Avatar of Lone Wanderer
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ALoneWanderer
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 802 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Lone Wanderer 10 yrs ago


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@Cyclone I'd like to request some rolls too please.
As the many before me, interested!

Civilization Name: Rethellian Systems Alliance
Species Name: Rethellian
Member of the Galactic Conclave?: YES
Name of Galactic Conclave Representative: Ambassador Arterius
Basic Description of Civilization:
A species known for it's disciplined and militaristic culture, the Rethellians were among the first races to join the Galactic Conclave and have since filled the niche within the alliance as it's prominent military power in providing starships and soldiers for military and peacekeeping operations. A position which sees itself threatened by the recent joining of the Kell Imperium, whom boasts a similar culture of military might and strength.

The Rethellians are an honorable and proud peoples led by a militaristic republic known as the Senate. Full citizenship may only be acquired by military service for the Rethellian military stands at the center of society representing more a public works organisation than simple armed force. Within this disciplined society however lies engrained a particular sense of freedom. A Rethellian is allowed a great deal of personal freedoms and may pursue them freely for as long as they do not impede upon one's ability to serve and do one's duty, in which case a superior shall step in. It is within this society of discipline and personal freedom that the Rethellians exist.

<Snipped quote by Aristo>

If we don't get any new players soon, I might be closing some of these borders if you are willing.

Spaces that need to be filled now: spot between @LordZell, @Lone Wanderer, and @Willy Vereb. Up to you three who wants it.

@Liotrent the rest of your peninsula needs to be claimed, do you want it? Maybe a colony for someone else?

Space between @solamelike @Elgappa and @Lone Wanderer.

@Ekreture Want that strip of land leading up to Solamelike? Maybe you two split and border at that river?

I'm fine with expansion in any direction as long the border's pretty. :)
King Alaric I

O Lord our God arise

"Afore we adjourn, there is but one more matter I intend to meet this day." King Alaric spoke as he sat up from his throne. The heavy cloak he bore across his shoulders of a royal blue, it's trim lined with fur and a clasp of gold across the heart, whispered lightly across the floor as Alaric stepped down from his throne and the slight plinth it sat upon. At it's foot he neared his champion, Jarl, whose longsword's edge met stone as he stood there clad in chain-mail and half-plate. With a nod the warrior turned the blade's hilt towards the King who clasped it and turned aside, blade now in hand.

"Baron Conrad Sforza, we bid you approach. Approach and kneel, and arise a Duke of this realm... With this blade I would dub thee Duke of the Duchy of Lussex. Under your charge may these lands never falter, nor face hardships nor tribulation, may they prosper and stand tall."

It would be some weeks following the First Council's end that James Conrad's letter would arrive at the capital. It bore news of starving peoples in the Summit and of a growing fear of the Order of the Wasps amongst it's populace. Furthermore no levies, iron or gold, had been seen from the Summit during the season and it was suspected that nor would they come. As night fell upon the capital the same day the Duke's letter had arrived, a raven, as white as snow, was released into the night sky with a letter of ink adorned by the royal seal. It's destination however would not be the Summit, but to the wild lands of Lussex.

King Alaric I

Long May He Reign

"Thank you, Pastor." Alaric Gyre spoke as a knight of Silk and Iron returned the Vinossian Pastor his tome. "You have my word that I shall do all within my power to ensure the Faith stands as stalwart as in the days of old. For Vinos lies as deeply within my heart as any within this Kingdom and whilst this crown rests upon my head I will do all I can." Alaric declared before his gaze turned to the Duke Demotarius. "I understand your grievances my Duke. It is however a necessity that the Church, that venerable institution to which we all look to guidance for, is maintained by the Realm which it guides. Do know however that your wise council is known."

The King would only watch on in silence as Duke Conrad left the throne room. A scowl hid itself well upon Alaric's face as he watched the man leave, the Council had not yet finished and this petulant Duke had taken it upon himself to walk away. Unsaid words fell away upon his lips as the emissaries from the Elven and Dwarven realms were admitted into the throne room. Another time, Conrad.

First came the Dwarves. "Master Dwarves. It is an honour, and you do me too much with such a fine gift. The Realm and it's peoples thank you and it is upon that same merry note that I can do nothing but accept this agreement for trade. Dwarven goods shall find many a home amongst our people just as surely as ours shall within Marak, of that I hold no doubt." The King spoke in a measured tone. His tone bore a hint of warmth, enough that one might find friendship in if they tried, but not enough so that those he spoke to forgot he was a King.

