Avatar of Nexus Prime
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    1. Nexus Prime 8 yrs ago


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So, some arrogant asshat just posted an obnoxious and hideous looking sheet on the previous page. @Sep, @Natty, @Spud, @Dedonus, y'all should probably go have a look and yell at this idiot. The nerve of that guy, ugh. Here's the link to the idiocy.

Apologies in advance to those who fall asleep reading the sheet. I recognize how absurdly long, and absolutely shitty it is. And I accept that I butchered everything.

The Jessica Jones references in the sheet are for if and when @GreenGrenade applies as her, and in the situation we're both accepted, however unlikely that may be. They can be removed, however, if necessary.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go die.
I'm a dirty liar, it seems. I'll have to post the sheet relatively early tomorrow. It's rather late here now, and I'm exhausted. I'd rather not proofread and make sure the sheet is completed in the state I'm in currently, as it will only make the already terrible writing worse. So, tomorrow. Apologies.
@Nexus Prime: While I understand that it might be frustrating, I believe they are deferring to you to build an opportunity for a clone saga and they'll work within that framework. They might not want to dictate too much of what you are planning with your character (i.e. Spider-Man). Sure, they should contact (or should have contacted) you about making sure that his happens. However, telling someone that they should look elsewhere for a character because your yet to be accepted application might not be able to accommodate that character shows a lack of flexibility.

It would be one thing to tell someone no to an idea in the middle of a roleplay where it conflicts with your immediate plans. It is a different thing when things are not set in stone.

It's not about frustration at all. I had previously contacted Rin privately, as well as telling her - and by extension anyone else wanting to play Spider-characters - in the OOC itself to discuss their thoughts and ideas with me if they wanted so I could build an opportunity for clones. I gave notice in advance, and actively attempted to accommodate others before even beginning work on my own sheet so that in the case of if I were to be accepted everything would already gel and mesh together. So to say I'm not showing flexibility is a fallacy.

And I never said he should give up and look elsewhere, I suggested he consider looking at other characters so as to not continue to wait for something that, at this point, I do not feel is viable.

As to my potentially being accepted and landing the character or not being set in stone, that doesn't matter at this point. I made strides to be accommodating, and to work in other ideas logically and comfortably with my own, but those strides were not met. Instead, I was left to my own devices, and I designed my Spider-Man accordingly with my own ideas and directions. Because of that, what I came up with for the character doesn't allow for those types of legacies to yet be present in Peter's life. There are over fifty years of storied history to explore for Spider-Man, and I have no intention of rushing this story simply to include as much of that history as possible; that's foolish, and generally bad story-telling.

So, regardless of if I'm not yet accepted, Matt waiting on me to get my sheet up specifically before working on his own characters is a poor decision, because, by now, there is no room for those legacies and my version of Spider-Man. Which is why I honestly informed him he may want to look elsewhere so as to not have his time wasted, or expectations dashed. That elsewhere, by the way, includes his own version of Spider-Man, as Kaine or whatever. I'm not arrogantly presuming I will be the Spider-Man player. I'm merely letting those who are waiting for something that won't be coming - a clone saga of some sort - know that it will not be, and to seek out other options.

This isn't frustration, this isn't bias, and this isn't uncooperativeness. So, please, do not suggest as such.

That being said, I've got the final two years of Spidey's history to go over in this sheet, as well as filling out the rest of the sections, before I post it, and it can be accepted or denied at your collective leisure.
I should have my sheet up before I sleep tonight, I've just returned to working on it after a short break.

That being said:

Again, I have to wait for Nexus before I can effectively make my characters.

I would suggest looking for characters elsewhere, and not wait. As I continue moving forward with this sheet it is increasingly obvious to me that clones, and legacy characters such as what you are interested in do not mesh nor gel with my portrayal of Spider-Man at this point in time.

I was originally open to the idea of, at the very least, one clone existing to accommodate Rin's desire for an Ultimate Spider-Woman like character, but my attempts to work out concepts beforehand didn't pan out and I had to push forward with my character sheet with my own ideas. And, unfortunately, that didn't lead to those legacy options being viable.
@Sep Right, well, since nobody else seems to be interested in Spider-Man,


I suppose I'll hop in here, and try to snatch up Spider-Man.

*Cough cough*

@Nexus Prime

Peter Benjamin Parker
The Amazing, sometimes Sensational, always Spectacular, Spider-Man

Story Arcs:

- A new year at Empire State University, Peter must contend with both a forced arrangement in school, and an old foe returning. (Brief, introductory arc.)

- Sightings of the Lizard creature from several years ago crop up once more. The creature is attacking others with intelligence this time, but Curt claims he has none of the serum present in his blood, nor remembers changing again. Peter must figure out what the truth is, and determine if his godfather is lying about the serum.

- Street gangs and organized crime in the city is even wilder than before. With Rose on the loose, multiple criminals obtaining advanced technology, and seemingly new players on the field, Peter will have his hands full as Spider-Man.

- With financial struggles at home increasing and his part-time job as a photographer not covering the bills, Peter must figure out a new way to earn money, and fast. At the same time, a mysterious new figure takes to the skies of New York.

- Tons of other stuff and things.
(Note: the order of the arcs may change as the RP progresses.)

Reference Posts:

Old Batgirl post. Muy terrible.
Old Spider-Man post. Also horrible.
Old original character post. Meh.
Recent Quicksilver post. Still pretty crappy.

Enjoy some of my multiple personalities. Hank Pym ain't got nothin' on me.
Hate to disappoint, but I'm at least gonna have to go on an extended break from the game, if not pull out outright. <3

Sorry to hear that. Hope it's more of the former than the latter.
Damn. I did it wrong.
Have some characters in mind, young characters or age-regressing some traditionally adult characters.

As I write this characters I thinking about include: Ultragirl, Kate Bishop, Rogue, Nova (unsure which one) and/or possibly Miles Morales.
My first idea was turning Kate into a vigilante (think Arrow season 1). I would maybe introduce Cletus Kasady as well.
My second idea was possibly building a small group of mutants to become a version of the Brotherhood.
And, my third was bringing together a group of characters whom all have alien origins.

Because my work load usually begins to slowly increase this time of year I'm a little worried about my posting, so I was also thinking of basing my first character outside of New York, at least temporarily.

I was actually considering a few weeks ago on using Ultragirl as a character in another game, so that's interesting. Would want to read a tale about her.

The Miles Morales and Cletus Kasady bits, though, I would say would be dependent on whomever the Spider-Man player turns out to be, as they are legacy characters and rather important ones at that. Though, that's just my two-cents, keep in mind, I have no real authority on the matter. Though it does seem that, for Cletus Kasady, there are other characters that can be used without taking a central Spider-villain. Especially if you're just needing a prominent serial killer, as there are plenty of those throughout Marvel.

And if you're worried about activity, Nova might be a good route for that as, dealing with space-tales, you generally don't have to worry about holding others up if you are unable to post for awhile. And Nova is an interesting character to read, anyways.
Screw it, I'm interested. Thinking of running a college-aged Jessica Jones. Hm.

You're welcome, and I expect royalties for the idea.
And don't try to run away, you can't hide from me.
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