Avatar of KillamriX88


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5 mos ago
Current *Cthulu will remember this*
1 yr ago
If you're buying "health food bars" make sure you check the sugar content. A little natural sugar is normal, but it ain't heathy if it has 20g added sugar.
1 yr ago
Being a small pepper.
1 yr ago
Just shout to the heavens "UWOH SEGGS" and wait for divine inspiration. Or your family's disapproval. Whichever gets there first.
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1 yr ago
I love when I shovel myself out, drive through a snowstorm to get to work on time... and then my boss calls me 5 minutes after when I was supposed to arrive that he's not coming in and to go home...


Facts about me:
1. I like writing.
2. I like cats.
3. I like RWBY. (#Yangbestgril)
4. I am 30 years old...
5. I have graduated college.
6. I'm trying to get better at drawing.
7. I'm a dude.
8. I eat far too much cheese.
9. I watched a Markiplier video once. Now I have a crippling Taki addiction. Don't send help, just more Takis.

Various, relevant links:

Most Recent Posts

Cassius could only describe how he'd felt at the end of that day as completely and utterly defeated. He'd run after Katherine only to fail to find her in time and in the process abandoned every back at the arena which had subsequently been torn apart. The fact that no one he knew had died was a miracle. Some people had, but at least they hadn't been his responsibility so to speak so he tried not to let it get to him.

But the days went by and he still learned nothing about what had become of Katherine. It was driving him insane. He needed to do something, and in the end, he had only one lead. Rurik. Clara had said they'd fought, so Cassius figured he might as well direct all his frustration at him...

. . .

Meanwhile, Rurik showed up for school after the three days of time off ended. He knew he still didn't have to show up til' next week, but he figured Bak wouldn't be happy if he waited any longer. Also, he hoped that perhaps Christine would be there by some miracle.

Neither Bak nor Christine were who greeted him, however. Rather, he found a small mob led by one of his least favorite people.

“Rurik, hey there, buddy!” It only sounded friendly, of course.

“Caleb... hey, so, can we just fucking not?” Rurik replied tiredly.

“I'm wounded,” Caleb said, the mirth already draining from his voice. “And so are you, it seems. What happened to your arm?” Indeed, Rurik's arm was bandaged tightly and done up in a crude sling to keep it immobile. Meredith's healing had only done so much, spread thin as it was.

“Well after everything, I just really needed to relieve some stress and overdid it,” Rurik spoke deadpan, earning a few disgusted faces from the crowd.

“You really never change, huh?” Caleb frowned.

“What do you want?”

“Oh nothing, I just wanted to make sure your head didn't get too big,” Caleb told him. “Your tournament showing wasn't all that great in the end, you know.”

“Ah, OK. I get it. Look, it's OK that your tournament showing was non-existent, I won't judge you. You see, that's really what I was planning, you know. Didn't want you to feel bad so I held back.” Rurik smiled. “Gotta keep that tiny glimmer of hope that Christine might fall for you alive, you know?”

“You know what, Rurik? Fuck it. I wasn't gonna kick your ass today, but now I just can't help myself.”

“Always knew you were beyond help.” Rurik sighed and set his feet. This wasn't going to be fun. He didn't waste time; the second he saw Caleb begin to move he fired a bolt at his face... but the boy saw it coming. He raised his arm and the bolt glanced off of it. Slowly armor spread out across his body from his hands until he was covered in an insectoid suit of chitinous armor.

Rurik really hated that fucking armor. It was way too good at dispersing impacts... which was most of his attacks.

Rurik fired a few more futile bolts as Caleb rapidly closed in. Caleb threw a punch and Rurik threw up his shield to block... but Caleb handled the reflective property surprisingly well, planting his feet and then throwing out his other hand clamping it around Rurik's throat, Rurik having no options to stop it.

Rurik could only quickly press his one good hand against Caleb's chest and release all his energy at once. It tore Caleb off of him... but as Rurik fell on his ass, Caleb slid back and fell only to a knee.

Rurik tried to gather up more energy to defend himself but Caleb charged at him once more. Rurik tried to trip him up by aiming at his feet, but Caleb suddenly jumped, locust wings sprouting from his back. He took flight and grabbed Rurik's shoulders and abducted him up into the air.

“Try not to land on your head!” Caleb cackled and then not just dropped, but kicked Rurik back to the ground. He landed with all the air knocked from his lungs on impact.

