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Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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City: ???
Location: Black Cathedral - Entrance

BGM: Melody of Water

Libero, Noel, and their Butler were in a position to see the Black Cathedral from afar, even before they reached the place itself. An ominous edifice, it was nevertheless a place of unexpected safety, especially with the Inquisition having better things to do than repression...

The carriage soon reached the outskirts of the Black Cathedral, an edifice one could call the Church of Inquisition's "base of operations". Ominous as it was, this was the goal behind Libero and Carmilla's plan. Away from Venedig's corrupt ideals, they would hide Noel from the corruption of the slave market and trade. "We're arriving at the destination." The butler spoke from the outside. Noel opened the curtains, curious as how they had arrived at somewhere supposedly five days away from Venedig in such a short time like three and a half hours of travel. When he opened it, he saw the cathedral and was immediately brought in shock. "T-That's... the Black Cathedral. Big brother, weren't we supposed to be going to the Reich's capital as Father ordered?" He asked. "There is no way I would hand you over to the emperor. This isn't what either me or Mom would want for you, Noel. We don't need another slave trader in our home." Libero explained. "Then... your plan was for you to take me here to the Cathedral? To the enemies of Venedig and the whole Iron Decree?" Noel asked. "Yes. From here, you'll be able to learn the opposite of what Dad has been wishing. You'll be able to pursue the dream you always wanted, Noel. The dream of making an institute for magic research, learning and control for all people." Libero spoke, happy.

It's true... Noel's wish was to create an institute academy where people could research, learn and control magic. An organization not solely for the nobles of the Reich, but for all who wished to learn it. It may be an utopic dream, but it was Noel's dream. "Libero, I... I don't know what to say... but if Father finds out, then you'll be-" Noel spoke, speechless and worried about Libero. "Don't worry about me. I did this knowing of all risks. I'd rather be dead but with a clean conscience that you are safe than alive regretting that you became another of us." Libero said. Still, this worried Noel. However, he had no arguments to tackle his brother back. Soon, the carriage stopped. "My lords, we have arrived at the Black Cathedral!" The butler spoke.

Noel and Libero left the carriage inside and were now at the entrance. The river seemed to flow underneath it, as if it was a secret entrance. In the distance, Noel saw a bot coming their way. "Look, there's a boat with people coming our way!" He pointed it out. "My contact has arrived. Let's wait a little bit before getting inside." Libero spoke.

City: Venedig
Location: Fragarach Manor - Stables

BGM: Smile-less soiree

Libero walked in the stables, only to find Noel petting the horses. Once he arrived, his little brother stopped what the was doing and walked towards him. "So we're departing... I'll get inside the carriage then." Noel said, sounding hopeless. Nina pecked him once more so he could lighten up. "... It's going to be fine, Noel. You don't need to stay so depressed." Libero said, trying to cheer him up. However, nothing could make Noel feel less than miserable at that moment. He sluggishly went inside the carriage as one of the butlers came by. "Are you sure of this, Lord Libero? This will incite fury upon the Duke." He commented. "Any wrath coming from my father is worth it if my brother is safe from this mess. The Fragarach family is composed of nothing but devils. He needs to get out of here." Libero said. "But the Church of Inquisition isn't exactly pure, my Lord! Isn't there any monastery where he can stay in peace?!" The butler questioned, worried about Libero's idea. "I have faith in the Church. Besides, if they're truly so corrupt, perhaps Noel might be a good thing to cleanse them." He said.

The butler still couldn't believe in Libero's idea, but had no more ways of questioning his methods. "... Very well, my Lord. I will take you there, as instructed." He spoke. Libero nodded and went inside the carriage as well. Once the butler sat on the outside seat, he ordered the two horses to move, with a single lash of his whip. And so, Libero and Noel departed from the manor, going to the Church of Inquisition.
Location: Fon Ventorian Mansion - Main Hall

The moment Marilee mentioned the Four Comets, Astra and Lass already had accepted the deal. Of course, the Black Moon's involvement with the town would grow beyond their liking and expectations, but such is the price.

Astra: Hmhm. Line, hook and sinker, eh Resistance?

Lass: The Black Moon accepts your terms.

Roger: Whoa whoa! T-That fast?!

Astra: What do you mean "that fast"? You're the one who hasn't got the idea here.

Lass: Well then, how shall this proceed now? Are we under your command or can we still do our own business as always?

Astra: I'm highly sure we can still move around freely, yet we'll be sharing info with them from now on. Besides, more work means more training, so I'm fine with whatever.

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Entrance

BGM: Warm City still playing

Veronica: Aww, don't worry about it! I'm Veronica, but you can call me Vivi!

