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<Snipped quote by Valiance>
*your knee doesnt break through my armor, but I do grunt from the blow. I grab you, tossing you to the planet with incredible force*

*Arrives at the void the amaranthine left behind*
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: hmm.. I'll make you a deal.

*outstreches my hand*

As long as I am alive, I will work on finding an end to entropy that doesnt require Codex blood on our hands. In the meantime, you are banned from hunting and/or killing any more codex.

I've already offered the only deal I'm willing to consider.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: *rolls my eyes*

Either way, shoudl you lay a single finger on any more codex here, I'll kill you myself. And should you ask, yes, yes I can.

*goes and sits down, keeping a close eye on you*

Suit yourself. If entropy is no longer an issue, I will gladly allow you to.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: *shows you previous video of the being*

The likeness is uncanny.

I fail to see the resemblance. Not that it matters.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: so you don't care if Hestia dies?

For all I know, you've made this name up. If your heart is set on murder, so be it, but you will have proven yourself much more bloodthirsty than I.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: just as your needless, beating around the bush. Spit it out. Either you tell me whats all going on, in full detail, or I will find this Hestia girl, assumign she isnt actually you, and I'll kill her out of spite. Im not playing games with you, anymore. I used to work alongside Jibril, you know what I'm capable of, and that's just when im bored. Please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be. Who is involed with your plan? Are you the only one acting on it of your own free will, or are there others behind the scenes? Why specifically the codex, when there are much more powerful entities than us, out there? Why not leave your plan to end entropy in someone elses hands? Not of what your doing makes any sense!

You're overly emotional, and a poor listener at that. I have no idea why you've latched onto some being you believe is me, but I won't be reexplaining my motives. If you fail to pick up on any of it, then you can ask your friends to explain it to you.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: I don't know, you tell me.

This isn't worth my time.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hekrom: ....oh, you sly dog.

Is all not well?

Dane: *waives*

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*scans for any traces of her, any prior video possibly showing her last moments on camera*

*She walks through a door and closes it behind her before disappearing*
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*checks a live feed from a drone I was keeping tabs on Hestia with*

*The drones do not sense her presence*
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