Rurik coughed as he fought to get his airflow reestablished, “I'm gonna... kick your ass... when I get back up...” he wheezed.

“No. No you won't.” Caleb alighted back on the ground.

Rurik did his best to pick himself up off the ground, but Caleb was already on top of him by the time he began to get his feet under him.

“Hey! Hold it!” Spoke... neither of them. It seemed someone had seen fit to interrupt them. Wait, Rurik kind of recognized the voice. “I need to talk to him.” It was Cassius. The boy had finally managed to follow someone to the Mephisto's school grounds.

“Cool. Sorry Caleb, we'll finish this later. Good fight though. Let's call it a draw,” Rurik said and tried to limp off but Caleb wasn't having it.

“Great, you two can have a nice long chat after Rurik wakes up in the nurse's office,” Caleb grunted, but Cassius thrust himself between the two.

“I don't care about your fight, I need to talk to him now!” Cassius insisted. In response, Caleb grabbed the boy by the shirt collar.

“You know, I really don't have a problem kicking your ass too,” Caleb growled.

Cassius just sighed, “Three...”

“What? Really? Counting?”


“And what are you gonna do-”

“One.” SNAP Cassius's hands shot up with rocket propulsion and smashed Caleb's hands away from him and then he thrust both his fists against Caleb's chest. SNAP! BOOM! And so Caleb was sent blasting off into the distance, slamming through a stone wall and then sliding to a stop about a hundred feet away.

“Now...” Cassius turned back to Rurik... who was stealthily trying to walk away. “HEY!”

“Ugh.” Rurik's shoulders sagged and he turned around. “Fine, you got me. What?”

“Look, I haven't seen Kath since the tournament. I know you saw her. Do you have any idea where she is?”

“Hm... nope.”

“Bu- w-well, some guy named Thobias was involved too, right? What about him?”


“You're not even try-”

“Look pal, I don't know where your fucking girlfriend is. And considering I'm pretty sure I hate her and Thobias, I'm not sure how much I care. Pretty sure it's not a lot, though,” Rurik raised his voice, speaking over Cassius as he weakly attempted to interject. “Got it? OK, good.” Rurik attempted to walk off again, but the next thing he knew, he was spun around and Cassius was now grabbing him by the shirt collar.

“No! We're done when I saw we're done! You're not telling me everything!” Cassius shouted.

“I'm sure you want to believe that.” Cassius's attempt to be tough clearly hadn't impressed Rurik. “Now let me put this a way you'll understand. One. Two-”

But Cassius quickly pulled a fist back, the air beginning to distort around it. “Three?” Cassius said icily. Rurik's head lolled back and he let out a long, tired sigh. And then his head shot forward in a sudden, vicious headbutt that had enough power packed into it to send Cassius sliding across the ground on his back.

“Oh, I'm so sorry,” Rurik said with exaggerated and feigned concern. “Did I kill your momentum there, tough guy?”

Cassius's eyes were screwed shut with pain. He was pretty sure his nose was broken. He finally sucked in a deep breath and managed to half open his eyes. This was nothing, he'd had worse. He just hadn't expected it. Snap! He didn't bother speaking again, just throwing his fist out and letting a explosive burst of flames roar toward Rurik. However, as the flames dissolved into smoke, he noticed no sign of his target.

Then the next thing he knew he got a boot to the ribs and was sent tumbling again.

“Your attacks have a hell of a tell you know,” Rurik taunted him from his new position.

This time Cassius used his flames to blast himself back to his feet and then charged at Rurik. The other boy dodged with unnatural quickness, but Cassius stayed on him. He used his flames to launch a super-fast backhand that Rurik raised an arm to block, wincing from the impact. Cassius then grabbed his wrist and jabbed him in the ribs before twisting his arm behind his back until it hurt.

“Pretty cocky for a guy who clearly doesn't know how to fight properly!” Cassius growled.

“Mhm...” Rurik grunted through the pain. BLAM! And then Cassius was promptly blasted away, having plenty of energy charged up to shoot out of the very hand Cassius had trapped behind his back. “Says the guy with the memory of a goldfish who forgot how my powers work,” he said as he turned to find Cassius once more sprawled out on the concrete. “Would you stick your finger in the barrel of a gun to stop it from firing?”

But again, Cassius just grit his teeth and started to get up again.