Sayaka: And I'm Sayaka. It's a pleasure.

Veronica: Since you're all on a trip, we won't bother you much. But hey, feel free to drop out at home and make a visit!

Veronica: Alright, Sayaka, let's get going! Hinamori, I hope you enjoy the trip. We'll catch each other someday soon!

Sayaka: Nice meeting you again, Hinamori. And have fun with the trip, everyone.

Sayaka and Veronica left together to their classroom. Their eager humming could still be heard as they went inside.

World: World War II
Location: England - Lucy's Shop

BGM: Satellite Café Terrace still playing

Lucy replied to Judah as she kept repairing the army truck, "That's good! Sorry for not being able to prepare a quick lunch, but happy to meet you all - My name is Lucille Bolt, mechanic and repairwoman! And I think that if Judah trusts you, I am going to as well."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lucille. I'm Agni and these are Ignitio, Victor and Vic." Agni presented them. "You... look really pretty! Oh, but you seem super cool too!" Victor said. Ignitio kept himself quiet, not interested in talking much.

Her voice seemed charged with energy, with an enthusiasm that most people would find infectious. Judah was visibly smiling as he looked at Agni before making his reply, "If it puts Lucy in danger, automatic refusal. But I will still hear you out - There are hints of something greater coming from Moogle Gossip, but they're not saying anything much."

Agni could understand what it meant to having her put into danger. At the same time, bringing Lucy with them was necessary. After all, they were here for her. "I see. Well, like I said, I's very much explain it to you. Although I believe it's best if we spoke in particular. You, her and me." Agni said. "I am not letting you speak with a stranger alone, much less with someone who almost attacked us in sight." Ignitio protested, walking forward. "Ignitio, I need you and Victor on the lookout. Apparently, the Heartless are still on the run and we need you to defend the shop while we talk." Agni explained.

"Aye aye, Agni- ouch!!" Victor saluted, but he rose his hand so fast that he ended up hitting himself. "Oww, that hurts..." Victor compained. "As... you can see, we'll definitely need someone looking out for the shop. I trust you're able to do it." Agni spoke. Ignitio nodded and looked at Judah. He sent a serious glare before turning his face away.

He then took off his trenchcoat and deposited it at a nearby hanger, revealing the shirt and vest underneath, as well as a long pair of trousers and thick combat boots. Then he continued to say to Agni, Victor, and Vic, ignoring Ignitio for now, "But first, lunch. You three, can you cook? I have some talent in the kitchen myself."

"I can cook. I'll help you two out." Agni spoke. "Uh... I don't know how to cook... oh, but I can play music for us to have fun!" Victor said, summoning his violin. Ignitio looked at them. "I don't need to eat. Have lunch to yourselves. The least I can do is check if there's no poison in the food." He said. "Go outside. If you're going to be grumpy and stupid, you can do the watch job early." Agni spoke, shooing Ignitio away. "... Alright, fine. Just be careful, I don't want you or Victor getting hurt." Ignitio said, leaving the shop.

"Friends? Me?" he looked confused again. This was the second time in the same day that a stranger asked to be his friend. This never happened back home, people kept to their own and stuck within their clicks or inner circles, always hesitant to allow anyone new inside them. But these brothers were practically the opposite of that. Well, two of them were anyway. Ignitio remained skeptical of basically everything, and that included Vic as well, "Well, sure, okay." he said, nodding but honestly had no idea what else to say.

Victor just reminded that Vic had answered about him becoming friends. He thought about topics to talk with Vic. "So, erm... Vic. You... do you... no, that's not the question... maybe I could... wait, that's not good..." Victor thought out loud. Soon, he started to get nervous. "Erm... uhh... w-well... I was going to... maybe we could... urgh...!! Agni, help me here! I don't know any topics to talk with friends!" He called for help. Agni looked at him, awkward to be called like that. "Umm... maybe talk about music, I guess?" He spoke, a little uncertain. "Oh, music! Right, good idea! So, uh... let's start this again. Vic-" Victor was going to ask again, but he froze. Again. "Uhh... hmmm... no, I don't know how to ask that either!! Agni, help again, please!" Victor called for help once more.
Post done.

