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This sounds like an excellent game.

All men of class and refinement should be interested in joining such a game. I say this as a completely neutral observer with absolutely no connection to the game, of course.
Morden Man's Journal. October 4th, 2018:

Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This OOC thread is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

...and I'll look down, and whisper "no."
Why does it feel like you're all speaking in code or something? Was there a scandal? Did Wraith try and fuck Morden's wife or something?

I go away for one fucking evening and not only have you people invented a wife for me, you've fucked my invented wife to boot.
Oh Sonuvabi--

This is what I get for being nice and asking rather than just snatching @Master Bruce's toys off of him and pushing him over in the sandpit...

The last guy that tried that ended up ... well, you don't want to know.

Let's just say there's a reason no-one hear's from Dedonus anymore.
Not to be a complete cheat about it, but my general hope for everyone is two things: to have fun, obviously, and to continue to build on their characters. Obviously given the Year One setting, most if not all of our characters grew last season from one person into another, and I can only hope that it goes an even extra step further, because there's nothing I like to read more than a journey of progression that makes a true character arc. I think that's more important, even, than completing a particular story arc. If your character has reached the other side a changed man/woman, you've done well.

Also @Lord Wraith more sex scenes plz.

What you're saying is that maybe the real awards were the friends we made along the way?

There's nothing wrong with off-topic chatter in the OOC thread but don't take the piss.

People live in other timezones and struggle to traipse through our usually quite fast-moving OOC thread as is without one word spam responses that don't contribute anything.
You knocked it out the park with Thor last season. No way in hell we'd let someone else play him over you. Stop being an insecure fuckboi.

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

“We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity. We see around us empty lives, wanting fulfillment. We see tasks that need doing, waiting for hands to do them. To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit. And to find that answer, we need only look within ourselves.” -- Richard Nixon

Character You're Applying For:

The Fantastic Four

Reed Richards – Mr Fantastic
Sue Storm – The Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm – The Human Torch
Ben Grimm – The Thing

Powers And Abilities:

The Fantastic Four’s powers and abilities are unchanged from last season – in that they are almost identical to most traditional depictions of the team. Ben suffered a facial wound in his fight with Hector Hammond at the end of last season which has left him slightly more vulnerable than we are used to. Otherwise, Johnny, Reed, and Sue remain pretty much the same, other than a change of scenery for the four of them.

Season One Recap:

Since arriving in the Ultimate One Universe, Reed has used science as a coping mechanism. Having failed to fulfil his promise to return the Fantastic Four home, Reed throws himself into science once again as a means of coping. Even more so than in his own universe, UOU Reed Richards was held up as a saviour of sorts – a visionary that would chart mankind’s way out of the darkness – and this season we’ll see Reed take that mantle on with both hands. Having “lost” his family, Reed seeks to construct a new one, all the while refusing to humour that his relationship with Sue might be a thing of the past.

Having tried her best to hold the Fantastic Four together last season, Sue embraces the newfound freedom the team’s breakup presents. Away from her brother and husband for the first time in years, Sue trades in New York for a completely new environment, and finds herself mired in a world of politics and intrigue that require her to rely on her wits more than her power – with the fate of millions resting on her shoulders.

The end of last season was particularly traumatic for Ben. Mind-controlled by a power cosmic-imbued Hector Hammond, Ben was forced to beat Guy Gardner within an inch of his life and then suffered a facial wound that he still bears the scar from. But a life on the sidelines is not the Grimm way – and when presented with an opportunity to help change the world in a more direct, impactful way by an old friend, Ben takes it. Though he soon learns that his new field is decidedly more murky than the one he left behind.

Johnny has perhaps struggled most of all. His first few months in the UOU were marred not only by sadness, but a deep, impotent anger towards anything and everyone, as he failed to process the loss of his world – and most of all his close friend Spider-Man. An encounter with Spider-Woman last season managed to help Johnny pull through the worst of his pain, but the destruction of the timecraft has plunged Johnny into despair once more. He, more than the others, is lost without the meaning the Fantastic Four lends to his life. Yet he may be on the cusp of discovering new meaning in his UOU counterpart’s past.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

The end of UOU Season One saw the destruction of the timecraft that brought the Fantastic Four to the Ultimate One Universe. Without a means to return home, Maria Hill (now Acting Director of SHIELD) presents them with a choice: assume the places of their dead UOU counterparts or be resettled under new identities and commit to never using their powers again. The Fantastic Four begrudgingly agree to the first option and SHIELD announce their “successful” return to distract from the fallout from the breakout at The Raft. Within weeks the strain of the facade gets too much for Ben, Johnny, Reed, and Sue, and they shock SHIELD – and the world – by announcing that the Fantastic Four are no more. Reeling from the trauma of losing their way back to their world, each member sets about carving out a new life for themselves away from the ghosts of their old life.

