Avatar of Nobodyman123


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
4 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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4 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
4 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
4 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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Most Recent Posts

For years, people have spoken House of Ruin in hushed tones. As the old story goes, the lord of the manor, driven mad with a thirst for knowledge, meddled with powers that were beyond his comprehension. Since then, many have come to the manor, and few were ever seen again.

For my own research, I must go to this house and try to piece together what happened. I have hired a few mercenaries to accompany me. I pray to the Great Beyond that it will be enough, but I have come to far to turn back now.

-Journal entry from Abdul AlHazred
To celebrate the recent full release of Darkest Dungeons, I brewed up an idea for an RP based on the game. Unlike many other RPGS where the heroes (and the players by extension) feel heroic and brave, Darkest Dungeon really dives into the mental toll that adventures take on those who take part in them. In this RP, I want players who are willing and interested in playing damaged characters, with phobias and deep rooted fears as we try and make our way to the bottom of the abyss.

Standard rules apply (don't be a dick, no Mary Sues).

And here is a link for Class Info: darkestdungeon.com/about-the-game/heroes
@StoneDogg1Well, I'm gonna have a list of the classes from the game up on the thread, and I'll let people pick the one that they want.
Welcome new players. I'm gonna cap it off here for new people. I'll try and have a thread up soon.
@CuccorulerActually I think that would be very helpful. I work ten hour days, so it'd be good to have someone working on this with me.
Great! I'll try and have a thread up sometime soon. Any questions so far?
@Cuccoruler@FateWeaver Thanks guys. I was debating on how you guys would feel on playing the classes from the game.

To celebrate the recent full release of Darkest Dungeons, I brewed up an idea for an RP based on the game. Unlike many other RPGS where the heroes (and the players by extension) feel heroic and brave, Darkest Dungeon really dives into the mental toll that adventures take on those who take part in them. In this RP, I want players who are willing and interested in playing damaged characters, with phobias and deep rooted fears as we try and make our way to the bottom of the abyss.

Standard rules apply (don't be a dick, no Mary Sues), but I will generate a full list if this gains any interest.
Reserved for Nallore. I'll have my own CS up soon, but here is a basic skeleton.

So after a few weeks of watching Kurosawa movies and playing Onimusha, I had a great idea for a 1x1. My character would be a wandering ronin, traveling across Japan looking for a cause to fight for. If anyone is interested, please PM me.

Standard rules apply.

-18+ only
-No god modding
-No rape/incest/pedophilia
-if things start to get stale, please talk to me. Don't just up and disappear.
I apologize for being slow, but I am making progress. :/

I wanted to know where you guys get such wonderful pictures.
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