“OK, kid...” Rurik shook his head. He looked down at his sling-bound arm and frowned. He clenched his fist and then the sling exploded off of him. He flexed his hand a few times and found that it felt a little stiff, but it'd work.

Just as Cassius had regained his footing, Rurik burst forward and cross the distance in a instant. For a split second, Rurik appreciated the shock on Cassius's face before he hooked his foot behind the boy's ankle and took his leg out from under him while planting his palm on Cassius's face and loosing another point-blank blast to slam Cassius back to the ground he'd just left.

“I think we're done here.” Rurik rolled his eyes, making to take his leave for the third time.

“Wh-what's wrong with you?!” Cassius coughed the words out, clawing at the ground as he tried to get himself off of his back. “She's Christine's sister and she was hurt! How could you do that!?”

Rurik glanced back at him, expression neutral as always, “Judging me now, are we?”

“Of course I am! Look what you did! Who wouldn't?!”

“Yeah? Well I don't want to hear it from someone who wasn't even there.”

In the end all of Cassius's struggles had just left him face-down instead of spread-eagle. He was struggling – suddenly his arms just felt weak. Twisted as it was, the truth in Rurik's words hurt. The pain became a burning deep inside, growing until it seared worse than any burn he'd ever suffered through in even the most heated battle.

But that burning became the strength he needed to move one last time. He pushed with all his strength to rise to a knee, ignoring as his knuckles ground against the concrete.

“Seriously?” Rurik groaned. “Just give it a rest. I will keep hurting you and I won't feel bad about it. Like, at a-” But Cassius threw his arm out and with no warning a tendril of flame lashed out, wrapping around Rurik's neck. “WHAT?!”

Cassius pulled and yanked Rurik off his feet and face-first into the ground. As the flames unwound from Rurik's neck, Cassius stood, now having two whips of pure flame hanging from each of his arms.

“OK...” Rurik wheezed in pain and shock as he tried to gather himself. “That's it... I'm breaking every bone in your body... see if you get back up after that, smartass-” CRACK But he was just sent tumbling as Cassius with no hesitation proceeded to test his new-found power. An explosion sprouted from the end of the whip as he lashed out at Rurik.

This time Rurik forced himself back to his feet with a burst of energy. He stumbled a few steps, not having had time to regain his wits, but knowing sitting still was a bad idea. He could only dash frantically as he tried to avoid Cassius's explosive whip lashes. However, off-balance as he was, tripping up was all but inevitable. He clenched his eyes shut as his staggered and waiting to be sent flying, but all he felt was a wave of heat gently roll over him.

He cracked an eye open and saw a cloud of smoke dispersing a few feet away. Cassius also looked confused, staring at his whips. Actually, they looked a little shorter now, and seemed to be slowly fizzling out. Well, Rurik wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He unleashed a barrage of bolts Cassius's way, but to his dismay Cassius began fervently swinging his new whips, smashing the bolts out of the air. Some of the transparent projectiles still snuck through, but Cassius just pushed his way through.

Oh... oh shit. Indeed, Cassius had pushed through and was now back in range. He leapt forward and struck out with both whips. The tips of the two fiery tendrils met and with another crack let out a tremendous blast that sent Rurik shooting back. The boy was left there, a high pitched squeak coming from his mouth as the air slowly leaked out of his lungs.

Meanwhile, Cassius felt like he was on fire. The whips continued to burn down, shorter and shorter until there was hardly anything left. The closer they got to burning out the hotter he felt, as it he might combust on the spot.

It didn't scare him. His whole life had just been him intermittently burning alive. No, he just embraced it. A flame greater than ever before was burning within him, burning to get out. He gathered that flame as the whips burned away and let it loose. He raised his hands and it was like a small sun was born between them. He then brought it crashing down and the whole world went silent for a moment for the sound that was let loose was beyond what mortal ears could handle.

Rurik had just gotten to his feet when the shock-wave hit. It was quite literally stunning. This was unfortunate because he hadn't had even a second to spare and now a wall of fire and death was barreling toward him. He didn't really even have time to despair, only instinctively throwing his arms up in front of him and hoping in some way he'd be able to shield himself from it.

Now, thanks to Katherine, Rurik had many times felt a kind of heat few people ever got to experience. Being engulfed in fire like this, however, was something else entirely. Strangely though, he held his ground and kept his feet. The heat was there, the burning was there, but somehow it was as if there was a space between him and it. And only a moment later his terrifying ordeal was over and the smoke began to clear away.

