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Current How do I relearn this craft? I'm so discouraged at myself.


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Will get a post up maybe later today after catching up :)
In Just Us 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Same. If they don't show up
We can easily forget them or write them out of the family.

That sounds so mean, but it's true lol.

Gowi wants me to call him Daddy confirmed.

I had to read THOSE too!?

Just teasing. I read everything- except that far down into the CS cause well, I just didn't.
I think your rules are fair and clear, as everything else. And I'm not just saying that cause we're friends.

Since, I'd tell you what I thought regardless. I'm not a whisperer. I tell people straight up.
My way of life on the guild is
Do what you wanna do if you're having fun-
& If people don't like it either:

A) Ignore them continue on having fun
B) Avoid them at all costs have fun else where
C) Make them hate you so much that they leave you to have fun

I'm just kidding about C, but honestly- like for me; this is a hobby, and a time passer. I know my writing sucks, I can format a little to make it not look so bad, but for the most part I'm just writing like exactly how I would hold a conversation in real life. English is my first language, but I don't take the time nor the effort to make sure everything is perfect. I'm human after all. Just do your best, make some friends and make some memories.

I've been here for over 6 years now I think and I only have had 3 people pull an option C on me so I'm doing good for myself.

Thank you kindly.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to say as far as the profession. I wanted to show that she knew an artistic craft in that of wood- but wasn't sure how to really phrase that. Looking up "Fletcher" is something right up the alley of what I was looking for so I will switch that out and put that in it's place.

As concerning benchmarks, I admit I was having a hard time categorizing things as either mental or physical. I knew what I wanted them to be, but was noticing that she leaned more towards one side than the other. I hope because I didn't do anything to overpowered or game changing that it was alright.

Bad cop. Worse cop.
That makes me the hot executioner.
In Just Us 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I think Christmas time will be nice. Maybe the week of or something- Start Christmas Eve?
Our mother is extremely fertile cause we're on the poor side and poor people don't have much to do besides have kids.

Trust me on this one- I have SEVEN younger siblings. Bahaha.

Also, I like Calhoun :)

Well, I got her done!
Hope you guys like her- thank you :)

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