Following the bearded folk came the ethereal folk of the woodlands. Elves. The approach of hooded figures had several knights of the Silk and Iron taking steps forward whilst the King offered his reply to the Elven Prince. "You shall find Osteria to be a stalwart nation of stalwart peoples, Prince Galonos." The King replied somewhat testily. "I too would like to see an improvement in relations between our two peoples, and a trade agreement is something which I can easily accept."
Just a heads up to everyone. I've updated my latest post with my choice for Spymaster to push things along.
King Alaric I

The King leant back in his throne as he silently reflected. Several nobles - The venerable Baron Sforza, the solicitous Duke Conrad, the accomplished Lord Stolt, the beguiling Duchess Allard and the stalwart Duchess Keto who he'd left a Duchy. All had stepped forth and spoken and he'd listened to them all with an attentiveness. A few long seconds passed as Alaric mulled their words and his own thoughts over within his head. With some concern the young King watched the receding backs of both his advisor and his Holiness the Ecclesiast, unwilling to create a scene however he would trust in Thorne to do what was right as they left the throne room. Not however without a nod to the Knight of Silk and Iron who stood besides the door they were leaving through, to which the Knight would fall in lockstep behind the pair as they left. It simply would not do to leave both his own personal advisor and his holiness unprotected and unguarded. To the keenest amongst the council and for those who were looking, eleven knights, all of the Silk and Iron, remained within the King's throne room.

"You all honour me, truly. I believe I have made up my mind." Alaric spoke. "Lord Jerran Gades Stolt, I would name you my Marshal. Your words honour the memory of my father who spoke well and often of you, and you hold the support of those within the council. I would have no other man command the Black Army... I know you will forgive me my Lord Sforza, I know you to be a fine and capable leader of men, and it is for this reason I would have you continue your lordship over the lands of Lussex in defense of the realm." The King spoke with a nod to both men.

"In regards to the position of Spymaster..." The King lingered for a second. His thoughts turning to how quickly and easily an assassin of the Order of the Wasp had only moments ago approached both him and his advisor. He doubted even Jarl would have got to the man had he harbored ill intent before it would have been too late. Whom he chose now would wield such power, he had to trust them implicitly. In truth he knew little about either of the two Dukes though he found himself in favor of the Lady Allard. James Conrad whilst undoubtedly competent was a man surrounded in the vilest of rumors and had been removed from the past King's own council, assuredly for good reason. The Duchess on the other hand he knew even less off, though he couldn't deny her charisma nor the seeming competence displayed in her first few words on the post.

"Duchess Anfel Allard, I would name you my Spymaster. To shield this realm from vile intrigues and deceit shall be your charge."

With his council now chosen. Alaric turned his mind to that of the Faith and the Vinossian Cleric whom represented them alongside his Holiness himself. "Honoured Cleric, would thou have any words for us on behalf of the Faith?"

King Alaric I

The last three days had swept by in a blur of magnificence and splendor even Alaric couldn't quite describe. Alaric was a King by both noble and Divine mandate with the Faith itself having cast a vote in his name. A crown rested upon his head and the Second Osterian Kingdom was his, his to govern, to rule, his responsibility. Would it be wrong to say he had enjoyed the ceremony, the spectacle caused by his ascendancy? Even the throne room around him commanded respect, commanded dignity as the purple banners of House Gyre hung upon each stone wall and flew from standards atop the walls.

His hands clutched the stone arms of his throne as he listened intently to his advisor Thorne whilst his eyes wandered across the assembled nobility. Carved by Dwarves it was said, the Throne was a sight to behold. A great stone seat, it's hard grey surface inlaid with an intricate metal design of an equally fine craft. This seat of power had history, a lineage of Kings and Alaric was to be the latest addition to it's long tale. He would endeavor to make his a worthy one.

"My Lords and Ladies. We welcome you." Alaric spoke as he regarded his Council after a grateful nod to his advisor. "We gather here today, as you know in the first of our councils, to talk of the realm. The fate of which lies upon us to protect, to guide and it requires our guidance now. Let us meet these matters swiftly and surely... I am aware that I had made promises of these positions of which we are to discuss, promises I am wont to disregard lest it be for the betterment of the Realm. I will however offer any among you the chance to speak freely now regarding the noble seats of Marshal and Spymaster upon my Council, now that you have all heard what would be required of you." The King however wouldn't leave an opening before moving onto another, more, sensitive subject.

"Afore you speak however, I wish to entertain the second issue of this evening. This Crown has ordained that the levying of iron, grain and gold under Good Lord Timmault might remain the same until the need for recourse makes itself necessary or until such a time that we face a dire change in the state of our Kingdom." The King declared.

"Now, I would invite any aspirant for those valued positions of Marshal and Spymaster to step forth, and say your piece so that I might make judgement. Following that, I would invite our honored Cleric of the Faith to represent the most hallowed Church of Vinos."
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