Avatar of KrystalKleo


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current Posts will be delayed once more. Moving yet again. Landlord decided to sell . Will be in new place on the 5th. I am SOOO sorry.
1 mo ago
I am so sorry for the delay in posts. Been dealing with a 4 day migraine. Will do my best to get to them tomorrow.
1 like
2 mos ago
Guess whose net is back, baby! That's tight, Krystal is back in the house!
2 mos ago
Rps will be delayed. No wifi at home and data is almost out.
3 mos ago
oh no, what am I gonna do? housework done, posts sent. Only thing left is to game.


Hello Everyone. I am a 36-year-old girl with a heart for dramatic role-plays.

KrystalGamez#0980 - Discord. Have a headset and mic too! No webcam

Most Recent Posts

Roar! Peoples!!!
Hey guys. I'm back and I have an itch I'd really really love to do! Please help me.

*sighs softly*
*sighs and pokes the thread*
:-( I guess it was a crappy plot.
Is it really that bad of an idea?
No one interested?
Alright, So I had a really weird dream last night before I went to work. I kind of liked the idea/jist of it and would love to see it play out. Feel free to twist and warp the stuff as you see fit.

A young lady can shift forms into a grey fox like creature (Kind of a blend between wolf and a fox). She meets a guy (can't remember how I had met him in the dream) that could shift into the same sort of creature. She wasn't all too sure about the positive side of being able to shift but he began opening her world to all the possibilities. He jumped off this rock side and into the most gorgeous clear water spring in the forest mountainside. After swimming for a while, she realizes she was running late for something. He was rather callous about helping her find her way back. It appeared like he didn't feel the same. She ended up by getting lost, panicking about never finding home again.

Perhaps he was working with dark forces to try and gather all the shifters, maybe he was out to destroy them himself and used a potion/spell to be able to change to gain her trust, or maybe he was on the good side but was just leery about connecting with someone so soon. I don't know, I woke up before I could figure that out. Would love to see how it could have been played out.
*pokes the thread*
Anyone out there?
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