When he could see again, he saw that Cassius looked just as confused as he felt. The ground all around him was charred black but he himself was fine... mostly. He was still in quite a bit of pain and struggling to breathe between his concussed lungs and the painfully hot air.

“What... iszat all you got?” Rurik panted and coughed. “Got another in ya? Come on... I can take it...” Having just lived through that Rurik felt a strange high coming over him and was perhaps feeling a little cockier than he should have.

This was proven when Cassius just steeled himself and the air around him began to waver as he began cooking up more fire and explosions.

“Oh come on! I was joking...” Rurik deflated immediately and just did his best to set his feet even as his arms hung limply. And then the next explosion roared free and Rurik had to decide. Left or right? Wait, did he even have any energy stored up? Shit. He'd have said he felt justified in being a little off balance, but that wouldn't save him from being lit on fire.

What did save him, however, was a sudden set of spectral jaws darting in and literally eating the entire explosion.

“Oh no...” Rurik muttered under his breath as he saw his “savior”. Cate Accia, the woman who had brought him to Mephisto's over two years ago now. The woman who had nagged him for a month or two and then seemingly dropped off the face of the earth when he failed to live up to her expectations or something.

He'd always been stuck between blaming himself and feeling abandoned. In the end, he just chalked it up to the school being what it was. The students all sucked, why should the faculty be any better?

"Well, this is perfect then. Do me a favor and keep my student there from being burned alive. I think this trespasser will prove to be an excellent first test of your capabilities as potential council members," Cate said. It seemed she hadn't come alone.

"What? I-I mean I know I'm trespassing but I'm only here for-” Cassius looked a little nervous now. He was probably tired and certainly hadn't been prepared for more opponents.

“I don't care why you're here. Just that you are...” She told him. She then approached Rurik, leaving Cassius to the others.

“Hello, Cate... I had it under control, you know...” he panted. She frowned at his less than formal greeting.

“We'll discuss this later.” Was all she had to say. He was already in a bad mood and perhaps understandably on edge so he was unable to hide the bitter expression that grew on his face.

“Since when do you ever want to discuss anything?” He wondered if he shouldn't have tried a little harder. He didn't know Cate as well as he probably should have, but he had a feeling he shouldn't make her too angry. However, rather than anger, he was met with only mild surprise.

While he was distracted by her, he missed the start of the ensuing fight. However, suffice it to say that Cate had found some students that were strong enough to make the already tired Cassius's life hell. It wasn't going to be a long fight.

“Oh for fuck's sake...” Rurik groaned, earning a curious look from Cate.

Meanwhile, Cassius screwed his eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable impact... but it never came.

“Oi, uh, good work and all, but as an actual current member of the council, I've got it from here. Rich kids you know? We beat him too badly it comes back on us.” Rurik had popped out of nowhere and put himself between Cassius and his new opponent. He then grabbed Cassius's arm and began dragging him off. The other student looked back at Cate in confusion, but she just shrugged and waved them off.

“Wh-what?” Cassius stumbled along as Rurik lead him by the arm.

“Would you prefer I leave you to get minced?” Rurik muttered, not sparing Cassius a glance as he spoke.

“But why?”

“Because I don't wanna hear about it later.” Cassius knew Kath who knew Christine, because duh, and he was already dreading his reunion with his girlfriend. He wondered how long that title would remain.

“Just thinking about yourself again...”

“Listen dumbass, do you have any idea who Thobias is?” Rurik shot a withering glare at Cassius.

“How should I know!? Uhh, wait, wasn't he her ex or something? She really doesn't like talking about him.” Now that he was forced to think about it, the name did seem familiar... ish.

“He's a teleporter.”

“Wait, what does-” Cassius was silenced as they reached the edge of the school property and Rurik shoved him forward.

“Do the math and get out of my face.” When a very bewildered Cassius turned around, Rurik was already walking away. This time he let him. It was a fight he didn't really want to start up again.

Do the math? So Kath's ex could teleport, but that just meant they could be anywhere! Though... anywhere did include safety, didn't it? If he was an ex, did he still care or did he resent her? All these things he just couldn't know and so now he was just left waiting again.

However, maybe with just a bit more hope than before.

