Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


Recent Statuses

26 days ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
1 mo ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic ๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„๐Ÿง„
3 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
3 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
3 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
1 like


"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

Dibs on the spellcaster!
Hey fucktard. Might hop in.

Well, he'd been pretty bored the last few days, guess there'd be no reason to say no. He was about to speak up, when just about everyone else did before him. Welp. Oh well, he had all day, what's a little more time to wait?

He let his mind wander, like usual, and began to think of the mission they were tasked with. He himself wasn't a fighter, but a couple of these fellas look like they could hold their own. Hopefully they could talk their way out of this, fighting took way to much energy, and getting hurt wasn't exactly at the top of his list.

But there was still the question of how they'd convince him. He'd be very unlikely to stop with just a "Please". Maybe they'd have to bribe him? Blackmail could work, but they'd have to get something close to him. Probably save that as a last resort, he wasn't really into that.

Well, if push does come to shove, he'd probably leave the fighting to these guys, he'd probably just get in the way. Maybe he could distract someone, let the others get a surprise attack o r somethin'. Oh well.

I'll toss my hat in.

This place was like nothing Milon had ever seen. It reminded him of the museums he used to visit, only far more regal. Then came the question of why he was here. All he knew was that this woman wanted to see him, and apparently these others. We hy him though? He was some druggie-looking dude who just wandered unto the city. Unless... she new he was exalted. Was there a way to tell? He didn't really ever tell anybody he was. How odd. But what was he here for?

"Well, uh... I'm looking for a trainer as well, I guess. Somethin' like that."

It had then only struck him that he should likely try to be more refined in his speech around important people, it'd probably make a better first impression of himself. Then again, maybe he'd never see these guys again. Maybe they'd part ways after this and never pay attention to each other again! Or they'd be working together, and he'd already established himself as "Weed Man". Well, the old guy and the monkey guy would probably make good friends. They seem like they wouldn't mind a Weed Man. Maybe they're Weed Men themselves?

He still had no idea why he was here. Maybe they're looking for a part time employee? Guess he'd find out. Probably, anyways.

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