Avatar of MarshiestMallow


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. Its no longer your best at that point.
7 yrs ago
The word homeowner has the word "meow" in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again. You're welcome ^.^
7 yrs ago
When everything seems wrong...something goes right, and it changes darkness into light, and makes the shadows a little less daunting.
8 yrs ago
People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they've been strong for too long
1 like
8 yrs ago
the bad thing about being bullied is that every time it happens it steals a little piece of who you are if it happens enough little by little you become a little less of who you were meant to be.


To be written.

Most Recent Posts

Kaimana Curry, Paradise Wayne-Isley and Soren Thorson

Location: The Gardens; The Academy.
Interacting With: Each other.
Song: “Close To You” by The Carpenters.

“..why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near..? Just like me… they long to be… close to you…”

The music was gentle… sweet; filling the air as she lightly strummed over the strings of the ukulele she held against her, the various flowers lain around them growing brighter, each becoming more vibrant in color as her voice mixed perfectly with the familiar melody of the Carpenters, “..why do stars follow from the sky, everytime you walk by..? Just like me… they long to be… close to you…”

The feeling of his arms wrapped around her middle-... Her body relaxed, more now that she had been given that chance to calm herself; Paradise closed her eyes, her soft lips parting from one another as she felt her heart leaping within the confines of her chest as she let, her body nestle further back into his.

“..on the day that you were born, the angels got together, and decided to create a dream come true… so they sprinkled moondust in your hair of gold, and starlight in your eyes of blue…” The gentle music pausing, her fingers hovering above the strings, Paradise couldn’t help the way her lips turned up in a loving smile, her head turning, her gaze flicking to meet with his for but a moment before she brought her eyes back around to the instrument.

“..that is why all the girls in town, follow you all around… just like me… they long to be… close to you…”

Kaimana held her in his arms, giving her enough room to play, letting himself enjoy her music, her singing. The peace and simple joy from it, was more than enough to make him happy. Here with her, surrounded by plants he knew she would feel better, and that was more than enough for him. The serenity of it… it made it seem like this was a moment that would last forever, and how he wished he could stretch it out.

”You’re the only girl I want close to me.” he said softly, hugging her closer to him, gently resting his chin on her shoulder and smiled, ”that was almost as beautiful as you”

Now that his father had basically thrown him into the deep end, Soren didn't dare look back until he was far enough away to know that he wouldn't be getting jabbed by that damned hammer again. By then, though, Thor had already spotted his adopted brother and began to pester him, instead. He noticed that his uncle had indeed brought his children - cousins he grew up with but was never allowed to really mingle with. He sighed. He'd go and say hi to Thracius and Svanna later. It looked like they had their hands full anyway with Midgardians.

His light brown eyes scanned the area. Everyone seemed to kind of already know each other, in a sense. There were lots of groups and people mingling about. After the weather had returned to normal, he could only assume that the Midgardian's referred to this as normal Thor behavior before going on about their lives. Interesting.

His feet carried him to the gardens where there wasn't so much traffic. The plant life here on Earth was absolutely something else. His fingers delicately touched at a green, planty thing that he had never seen before, it's leaves thick and almost rubbery and about the size of his hand. Remarkable.

Looking up, he then realized that he had stumbled into something that might have been private. Considering the couple (at least they appeared to be a couple. She was singing and he was holding onto her with that doe-eyed look he had seen a time or two before) for a few moments, he gave them an awkward smile and waved, as though to dismiss the fact that he was even there.

"Sorry. Just passing through..." He doubted that they even knew who he was. And... he was okay with that.

Her cheeks flushing a brighter shade of red, she couldn’t help the soft giggle that fell through her lips. He was so sweet… so caring… and while he could have had any girl he wanted; he had chosen her. How had she gotten so lucky in her short life to deserve someone like him in it..?

