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8 yrs ago
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I certainly have a few ideas :)

@Expendable Any idea on when we can expect your character sheet?
Okay history Added


Accepted. You can move Anxi to the character tab :)
Kaito looked at all the food that was being served by the baron to their party. For a moment he wondered if it would be poisoned. That would be an easy way to dispose of his little group. And would not make less of a mess then decapitation, stabbing through the heart or getting quartered. That would certainly be his preferred method if he was in the Baron’s shoes. Somehow judging from Yvonne’s hesitation she was thinking the same thing.

For the moment the fox decided not to start gobbling down on the food and wait to see what the others would do. For now focussed on the Baron instead. There was always something to be learned from engaging in conversation with your enemy. ” Baron Von Kruber. Let me first thank you for your generous hospitality and your unwavering loyalty to the crown. Something our king greatly appreciates in these times. My name is Sir Jurgen Von Drexel, knight to the king’s court. It’s an honor to reside at your court.”

Kaito had deliberately chosen a similar sounding fake name of a lesser known noble house in order to create a sense of familiarity between him and the baron. His next move would be to engage in friendly conversation, building up the relationship and softening up the baron’s defenses before moving on to topics where the good old baron did not want to slip his tongue. ”You have two sons right? How are they doing? I heard your youngest is going to come of age soon. Has he found a good tutor to squire for?”
So no alien races yet. Are furries here basically chimaera? A mixing of human and animal dna?

Basicly evolved animals that became sentient and bipedal like humans. A bit like what if humans did not just evolve out of primates but out of other animals as well.
@BigPapaBelial Darien looks great is accepted. You can move him to the character tab :)

@PerfectThought The idea of droids didn't cross my mind when thinking up the RP but no plan survives first contact with the players. It's not to far outside of the realm I originaly thought of so I'll allow it. No spacecrew is complete afterall without their own C3PO/R2D2 :)

Could you be a bit more discriptive with how he looks? Right now it's a bit hard to imagine him for me.

@EmiliaBaiYue Anxi looks good so far. Can you expand a bit on her history? Maybe give her a rival or an enemy. Just a person from before she joined the crew that has a beef with her. Could be anything really. Maybe some disgruntled ex lover that is willing to go into extremes to get her back or something along those lines. That gives me as a GM some ways to create more personal stories for your characters :)
@Milkman@EmiliaBaiYue Definitely agree with you both. Maybe the best middle ground would be something similar to the Dune approach? Normal ships are fitted with a fusion engine of some sort to travel short-mid distances in "realspace" between individual planets/stars, and then to travel between clusters of stars (a far greater length) you attach/park your ship on massive ships equipped with "jump" drives/engines and be isolated inside your ship, but attached to the carrier for transport. And then you could add a megacorp eith a monopoly over jump tech/jump carriers. And then the possibility for rickshaw and or smuggler jump carriers, which are riskier but cheaper/not tracked (potential for smuggling).

I also have a few questions about the setting:
1) What're the races like? Have alien races been absorbed into the UNS? How alien are we talking? Can we make our own races up for characters? Because I'm aware you talked about players adding onto the lore. I have some cool ideas for races.
2) What company does the Dauntless serve? One of the main megacorps? A small freight company? Freelance? Is it a UNS government vehicle?
3) Can get some more details on roles? What does being the First Officer entail? How about the Navigator?

lets answer your questions first. Generaly speaking the races are Antropomorphic animals. They originate from the planet Terra and have been colonizing the planets that they could reach for hundreds of years now. Planets with breathable atmospheres have all been terraformed. No traces of alien civilizations have been found.

On the topic of Aliens, offcially no alien lifeforms or traces of them have ever been found. Ofcourse there are stories, rumors, myths, legends and conspiracy theories around aliens. Their existence is theoretically possible but currently not scientificly proven. If aliens will ever come around, it won't be in a Star Trek like fashion of a civilization to trade with. It will be more likely to be a strange, unexplainable phenomenon that could be alien but also something else.

The Dauntless is an independently owned ship. Officially owned by its captain but he has financed the purchase by taking a lone from the Triads crime syndicate. There is always this urgeancy of making some buck.

The first officer serves as second in command. He's basicly in charge of the ships operations when the captain is absent. He's responsible for much of the organisational stuff. Such as aquiring the provisions, spareparts and managing crew tasks. Basicly a sort of manager.

As far as the navigator goes his responsibilities are calculating the course in space and in orbit and servers a bit as a co-pilot.
For me the most important thing is that there is a sense of distance to get to the frontier. That it takes a considerable amount of time and resources to get there and that it is not something that Joe average can decide on a sunday morning to take his family for a nice picnic at the edge of colonized space. People either go there because they work for a corporation that exploits the resources or to find a life of freedom far away from established institutions. It's a bit like crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to America in the 19th century. Certainly possible but not something for everyone :)
Then i have made an error somewhere XD
Yay the Captain is an example sheet
Now I have a better Idea

Yeah, it is always nice to have an example :D
Evren Frost

Character summary

Name: Evren Frost
Aliases: Captain, Ev,
Age: 31
Birthday: October 3rd
Birth planet/birthplace: Phobos, Terra’s moon.
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Role on the Dauntless: Owner and Captain


Height: 5.9 feet
Weight: 82kg
Build: Athletic
Eye color: Green
Fur color: The main color is a shade of orange/brown with a darker shade on his forearms, legs and ears. His muzzle and belly are white.
Personal clothing style: Evran has a rather simple clothing style that is eerily reminiscent of his past as a soldier in Omnicore. He prefers simple cargo pants, t-shirts and army boots in darker colors such as gray, black or various shades of dark green.


Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: single
Personality: Evren is a man shaped by his experiences as a member of Omnicore and his role in the Iroria 1 war. He has closed off much of his heart due to his experiences and refrains from talking about the war or Omnicore. Bringing up the subject will put the fox in a bad mood instantly and often end up in verbal aggression.
Evren’s strict upbringing and Omnicore education have made the man rather direct and disciplined. He has a habit of bossing his crew around as if they were a unit at Omnicore. He likes to keep his ship tight and clean and won’t hesitate to point out when common areas are left in a mess.
The man’s rough and direct personality does not mean that he’s incapable of love, friendly banter or deeply caring for anyone. He might not express it in many words or even realize it but he deeply cares about his crew and will go to hell and back for them.

  • His crew
  • Blues music
  • Forgetting the past


  • When the crew makes a mess of his ship
  • Omnicore
  • His past


  • Easily angered
  • Struggles with alcohol and sleeping pills addiction
  • Occasionally experiences flashbacks to his time in the Iroria 1 war during high stress situations.


Background: Evren was born on Terra’s moon Phobos as the only son of Omni Core’s current commander in chief General Deacon Frost. As the son of a high-ranking member of the OmniCorp mega cooperation, Evren has lived a rather privileged life on Phobos. Always attending the best schools, best medical care but not a luxurious lifestyle. His father ran his household with the iron disciple of a military commander.
Being the son of a high ranking Omnicore member meant that there was only one path for Evren to follow. At the age of 18 the fox enrolled in the prestigious Omni Core security academy and began his officer training course. In four years Evren was educated in the art of war and indoctrinated with the idea that Omnicore brought peace, safety, law and order to the colonists across the universe.

After graduating from the officer training course Evren was given the rank of lieutenant and assigned as the new commander for 2nd mechanized platoon. An experienced unit that has been on many deployments throughout the known universe. Being fresh from the academy is hard when you are given the command over veteran soldiers. It took Evren a long time to adjust to the fact that his position was just as much one of command as it was one of learning. However over time he gained the trust of his unit and forged unbreakable bonds with the men.

Evren’s first deployment was to a mining operation on Proxima , a planet in the Chantico system. The official mission was to provide security for the mining operation and maintain law and order in the mining towns. The reality was that their job consisted primarily of protecting the managers from disgruntled workers and chasing away illegal settlers from their homes as Omnicorp operations on the planet expanded. A mission where the reality on the ground fundamentally challenged the inexperienced lieutenant's beliefs of the role Omnicore and himself played in the universe. Not the bringer of peace and order but the oppressor in service of corporate greed.

Nonetheless Evren managed to forge close ties with the soldiers in his unit. Especially with his second in command, sergeant Mark Stone, a man who just like Evran came from a Omnicore family. Evren became very close to Mark and his family. Often being around at much of the family's festivities.

Evren developed himself as a competent commander and life was looking good for him. Nonetheless there was always this lingering doubt in his mind about the nature of his job and how it conflicted with his own sense of morality. However it brought food on the table, good career opportunities and a lot of status in his immediate social circle.

However everything changed when the Iroria 1 war broke out. Evren Frost’s unit was quickly transferred to the planet Iroria 1 after negotiations broke down between Omnicorp and Wayland corporation and hostilities started between both corporations' security forces. This would be the fox’s first taste of real war. Both sides deployed all means they had at their disposal indiscriminately. Evren never experienced this much death and destruction in his life

For Evren, the war would end in disaster. During an operation he made an error of judgment and his unit ran into an ambush and a heavy fight ensued. Under heavy pressure, Evren requested permission to withdraw which was promptly denied by the higher ups. As the casualties mounted, Evren withdrew his surviving forces without permission and was courtmarshaled for his action. The court ruled desertion as proven and after serving some time in prison Evren was dishonorably discharged from OmniCore.

Unsure what to do with his life after being discharged from the only thing he had ever known, spending the savings you had on whiskey and cards in some shitty saloon on the planet nowhere seemed like a good idea. Maybe it was fate that he met a member of the triads over a game of cards or just coincidence. Who knows. But his idea of borrowing money from a crime syndicate to buy a ship and live your own life according to your own ideals on the frontier sounded like music to his drunken ears.

Motivation: Evren bought the SS Dauntless on a whim during a night of whiskey and cards. To him the spaceship represents freedom from the shackles of his past and the ability to fly to a future of his choosing.

Skills and talents

Space travel:

  • Accustomed to spaceflight: Evren has been traveling a lot through the universe as part of his job prior to buying his ship. He knows the ropes of space travel.
  • Sub par pilot: Evren kind of knows how to fly his ship. The previous owner gave him some instructions and he can keep a steady course in space but performing complex maneuvers is a different thing.


  • Trained soldier and commander: Evren was part of the OmniCore private military contractor and received a high level of training and education in order to be a platoon commander. He’s acquainted with various firearms, hand to hand combat and infantry tactics. Also he has proven himself under combat conditions.
  • Very fast on the draw. Evren


  • Evren is an absolutely terrible cook.
  • Knows how to drive various vehicles


  • Decent guitar player and singer

Gear and possessions

On person:

  • His trusty S&W 500 revolver
  • Utility knife and multitool

In quarters/storage:

  • A box containing much of his personal belongings from his time in OmniCore. It is stowed away in a dark corner under his bed.
  • XM5 Assault rifle. This is the standard rifle of OmniCore.

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