City: Venedig
Location: Fragarach Manor - Noel's Room

BGM: Welcome to Despair Academy

Noel looked at the open window. The horizon as the sun began to leave was beautiful, yet it didn't give him any other emotion. Despair took the entirety of Noel's heart as he wactehd the distance with a black stare. His eyes were red, not only because they were naturally of that color... but because he cried for a lot of minutes. After all tears came, he could only stay in silence, contemplating the shadow of the Reich in the distance, since his window was aimed towards its direction. It's true he wanted to meet the Emperor Karl Maximillian someday, but not under the circumstances that were present right now. Suddenly, knocks on the door could be heard. "Noel, it's Mama. Can I come in?" A womanly voice spoke. "... The door isn't locked." He answered, without doing a single movement. She entered inside his room, wearing a beautiful pink kimono as a bird stood right at her shoulder. She walked towards her son. "Nina came to me and chirped a little. Were you crying, Noel?" She asked. "I was... mourning my dreams. That's what the tears were for, Mother." He said.

Carmilla Fragarach, mother of the three sons. She never had a hard-working lifestyle, but understood the meaning of effort. She tried her best to be a good mother to her children, albeit each of them pursued different morals and ethic values. "Noel... dear, look at me. I know how you feel, but you must calm down. Everything will be OK, you just have to-" She spoke, but Noel interrupted her. "Believe? Is that what you were about to say?" Noel asked her. She was going to answer but he continued. "What part of it should I give my belief? The part that I'll be trained to become another slave master? The part where I will create a fight for Father's heritage? The part where my actions will just help the Iron Decree?" He questioned. "Noel... son, you must understand-" Carmilla tried to calm him down, but to no avail. "Understand?! Why do I have to understand anything?! Father doesn't make a single effort to understand my point of view! Isn't it fair if I do the same?!" Noel complained.

"I can only imagine that you had an argument with your father, Noel. Believe me, I was against his selection and told him about this. However, Grandalt's... stubborn. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to convince him to change his mind and send William in your stead. But listen to what I tell you: it's going to be alright." Carmilla spoke going towards her son. She leaned at him and looked directly in his eyes. "Don't abandon your pure heart, no matter what. Keep that faith within you at all costs. When the time comes, you will change the world, Noel." She spoke. Carmilla took something out of her pockets and gave it to Noel. "A pendant... it's heart-shaped..." He said. "Inside the pendant, there's a photo. You, me and Libero, together. Keep it with you, always." She spoke.

The door opened once again. This time, it was Libero, who arrived minutes ago, while Noel and Grandalt were discussing. "Is everything ready, Noel?" He asked. "... Yes, Big Brother. I'm... ready to leave." Noel answered. The bird, called Nina, stood right at his shoulder. She pecked him lightly, as if they were small kisses. "Hehe... oh, Nina. You won't leave me, will you?" He asked her and she pecked him once again. "Alright, alright. Let's go then." Noel said, grabbing his things and leaving the room.

Libero and Carmilla looked at each other. "Will this really work, Libero? Are you sure that this plan will save Noel?" She asked. "I'll ensure he'll get there safely, Mom. I've already spoken with my contact." He said. She let out a sigh of worry. "Don't worry, Mom. I won't let Noel fall into the temptation of slavery." Libero spoke. "Please, Libero... be careful... this is our only chance." She said. He nodded and left the room as Carmilla herself looked at the window.
@Letter Bee and everyone, I did some revisions on Noel's profile in the CHAR regarding weaponry, skills and music. I want to let everyone know about this so my next post won't sound ridiculous.
Posted. Also, had to do a quick edit to include Libero's part.
City: Venedig
Location: Central Section - Streets

He left the pub after a long chat with a contact. People would hardly go to such a place in the afternoon, but it was necessary for him to put his plan into action. He needed to do it, in order to save his youngest brother from the corruption of Venedig. That was a wish held by Libero Fragarach, eldest son of the Fragarach House. His brown hair and white attire gave the sensation of a peaceful noble, but Libero knew how deep his sins go. Accessary and even participant to the sudden decision of adopting the Iron Decree's holding in his family, he seeks redemption by saving Noel from participating on slavery.

As he began to leave, a strange man reached him. "Hey, you're Libero, right? One of the bosses told me to find you." The man spoke. "Yes, what is it?" Libero asked. "We're already starting the attack on these shitty nobles. If anything goes right, we're leaving soon enough." The man now whispered in Libero's ear. Those were good news. All that he had to do now is fetch Noel. "I see. Thank you very much. I'll pretend this never happened." Libero said with a slight smile in his face. The man left and went his way while Libero headed straight home, running as fast as he could.

"Noel, don't worry. I'll take you away from this... to somewhere and to people that will ensure you'll never resort to this!"