Lifting her head at the sound of another’s voice, only slightly caught off guard at his being there with them, Paradise quickly brushed it off as nothing, her smile lighting up her gentle features as she shook her head, her gaze flicking down to the strangers hand, noticing that he had taken interest in one of the few plants she had introduced, without thought, to the new environment, “..it’s called strelitzia… or bird of paradise… if you want; I can make you a smaller one to keep if you like it so much…”

Kaimana looked up at the sound of a stranger’s voice, gently tightening his grip on Paradise. He gave a shake of his head, ”It’s okay, they’re public gardens…. “ although he resented the interruption somewhat, he didn’t particularly mind. They had to meet others eventually, and maybe in small groups it wouldn’t be so bad on her.

”I…” Soren looked between the pair, the girl bright and welcoming while the boy seemed to be a bit more guarded. At least he felt half welcome. Realizing that he was still touching the plant, Soren quickly brought his hand back to hang at his side. ”I’ve just never seen anything like it before…” he said softly, unable to help the sense of awe that came with his tone.

Nodding her head lightly, understanding completely how it was that he felt, Paradise let her gaze wander slightly, a gentle sparkle shining within them as she took in the both familiar and unfamiliar scenery that surrounded them all, “..nature is beautiful… it can inspire much should you give it a chance… though I understand it can be overwhelming…”

”Is plantlife always like this around here?”

Kaimana stayed silent, knowing how Paradise could get when talking about nature, smiling slightly. He was more than happy listening to her, watching how it excited her. She always got such a life about her, when she talked about what she loved. At the strangers question, Kaimana frowned, sure it had a different meaning to it then what he was thinking. ”We come from Hawaii… we’ve only been here for a few days, and I think these gardens were created, like what Paradise does.”

”Hawaii?” Soren asked, growing more confused. ”Then you do not hail from Earth? My apologies for assuming.” He bowed slightly in apology.

Exchanging a quick glance with Kaimana, curiosity and confusion playing over her features, Paradise turned her attention back to the man standing before them, giving him a soft and understanding smile in an attempt to try and give him some comfort as she shook her head lightly from side to side, the action causing her long locks to brush over her back, “..heh… I think we might all be misunderstanding each other… let’s start over; my name is Paradise, or Paras for short… and this is Kaimana. We’re from Earth; from an island called Hawaii…”

Pausing a moment, she reached out, placing her ukulele back in its case before moving her hand to pat at the grass in front of them, inviting him to join them, “..I get the feeling though that you might not be from Earth… right..? It’s okay if you aren’t, we don’t mind.”

Kaimana tried to follow what Paradise was saying, wanting to understand what it seemed she had figured out. Not from Earth? He supposed he had to get use to people being from different worlds… although he wasn’t sure how that worked. ”Oh… I see.” he said softly, although still a little confused.

”N-no. I’m not.” Soren hesitated before moving to where the Earth girl was motioning for him to sit on the grass. He crossed his feet first before plopping down, resting his arms on his bent knees. ”I hail from Asgard. My name is Soren Thorson. And it is a pleasure meeting someone from here. My father talks of Earth often, and fondly. It’s the first time I’ve been able to see it for myself.”

Kaimana had heard of Asgard… somewhere, but didn’t know anything about it. The name had probably been passed onto him by his father, but thinking it wasn’t important, Kaimana probably hadn’t listened properly. ”So you’ve never been before? That seems strange if your father has spoken of it before.” his tone one of trying to understand, a little confused.

“..maybe it’s like how my mum always speaks about her time in Rome, and how much she loved it; but then I’ve never been…” Shrugging her shoulders lightly, though very clearly not too worried about it, Paradise tilted her head lightly, watching Soren thoughtfully for but a moment or two before speaking again, “..either way.. welcome to Earth, Soren… I’m glad that you finally get to see it for yourself…”

”There were many problems with who was able to leave Asgard and who could not. My grandfather was very strict on such travel. It wasn’t until my father took over that things became much more lenient. So here I am.”

Kaimana looked to Paradise, wishing he could take her around the world, everywhere she wanted to go as she spoke of her mother visiting Rome. Turning his attention- or most of it anyway- back onto the conversation, he said ”Well… at least you can be here, this place seems great.”

“..what’s it like..? Your home, I mean...”

”Uh…” Soren shrugged. He hadn’t seen much of Earth yet, and had very little to compare to. How was he to answer a question like that? ”Our sky holds more color and…” He squinted, looking at the sun. ”We’ve more planets within the heavens.”

