Avatar of Lady Selune


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3 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Roleplay man, roleplay man, does whatever a roleplay can. Does he write? Not at all. He brings plots to a stall, look out... He’s a fucking ghost.
6 yrs ago
I hate websites that tell you an email is wrong whilst you're trying to type it out. CALM YOUR TITS, I'VE NOT PUT IN THE FUCKING @ ADDRESS YET, NO SHIT IT'S NOT VALID.
7 yrs ago
Does anyone else see a word spelt totally correctly and think 'that can't be fucking right, I've messed something up.'
7 yrs ago
When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager!

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When that was done, Maria leant down and wiped her blade off on one of the corpses, before turning back to her bunk, and carefully placing it back down on the end of it, walking to her suit and taking out the air compressor that allowed her to fill up her air tank again. She took her welder and carefully disconnected it from the car battery, before attaching it to the compressor and flicking it on. There was a whirring, grinding noise, and she secured it properly in, picking up the PSI gauge, watching as the needle creeped back up.

"I need to go out again. There's not enough stuff here for me to really do anything. There's no point in me sticking around and using up resources. I think there was a car chopshop not too far away. Junk metal is always useful."
just so everyone is aware, i dont know much about video games so the canon enemies may need to be explained in the initial OOC post.

Well, the ones we just fought were Clickers from 'The Last of Us.' Fungus zombies.
She looked with some interest at the drone, before realising she had seen similar to it constantly. Nothing new. The huge amobea... That... No, that was new. She had seen a lot in her trips around the known universe, but that was quite something. Maybe she had taken a knock to her head and was hallucinating. "Restaurant at the End of the Universe, huh?" She looked outside, watching as a hydrogen flare sparked and burst, bright blue light shooting across the... Well, 'glass' would have to do.

"So, I see they cracked a building-sized temporal bubble, huh." She shrugged, before taking the shot glass and downing it in one, the creamy liqueur burning pleasantly on the way down. "Hell yeah I've had a day. First the ship I'm infiltrating undergoes explosive decompression and I get blown out into space. Then I have to use my guns as a jetpack to get back inside, almost freezing to death."

"When I finally get inside, I kill my mark, and whaddayaknow, the fucking plasma generator of the ship is destabilised by the decompression, and I get caught in the blast. I mean, I've had shit luck, but really?" She indicated for the bottle to be passed over, before pouring out another shot and taking it. "On the bright side, I'm here now. This is a Restaurant, you guys serve food?"
Damn pepebastards.

*Slaps face.*

Fucks sake, he'll use a greatsword then.
Granted, however due to the lack of predators, the herbivore population quickly explodes, devouring all wildlife and turning your tropical paradise into a barren rock. Also, you can only invite shitty D-List rappers.

I wish to be a shitty D-List rapper.
Well, the first thing it brought him was an explosion.

A boom rippled througout the restraunt, complete with a flash of blue light, and a figure fell through onto the floor, mid-scream. It hit the ground hard, the faceplate of its helmet cracking the tiles of the floor, the figure rolling to its feet, akimbo guns held out at the rest of the room.

"Huh. Not... Not what I expected purgatory to be like to be honest." The voice was synthesised and crackly, but when the guns vanished and the figure took her helmet off, it was replaced by a rather... handsome? Handsome was perhaps the right word, despite the fact it was a woman under the helmet. Human too- with dark brown hair, tanned skin with soot marks on it, an angular jawline... Yes, handsome was the right word.

Taking in a deep breath, the figure dusted herself down, scattering soot and dust across the floor, before standing up properly, giving an awkward wave to the patrons, before looking around and realising she was in a... diner in outer space? Well, not the strangest thing she'd ever seen...

Walking up to the bar, she placed her helmet down on it and tossed her hair back, plopping her gloves inside said helmet, followed by two metal... 'Blocks' was the best thing to call them, carefully placing them inside the entire setup.

"Hi, sorry for the mess. Awfully sorry, but do you happen to know quite where I am, when I am, and do you guys have amarula? I need a fucking drink."

Granted, but they only work once ever 10,0000 uses.

I wish for a bottle of vodka.
*Slams bastard sword down.*

I'm totally having a knight.

Or a bank robber, sure.
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