Avatar of Mistress Dizzy


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4 yrs ago
Current I never use this box. Don't know why.


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With Mary safely home, Kijani went to see Catherine. They weren't best friends, but she could always pop in and see the other woman. "Ohh, Catherine?"
Kassy was still wandering, looking for someone to talk to. It was strange to be among so many other exiles. Maybe here, among those who had been tossed out, she could find peace.
This is going way too fast for me. It seems like a 2 person RP.
I may or may not drop. I have no idea what my character should do.
Kijani smiled. "And I'm walking her home because of that same stranger. Also fine."
Kijani smiled at Sister Delilah. "Good evening!"
"It's probably a stray. Sure is cute, though." She smiled a little bit, not caring that it was a black cat. Superstitions were for country bumpkins.
Kijani kept walking with Mary, unsure of which one was her home. "Just stop me when we get there. They've really got to fix your light, too." She had a creepy feeling at the back of her neck, but felt she was just being paranoid. If the guy really was following her, she'd aikido throw him over her shoulder and kick his teeth in.
Kijani is more than a bit paranoid from living in the city.
"That's very weird. Why would someone who's never been here before offer to walk you home?" Kijani frowned, puzzled. "Oh well. Hopefully this is the last you see of him. But you should definitely buy yourself one of these." She held up the penlight. "If you're going to make a habit of being in the dark. I've also got a keychain tazer and a whistle."

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