (Since I am not a fan of writing a personality, and would rather see how a character acts in IC, this is optional)

Parents: He has just always been, he's also unsure honestly that's a lot of time to remember.

Sexuality: Straight

Form on Earth:
Brod's human form is quite an imposing sight. He stands at an intimidating seven feet and six inches tall while being build like one of the old generation wrestlers. Bulky with obvious muscle but not supremely defined. His skin is darkened by the sun and the forge, not to mention heavily scarred. His eyes are a dark gold color and normally half-lidded with boredom. His head is completely clean-shaven, thick bushy eyebrows, and a bull black beard brushed against his broad chest. Strangely he had sleeved tattoos on his arms, on the right an eastern styled dragon coiling around it, on the left just interesting jagged tribal markings. Most of his face is hidden by his beard but it's obvious he has a strong jaw, and a slightly large angular nose.

Brod's normal day to day wear consists of a various colored tank top. A pair of olive, gray, or black cargo pants held up by a thick studded leather belt. A pair of worn steel-toed work boots. Lastly, on a normal day, a pair of finger-less leather gloves dyed black.

True Form:

Divine Creation: Being a god of creation he can...create things. Using the materials at hand he can craft golems of various shapes and strength, weapons and armor, nearly anything his mind can comprehend. This includes creating new landmasses when in his godly form, or reshaping old masses.

Mystical Modification: Sometimes what's already made needs a little tweaking to make it better. Sometimes this leads to good results, sometimes this blows up in his face. Literally. Nothing is perfect however, perfection would make him obsolete.

Godly Destruction: To create, one must destroy as well. With his hammer he can destroy things down into their most basic components. But this only applies to inanimate objects of a non-divine nature.

Weapon: By far the most unassuming and ordinary looking god weapon. A simple one handed hammer with a wooden haft and ordinary looking smith based head. The weapon, used to destroy and create, grows or shrinks depending on the form he decides to use. He keeps the hammer in his possession always.

History: Before being 'banished' from Heaven, Brod was mostly found down on Earth. Staying mostly to the waters he was always shifting, changing, or creating something down in the dark depths. The original waves were from his hammer strikes creating underwater mountains that shoved the tectonic plates out and up. But his mind was always on something new and making mountains was only so fun for so long. Soon he left the darkness of the waters, slithering up to the light and creating small things in his wake. Things that would change over time instead of remaining as one stagnant form.

He continued like this for time unknown, creating things, destroying other things to make even better things. Because that's what all the stuff was to him, just things. He gave no creation a name and nothing was particularly special to him. When humans came around he observed them for a time, occasionally taking a cluster of the primitive humanoids to examine them. What made them run, what could be improved, whether they should be destroyed to make way for something better.

He was oddly enamored with them when they started to actively build things and change the landscape around them. Something the primitive animals never truly did. It fascinated the Creator God to see something other than him or a fellow god create something out of something else. Of course he never stopped the other Gods from playing their tricks or just being jerks to the tiny beings. Everything had to be kept in check and the mortal human was outsmarting and out-breeding the worlds natural predators.

History: Brod hadn't really noticed his powers going until he saw that the mountains seemed to be growing without him, or another god, doing anything. His powers waned and he grew smaller. But he wasn't particularly upset, sometimes a vacation was needed! Of course this was an unnaturally long vacation brought about by Death. This left Brod with little to do but join up with the humans to stave off his boredom.

This was all well and good in the medieval ages when so much needed to be made to live. But as the ages passed by Brod was left with less and less things to do. Things were being made by machinery now. Luckily for him he had stupid amounts of money from working tirelessly through the ages. Ancient gold, copper, and silver was sold and turned into more modern money. Now he mostly did farrier work with true blacksmithing as a hobby. His choice of work in the modern age took his services across the globe since he was so damn good at it. He's mostly to pop up at horse shows and festivals to sell his arms and armor.

Strangely people still liked that kind of stuff.

Motive: With his powers starting to return he's content with just creating things once more. He has no desire to go to Heaven, he feels like there's nothing to do there. But he would like to find Death and ask questions.

Optional Content
Opinions: As long as they don't annoy him he tends to be fine with other Gods, Demi-Gods, and Humans. So far the only one to actively piss him off is Goehearth.
Probably more of a god of power. A jack of all trades kind of god when it comes to various capabilities.

Something to do with that big bugger.
My confusion in the interest topic was what I wanted to be a god of :p Cuz being a god would be fun...I only have 2 ideas since I'm not feeling very creative lately
This seems really interesting...but I'm not sure what I'd do o.o
So this didn't take off I see >.>
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