Avatar of Loki Odinson
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 325 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Loki Odinson 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Will be scarce from the 26th of December to the 2nd or 3rd of January
7 yrs ago
Family emergency came up. Will be off for a few days.
8 yrs ago
Oh, you know, the usual. Claim a throne, commit genocide, rid the Nine Realms of mewling quims and most importantly...mess with Thor. That always provide unparalleled entertainment.
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Do you think me a fool to shed light on my past, present and future so easily to strangers, you miserable Midgardians? Not even my brother - blundering oaf that he is and more importantly, not blood-related, thank the Allfather for that small mercy - knows everything I have done.

And these few words are all I shall grant to sate your thirst for the unknown. Now if you would excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim...again. Because some pests simply REFUSE to surrender and remain dead. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Most Recent Posts

@vancexentan It went down the gutter. I really should learn by now to write long posts in word doc then copy-paste it on here... :(
@JunkMail So just wondering...the sedative/dampener thing would be injected into the students before they arrive on The Promise, right? Or is it a temporary neutraliser? And we would be told to what extend our powers would be limited to?
@Eklispe Intent to bump into one of you while walking in a random direction. I left it a little vague so she'd be open for interactions. Sorry if it wasn't clear.

Day 1 - Morning...? (A little difficult to tell with all the leaves and branches in the way...)
Interactions: --

When she finally came to, the first thing that Shin-Ha registered was laying on her back upon unbelievably soft grass. Her sense of touch was the first to return, allowing her to feel the cotton fabric brushing her skin. That was most definitely not her uniform, for it covered the entire length of her arms and legs. Hearing was quick to follow, and the noise of softly rustling leaves and distant chirpings of birds or insects finally gave her the motivation to sit up and open her eyes, if only to take a good look at her surroundings. She blinked once. Twice. Then surged to her feet, spinning in a half-circle as she took in the dim, dense forest and large, towering trees she was pretty sure weren't native to any part of Japan. Taking a deep breath, she counted down to three before glancing down at herself. Yeah, the plain robes she currently wore held a distinct medieval look. Although her backpack remained the same, just with the contents filled with flasks and an alchemic set. She silently sighed. When she said she was looking forward to watch a historical play, she didn't mean she wanted to die and end up in a medieval-ish place herself.

Well, looked like the strange man in that white room was not pulling her leg. Truth be told, she had thought it all a bizarre dream, and had indulged in the man's requests to draw lots just because. Now however, once proven it wasn't a dream or over-active imagination, Shin-Ha was rather torn between becoming hysterical over the fact that she died and was apparently transported to another world, or the fact that she couldn't see her family back on Earth again. Her fingers trembled slightly as she ran a hand through her hair, trying valiantly to compartmentalize 'before death' and 'after death'. Taking another few deep, audible breaths to calm herself, she recalled the words that stranger said before she awoke in this new world. Something about heading south towards a town a few miles out in order to begin, whatever that meant. But there was also something else. Skills and stats and praying for screens. It sounded an awful lot like she was stuck in a virtual MMORPG. Nonetheless, it couldn't hurt to try. Closing her eyes, she wrecked her brain for words of prayer that wouldn't sound so dumb even if she wasn't going to say it aloud.

Dear...um...God? I suppose? Man up above? Deity somewhere above the stratosphere? Please be so kind and reveal to me my status screen, Shin-Ha mentally prayed, feeling a little silly as she cracked her right eye open to see if it worked. Were she the sort of girl to express herself outwardly without care, she would have whooped and punched the air in triumph. Instead, she allowed a small grin to curl her lips as her eyes took in the words printed on a blue holographic screen before her in neat lines of Japanese. Reading it carefully twice over, she dismissed it with another wish and nodded her head slightly in satisfaction. Her newly granted abilities may not be flashy or anything, but it was useful in her eyes and might fetch her some cash in this world. Finance was important no matter where one was.

Curiosity momentarily taken care of, Shin-Ha eventually deigned to take a look around. Due to the meagre light pouring through and the densely-packed state of the surrounding trees, it severely limited her visibility. However, she couldn't see any prone bodies nearby, so she decided to simply walk straight ahead and bump into someone. Hopefully, that someone would have a reliable compass or an ability to tell the direction. South...who the heck could pinpoint it without a clear view of the sky?
Maybe I should have gone for that position instead of Assassin, but can't pick it up now, seeing as we're restricted to one per player.
I will post for both Master and Servant once I get the events straightened out in my head.
@Lexicon Just letting you know that Amaya could meet Mei-Ran in the North. But, of course, whether you want them to or not, I'll leave it to your discretion.