Post Catalogue:

1. Future Foundation
2. Poseidon Is My Witness
3. Better Late Than Never
4. Jim Hammond
5. Ka-Zar's Last Stand
6. First Class
7. Drowned
8. The Old Warhorse
10. Storm's End
11. Latveria Calling
12. Xebellian Vermin
13. The Condiment King
14. A Fool's Bargain
15. The Lake of Refuge
16. Attack on Amnesty Bay
17. Burn Notice
Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

“We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity. We see around us empty lives, wanting fulfillment. We see tasks that need doing, waiting for hands to do them. To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit. And to find that answer, we need only look within ourselves.” -- Richard Nixon

Character You're Applying For:

The Fantastic Four

Reed Richards – Mr Fantastic
Sue Storm – The Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm – The Human Torch
Ben Grimm – The Thing

Powers And Abilities:

The Fantastic Four’s powers and abilities are unchanged from last season – in that they are almost identical to most traditional depictions of the team. Ben suffered a facial wound in his fight with Hector Hammond at the end of last season which has left him slightly more vulnerable than we are used to. Otherwise, Johnny, Reed, and Sue remain pretty much the same, other than a change of scenery for the four of them.

Season One Recap:

Since arriving in the Ultimate One Universe, Reed has used science as a coping mechanism. Having failed to fulfil his promise to return the Fantastic Four home, Reed throws himself into science once again as a means of coping. Even more so than in his own universe, UOU Reed Richards was held up as a saviour of sorts – a visionary that would chart mankind’s way out of the darkness – and this season we’ll see Reed take that mantle on with both hands. Having “lost” his family, Reed seeks to construct a new one, all the while refusing to humour that his relationship with Sue might be a thing of the past.

Having tried her best to hold the Fantastic Four together last season, Sue embraces the newfound freedom the team’s breakup presents. Away from her brother and husband for the first time in years, Sue trades in New York for a completely new environment, and finds herself mired in a world of politics and intrigue that require her to rely on her wits more than her power – with the fate of millions resting on her shoulders.

The end of last season was particularly traumatic for Ben. Mind-controlled by a power cosmic-imbued Hector Hammond, Ben was forced to beat Guy Gardner within an inch of his life and then suffered a facial wound that he still bears the scar from. But a life on the sidelines is not the Grimm way – and when presented with an opportunity to help change the world in a more direct, impactful way by an old friend, Ben takes it. Though he soon learns that his new field is decidedly more murky than the one he left behind.

Johnny has perhaps struggled most of all. His first few months in the UOU were marred not only by sadness, but a deep, impotent anger towards anything and everyone, as he failed to process the loss of his world – and most of all his close friend Spider-Man. An encounter with Spider-Woman last season managed to help Johnny pull through the worst of his pain, but the destruction of the timecraft has plunged Johnny into despair once more. He, more than the others, is lost without the meaning the Fantastic Four lends to his life. Yet he may be on the cusp of discovering new meaning in his UOU counterpart’s past.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

The end of UOU Season One saw the destruction of the timecraft that brought the Fantastic Four to the Ultimate One Universe. Without a means to return home, Maria Hill (now Acting Director of SHIELD) presents them with a choice: assume the places of their dead UOU counterparts or be resettled under new identities and commit to never using their powers again. The Fantastic Four begrudgingly agree to the first option and SHIELD announce their “successful” return to distract from the fallout from the breakout at The Raft. Within weeks the strain of the facade gets too much for Ben, Johnny, Reed, and Sue, and they shock SHIELD – and the world – by announcing that the Fantastic Four are no more. Reeling from the trauma of losing their way back to their world, each member sets about carving out a new life for themselves away from the ghosts of their old life.

Post Catalogue:

1. New Frontier in Ruins
2. The Marquis of Death
3. Doom
4. 4th July
5. A Reed Moment
6. Enter: Guy Gardner
7. Interlinked
8. Magic Beans
9. Conflict Resolution
10. Imperius Rex
11. Unfinished Business
12. Home Sweet Home
13. Two Stretches
14. Mission: Fantastic
15. The Surfer Cometh
16. Prisoners
17. Specks of Dust
18. Righteous Fury
19. Snot-Nosed Punks
20. Great Responsibility – @HenryJonesJr
20a. Great Responsibility – Arachne
20b. Great Responsibility – Blubbing
20c. Great Responsibility – Uncle Ben
20d. Great Responsibility – The Promise
20e. Great Responsibility – Flame On!
21. Al Capone
22. An Invisible Woman Scorned
23. Some Egghead
24. The Eye of the Storm – @Lord Wraith
24a. The Eye of the Storm – Freedom
24b. The Eye of the Storm – Invincible No More
24c. The Eye of the Storm – Murderous Intent
24d. The Eye of the Storm – Homeward Bound
25. Fireman from Mars
26. A Question of Risk
27. Guy Hard with a Vengeance
28. No More Monologues
29. Mary Storm
30. It's Clobberin' Time
30a. It's Clobberin' Time – Chrome Dome
30b. It's Clobberin' Time – Supernova
30c. It's Clobberin' Time – Let Gods Be Gods
30d. It's Clobberin' Time – White Lies
31. Superman Returns
The banner is great.

Though that black-backgrounded Blue Beetle amidst a sea of other heroes on more natural looking backgrounds is going to make me burst a blood vessel.
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