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Dear Mr Curly,
I have done little travelling lately because I have been so dreadfully weary. Can it be true as the old Ecclesiastes said; that all things lead to weariness? Surely not. Perhaps the opposite is true: that all nothings lead to weariness. I have a peculiar feeling, Curly, that I am worn out from something I haven't yet done and the more I don't do it, the more exhausted I become. How strange. Could it be something I haven't realised? Perhaps it's something I haven't said? Something I haven't finished! It must be very large and true whatever it is and a lively struggle in the doing but I look forward to it immensely. I know I need it. First, however, I must curl up in my chair and sleep deeply with the duck. Perhaps I'll dream of this thing and wake up refreshed and do it. My fond wishes to you Mr. Curly, and to all Curly Flat.
Yours sleepily,
Vasco Pyjama
P.S. Not having breakfast can make you weary. That's for sure!
Michael Leunig. The Curly Pyjama Letters.

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Just checked with BBeast. We've got a small enough number of players and posts now that we can waive the limit of khookies earned per post for you. Go for your life.
Hey Lunarlord34! Unfortunately, we have already held session 0 and our party is full for now. However, I can put you on a waiting list if the someone has to bow out.

If your appreciation for the Richmond Tigers AFL team is any indication, you will definitely have to make sure the timezone suits. Australia is an unforgiving place to get in touch with the USA xP
Narsi avoided looking at Julan as she slowly stood back up to her feet. Grasping her jarred arm, she dryly coughed to get her throat clear.

"I'm not your sister," she said with a glare at Julan, before lowering her eyes again. "...But I'll train."

"And when were you ever going to change your mind!?" Fendros shouted in return. His brow betrayed something sad behind his anger. "This might be the last time you get, with where we're going! And if I lose you I'll have to lift my broken self off the ground and explain to them why you disappeared! Do you want me to lie then!?!"
Narsi's sneering face took shallow, wheezing breaths in and out between gritted teeth. Every trace of movement Julan made against her injured arm made her wince. A few last vain attempts at escaping his grasp did not make her any less angry, but it was clear the fight was over.

"Fff...Fuckin' asshole..." she hissed out. Her eyes scrunched shut. "You win...but this don't mean...I'm a coward...hear me?" She winced hard again when she tried to move her arm, silencing her breathing for a moment.

Rhazii spoke up from the side. "You made your point, Julan. I don't think she'll be changing that attitude no matter how black and blue she gets, but it'll be a lesson for taking that cheap swing at you."

"You saw how they were looking at us, they knew there was something more," Fendros responded immediately with a similar tone. "They're worried," he gestured to one side with a flat hand, "they'll not forget, and I can't keep lying to their faces like that! Let alone-" He stopped for just a moment to purse his lips and abruptly turn his head up to the rafters.

He was hesitating to continue his thought. The moment left a void for Ahnasha to retort if she was not speaking over him already.
@iVirgin Speaking of that invite, I tossed one your way in a PM yesterday.
Narsi had better control over her momentum that Julan might have expected. He was still strong enough to throw her. In the end, it was the landing that went wrong. Julan found himself resisted just enough to only have Narsi's arm under his body by the time they hit the floor.

It was fortunate Narsi's arm did not break or tear. She still let out an involuntary shriek as it was jarred at the elbow. Narsi's reaction was an immediate roll over to smack her flat palm against Julan's ear hole.

Fendros had gathered all their luggage on the bed, ready to leave as soon as they needed to. He turned around from where he was looking out of the window with his hands clasped. A neutral face quickly went stern at Ahnasha's entrance. "What did you tell them?" He spoke, repeating himself to interrupt anything Ahnasha might have said to avoid the subject. "What did you tell them?"
Narsi took the hit to the gut with a grimace, but to her credit she was quick enough on her feet to rebalance before the weight of Julian's shove could put her on the floor. She instead found herself several steps back from Julan and still just as angry.

She let out another shout as she closed in to try again. This time with a simple jab to occupy Julan's hand before following up with a punch at his chin.

Rhazii itched his head. She was fighting smarter than with the axe and shield.

Fendros and Ahnasha's personalities lended themselves easily to arguments. Their stubbornness was as much as source of conflict as it was of admiration between them. This time, however, what Ahnasha saw in Fendros' eyes was the former.

He was tired, stressed, and harrowed after such a day. His jaw clenched around his tongue in a display of strained self control. He could have told them all the truth on Ahnasha's behalf but it was not his place to do so. He could have walked away and been just as frustrated as before. When he stood up from the table, he could only manage something in between.

"Of all the things you I've seen you afraid of, I never thought you would be scared to do the right thing." He said. There was not even an acknowledgement of any response Ahnasha or the family might have had as he walked around to the stairs up to their room.
While I can't guarantee what the situation will be in a few months, I don't mind having a spectator around if that's what you'd like to do. If I invite you to the Discord server, you could listen into the voice chat while we plan and play. Does that sound good?
Narsi shouted louder to speak over Julan. "A few seconds ago you hadn't pissed me off enough! GRAAGH!" She engaged with a swift combination of punches, mostly as a distraction and deflection between a single strike meant for Julan's side. The flurry was hardly unstoppable but Narsi did not make it easy to exploit her openings.

Fendros kept eye contact. He did not so much as flinch. "No, there's plenty of time," he said flatly.

For the next few seconds, Fendros' only movement was to blink once. He finally spoke with his voice lowered to a quiet volume, though not so quiet that Ahnasha's family could not hear it. "It does not have to be everything. But you have to say something."
To the first question, sure thing! We'll be able to show you the ropes as we go. D&D 5th edition is pretty forgiving for newcomers.

To the second question, I'm sorry to say but voice chat is a must for our sessions. Tabletop RPGs slow down quite drastically when done over text, not to mention mixing text and voice chat is always a hard dance to keep up with. That said, if you can get voice chat capabilities ready before the 21st when we have our session 0, you're more than welcome to join in!

Also, an update, we've found a couple more players, so we're up to 4 player characters. We still have room for one or two more, though.
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