Avatar of Lady Selune


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3 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Roleplay man, roleplay man, does whatever a roleplay can. Does he write? Not at all. He brings plots to a stall, look out... He’s a fucking ghost.
6 yrs ago
I hate websites that tell you an email is wrong whilst you're trying to type it out. CALM YOUR TITS, I'VE NOT PUT IN THE FUCKING @ ADDRESS YET, NO SHIT IT'S NOT VALID.
7 yrs ago
Does anyone else see a word spelt totally correctly and think 'that can't be fucking right, I've messed something up.'
7 yrs ago
When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager!

Most Recent Posts

You folks probably saw this coming- I'm going to respectfully withdraw. Apologies Fargate.
In Hellpact 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

She had risen early for breakfast, but that had turned out not to be needed. Still, there was nothing wrong with a refreshing continental to start the day off right. A cup of coffee, unlimited refills, that was very nice, a blueberry muffin, croissant and an orange. Not a whole lot, but she was a girl who had grown up used to full Englishes- anything smaller than a plate literally overflowing with food was a 'small' breakfast to her. When it turned out they were not to be summoned until later, she returned to her room, glad to have packed books and her laptop. She checked the world news, and then did a little idle digging.

So, it seemed that some of her thoughts had been correct. Devyn was a journalist. Hard hitting investigative journalist, lots of stories- including her heading to Sierra Leone and covering the Ebola epidemic. Quite the woman indeed. Lots more details about her neatly filed away in the brain of the Northern Irish lass, and indeed on her laptop. She saved a few choice quotes and links to files, before dragging it into a fresh folder and burying it deep within a labyrinth of other files, before finally encrypting it. Random password generator... I`0Kxy+oA= . Eh, not the worst it had ever thrown at her. Then onto a little more digging.

Most proved fruitless, sadly. Most... Except for the girl. An Australian serial killer targeting suspected paedophiles. Not only positively delightful, but also most likely one of her new colleagues. That... Disturbed her. Especially the messes left of some of those victims... Brr. More details were not forthcoming, which did irritate her, but she supposed that was the nature of "IS THIS THE NEW JACK THE RIPPER?" as one clickbait headline splashed across her laptop screen.

Now she had the advantage. People often said that knowledge was power, but they never seemed to understand how much that was the case. Plugging in her laptop- glad she had bought an adaptor at Heathrow, she slid in her heels and took out a more practical set of clothing. Loose jeans, a pair of running shoes, with heel support, a top, and then a denim jacket over that. Then onto the makeup. A little bit to hide her more harsher features, and then a little blusher, making sure to leave it a little unblended. Not so much she looked like a clown, but enough to give her more than a rosy glow. Then she slipped on her glasses. Lunch, then it was. Still no summons.

Instead of eating inside the hotel, she decided to take a walk. Annoyingly, being a residential district, there were no sit-down places for her to eat, so she dejectedly returned back to her hotel, another cup of coffee and a club sandwich secured. At least, she supposed, she had learned a little more of the neighbourhood, and that was something that could come in handy. Her meal was not that bad however. Ignoring the fact that the crisps, (not chips as the waitress kept insisting,) were sharp enough to turn the inside of her mouth to neat little ribbons, it was at least prepared well.

Then, finally, came the call. They returned to the parlour, another glass of milk in a crystal decanter (really not needed- cream was not a sufficient sedimentary product to require something like a decanter, but she wouldn't complain, really,) and then... Hellpact LLC. Of course. She restrained herself from smacking her own forehead, before doing so once she heard the details of the mission, audibly groaning. "Of course. How typical that we end up investigating one of the most stereotypical cases- to the point where everyone from Sherlock Holmes to Professor Layton has covered it." She finished the glass of milk, and was tempted to ask for a White Russian, but refrained. Alcohol afterwards. "Cream and coffee please, no sugar. Lots of cream." was her request when the butler returned. She supposed she had signed up to this.
Start with one thing?

But I don't know why?

Doesn't even matter how hard you try?

Non nobis domine! Áve María, grátia pléna, Dóminus técum. Benedícta tū in muliéribus, et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Iésus. Sáncta María, Máter Déi, óra pro nóbis peccatóribus, nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae. Ámen.

I'm in.
In Hellpact 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Paid by... Arrogance. The sheer arrogance of him. She bit her tongue a little bit, even with the matter of her secret brought up. No need to make the fact he found his ability- if that was even true, repulsive... Nonetheless, the good lady stepped forward in order to clear things up, and she had been right. Pathetic logic be damned, she had known who it was using her own brain cells thank you very much. His tone of voice shifted, and a younger man with hair more like a modern art exhibition slumped down into his chair. The fact that Eve commented about his own observations made her a tad more nervous, but she breathed out slowly.

Surface level- How positively Machiavellian of him. Mention secrets, drag the one thing that people didn't want known to the surface, and then he could read it as if it was the darkest depths. The pink elephant conundrum weaponized by a mind reader. How fantastic. That being said, just because the pearl-clad lady had an odd son didn't mean that she wasn't still interest in continuing. She was more than willing to work for this lady- a paycheck whilst she continued to work on what she had always wanted anyway?

Then another round of things being cleared up. The Australian... Of course. That was why she seemed so unkempt, besides the fact that she seemed to be homeless. Riding in a suitcase. Devyn seemed... Frustrated at the revelation, but as more and more of the assembled crowd placed their hands into the metaphorical ring until there were none left not standing inside... It was time for minutia. Sorting out banking and passports, tax forms, all that sort of thing. A fresh identity in hand, and it was time for them to retire, thankfully.

Leaving the manor, she was filled with a mixture of feelings. Mostly mild frustration at the fact that she had to now fruitlessly work on suppressing her own memories around Lady Eve's son, but there was a hefty dose of suspicion, confusion and tiredness. The cool air caressed her face as she, and several others, made their way to the hotel. A fine establishment. It would do.
OwO. Have I met someone who can challenge my memery? Surely not!
There was a special sensation you got when a landing was royally fucked. This was that sensation. He could feel it, like it was mould creeping across the ship. Or, well, a gust of wind, because the temperature had just dropped by about fifteen degrees. Hard landing, brace for impact. No problem. Squeezing his gun between his knees, he kept his head down and his hands over his head. He looked like a pussy, sure, but he'd rather look like a pussy and be alive than not look like a little bitch and have his neck bent fourteen different ways, that was for sure.
Eyy. Gonna have to passe le turn my famalams, as I am full.
To be honest, I'm sure not what I can contribute. I shall try to get something up, but if it doesn't happen... Que sera sera.
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