Avatar of KillamriX88


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6 mos ago
Current *Cthulu will remember this*
1 yr ago
If you're buying "health food bars" make sure you check the sugar content. A little natural sugar is normal, but it ain't heathy if it has 20g added sugar.
1 yr ago
Being a small pepper.
1 yr ago
Just shout to the heavens "UWOH SEGGS" and wait for divine inspiration. Or your family's disapproval. Whichever gets there first.
1 like
1 yr ago
I love when I shovel myself out, drive through a snowstorm to get to work on time... and then my boss calls me 5 minutes after when I was supposed to arrive that he's not coming in and to go home...


Facts about me:
1. I like writing.
2. I like cats.
3. I like RWBY. (#Yangbestgril)
4. I am 30 years old...
5. I have graduated college.
6. I'm trying to get better at drawing.
7. I'm a dude.
8. I eat far too much cheese.
9. I watched a Markiplier video once. Now I have a crippling Taki addiction. Don't send help, just more Takis.

Various, relevant links:

Most Recent Posts


If there's a problem with anything please let me know.

Just got back from my folk's place this weekend. Sorry, something came up. I'll be able to start replying in a little bit.

Nah, just me being a mixture of impatient and needlessly passive-aggressive. :P
This could be neat.
I hope I didn't stump you two too much so that now you can't come up with ideas to post.

That's not the problem I assure you.
Mission overview:

An Asari matriarch contacted the Citadel claiming to have vital information that has been determined to be extremely relevant to the mission of the W-178. Matriarch Sotiria is located on one of the rebuilt colonies in the Terminus sector, on Planet Chalkhos.

Mission details:

The Matriarch Contacted the Citadel eight days ago. After having confirmed her status and agreeing that she is worth speaking to, the assignment was passed on to the W-178 now that it has been green-lit and crewed.

Subsequent communication has suggested that the Matriarch is now in fear for her life. It seems others have become aware that she contacted the Citadel. Whether it is whoever is involved with her intel, or simply those in the Terminus Sector who are not fans of the Citadel is unknown. This is now the W-178's first priority assignment.

The Matriarch has supplied basic information about her retinue in case of any complications. Caution is to be exercised, but those listed should not pose a threat.

The Matriarch has also called for other outside assistance in the form of a mercenary. She has only supplied her name and physical metrics. All other information on this mercenary being supplied is currently unverified, though she seems to have a bit of a local reputation. The crew is to take this information with a grain of salt, though it should not prove terribly relevant to the task at hand.

@KillamriX88@PPQ Purple

Velona mentioned a commotion, which I can only assume is referring to the Supreme Kai of Time's shout? I'd like to know which of the other groups we'll be heading toward before I post.

Yes it's the stuff with the Supreme Kai of time. I didn't even think the other group was making a commotion at all.
Cool. That's all I needed to know. Anyway, when you do post and have more free time PM me. (does this forum have a PM system? I assume it does) I have a question or two. But no rush because it's for the super long term. Like a season from now worth of long term.

At the top right of the site there is a big button that says "PM" right next to "Subs" and your profile. You can start a PM convo with anyone by going to their profile and hitting the big blue button. You can't miss it.
@KillamriX88 No I skim read the posts before the post and thought someone was more mechanical based. I just errored up because I read Chev's post and it happened to be in the wrong group. That was my fault i'll edit my post.

@Chev What members of the group are there so I can edit my post accordingly?

As far as I can tell, we have Majin Eve (Nac), Yaksha (Atom), Maize (King), and the Supreme Kai of Time (Chev).
@vancexentan Is he calling the Majin a robot?
@PPQ Purple

Ovaan's reaction, in a nutshell, started off like this:

Only to transition into this:

Don't worry, Velona will keep ya boy on task.

@Double@PPQ Purple

There was a great benefit to being blindfolded. As much as it kept her from seeing normally, it also kept people from seeing her eyes. Thus, they'd have been unable to see the way her eyes unfocused at the suggestion they were dead. It was indeed a concerning proposition.

Her hand unconsciously went to her ribs where she felt a twinge of pain. Now, she didn't know a lot about being dead, but was she supposed to still feel the pain of the circumstances that had brought her here? She figured just assuming they were dead did them no good. No, it would be better to assume they were alive until further notice. After all, assuming they were already dead could get them actually dead... again assuming they weren't already.

For now, she needed to snap these two out of it. Ovaan especially. Mind you if there were ever a time for hysterics... but it was still not helpful.

She spied Ovaan's tail and took a deep breath... waited for it to sit still for a second... and...


Assuming Ovaan reacted accordingly...

"You felt that did you not? Then let's work under the assumption that, despite being in this strange place, we are well and truly still among the living," Velona told him. "I'm going to say the same applies to you, Miss Mia. So, assuming we are alive, let us first figure out where we are. We can worry about being dead later if we find any actual evidence of that." She crossed her arms, turning her head toward one and then the other as if to make sure they were paying attention.

"Now, while you were panicking, Mr. Ovaan, I believe I heard a rather thunderous commotion. Shall we investigate that next?" She suggested to him. "Why don't you join us, Mia?" She turned back to the girl, as if presuming Ovaan's agreement. "Perhaps we will find a definitive answer there."
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