Gaze drifting back to the water of the lake they sat beside, her expression thoughtful at his words, Paradise couldn’t even begin to picture what it might be like. Turning back to him, her eyes filled with awe and a slight pang of jealousy, she leant forward, her body shifting, leg drawing in closer as she wrapped her arms around them, the bloody tissue she had been using earlier falling from her lap to rest on the grass beside her, “..it must be so beautiful there…”

”It’s home.” Soren shrugged. He supposed he just got used to it, as these Midgardians probably got used to Earth and… Havi eh?

Kaimana let his arms fall from Paradise, so she could move more easily, but still stayed close to her. He thought of home, the sunny beaches of Hawaii… the surf… he missed it, but to him, Paradise was more important. She was what made home, home. ”It must be different… “ he thought on how different Hawaii was to here… he couldn’t imagine how different it would be to another world.

”My father made mention that your Earth is round?” Soren asked, figuring that a good place to start would just be by asking about the questions his father came back with stories about.

Nodding her head lightly, Paradise smiled, “..yes; people used to believe that it was flat, but after Christopher Columbus set sail in order to discover new land, he actually found that the Earth was indeed round…”

”I do not understand how round planets are able to maintain life. The ones in our heavens are mined for resources. Nothing is able to thrive there.”

At a slight loss, Kaimana was silent. He wasn’t the best with this sort of thing, and found it best to just stay silent. He frowned at Soren’s words however, ”But… what shape is your planet then?” he said rather perplexed.

Soren blinked, a little confused as to why such a question would even need to be asked.


Kaimana frowned, ”But… how do you not fall off?” He asked, a little unsure. ”We have gravity to keep us here… “ or at least he hoped that was right.

”We keep to the bridges. Those who fall have removed themselves from the gene pool, making the future of Asgard smarter, and stronger than generations of old.”

Taken aback at the rather crass comment on those that fell, Kaimana stared at Soren in shock, ”But what if you just stumble and fall? How is that fair?” he asked, ”Everyone falls over at some point… “

Soren shrugged. ”Then don’t leave the inner city.”

”That doesn’t seem fair… “ Kaimana said, deciding he didn’t particularly want to see what this other world was like, if this was what came from it.

”We Asgardians don’t usually leave the inner city anyway. There are a few bridges that branch from the heart to the outskirts, but they are wide and some have railing. They aren’t often travelled. Not very many people have fallen.” Soren thought back to his father a few years back - about how many times he had stumbled home drunk from who knew where. He could have easily plummeted if he hadn’t been watching where he was going. Really, he hadn’t even thought about it until the dark-skinned boy brought it up.

Kaimana frowned slight, not understanding. Why would you live in a world, if you didn’t go outside the city? ”Okay… “ he looked to Paradise to see if she understood, ”We can go anywhere we want… most of the time.”

“..you can- you should..! I hate the fact that I hold you back…” Wrapping her arms tighter around her knees, pulling them just that little bit closer into her body, Paradise turned her head, her eyes growing sad as she let her cheek rest over them. She didn’t like it… she was holding him back. He could do anything he put his mind to; and yet, even while she truly appreciated it, he was right there… right by her side instead of living his life to the fullest.

Kaimana shook his head, reaching out to pull her close against him, ”I don’t need to see the world… you are my world.” He said softly, ”And I’ll be here with you, and that’s enough for me.”

“..and when I’m gone..?”

Kaimana didn’t like to think about that, didn’t want to think about a life without Paradise. He hesitated a moment, before saying softly ”Then I’d know you’d still be with me.”

Were all Midgardians this… dramatic? Soren blinked, watching the exchange between the two and starting to feel the same way he did when he had first walked in on their private moment. He moved to stand himself up, not wanting to interrupt or draw attention to himself.

Turning her head, his movements catching her eye, Paradise was a little taken back. He was leaving..? Had they done something wrong..? Sitting forward, her body slipping from the warm circle of Kaimana’s arms, she gave him an apologetic look, her heart sinking slightly at the thought that she’d helped to make him feel uncomfortable, “..I-... I’m sorry if we said something wrong… but... you don’t have to leave, if you don’t want to Soren…”

For a brief few moments, Kaimana had forgotten that they weren’t alone. He let Paradise go, a little reluctant to do so. ”Sorry…. “ He said politely, not sure what else to do.