"As no doubt I will be when they inevitably return," Ward spoke in response to Diana's claim of fighting the cultists. "We share the same enemies, Diana. We may as well be allies when the time comes." She didn't seem to want to stick around, so he didn't bother saying any more before she left the building and Michael finally released him.

"Speaking from experience?" Ward scoffed as he dusted himself off. "Regardless, I appreciate your assistance in defusing the situation, so I'll give you some free advice. Don't make assumptions about people you don't know and situations you weren't present for. Farewell." He left, heading the opposite direction of Michael as the other boy did so.

It had been far from a warm welcome in all but the most literal sense. It didn't matter, though. He'd make a proper introduction for himself soon enough.

Ward had figured out that he'd somehow offended the girl. He'd known that she was annoyed that this Clara woman had no-showed on her, but the level of anger she'd begun to display suggested he might have walked in on something far worse. This was confirmed when he suddenly exploded. Instinctively he'd tried to protect himself as he felt it coming, but there was only so much he could do in the face of such an extreme sucker punch, so to speak.

Hit the floor face-first and coughed. He was officially out of patience, quite done with being the victim of this girl's misplaced anger. Before he could decide exactly how he wanted to respond, as soon as he got back to his feet he was bound by some sort of inky tentacles. Someone had seen fit to intervene, but for whatever reason he seemed to be the one targeted more so. Either that or they'd decided Diana looked distinctly hard to bind at the moment.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, I request that you release me. This girl here seems to have decided to vent her frustrations on me. I'm perfectly willing to just walk away if you'd allow me... Or since we're all stuck here, perhaps you'd like to actually talk about your issues instead of shooting people in the back over it?!" He glared at Diana as he spoke. Mildly sardonic, perhaps, but he'd have liked to know why she saw fit to go nuclear on him, not that it would make him forgive her...

As the snake lunged there was a vicious crunching sound. This was revealed to be the snake's own teeth shattering before its head blew into splinters as Ward swung his arm violently to the side, revealing his forearm to be wrapped in chains.

"You know, miss," Ward hissed as he stood, "regardless of how poor my first impression may or may not have been, I feel I've done my best to be patient and polite. I did not waste your time, I gave you the chance to make it worthwhile. I offered friendship or at least a mutually beneficial arrangement, with every opportunity for you to walk away with no strings attached, but apparently you can't help but to act the child you appear to be."

"I'm sorry if you're feeling disappointed, but it takes more than a pile of moving bones to intimidate me. I suggest in the future you think twice before needlessly making enemies..." The building began to creak and the lights flickered and dimmed as some otherworldly force seemed to pry at the very foundations. In the dark corners of the room the shadows began to writhe and a horrid scratching sound emanated from them, as in something was trying to claw its way into the world. However, Ward soon pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. Just as soon as it started, it stopped as the boy calmed himself, letting all his chains fall away and fade into nothingness. "Because I'm the newcomer to these parts, I'll just forget about this. I'll even state that my offer still stands, but you'll forgive me if at this point I don't hold my breath. Good day..."

With that Ward stepped past her and exited the room.

"How disappointing..." he muttered to himself. Well, it wasn't the end of the world. It was a humbling reminder that his path would be a difficult one. But, well...

He wasn't intimidated.

Ward stared back at the snake, not phased in the slightest.

"Am I supposed to be intimidated?" He blinked, a slightly colder edge entered his voice momentarily. "Though it's certainly nice to see an example of your abilities." Ignoring her request, he made no move to unshackle the door, instead taking a seat upon the nearby table. "The chains weren't for you, not really. You were always free to leave, miss. Or rather, if you find yourself unable to, then this conversation was pointless to begin with, but I expect that shan't be the case."

"And to be honest, I don't know what I want from you beyond an ally in my endeavors. I only know that these schools don't attempt to recruit people who aren't worth their time. Since they've clearly earned your ire, I sought to offer an alternative, for if you caught their interest then you've caught mine. The difference being is that I'm far more likely to make things worth your while. Think, you're just another face in the crowd to them. One of their dozens of students. For me, you're one of the first people I've met here, and you're making... quite the impression." He glanced at the snake still hovering closer to his face than he'd like. A simple matter to remove it, but why antagonize her further? He could already tell this was becoming a losing battle, but he wasn't one to give up that easily. "Again, I don't yet know you well enough to know specifically what you have to offer, but I know enough to know that I'm interested in finding that out, if only you'll allow me to."

