Avatar of Lady Selune


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3 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Roleplay man, roleplay man, does whatever a roleplay can. Does he write? Not at all. He brings plots to a stall, look out... He’s a fucking ghost.
6 yrs ago
I hate websites that tell you an email is wrong whilst you're trying to type it out. CALM YOUR TITS, I'VE NOT PUT IN THE FUCKING @ ADDRESS YET, NO SHIT IT'S NOT VALID.
7 yrs ago
Does anyone else see a word spelt totally correctly and think 'that can't be fucking right, I've messed something up.'
7 yrs ago
When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager!

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She guided the woman through the streets, then hopped across a police cordon. More running, then she ducked into an alleyway, a relatively compact, yet also sleek design in a light-absorbing matt black colour. Placing her hand against the handle, she clicked it open without needing to do a thing, sliding her finger across to let the machine know it needed to unlock the shotgun door too. Once inside, she shut the door hard and sat back, running a hand through her head.

"I'm sure you have questions." She paused for a second, looking the detective up and down. Nodding, she turned back to her steeling wheel, one arm coming across to clip in her seatbelt. The car had self-driving functions, but this area was currently part of a lockdown, so it would refuse to drive her anywhere. Luckily, you didn't get far as a hacker without knowing how to drive, so pulling out of the alleyway was effortless, the hybrid engine barely making a whisper as she did so.

It might seem odd, to some, how she felt so comfortable giving the gun to the detective, but really the reason why was quite simple. The gun was hard-coded not to shoot her, and unless the detective had the skills for a hard rewire without making it look blatantly obvious, then she would be fine. Didn't stop her from being clocked across the head, but that ran the risk of her crashing the car and taking both of them down. "Feel free to ask them now. We're going to somewhere safe."

The handle seemed downright frictionless in her hands as she turned, driving gloves making a vaguely unpleasant scrunch as she did so, traffic started to return to the street, and after about thirty seconds of waiting she had pulled into the flow. The Metro never slept, and that just went double for the streets. She put her foot down, listening as the petrol engine kicked in and the speedometer began to tick up.
Five people walked down the corridor. No, that was incorrect. Five monstergirls hovered through the corridor. A faint sound of buzzing followed the quintuplet as they made their way through the hallways, four of them giggling and conversing whilst the fifth guided them along. The Hive's crew moved in unity with one another down the hallways, until at last they arrived to the classroom.

Whereupon all five of them were stunned into silence.

"She's huge!" Daffodil's jaw had dropped, the bumblebee using her finger to comedically shut her mouth. "Absolutely..." "Gigantic!" An odd quirk of the five was that they would sometimes pick up each other's sentences, words flowing between them in a most disorienting fashion. They weren't called the Hive for nothing, after all.

"That's quite something." Rose folded her arms, blinking up at the massive shape that was Jenny. Slender feet touched down to the ground as the group stopped hovering, instead turning to offer each other looks. There was a lot of shouting and a lot of screaming. That was a problem that would likely have to be sorted. "Alright, split up and try to help as much as you can." The queen bee nodded at her subordinates and headed over to Roxanne, raising an eyebrow. "What's... Hm. What's going on exactly?"

Even as she spoke, the others were buzzing off. Hyacinth had gone over to where Ray now stood, rubbing the other monstergirl on the shoulder in order to try to cheer her up. "No need to cry. You're doing great!" Out of all the drones, Hyacinth was the biggest. Nowhere near the size of Rose of course, but compared to say... Lavender, she was certainly a larger presence.

As Hyacinth talked to Ray, Tulip and Daffodil had gone up to the big shape itself. Jenny. "Hiya!" The pair waved at the massive bulk together. "I'm Daffodil!" "And I'm Tulip!" "We haven't seen you" "around, you must be new!" "It's really good." "To see you!" "Can we be friends?"

In comparison to the rest Lavender was... Well, being Lavender. Instead of helping out, or really doing anything, she had taken the chance to buzz about and look at everything she could, as distracted as she almost always was outside of missions.
Dying Light 2.

Excluding the depressing mess that was the ending of the Countryside DLC, I loved everything bar the story about the first one. Parkouring about a new city is enough to get me excited.
"Very much so, but then again that's not the first time this has happened to me." 'Guardian' rubbed her nose a little with her free hand. "Now, if I've calculated correctly, their guns should stop them from firing on police property, such as the drone we're currently on. Smartlinks can be a bitch..." If she was correct of course. If not, she was a nice, neat, slowly-falling circle for them to unload a couple of magazines onto. She looked up, biting her lip as the cyan visors appeared, gun barrels glinting in the light.

Then... Nothing. No gunfire. One of them looked down at his rifle with confusion, and there was a burst of static, and yet still there was life in them yet. She looked down, her hardware calculating the fall. "It's going to be a rough landing, but the drone'll take most of it. Nonetheless, brace yourself." She tucked her gun pack into her jacket, then gritted her teeth. 5 metres... 3 metres... Bang. They crashed into the ground, and before she knew it she had sprung to her feet, yanking the detective along with her.