Soren, now standing, reached back to scratch the back of his head. This was all just very awkward and he didn’t see things getting any less.

”It’s okay. I’ve… got some cousins I should probably meet up with…” Even if it wasn’t now. But what other excuse did he have? It’s not like he knew anyone else in this realm. ”It was… nice meeting the both of you.”

Kaimana hesitated, reaching out to take Paradise’s hand, ”Uh… well… you’re welcome to stay if you want… or return later.” Kaimana said, seeking to make things even a little better.

”Yeah. I’ll probably see you guys later.” He gave the cuddly couple a small, tired smile before waving at them awkwardly while he turned his body and headed back the way he came.

Midgardians were strange.
its the story that never ends XD
I agree.
We are still working out the plasmids, but you can still fill out the CS!
Yeah! Don't see why not!
Hey! We are more than happy to have you make a normal character- we understand real life and such, and as long as we are told about any disappearances we are happy for you to disappear e.g. Its going to be a busy few days, might not get to post for a bit. As long as we know, we are happy. And we can keep your character in the background- we'd rather you make a character you won't regret in the long run. We don't expect posts everyday- we know that people have lives and sometimes crap hits the fan and you're left running around not knowing what to do. We are happy to make allowances, as long as we are told.

"𝒜𝓌𝑒𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓍 𝒢𝑒𝓃. 𝟤"

𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝐼𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃


J'son Yondu Quill.

Yondu, Jay, Quill, Star-Boy.


Hybrid; Part human, Part Celestial, Part Zehoberei.

✣ Guardian of the Galaxy
✣ Raveger
✣ Student.

Place Of Origin:
?; ?.

Nineteen Years Old.

? of ?.

Personal Philosophy:
"Something good..? Something bad..? Eh, how about a little bit of both."

𝑅𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝐼𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

Relationship Status:

Heterosexual/ Straight.


Peter Jason Quill (Star-Lord).

Gamora (Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy).


J'son does not own, nor care for any pets.


Have i got your attention? No? yes? Well.

Either way.

Due to the large amount of posts, stories, arcs and general messiness of a roleplay that has been going steady for four plus years, at the end of this arc (Tenuro Island) We will be beginning a new thread. Current characters that are accepted will be automatically accepted due to this, and as soon as this arc is over, I will start the new thread.

So please, fresh blood if you are reading this, don't be terrified of the 62000 plus combined posts! Its four years worth of work, and we will be starting a new thread! Where we will have a better system for important events! Due to this, you can create and join the roleplay, however I wouldn't recommend posting until the new thread, that way your characters can come in fresh and not just "Hey how are-" Whoops, two year time skip.

All are welcome to join!

Location: Flight BAW229; Los Angeles to London.
Interacting With: Isaura Elders @Vicier, and Emily Colbeck.

Waiting for Isaura and Emily to return, Theodore watched the clouds go by the window, a little deep in thought. This was the first trip he had taken, since his parents had died, and he wanted to try and make it as grand as he could for Emily. He tried so hard to do right by her, and yet still sometimes he worried it wasn’t enough. At the sound of Isaura’s voice, Theodore looked over, smiling as Emily came running towards him. He would have been utterly and completely lost without Isaura… she had been the rock that had kept him steady, and had helped out with Emily every chance she could.

Theodore was lucky to have her in his life, and he couldn’t imagine it without her. Leaning over to help Emily buckle herself in, he gave her back her headphones, settling back himself, waiting for Isaura to return as well. The last year had shown him just what it would be like, to truly be a family… they’d been together for what felt like forever, at least to Theodore, and he wanted it to last forever. He wanted Emily to have a home again, instead of just a place to come back to. He tried to desperately to give her a home, but… he worried it wasn’t enough.

He could never give her what their parent’s would have… but he’d damn well try, and he knew that Isaura would to. Looking up, meeting her gaze, returning her smile, Theodore knew that everything he wanted in the world was right there with him. Isaura… even the thought of her filled him with warmth. And her smile sent him over the moon… There really was nothing he wouldn’t do, for her, for Emily. And there was no one he’d rather have by his side to help raise his little sister. It had been hard so far, but he knew it would have been a million times harder without Isaura.