"So I'll summarize. You know now what I have to offer and what I plan to do. All that is left is for you to decide if you wish to play a role, to take the chance to make a difference -- in your own life and in this city. So if you want to leave, then leave. If you can open that door, then all I ask is that you consider my offer. If you can't, well, you're still free to go, but that will be the end of things regardless of what you decide."

His expression had been relaxed, bordering on casual throughout their conversation, but suddenly it turned serious, "If you reject my offer I won't be offended, but I will warn you, I'm not the only one here with such goals. The difference being that you'll find the others won't be so straightforward with their intentions."

"To the point, then..." Now the girl's attitude was wearing on his nerves, but, well, she was certainly sure of herself and he would wait to see what face she put on when he made his intentions clear. "Thi-" He heard voices in the hallway and frowned. He lifted a hand and then clenched his fist. In a flash, chains sprouted from out of nowhere and barred the door and windows shut. "Better. Now, as I was saying... this city is in a panic, whether you see it or not. The people and those above them have grown complacent in their power. Rhea, the greatest city in the world, and in an afternoon the foundations were shaken. No one knows who they should have faith in anymore. Cracks are starting to show." A small smile spread on his face. "Vulnerabilities I plan to exploit. I am under no illusions that I can stage some sort of coup and take over the entire city, no, but getting to a position where I can pull the strings, well, that's certainly within the realm of possibilities and from there? Who knows."

"My family has done it before and they'll do it again, and this city will be my inheritance should I play my role to fruition. Unfortunately, however, I can't do it alone. So that leads to you and people like you. So now you know what I want, what do you want? Money? Power? I can offer both in excess, but more importantly I can offer purpose. As I said, the cracks are showing and you live here, don't you want to make it better? Why not be in a better place yourself when those cracks are sealed? It'll happen one way or another, sooner or later. Might as well make the most of it. I certainly will be, and I'll remember those who played a part."

"You don't have to answer now, in fact I'd prefer you didn't. Think about it, give it some time. If you're even the slightest bit interested in what I have to offer stick around, finish your application to this school. In a little while I'll be officially joining myself, and by then you should have everything you need to make your final decision."

Even then, he didn't drop the chains that held the door shut. However, should Diana have tried the door she'd have found the chains strangely... pliable. They'd fall apart if she put any effort into trying to open the door -- and she'd find Ward smirking in amusement if she succeeded.

Vera was fighting to breathe normally as she carried Andras to the bathroom. She was thankful she didn't have to take any stairs to get there. She wobbled her way out of her room and down the hall, cutting off Nas as she put on a final burst of speed and power walked past him into the room where she finally let Andras down, sitting her on the edge of the tub.

Panting only slightly, as she refused to show weakness. "Here we are. Uh, you know how to run a shower right? Err, just don't drown or whatever. I suppose I should show Nas where the other bathrooms are. I'll be back in a minute or two to check on you..." She stepped back out to speak to the birdboy, but then she heard the front door open downstairs.

Her eyes shot wide. She had no idea how to tell who it was.

"You first!" She spun Nas around and pushed him down the stairs, using him as a meat shield to investigate the sudden intruders and... why was he sticky? Ignoring that, they rounded the corner and discovered who it was.

Honestly Vera would have preferred a pair of cultists wielding murder knives.

"Vera, honey? Whose car is that outside? And who's this? Another new boyfriend?" Her mother asked, with Vera's father standing beside her.

"What?! No! This isn't my boyfriend! This is, uh, Nas and it's his car outside!" Vera lied through her teeth, jumping out from behind him now that she wasn't afraid of being killed in her own home. "We were all hanging out and when everything happened I just told him to drive us here so we could avoid it all. Where were you two?"

"Working. You didn't answer your phone so we came back to make sure everything was all right." Her father said... suggesting if she'd answered her phone they would have been fine not seeing her despite everything.

"I see, well, it seems fine now so you're free to go, Mr. Nas," Vera's mother said, politely and not so subtly kicking Nas out. That was awkward since it wasn't really Nas's car and Vera had no reason to believe the bird could actually drive.

"He can't drive!" Vera blurted out.


"I-I mean he hurt his foot, in the tournament, so, uh, I mean I have other people here too. When they're all ready I'll drive them back home," Vera struggled to keep things straight as she was put on the spot.

