Avatar of Mistress Dizzy


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4 yrs ago
Current I never use this box. Don't know why.


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I'm out of RPs. You have any interesting ones?
I don't mind waiting but I understand wanting to close.
That sounds awesome, actually. ^_^ Enjoy it!
Kijani Ryane
16 years old
High School Student

Kijani is cool and aloof, and definitely seems to have a constant sneer in her voice. Most people see that much and figure that's everything. Underneath that, she can be surprisingly passionate, even obsessive to a certain degree.

Rage at her family. Kijani feels as if she is unwanted, or at the very least, unobserved. Despite consistently pulling a perfect grade point average and barely missing a day to illness, her parents simply don't seem to care. Some days she considers breaking the rules, or even breaking the law, but fear stops her.

Mini Biography
Kijani has the classic story of a poor little rich girl. She lives in a huge house, and is an only child with two wealthy, highly successful parents. She hangs out with the in crowd, and could get anything she asks for - and often does. Yet, if anyone were to really look, they'd see that someone who should have no reason to be unhappy, may well be just that.

Seshat, Egyptian Goddess of Writing and History


Just making sure you're ok.
-winces- crap, that's the worst! Take your time, I just wanted to make sure I didn't scare you off?
Hey. Um... was my post ok?
I may have gotten carried away. Sorry if the swearing bothers you. I neglected to ask, and I will gladly tone it down if you need.
“So, if you had the chance and you knew you could get away with it, who would you kill?”

Whoever said that high school girls were all sociopaths had probably met Kijani’s friends. She sat in the local coffee shop at their usual table, drinking a black coffee and listening to her favorite bitches plot murder.
“Ugh- I’d off Mr. Tanner.” Bridget Donahue (or “Brigitte” as she preferred lately) took a loud, obnoxious slurp of herbal tea. “He’s going to flunk me in Algebra 2 again! I tried everything to make him just give me a C, but he said he’s not going to just ‘pull extra credit out of his khakis”. Ugh! Who uses math, anyway? If I don’t go to Italy with my parents this summer, I will just absolutely die.” She dramatically thumped her forehead onto the table, and Kijani reached over to pat her blonde braid.

The other girls hummed and clucked in sympathy, and reassured her that no one would be missing the algebra teacher.
Haley piped up around a mouthful of chocolate croissant, her pale cheeks flushed with anger. “Ooh, I’d probably kill Paul Warner Jr. He’s been screwing the lacrosse captain behind my back and he thinks I don’t know about it. Actually, let’s take her too. Man-stealing slut.” This declaration caused a smatter of disagreement across the table. For all her class, and even consistently high GPA, they knew Haley had horrible taste in boyfriends.

“Oh my god, Haley.” Kijani finally spoke up. “Why don’t you just bail and restore your dignity? I mean, if he can’t keep it in his pants, let him go. Why not just dump him?”
Haley shook her head, curls and crumbs flying. “He’s an ass, but he’s got his merits. I mean, he makes me laugh, he buys me flowers, and I’ve never had to change my panties more times – “

“HALEY!” This was met with laughter and vibes, and even Kijani felt herself going red in the face as she laughed.

“Oh come on, it can’t be worth all of that, can it?”
Haley elbowed Kijani in the ribs. “Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it! Come on, how about you? Who would you off?”
Kijani took a long draft of her coffee. Her answer surprised even herself. “My parents.” There was a moment of stunned silence, and Brigitte replied in a remarkably sober tone.
“Is it really getting that bad, Jani? You know you can always spend the night. My family totally loves you.”

Kijani thought about being honest for a whole second, before deciding against it and going with a safe answer. “I mean, they’re gone half the time anyway. Might as well finish the job. My house is made to party, but I can’t breathe loud without my mother catching a case!” That did the trick and lightened the mood, and the girls moved on from murder to lighter topics.

Haley dropped Kijani off at her massive house, and Kijani made sure her friends were gone before stepping inside and exhaling. The smiling mask she always wore dropped, and she sloughed off her shoes and bag on the way upstairs. The house was quiet as always. Her mother was off dealing with some juvenile aneurysm case called in at the private hospital on the coast. Her father was off doing… whatever her father did during the week.

Kijani made herself some scrambled eggs and retreated to her room. She picked up where she left off with her most recent book, and before she knew it, she was full of food and lost in a space battle, the empty house fading away. Soon, even that was gone, as she fell asleep with the book in her hands…

And had a very rude awakening a moment later. She was on a cold floor, and instead of her favorite robe and cozy socks, she was in striped rags.

“Oh no. Not again…” She buried her face in her hands, briefly. She’d been having this same dream for months now. The same cell, the same clothes, and -

“Welcome back, inmate..”

The same two weird girls. Kijani put on a smile and strengthened her shoulders. “Hello, brats.”

The more firey-natured girl spat a warning at her. “You dare disrespect me, inmate?”

“Always, little girls.”

“Caroline, do not lower yourself to the inmate’s level. Inmate. Please be quiet.”
Kijani folded her arms and huffed. Only then did she notice that, for the first time, she was not alone. Someone was pressed against what was usually a wall. His mouth was moving, but she couldn’t hear a thing. Against logic, she went to him, banging on the barrier.

“H-hey, hey! Who are you?”

1. I'm definitely interested in the Persona plot. I'm on a kick since 5.

2. vampire x mermaid?

You've got a lot of ideas, but those were the few to jump out at me. I can tell you've put a lot of work in.
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