He was already reaching to unbuckle himself, to then rise and sweep her into his arms, when the turbulence happened, the bumping in the air-the change from the smooth flight-forcing him back into his seat from where he’d been, poised to undo his seatbelt. Not terribly concerned-turbulence occurred on just about every flight, so he didn’t think it was anything to worry about-And then it became worse, stronger, longer and he reached out, flinging his arm across Emily, as if that could stop her from flying out her seat any better than her seatbelt, the motion was instinct, not something he stopped to consider as foolish, and when making sure that she was okay, his gaze searched for Isaura, reaching out to her despite the distance.

As the creaking and groaning began, he reached for Emily’s hand, gripping it with his right, even as he reached across, twisting to try and reach Isaura, forgetting about his seatbelt, that he hadn't yet unbuckled it, not sure what he was even trying to do. Save her from falling luggage? Or pull her back, towards him, to protect her and Emily? It didn't seem to matter... either way, he just wanted to have her hand in his.

"Isaura!" he cried, just wanting her safe beside him, even as his mind sped up, trying to make sense of the situation and telling him that maybe there was no safety anymore. Maybe they were going to go down... maybe this was it... he gripped Emily's hand tighter, keeping his gaze on Isaura, "I love you, I love you both... Isaura!" His words were drowned by the explosion, and he screamed, frustrated that he couldn’t do anything for one of the few people he loved, stretching his fingers out further as if he could do something about it, pull her back to him with sheer force of will, keeping the tight grip on Emily, as if he could stop her from disappearing from his side.


As the mask’s came down, Theodore rather furiously pulled one down, but his touch was gentle as he put it on Emily, forgetting everything he’d been taught about plane safety, and just wanting to make sure that she was okay. Forgetting a mask for himself, he reached to undo his seatbelt, his mind finally recalling that that was why he couldn’t get up. His fingers, shaking with adrenaline, thumbled for the release, all the while, he kept his eyes on Isaura, as if afraid taking his eyes off her would mean she was gone from him forever. He couldn’t bare to see the pain and fear in her gaze, in her beautiful eyes, and his heart almost broke when she reached towards him. He hated seeing the look, hated being too far away. He’d do anything to take her in his arms, and shelter her, protect her… and Emily.

He couldn’t lose either of them. ”Isaura” He whispered, trembling fingers grasping the clasp, to unbuckle himself, to go to her, when the sound of metal breaking, screeching apart was added to the sounds the plane already had-screaming, crying, fearful sounds piercing through through everything, and he screamed Isaura’s name again, twisting to protect Emily as much as he could, seatbelt forgotten as he held his sister, tears pricking his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He couldn’t let Emily see his tears, couldn’t let her know he was afraid.

”it’s going to be okay… It’s always going to be okay, I’ll always be there, I’ll always save you” He said into his sister’s ear, wanting to reassure her, wanting to let her know that no matter what, he’d always be there to pick her up, and make things right. Even if they only had a few moments left, he wanted her to know that her big brother would go to the ends of the earth for her. He wanted to say the words to Isaura, wanted to le her know how much he loved her, that he would be nothing without her, but he couldn’t, and now he choked back a sob, painfully swallowing around a lump in his throat, closing his eyes tight, still refusing to let the tears fall.

He couldn’t do anything for Isaura and it was killing him, tearing his heart out.

At her voice, Theodore looked up, turning to look to her. reaching for him, he reached for her, his grasping fingers suddenly brushing through air, and then she was gone from him, "ISAURA" He bellowed, the word tearing through his throat painfully, ”Isaura!” He rasped, once more having a near death grip on Emily, as if he could defy gravity, as he watched as half of his existence was torn away from him, tears fallen unbidden down his cheeks.