"Are you OK? You're acting strange," her mother suggested. That was rich, as if she knew how Vera normally acted. With that little seed of indignation planted, Vera was able to put on a much straighter face.

"A lot happened last night, OK? It was stressful! I'm sorry if I'm not a perfect little angel right now, OK!?" Vera snapped.

"Of course dear, I'm sorry. I leave you to deal with your little friends..." Her parents glanced between each other and then skirted past the two, with the father definitely giving Nas a few "curious" looks as he went by.

"Sorry you had to deal with that..." Vera grumbled. "Ugh, I'm sorry I had to deal with that."

Well, her demeanor had certainly done a 180.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to introduce myself to every single person I shared a hallway with," he told her. OK, sure, he'd been following her, but he'd only been after what he'd assumed she'd be leading him to. But now that it was just them, she had piqued his interest. Not only had she just changed personality rather drastically, but she was perceptive enough to have noticed him following her... not that he'd exactly been hiding around corners.

"But since you've come all this way, if you want compensation, I'm right here. You could leave and waste the trip, or you can hear me out," he told her. "I'm more than capable of making it worth your while. I have plans, Miss, and you could be part of them if you care to be. Surely you can spare a minute or two more, hm?"

Whoever she'd been trying to meet had certainly earned her ire. Maybe if he could prove to be a more worthwhile investment of her time he could use this to his advantage. These schools existed to seek power, constantly clashing, that much he knew. So, if they had wanted her on their side, then perhaps he should as well.

"Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined." How... very straightforward. Of course they at least had the sense to hide behind the front of "St. Lucifer's."

Ignoring some explosions on his way in, Ward went against his instincts and simply blended into the background for now. A difficult task for one of his pedigree to be sure, but he would manage so long as he put his mind to it. Yes, of course he would.

It was a blessing and curse that the school was a little more barren than usual after the attack. Not everyone wanted to go right back to school after a demonic cult had blown up part of the city. That meant less prying eyes, but it also meant less loose lips for him to eavesdrop on. It was thus quite lucky that he stumbled across something rather good.

"... point the way to Ms. Erdrigan?" Ah, another new student? Now that could be quite useful. It seemed she was looking for someone, so he casually tailed her while thinking things over. He did know a few things already, so he was able to piece together that this girl was looking for some Student Committee member. Strange that she'd be looking to another student rather than a faculty member, but then... that told him quite a bit right there. This Erdrigan girl must have been rather important.

An obstacle to be seen to later, no doubt.

Well, he wouldn't be figuring that out today, unfortunately.

He followed her to a rather unassuming room and then... nothing. Some words he couldn't make out without literally hovering over the girl's shoulder and then something fell to the floor. And thus he was out of patience.

"Excuse me." Making his presence known, he edged past the girl and then shoved the door to the room open. Empty. Well, almost empty. A phone lay on the table still connected to the other end. Someone, presumably the Erdrigan girl, had called someone else named Christine. They were now leaving a very long, very silent message for Christine. He picked the phone up and...

"The owner of this phone seems to have vanished. Goodbye." And then he hung up and tossed the phone aside. "Well, that's that then. Tell me, miss. Who exactly is this Erdrigan person you were after... and do they normally evaporate into thin air?" Ward asked her. "Oh wait, how rude of me. My name is Ward. And yourself?"

Vera just sat quietly with the faintest smile on her face as Andras rambled in her panic.


It was then completely hysterical when Andras attempted and failed to run away. If it wasn't for the fact that Vera was actually somewhat concerned she probably would have been laughing by now.

"Wow, sleep and run, huh?" Vera clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Well, it was cold last night so we'll call it even," she said, cementing the fact that she'd been awake when Andras had crawled into bed. Finally Vera slid out of bed and stepped over to Andras, looming over her. However, instead of immediately helping Andras, Vera began stretching and loosening up for a few seconds, her sleek abs peeking out from under her shirt as she did so. "All right, it's good that you're so small." Vera suddenly reached down and scooped Andras up completely. This way there would be no escape.

She let out a small grunt of strain and immediately regretted this. Andras was heavier than expected.

Or maybe she was just weaker than she'd thought.

Well, it was too late now. She'd committed. She'd look stupid if she changed her mind and put Andras back down. Instead she just threw on her cockiest smirk.

"Where to... first?" Vera did her best to talk normal.
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