Avatar of Lady Selune


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3 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Roleplay man, roleplay man, does whatever a roleplay can. Does he write? Not at all. He brings plots to a stall, look out... He’s a fucking ghost.
6 yrs ago
I hate websites that tell you an email is wrong whilst you're trying to type it out. CALM YOUR TITS, I'VE NOT PUT IN THE FUCKING @ ADDRESS YET, NO SHIT IT'S NOT VALID.
7 yrs ago
Does anyone else see a word spelt totally correctly and think 'that can't be fucking right, I've messed something up.'
7 yrs ago
When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager!

Most Recent Posts

And there we go! Post up! What better weapon for a Slaneeshi than whatever her abomination of a cane is.
Well this had gotten into a larger clusterfuck than the Palace of Pleasure quicker than she could blink. Having recovered from being violently slammed into a wall, and now with her hands on her weapon once more, she would watch as her assorted ‘colleagues’ threw themselves into the fight. Her eyes, warp-tainted as they were, caught a glimpse of shapes moving through the sky, and then mutants would fall like wheat to the scythe. They had unexpected allies it seemed.

Kotys would instinctively duck as the lumbering figure of Minos quite literally bulldozed out into the lines of the foe, his bellowed words causing an almost primal shudder to run through her spine. Although her lungs were significantly smaller, she would let out a cry of her own, the words piercing the air.

”INTO THE PRINCE’S PERFECTION!” As she spoke, she would flick her wrist out, her walking cane’s hard casing collapsing up into a hilt and unveiling a long, slender blade. She would run the edge of it along the back of her hand, watching as crimson welled up and pain blossomed through her system. Yes... This would be perfect.

Another twist of the wrist and the blade would light up with sparks. Even she knew that ‘trialling’ this on herself would be foolish, instead giving the weapon it’s final prod, the seemingly solid form of the weapon falling apart into a lethal tangle of electrified, murderously sharp wire.

She moved into the battle with a graceful sprint. Her first foe came at her, a putrid wretch more mutant than man, ugly, misshapen and malformed. She would flick her arm out almost casually, the wire spinning towards him, near invisible in the darkness. The brute came at her, hacking wildly with a rusted and pitted blade but she moved with litheness and grace, twisting out of the way and bringing her arm down... and with it the lethal line.

With a pirouette that would make any pleasure world dancer proud she would weave the wire around her foe, and then with one action snap the net around him. He stiffened, the electricity coursing through the metal keeping him still so that she could finish him more leisurely.

The same twist of her wrist that had turned her weapon into its current lethal spool could also condense it back into a sword, and that was exactly what she did, the motor in the hilt whirring as it encountered resistance. Lines of blood appeared across the wretch’s body as the metal bit in, and then with a last effort the tangled ends brought themselves together.

Blood spurted out, flesh, muscle and bone all having been torn through, and Kotys would lick her lips, forked tongue scooping up lashings of crimson. As if to bring her out of her reverie at having done such a good job, she would narrowly avoid being trampled by Minos’ huge form, his swinging arms cleaving through six in the time it had taken her to do one.

At least hers had been a beautiful kill.
Should have a post up tonight, fingers crossed.
Maybe this is a little bit of bias because I came into this (and designed my character) around the idea of having us be low powered, but I'm not exactly pleased at the moment. I'll stay, but I want my voice to have been thrown into the ring.
So, I just realised something thanks to a friend reminding me of a small fact.

Drukhari physically cannot be psykers. Their psychich abilities have massively atrophied to the point where they cannot tap into the warp to ues psychic abiities. There is not a single eldar alive in Commoragh that has psychich talents, so how by Slaneesh's third nippled scrotum does Lesara manage it? Also, and not to beat this point to death, I understand that they're willing to associate with Mon'Keigh, but why are they willing to associate with people who actively worship the deity that would quite like to destroy their immortal souls?
Really starting to feel like I fucked up by playing as an actual ‘up and coming’ chaos worshipper, and not someone with access to a potent Nurgle demon, a fucking astartes, DARK ELDAR (who can’t even worship chaos) or some other incredibly powerful individual.
What’s happening boys?

The next figure to walk into the room filled Kotys not with horror or disgust, but with pure perverted interest. The monster of a man, muscle and mutated flesh, barely even human, but instead looking more xenos than homo... She had heard about him. Heard much about him and the blood she spilled. Her long tongue slipped out into the air, tasting it, and then slowly, almost sensually licking her lips. he was beyond dangerous, beyond powerful, possibly even more powerful than the astartes standing in this room, but by the Prince was he a sight to see.

Of course, sadly but sadly was what she had learned and what she could see merely from looking at him. That awful triangular mark across his chest, one that spoke of how he cared for nothing but blood and death and violence, with no respect for the pleasure of pain and the satisfaction in each slice... And even less care for other things. Yet... Well, she could still want him, working for her, on top of her... She smacked her lips once her tongue had retracted, wondering if he had noticed her lingering gaze, before finally turning back to their host.

They were to retrive an artifact, to be repaid in plunder and in slaves. Her gaze flitted back to the crowd of owned souls in the room, many wide-eyed at the display of so many chaos worshippers and mutations around them, and she could feel a little bubble of glee well up in her chest. There was to be no faliure in this quest. Absolute perfection only.

She would take a seat and slouch comfortably as the craft began to make its way down to the surface. Twirling her cane in her hand, her eyes would find themselves drawn to a figure whose exploits preceeded them. Princess Natalia- the wannabe Pirate Queen. Standing up, she was about to introduce herself to the woman when the ship they were in was rocked by a shuddering explosion. Her frail figure was sent flying across the craft, dangerously close to the disgusting slug of the nurgulite, and her cane was sent flying out of her hand, clattering into the wall. At the last moment she managed to twist her body so that she wasn't shattered upon contact with the side, but still felt the wind knocked out of her as she was brought to an unexpected stop by the wall.

Rolling to the floor, hacking up phlegm and gasping to replace the air that had been knocked out of her lungs, she would scramble for her weapon, praying that the hull integrity of the ship would hold. She had no vaccum-safe equipment on her- if there was going to be no air, things were going to get difficult.
I think in this situation we should just crack on, else we risk stalling out.
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