Ashton, Riley, Niesha

Location: The Hordebuster
Skills: Mechanic (Ash)

Ash's eyes darted to the rearview mirrors, taking a second to note the exact position he had inexplicably gotten them into. His beloved vehicle was mired in a widening swath of Georgia's famous red clay, turned partially to slush with the melting of the season's snow. The Dead were coming closer to their position, indeed many a few were already there, clawing upon his Hordebuster and making the prospect of leaving the vehicle perilous. This would not do. Considering Riley's suggestion on the topic, he responded with determination in his voice. "Leaving the 'Buster is not the best course of action. I built this girl to endure, and we've been through worse." He tested his luck with the accelerator again, hope bleeding away but unwilling to show it outwardly. Very little in the way of movement was achieved with the Hordebuster, but Ash knew that his creation was capable of more than it was demonstrating. "Even if we are stuck, we're safe from the Dead in here. We stay quiet, they'll remember there's something more interesting to the south."

Niesha sighed and nodded. It would be a long few hours until the dead figured there was nothing of interest... that wasn't what worried her. What if a group like theres stumbled along and saw them? They'd be sitting ducks, even if they couldn't get in... all they'd have to do was sit there and let them starve and dehydrate in here.

"A few hours is well and good, but if it takes the dead longer to disperse we might have to consider fighting free." she said softly, glancing down at her things, she knew she couldn't waste any arrows. She had a finite number of them... and her bat, and knife. Neither would be good with a herd of walkers... "Well... not the worst situation to be in." at least they were all sane, for now.

"Anyone got a set of cards then?" Riley asked as she leaned back in her seat as she could hear the tires trying to move forward from the mud. She looked towards Niesha and then Ashton understanding that getting out would still be really bad. But she wasn't that keen on staying in the car with a herd of walkers nearby and surrounding the vehicle. Riley rubbed the back of her neck and looked over at her pack and her gear that was there.

"Cards?" questioned Ash, "Doubt it. Not giving up yet, anyway. Just saying, if we have to wait, we're good for a while." Like hell he was going to stay there any longer than he had to. Taking a different approach, Ash shifted the Hordebuster into reverse and eased on the gas, hoping to gain a little purchase on more solid ground before gunning it forward. The vehicle moved, but just a little. While it was not success by any means, it was something. "C'mon girl, you've got this..." His voice made it uncertain whether he was speaking out of confidence or desperation.

Niesha shook her head, leaning back in her seat, she shifted just enough so she was sitting on one leg, the other on the floor. If they were going to be there a while, she was going to get comfortable. As Ash once more tried to move the Hoardbuster, she shifted again, glancing about them as they moved just a little. Not wanting to say something, and jynx them, Niesha leaned back in her seat.

Riley remained quiet after her comment as she looked over towards Chloe's pack she had managed to take off of her body before leaving the funeral home. She closed her eyes letting out a soft sigh. She felt the Hordebuster move slightly as Ashton tried to get it out of the mud. But still no use she reached for her radio giving it a quick look over before setting it down to the side for now, she wasn't sure if it still worked or not but she didn't want to waste the batteries on it.

The tiny amount of movement was both disappointing and hopeful, as was the sudden quiet inside the cab of his big truck. Ash could get his Hordebuster the slightest bit of purchase in the muddy ground next to the road; hopefully it was enough to get them moving again. The Hordebuster was, once upon a time, a severe duty tandem axle vehicle, useful on work sites without proper roads. While the outside received a massive makeover and the fuel system converted into a multi-fuel unit, the core of the great roadbeast remained the same. It could save them, like it had saved so many long ago. "We're not done yet, girl. One more time, please." Ash spoke, treating the truck like an old friend. He shifted into reverse, bringing the Hordebuster back further off the road. As the saying went, "In for a penny, in for a pound", and there wasn't much good attempting the exact thing that netted so little results. Shifting back into first, Ash turned the wheel sharply, gunning the vehicle along another angle away from the squishy patch that was giving them hassle. There was a tense, laborious second when everything seemed to stop. The wheels spun impotently against wet, unstable ground, until Ash could feel a change in vibration through the frame of the truck. One of the wheels had caught solid earth and was pushing against it, hauling them free. Once back on the road fully, Ash exclaimed, "Yeah! That's my baby! Now let's get the hell out of here." He could be stoic in a minute. This was a time for relief.