City: Venedig
Location: Eastern Section - Fragarach Manor Entrance

BGM: Conquest ~ Ablaze (Arrange) still playing

After walking a little, Noel reached his home. Two pairs of maids and a butler were outside, tending the garden at the manor's entrance. "Oh, young lord Noel! Welcome back home!" One of the maids greeted him. "Hello, everyone! I brought a magnolia with me today. Isn't it beautiful?" He said. "It really is, young lord. Should we plant it here at the garden with the other flowers?" The butler asked. "Actually, I want to treat it myself. I'll be taking it to my room." Noel spoke. "I'll carry it for you, young lord!" Another maid said. "Won't it bother you? I can take it myself, so it won't be a problem." Noel spoke. "No, no, by all means. Please, let me carry it, young lord." She said once more, picking the vase. The servants like Noel and he likes them. Exchanging smiles, the maid begins to leave with the flower when the door opens.

BGM: Black Liliana

From the inside of the manor, a blue eyed young man appeared. Wearing a white robe and green noble garments, with a smug smile on his face. The maid carrying the magnolia quickly went inside at his presence the rest of the servants returned to work. "Well, look who's finally home. Daddy's waiting for you and, as usual, you turn up late." He spoke. "... It wasn't my intention to leave him waiting, William. I just did a short trip to the florist." Noel explained himself.

The middle son, William Fragarach. The definition of arrogance in person. Steps on everyone and plays rank in order to do whatever he wants. As the Fragarach are one of the few families with a connection to the Emperor, this makes their influence in Venedig higher. In return, they ensure the functionality of the Iron Decree and slave trading as the main economy. Raised with this rule fully engrossed in his mind, William never cared about anyone's life. Rather, he thrills on the suffering of those who are under him, whether financially or in political interests. Not only that, but as the chosen heir between the three brothers, he feels as a superior being in general.

"Well, whatever. If you were there, was there an auction going on? Or rather, is it still going on?" William asked. "Unfortunately, there's an auction happening and it hasn't ended yet. The nobles are still doing their bids." Noel said. "And you didn't bring a single slave back with you? Only a measly flower?" William asked again. "I refuse to enter these auctions. Besides, we already torture enough slaves at the manor, to the point we don't need more of them around." Noel complained, only to receive a flick on the forehead from William. "Oh, but you are an idiot. There's no such thing as "enough slaves", Noel. They should be happy to have somewhere to even sleep. We're doing a favor, a noble sacrifice to those people." Part of this speech was completely sarcastic. "A dungeon isn't exactly what I call a "place to sleep"! Also, they are cold and starving! What part of this slavery is noble to you?!" Noel questioned. William only sighed at his brother's empathy towards slaves. "Fool. In any case, I need to pick up your part, as always. Now go ahead and speak with Daddy." William said, barging at Noel's shoulder and leaving with a smirk.

*BGM fades*

"... Slimy, arrogant, good-for-nothing imbecile." Noel muttered.

BGM: Nighteyes

"What did you say, you brat?" William looked at Noel fiercely. Their relationship as brothers always had the word argument tied to it. After all, it wasn't love. Noel and William hated each other. "That you are a slimy, arrogant, good-for-nothing imbecile! Do you want me to repeat that again?!" Noel answered, with a bitter and sharp tongue. "Well, at the very least, I'm not a disappointment like you! All of us know I'm Daddy's favorite, because you can't do one thing right! You're free to be jealous of me, pest." William bragged. "I have no intentions of being jealous of you, nor do I care about not being Father's favorite! On the contrary, I'll hold myself to a sense of dignity and humility of not torturing innocents through slavery, unlike someone who loves to roll in the mud all day long!" Noel replied. "Dignity? Humility?! You're delusional, that's what! Or what, your pure heart gives you a sense of justice in not taking any of those losers?! Get real, Noel! It's their fault for being useless!" William mocked. "Useless?! What gives you the right to deem someone as useless?! You don't know about their lives or their story to judge someone useful or not!" Noel questioned. "I'm a noble! Top of the food chain, standing at the pinnacle of the mountain! Any lowborn and lowlife is useless and their places as slaves is nothing more than deserved!" William answered.

The people on the streets and houses stopped to watch the argument between the brothers as it started to heat up. The maids and butlers were trying to shoo everyone away, but little did their words work. "You're despicable... I can't believe I share blood with someone so heartless as you! Have you no shards of regards to the lives of others?!" Noel questioned. "My life matters to me. Anyone else can just die in a fire and I wouldn't even care! Heck, even if you die, it wouldn't matter to me!" William spoke. "Perhaps this is the only sentiment we both share. I hold no pride of knowing that I'm your brother, even less when people tell that to me! After all, I live with a pig, not with a human!" Noel insulted his brother. "Oh, I'm a pig?! Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror, you dumb rat?! You're so petty! Who do you think you are, you failure?!" William insulted back. "I may be a failure, but I'm noble not only in money, but in actions, while you step on everyone you meet in your way!! People aren't your stepping stones and they'll strike back at the moment you expect the less, William!!" Noel began to scream. "Let them come!! See if I give a damn!! I'm strong enough to defend myself, unlike the weakling little brother that's standing right in my front!! Ain't that right, Noel?!" William screamed as well.

