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Dear Mr Curly,
I have done little travelling lately because I have been so dreadfully weary. Can it be true as the old Ecclesiastes said; that all things lead to weariness? Surely not. Perhaps the opposite is true: that all nothings lead to weariness. I have a peculiar feeling, Curly, that I am worn out from something I haven't yet done and the more I don't do it, the more exhausted I become. How strange. Could it be something I haven't realised? Perhaps it's something I haven't said? Something I haven't finished! It must be very large and true whatever it is and a lively struggle in the doing but I look forward to it immensely. I know I need it. First, however, I must curl up in my chair and sleep deeply with the duck. Perhaps I'll dream of this thing and wake up refreshed and do it. My fond wishes to you Mr. Curly, and to all Curly Flat.
Yours sleepily,
Vasco Pyjama
P.S. Not having breakfast can make you weary. That's for sure!
Michael Leunig. The Curly Pyjama Letters.

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"Oh, Rhazii and Julan had smiles once the tears of relief had abated," Fendros recalled. "I can understand, though before then I had not put in my mind that they were scared for the worst."

He exhaled and cast his eyes down.

"But the future...yes, well, Ahna and I had spoken hopefully of it during the war. Now we shall see how much of it comes true." He smiled. "We will be seeing firstly to Rhazii's future. We'll keep teaching him, though he will need a tutor. Not just because of General Ri'vashi's sacrifice. The opportunities for a warrior in the next decade...I would rather not those be the only opportunities my son has."

He clasped his hands together.

"As for Ahna and I. We have many years together now. I do not intend to waste them." He looked at Meesei. "I will be busy, but we shall have more time together to spend peacefully. I want to build a home with Ahnasha. I want to experience passions with her, the activities that fascinate us. I want to hunt with her and travel with her and...all we can." He chuckled. "And perhaps open a hunting supply store in Skyrim to throw off her wonderful family, we'll see. I hope my family can get closer to her and Rhazii as well."

Finally, Fendros looked up into the canopy.

"The rest of the pack remains my family too. Even Sabine, after her independence. They are my best friends. If we can live a life we can be proud of, if we can provide for our children, I would call that a good future."
The tears ran down Fendros' smiling face so fast that he only now thought to wipe them off with his forearm. That was when he remembered to put away his weapon. The entire situation had him feeling clumsy. Not a desired impression he wished to give as the new champion. But Meesei remained a friend and packmate. He gave up and sat down mext to her, holding up his knees with his elbows.

"I won't pretend it'll be any easier," Fendros responded. "I won't let you shirk the credit you are due, however. You saved us. You saved all our lives. Over and again." He looked at the grass in front of him. "And those you saved, I'll be relying on their help. We shall do our best."

Fendros glanced out of the corner of his eye. "How much do you know about what happened after you...well, after you cast your final spell in the battle?"
Fendros could not call himself informed enough to truly understand what Meesei had done. However, he started to lower his guard. He did know Meesei well enough to feel her reassurance.

"This...has me at a loss." Fendros' sword loosened in his hand. "This past few days, you were dead."

All of a sudden, the weight of it all pressed against Fendros' eyes. He could not stop two large tears running down from his eyes at once. He tried to breathe in and found himself shaking. He breathed a laugh. "You would think I should be used to seeing you return from certain death by now."
Fendros brought his sword up the instant the werewolf appeared. He noticed his limbs were slower to do so than usual. But, Meesei's appearance made him lower his guard, instead settling into a kind of stunned silence.

He did not have a quip to retort with. His mouth instead hung open for a moment. "...Meesei?" Was all he could muster before he felt his eyes starting to well up. "How could...? What is the meaning of this?"
Fendros' life was not one free of particularly vivid dreams. Even as far as a lycanthropic nightmares took him, his own experiences filled his nights with strong recollections of terrible moments. Even the one he found himself in now.

Only this was not like those dreams. It was still. Peaceful, even. And he felt an conscious awareness the likes of which was usually overpowered by dreaming.

He nudged at the werewolf corpse with his boot. It was heavy and dead. He felt his face and found his facial hair and marks of age missing. He was at a loss. A dreadful loss missing his pack.

And the urge was there, guiding his eyes and his feet. He found his sword on the ground nearby. His family sword he had given Rhazii to take care of. Holding it tightly, he cautiously headed into the forest.
So, the more I think about tying up loose ends, the more I think I can just leave most of them for a gathered epilogue. We can do any scenes you would like but I don't have any more to add right now.
Fendros' relief at the crowd's response was quickly overtaken by the infectiousness of their elation. He couldn’t help but purse his lips and breathe carefully to stop himself laughing. These people, his people, could finally be happy.

The chanting that followed was less than expected, though Fendros could not think how to accept it. A subconscious desire made its familiar presence known in Fendros' mind. It knew how to call back to the crowd. He glanced to his ring, nodded to himself, and let his transformation quickly take hold.

Fendros grew taller than he expected, even on the outcrop, as his fur grew and his face stretched to that of a werewolf. He spread his arms and let out a victorious roar up at the distant cave ceiling.

Godhunter. Fendros had changed one more time.
Yalu 'Suumko

Those are many civilian buildings going up, Yalu thought to himself. The first line of them had little warning. Would the others have time to get out of the line of fire?

There was no time to act on it now. Enemy aircraft were showing up on his motion sensor before his eyes caught them through the poor visibility. They could see him and his wingmates. Yalu dove to gain speed and lined up a close shot on one banshee to the left. A few plasma bolts flew out to force evasion. The enemy rolled to one side -- a manoeuvre not easily interrupted. Yalu mouthed a prayer and lead a fuel rod into its path.