As Ash seemed to get the hoardbuster to move just a little bit, Niesha closed her eyes. Which didn't do much against the noises the walkers were making, but Niesha didn't care. She sighed softly. Ash would either get them out, and probably destroy the ground doing so, or they'd be stuck here for a time until the ground hardened a bit or they could get out.

There wasn't anything she could say, nor any advice she could offer, so Niesha stayed silent, keeping to herself. There was no point breaking Ash's concentration, and for a moment, she was enjoying the respite.

Riley kept her fingers crossed as she watched Ashton doing his best at the wheel to get the Hordebuster unstuck closing her eyes quietly praying to herself that they would get free. When the buster finally got itself free Riley leaned back in the seat and took a very deep breath. Waiting for a herd to thin out while in a vehicle was probably the worse thing that could happen in her opinion.

"Thank fucking god." Riley said softly as she ran a hand through her hair, looking over towards Niesha and gave her a gentle nudge seeing that she was being pretty quiet. "We are free." Riley said giving her a happy smile at least something was finally working for them now.

And it certainly seemed like things were working out for the gang in the Hordebuster. The big, barrelling mass of cowcatcher primed, diesel-booze fueled machinery was back on solid, level pavement, headed forward as fast as it could safely grip the road. Cautious optimism (or something that had to pass for optimism out of sheer necessity) filled Ash's words as they pulled out into the highway intersection, "Alright... I think we're going to be okay."

Apparently, the word "okay" was the signal that fate was waiting for, having conveniently put a horizontal pane of ice in front of them, still hard and smooth enough to make a truck of its size lose friction with the road below. Also unfortunately, the laws of physics still applied, meaning that the object at motion (The Hordebuster) tended to stay at motion, unless acted upon by another force. Now, the writings of the immortal Mr. Newton had bearing in this instance for two reasons: 1) The Hordebuster couldn't stop, and 2) the poor sap driving it (Ash) couldn't steer. Any second now, another force was going to act on it, with potentially mortal consequences for the trio inside. Ash gunned it, hoping that speed would be enough to regain some semblance of control. The results were not ideal. Oh, the truck made it across, more sideways than straight on, taking out a business sign in the process and damn near plowing into a once brightly-colored orange building that used to be a child daycare center. An eerily calm, "Damnit." issued from the driver's seat, prompting one to potentially wonder about Ash's sanity yet again. At least being off of the road for a second time gave him the gift of traction; a thing which the former Army Engineer utilized to decent effect, getting the truck pointed in the right direction and back on the road.

Just for good measure, Ash obliterated a lone corpse shambling cluelessly toward them as soon as they were righted. It's what the truck was built for, anyway.

As things seemed to go well for all of two seconds, Niesha relaxed. As shit once more hit the fan, Niesha couldn't help it. She started laughing, a full on belly laugh that brought tears to her eyes. She was soon out of breath, but the laughter would not be denied. As she tried to rein in the now breathless laughter, Niesha hugged herself, her arms around her stomach as the ache of laughing so hard made itself known, and still she couldn't seem to stop.

What twist of fate, what role of the dice, what flip of the coin would strand them in such circumstances, one after the other, and still keep them alive, still keep them kicking? It almost seemed like someone was toying with them, some god in the heavens maybe, or maybe one of those trickster gods or something, that just wanted to see them suffer, and enjoy that suffering.

For a brief moment or two, Niesha was left breathlessly laughing, slowly bringing herself back under control. She reached up to wipe laugh tears from her cheeks, "You can't make this shit up."

Riley felt the Hordebuster loosing traction as it hit a patch of ice on the road, her thoughts quickly turned bad as she thought that they would end up wrecking. She strapped herself in tighter into her seat as tight as she could, Riley took in a few deep breathes as she heard and watched the sign before them easily get turned into a mess. Seeing the children's daycare center that it had belonged to.

Then another walker ended up being the next victim of Ash's driving, though it was designed to mow down a bunch of walkers. Riley looked towards Niesha as she started busting out laughing, she didn't really know why she decided to be quiet about it as Riley thought about Amelia once more, still worried about her girlfriend and wondered if she did make it out of Newnan alive still. "Maybe we should start scoring points on how many things Ash can run over?" Riley said with a light laugh.
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