Avatar of LaMoon


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I am just... in shock after watching the mid-season finale of BCS. It really was a perfect episode from start to end, but that final part hit me really hard. I still can't believe it lol.
2 yrs ago
I'm all for supporting RPG (I wouldn't like for this place go down) but my Gosh, those banners are fugly and really intrusive.
2 yrs ago
When trouble shows itself, there is always the choice to run. But one day, you may very well find yourself running alone.
2 yrs ago
@Majoras End, glad to see a fellow Omori fan! ^^
1 like
2 yrs ago
Oh yeah, I remember now. It was around the time Joan Rivers passed. Hoooo boy, that was a long time ago.


Ask. Me.

Most Recent Posts

Had a test yday, I think I did just great.

Bumping this crap.

God bless the day I stumbled upon Indie stuff.

Bumping this big ol' piece o' crap.

Bumping this shit.

Bumping with music yet again.

Bumping with a song.

Oh man, I'm so friggin' tired of these morons surrounding me... There's no escape from society sometimes.
Just saying 'bump' makes it monotonous. Guess I'll throw in a random fact:
It took me years to overcome my 'wearing a long-sleeved shirt underneath my t-shirt' phase. Black sleeves with white t-shirts and red sleeves with black t-shirts were predominant.
Seems like it was eons ago when I would lay on my bed and smoke some herb away...

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