The audience was divided. Some of them defended Noel and some of them defended William. The cheers were loud at that point and none of the servants were able to contain the excitement.

*BGM fades*

"ENOUGH!!!" A loud and powerful voice echoed as the door slammed. Once he appeared, the audience dispersed nervously as Noel and William looked at the figure.It was no one other than Grandalt Fragarach, head of the family and father to Noel, William and their eldest brother Libero. As everyone dispersed, Grandalt looked at his sons. "... Noel, with me to my study room. Now." He ordered. Noel gave William a last glance and went inside with his father.

BGM: 7 weights

Noel followed Grandalt to his study room. Once they reached it, Grandalt went to his seat while Noel stood there, looking at his father. "Noel. Have you decided to reconsider this rebellious phase of yours, as I requested before?" Grandalt asked. "No, Father. I won't change my morals and values." Noel answered, firmly. "*sigh*... You are a son of the Fragarach family, one of the most influential families in Venedig, yet you act so stubbornly that it compromises our reputation. You don't participate in auctions like your brothers, you care for the slaves... do you see that you are putting everything at risk here, Noel?" Grandalt asked once more. "With all due respect, I will repeat what I said to William. I hold no pride on my family name. To know that in my blood runs this... dirt is nothing more than despicable for me." Noel answered.

This was expected. This conversation happened more than once, times enough to lose count. No matter what Grandalt spoke, Noel didn't change. But instead of spewing words, Grandalt had an action today. "I see. If that's your final decision, then you leave me no choice." He said, taking out a letter. While he didn't show the contents of the letter to his son, Grandalt spoke of it. "This is an invitation from the Emperor himself. A few selected families were chosen to send representatives of their own for advanced education and training of the Iron Decree. This will include also extensive training in combat and magic training. And if you noticed by the letter... the Fragarach were chosen as well." Grandalt explained. "OK, I understand. But what does this have to do with me, Father? I don't care about the Empire's plans with the Iron Decree. Perhaps William will be interested in going if you tell him." Noel said. "... That is true. If I spoke to William, he would most certainly go and be our representative. However..." Grandalt spoke and paused for a moment.

*BGM fades*

"You are the one going as our representative, Noel."

BGM: Goddess gardena

Noel wasn't believing in his father's words. He was the chosen one? Out of all people in this house, Grandalt chose him? "Think of it as an honor for you to possibly meet the Emperor himself and as your punishment for being unobedient for far too long. I've already asked for the maids to prepare your things. You depart tonight." Grandalt instructed him. Noel's hand closed in a fist, with mixed emotions of anger and sadness welling up through his body. "No... no, this can't be... I... I don't want to go!! I'm not going!!" Noel protested, tears flowing from his eyes. "I've told you already, my decision is final and there is no longer questioning. You will learn how the world works and will abandon your senseless idealism. This is for the future of our family." Grandalt spoke. "I don't care about this stupid family, this stupid decree and your stupid decision!! You're ruining everything for me!! My life's already miserable as it is and you still want to deepen my scars?!" Noel kept arguing. "It took me years to build our foundation. If I don't fix you, we'll eventually be led to ruin! Whether by words or by force, I'll mold you into the Fragarach way no matter the cost!" Grandalt's tone elevated, anger showing up. "It doesn't matter to me!! I don't want to inherit this cursed legacy!! I want to create mine!!" Noel swung his arm in fury, dropping one of the vases in the room.

At that point, Grandalt got up from his seat walked to Noel and gave him a hard slap across the face. "That's enough from you!! Noel Fragarach, you are officially our representative and this decision is final!! I won't tolerate your wailing anymore!! Now leave to your room and wait for your brother Libero to get home!!" Grandalt screamed. Noel turned his face back to his father and looked at him. Without hesitation, he slapped Grandalt back. "I... I hate you... I hate you, hate you, HATE YOU!! You... ruined everything... my dreams... my hopes... all of it... all for some stupid legacy!!" He screamed back. "I already knew... you never loved me from the start... I always knew we could never be father and son, like you are with William... but this... this is...!!" Under tears, Noel left the room, running away. Grandalt touched his cheek, right where Noel slapped him. He sat back on his chair. And after that, he slammed his table in anger.
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