Avatar of Lexibon


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8 yrs ago
Current Awooooo
8 yrs ago
Dear everyone. I know I had a little burst of energy and time to reply but I lost that kinda quick with work again :c I'll reply soon. You're not forgotten.
8 yrs ago
Sorry I've been silent lately. Work has got me running ragged. I'll reply to everyone soon enough :c
8 yrs ago
I gots a Bluetooth keyboard for my phone so now I can make replies from work c:
8 yrs ago
I'll be home in two hours or so! Than I'm available all night again!


Feel free to check out my interest checks and send me a message anytime!

Most Recent Posts

So, for whatever reason I've had a sudden craving for this match-up. This is all fictional, naturally so no hurt feelings hopefully over the content. I have a few plots I want to try and I'll post them below but I'm generally open to anything else so don't be afraid to suggest.

Looking for a partner that's High-Casual/Low-Advanced, can post semi-regularly (I don't even mind long stretches of silence inbetween posts and than restarting it again) but I'd like it to be a long term thing. I'm okay with mature content, even given the nature of the pairing but I would hope there is a lot of build up and story before anything remotely intense happens. The plots I have don't have titles I just sorta named them descriptive things.

Here are my suggestions:

Christmas Imouto
This Christmas was tough for her Brother, he had recently been dumped and has been working long stressful hours during Christmas time at his dead end retail store. He was always so good to her though, Mom and Dad were always out working so she decided it would be fun to surprise him when he comes home with some Christmas decorations. She stays up late and he sees what she had done for him. They share in the Christmas spirit but they also start to share their feelings for one another.

Pretend to be my Girlfriend/Boyfriend.
This could go either way, with the brother or sister initiating it. Basically, one of them gets caught up into a bet or an activity where all his/her friends are going to bring their boyfriends/girlfriends to a party, gathering, event, hangout etc. and the sister/brother finds she/he is the only one without a date. Rather than tell this to their friends who may make fun or mock them they decide to lie and say they'll bring their boy/girl friend. Without anywhere else to turn they approach their sibling and with some back and forth, maybe even bribery they convince them to pretend that they're dating just for the occasion. During the time they spend together pretending to be a couple, they're forced into situations that couples may find themselves in and at some point one or both of them catches feelings and when they realize need to cope with them and see where to take them or to take them anywhere at all. Depending on things go they may have already crossed a line that night, or perhaps they managed to get out with their purity intact.

I Want to Marry You When I Grow Up
The siblings are very young, the little Sister is even younger and in that innocent sort of way that little girls do declares she is going to marry her brother. Though he insists that can't happen she won't take no for an answer and eventually 'proposes' to him with a ring-pop. Wanting to let her down easy he tells her to wait until she's older and see if she still feels that way. Unfortunately he thinks she outgrew that, they grew apart as they became older and as he is getting ready to go off to college she asks him if she can pack his bags, that's one less thing for him to do so he agrees. Once at his dorm he unpacks and finds a ring-pop in his luggage and suddenly realizes that she may not have forgotten the promise.

The parents have decided to move but their kids are still in school, the brother is in college and the sister is going to high school, all locally. Rather than relocate them they decide to 'rent' the house to the brother who will watch his sister as part of the deal. They agree and the parents move out. While together the brother who is going to school for dentistry asks if he could brush her teeth for her, which is an odd request but she reluctantly agrees. Though the teeth-brushing part isn't anything specifically erotic the closeness of grooming her is noticed by both siblings and the next night she requests that he do it again and eventually they become closer in unintended ways.

The same age or maybe with a slight gap. The Sister comes home from school after being bullied, crying and generally distraught. Her class mates have made fun of her, specifically her lack of a relationship and being unattractive (or fat if you prefer, any negative characteristic we could add or subtract) and that's where the brother finds her. He comforts her and not sure how else to cheer her up offers to take her on a date. Innocent enough at first both start to wonder if there couldn't be more between them.