Level: 1
Day/Time: Day 1 - Evening
Location: Tetris Castle Council Room --> Erion, forest outside of Raganival Castle
Mention: Guile @Holy Soldier
Interaction: Slayer @Lugubrious, Quina Quen @Hylozoist, Crash Bandicoot @Argetlam350, Hunter @SuddenSardines

Not surprisingly, Ezio was next to Quina when s/he waddled in with a mountain of food, and the Assassin edged a little to the left when Guile took hold of the little being and dragged him/her out of the room bodily, followed by the plate and finally, the click of the lock on the door. He spared a mental wince of apology and sympathy for Quina as s/he wou.d be missing out on the briefing. Not to mention, it was their first mission to boot! However, all thoughts on filling his friend up on the details were pushed to the back of his mind as Guile began the briefing in earnest. He wasn't entirely surprised at the lack of information but felt rather wary of the effectiveness of the vaccine. Even so, like the Street Fighter said, it was better than nothing, and at least after the successful completion of this mission, they would have access to more information regarding the Virus. Ezio's gaze was fixed unerringly on the cube and the written information it provided, trying as best he could to memorize it all. Location, terrain, background, mission objective, teams and members of each. He was pleased to note Quina's name near his in Team 1 and didn't find any objections in Crash Bandicoot being marked as team leader, for he was content in following orders unless they were obviously suicidal. He would provide his opinion when asked for or whenever necessary, and depending on the nature of his team. Were they to be the scouts? Support? Frontline heavy hitters?

When the briefing ended, he remained seated for a little longer as the majority of the heroes filed out of the room, not wanting to be swept in the rush to level 49. It also provided him time to mull over the facts they had been given and an opportunity to ensure his inventory remained unchanged. Counting to the one minute mark, he exited the Council Room silently, heading upwards to receive his shot. Although the concept of letting some unknown near his bare skin to stick a needle in didn't appeal to him and he had watched at the person vaccinating him like a hawk, the entire process was over in five minutes.

Back at the lower level, Ezio made his way over to the teleporter that would take them all to the Erion Kingdom, easily picking Quina out in the crowd despite his/her lack of height. With his relatively sharp eyesight, he could see conversations between the members of his team already ongoing, meaning his tardiness had cost him to miss out on whatever pleasantries - of lack thereof - were being exchanged. Slotting himself seamlessly beside his friend, Ezio greeted the other members of Team 1 with a courtly half-bow, holding it for half a second. It didn't hurt to be polite to people who he was going to trust to guard his back, after all.

"Apologies for keeping you waiting. I look forward to working with you all, cara squadra." He said as he straightened, allowing his Eagle Vision to flicker on as he scrutinised the four of them individually. As expected, now that he recognised them as allies, all of them appeared blue in his vision, even the enigmatic Hunter he half-expected to turn up grey. Nonetheless, he wasn't complaining as it would allow him to keep a much better track of his team during the mission. Although the mask floating by Crash's side didn't register as an anything, he noticed that the others weren't bothered by its presence. Maybe it was a topic they discussed before he arrived, so he dismissed it with a mental shrug. Satisfied, he deactivated the ability, returning his eyes from gold to its usual brown.

"We are not going on an expedition, mio amico. We are tasked with a mission to liberate the Kingdom of Erion from the Demon Lord Odin and save a certain Princess Gwendolyn." Ezio turned to Quina, laying a firm hand on his/her left shoulder. "However, you need to get to the 49th level in order to get a shot of vaccine. Precaution from being infected by the M-Virus."

Removing his hand, Ezio faced the teleporter, tilting his head slightly to the side as he studied it before he closed the distance between him and the contraption. "Well, shall we? There's no point in lingering, I suppose. We can always discuss tactics and strategy after we see the terrain." He muttered, throwing a glance over his shoulder and stepped in, half-hoping that the transport process wasn't as disorientating as the last one was.
@Bishop Just a heads-up, number 13 has already been taken
Quick question: Has Team 1 gone through the portal yet? Or are they still in the castle?
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