"I can't keep pulling you along. Just... Follow me, and if the FREAKS show their head, put the gun I just gave you to good use and toss a couple of shots their way. My car isn't far away." Feet pounded against the pavement, and she turned a corner to... Oh FUCK that wasn't good. Police blockade. Cars with their sirens, although the officers themselves... Must have been securing the building. Whilst she would have loved to have jacked that car, she had bigger fish to fry right now. Just getting to her car was going to be a nightmare, dealing with a no-doubt tracked vehicle would just make it even worse.

"Count that as a blessing. We're unlikely to get another one. Let's go."
"I'm someone that's really going to save your arse. Call me Guardian." Not her actual name, nor her street name, but it'd do for now. Rolling up her sleeve, words and data whipped past her vision in the blink of an eye. The police drone closest to them- so close in fact that its four armoured rotors were kicking up her jacket, spoke out to them in a noisy, mechanical voice.

"SAM ENDURO. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. PLEASE PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD AND AWAIT FOR SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM." That wouldn't do at all. More code whipped by, and then Credit offered a wink to the machine. "SAM ENDURO. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. PLEASE PUT YOUR HANDS BEHI-" Suddenly the voice cut out. The machine offered a damn near pitiable whine, a thin trail of smoke rising up from the central chassis. Turning to the detective, the blue-haired woman grabbed her wrist and started to sprint, feet pounding against the top of the roof.

Then she leapt. Hyper-reactive pupils took every detail of the fall she could be hurling herself into as she crossed the divide between roof and drone. Her hand remained wrapped tight around Enduro's the entire time, until after what felt like a century she landed atop the beetle-like construction, fingers dangerously close to being turned into a fine paste by the rotors.

The weight of two human beings combined with the reduced lift output thanks to her little blowout meant that the drone could no longer stay airborne. Almost lazily it began to descend... But lazily wasn't good enough. Reaching into her jacket, another gun was retrieved, complete with another handy HUD warning on its illegality. HHK 'Shofar' Armour Piercing Handgun. CLASS 1 RESTRICTED WEAPON. BLANKET BAN APART FROM SPECIAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. Two ever-so-slightly muffled barks of the gun and they were descending ever so slightly faster, the edge of the ceiling falling away just as the FREAKS appeared.

First Response Emergency Action Kill Squads. FREAKS if you were on the street, 'Special Response' if you were on the same side of the law that they were on. Sleek cyan masks hid their appearance and gave them a distinctly inhuman look, whist their hex-patterned powered armour made them damn near superhuman. Even so... An 80 story tumble was something they wouldn't be willing to risk.

She hoped.

"I've always hated it when people in movies go 'there's no time to explain." The woman that was talking had blue hair. Not unusual. Pale skin. Not unusual. Long leather jacket. Not unusual. Above their head though... There was nothing. That was unusual. Ever since you had become a police detective, the Ether had become more than the omnipresent memory aid that it was with most people. It was a glimpse into their life. Looking down the street you could see just from the neat text above people's heads what jobs they were going to or coming home from, their names, age, hell, damn near everything was available to you if you took enough time. To have that be missing, the text simply replaced with a dull Error: Person not Found? Inconceivable.

"So, I'll try to explain as quickly as possible." She turned and looked up at the sky. Yes, the sky. So high up that the low level smog was below you, the rushing wind and freezing cold didn't seem to register all that much. Police drones blared into position, lights illuminating the sky with red-and-blue flashes- flashes you were all too used to. "But from what I can tell, you've had a bit of a wetware malfunction, should we say." The woman reached into her coat and drew out a gun. Not one of the puny little things that gangbanging punks loved to flash, no, this was the real deal. Sleek and compact bullpup design. Judging by the Ether overlay that popped up, illegal as well.

Cerberus Arms Limited Ash Compact. CLASS 2 RESTRICTED WEAPON FOR CIVILIANS. LEGAL FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. You had a sneaking suspicion that the woman wasn't law enforcement. "You're going to need this." The woman turned the gun over in her hand, breaking damn near every safety rule in the book. Her finger was in the thumb holder, yes, but the barrel was facing towards herself and you were willing to bet that it was loaded. "In thirty four seconds, a FREAK squad is going to kick down that door. They have a warrant for you, and there's a very long list of crimes on said warrant. Your only good chance of getting through this night, and off the roof of a eighty storey tall building, is taking this gun and trusting me."

She took a few steps forward, offering the gun over to you. From the maintenance door across the roof, you could hear slams and barked commands. "Twenty five seconds now. Best make your choice. Them? Or me?"
In Hi! 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Wilkommen! I’m not German, I just like how it sounds :D. Have fun, and if you’re interested I might want to do some cyberpunk RP?
Sometimes I wonder, will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realise... God left this place a long time ago.
A very simple game indeed.


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