The Sister was in an accident and is now wheelchair bound. Adapting to the new lifestyle has been tough but with the parents working it was up to her Brother to take care of her. Helping her to cope with the disability and helping her around as well, picking her up and carrying her into wheelchair inaccessible rooms for example. The new closeness brings feelings of tenderness.

Unbeknownst to the siblings, they're dragged to the same costume party by their friends. In the costumes they can't recognize each other, which isn't a problem until they play '60 seconds in heaven' where two costumed party goers are locked in a closet where they get a minute to kiss. Once they've exited they don't think anything is amiss, until they both get home and see each others costumes and make the connection.

Something Different(?)
I don't know why. It's obvious I'm a total Sis-Con. I thought it would be cute to text/email back and forth with another Roleplayer IC as BrotherxSister. Like a long distance sort of relationship taking place 'realistically' through text, slow burning sort of thing too. Never done it before, have no idea how it would work. But it would be nice to have someone to talk to during the day especially when I'm at work. Even better if they've assumed the role of my imouto.

Those are just a few. PM me if you are interested!
Still looking forward partners. I have a few K9 plots going right now, I'm not against more but would definitely love to see more variety if anyone has any ideas on other pairings.
I wasn't sure how to illustrate what I wanted in the title. I'm looking for a FxF or FxM pairing. The idea I had was sort of something let the setup to Monster Musume where other species have come out of hiding and started to co-exist with people. I'm currently doing one RP like this but want to take up another one or two because I have so much fun with the idea and pairing.

We can hammer out individual plot ideas to make the plots 'ours' if you like. Such as them being room mates as well and things of that nature. There are some pictures below of examples of what I was thinking. Not specifically looking for 'furry' characters but I can be flexible as well, I'm not opposed.

K9 Pairing
Basically one of our characters would be a woman cop and the other would be a wolf/dog girl and together they'd be a "K9" unit which is half the fun right there but I also like giving the characters personalities that clash. Like the human not liking dogs, or the K9 being overly excited and dedicated and the human maybe being a little lazier or at odds with their partner.

Military Pairing
Likewise to the one above it would be a setting as soldiers or something but one would be human and the other would be a monster-species of their choosing. Centaur for example, or something else that would be fit for the job and we put them together to interact and manage situations and socialize with each other.

Anything Else
Have another idea for a pairing? Just let me know. I'm cool with almost anything but I really like the idea of the two different species working together at some sort of occupation. These were the two that stuck out to me the most.

PM me if you're interested in this idea or have any questions. I'm also up for other varieties
You guys can take my little plot of land. As soon as work started back up for me I kinda of fell off the map so probably a bad idea to sign up to this like that.
I don't need NYC or anything. I was more looking specifically for the lower Hudson Valley when I claimed those territories. Like, Newburgh and Westchester. Shitty economic areas that could turn into some road warrior shit after the end of the world but with a thug twist I guess.

I'll make my CS tomorrow night. It's already 5AM here.
I'm cool with the small area. Either I'll get more or die trying I guess. I haven't done a Nation RP so if I end up not doing well I can have my little G Empire collapse internally or something to no ill effect.

I'm also cool with a ton of empty space. Just roleplay it's take over from native population/tribes/towns/nation-states and such I guess? Than you could have nations fight for stretches of unclaimed territory amongst themselves too.
You literally did save it as a JPEG so it's practically unusable for anyone else to add onto.

I just want these two little territories.

I figure they're a Warrior Tribe that worship a variety of God-Kings such as Kanye The Giant. Formed by ancestors of inner city gangs generations of interbreeding and war have cemented their culture as one of strength and respect. In the savage Newburgh Nation one universal law has always remained true:

"Keeping it G ain't nuttin, you ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it."
Is this still an open interest check? The posts seem to be days apart but I think it would be fun.
@Lexibon in MxF do you play males or females?

Usually play females but I can play a male if you had something in mind :P
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