The sky lit up for a second. Yalu figured something out.

"Air, pull back towards the blockade runner," Yalu said over comms. "Do not cover me."

It was a relatively straight path to the kaidon's palace from the breach in the wall. A wide, main parade street at that. Yalu swung around and dove for the street level at full boost, trailing lines of bright plasma and several enemy banshees behind him. He levelled roughly thirty metres from the ground and kept going at full speed. He would be below the anti-air batteries and very much in view of any civilians left in the area. Hopefully his risky flight path would give them notice enough to evacuate under the pretence of leading the enemy away.
I'm not sure I can remember enough loose ends to tie up to make 8.5k, Catharyn :P

Anyway, it's late here, but I wanted to punch out that speech. I think it covers the essentials.
Fendros shook his head and put a hand up at Saras before he took his leave. "Put that axe somewhere secure and out of site. It is still Vile's artifice. We are done with him."

As for Ahnasha, Fendros had a much less stoic face to show her by the time they were alone again. He looked down at his hand in hers and squeezed. "I have the words well enough, I think, without taking another few days to agonise over them." He tried a smile. "If you could be by my side, that would help me the most at this point."

With another long, deep breath, Fendros straightened up and leaned into the steps that took him up to the outcrop looking over the crowd.

The loud murmuring took a few moments to die down. Fendros could see every kind of person he could imagine before him. They focussed their bright or weary eyes, turned their large or small ears, and exuded a kind of billowing expectation.

Fendros looked back at them, borrowing his father's stony face suitable for any substantial matter.

Now, Fendros thought, the time to fear was before.

"Lycanthropes of Tamriel," he projected his voice louder than he thought he would be able to. That put quiet into the remainder of the crowd. He continued. "You may know me as Fendros Avarul. I am the Champion Meesei's chosen second. I would have your ears for a short while, for there is much to tell."

Fendros almost hesitated.

"We stand here victorious over an enemy the likes of which has brought empires to their knees. Every drop of blood, every terror, every worry, every labour, every life sacrificed has lead here, to salvation."

Heat shot through Fendros' eyes. He had expected as much after the meeting with the council. He lowered his eyes only for a moment before bringing them back up.

"The servants of Hircine endure. But even their strongest had to give everything to ensure it. Many of you will be resting tonight with a missing place in your families. General Ri'vashi and our own Meesei...will be two such late friends. On the approach to Vile's tower, Ri'vashi held back the horde of Daedra intent in stopping us. Meesei, further towards the tower, annihilated a vast host of Daedra to ensure the rest of her pack's passage to the prince, and gave her life in the act. They both will await us all in the Hunting Grounds, no doubt right alongside everyone else who could not return with us."

Fendros had to stop for a moment and clench a fist to keep himself together.

"Meesei's pack; Ahnasha, Kaleeth-rei, Janius, Lorag, and myself, as well as that of her protegé Sabine, her pack in Do'rhajul, Yerig, and Tarna, made their way to the seat of Vile's power. It was with everyone's efforts that we fought through Vile's servants. Hircine himself manifested to fight Vile in single combat, but he was stymied by Vile's stolen power. Sabine's quick thinking released a rebellious daedric ally in the entity Barbas, who drained Vile of this power and opened the way to strike. Percieving us with the Rueful Axe, Clavicus Vile sent a torrent of magical destruction upon me. Only with the sacrifice of our old foe Do'rhajul lending me his artefact shield did I repel this power long enough to send the axe down on Vile's flesh. The small wound was enough to bring our enemy to Hircine's mercy. To shorten a long and painful recount, I then awoke much as the rest of you on those Fields of Regret did, back in the Hunting Grounds. The war was over. The war is over."

He paused. Fendros had no desire to exhaust everyone's last trails of energy with every detail of their advance. No doubt a more thorough story could be told later.

"This cost to preserve ourselves will be felt for the rest of our lives. We now look to the present and the future, forever changed. As Meesei's second, I have taken the position of Champion of Hircine." He held up his hand with the wolf-headed ring for all to see. "I intend to fulfil the duties of champion to the best of my abilities for all who sacrificed in the war."

Fendros lowered his hand.

"Everyone, we are visible now. Recognised across Tamriel, perhaps not yet by common people, but by the institutions of the Empire and Dominion. We are no longer savage monsters to be put down by force, but citizens of our nations once more. People with ambitions and morals. For any who wish to try returning to the life before – of wandering in the wilds in packs, none can stop you. For those in clans, however, you now find yourselves open to opportunities the likes of which were impossible before. Prosperity, trade, safe passage, and legal and military protection, all the while your self-governance is preserved. But, this, too, comes at the cost of ties to your host nations. I do not fear this cost. If nothing else, the war has demonstrated an adaptability in our people that will serve us well in these changing times."

Fendros percieved the absence of immediate uproar as a good sign, even if what he said was generally known among clan leadership.

"But these are challenges for home. Here, today, we mourn, we rest, we convalesce, and sleep in each other's arms. To all those who gave life and limb in the battle, we are in your debt forever.

"Tomorrow, I declare this a site of celebration for the memory of those we lost and the future we gained. Tomorrow we feel the weight of the world lift from our shoulders. We think of the danger passed and laugh with our companions. Take the time to express all you might have regretted to withold yesterday. We say to those in the hunting grounds that we shall not take for granted this life they provided us. Finally, we feast as if our larders held the flesh of a fallen daedric prince, for that was our prey, and our hunt was a success!"
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