Avatar of Nobodyman123


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3 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
4 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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4 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
4 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
4 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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"Right." Said Reynault, who tried his best to pretend what any of those foreign words meant. If he told this girl anything about whats been happening to him, she might think he's crazy and look for help elsewhere. Maybe he could try and learn more about this place by asking the right questions.

As they prepared for their journey, he tried asking her a few things. "So, you have a good relationship with Voice of the Tempest, then?" He tried his best to make it sound completely natural, almost non-nonchalant.
"Reynault, of the de Lyons." Reynault responded instead of asking what an Ashari was. He figured he would try and gain their trust first before hitting her with the heavy questions. Lets keep it simple for now.

"I just arrived here, so I'm not exactly familiar with these places. Are the Summit Peaks far? Do we need anything while we are here?"
Reynault quickly read over the job notice. A potentially heroic quest? Sounds like just the thing I need! Before the young woman turned to leave, he tried to get her attention.

"Excuse me. Perhaps I can help with this." he said to her. He wasn't sure of her race, but she was certainly cute. Maybe she could help him figure out how the hell he got here, and why he's so far from home. If nothing else, a friend would certainly be welcome right about now.
Rolled it. Poorly.
Reynault didn't actually realize how hungry he was until the sandwich was in front of him. He ate the sandwich with a gusto that would have horrified his family's old manservant. I wonder what that old rooster is up to now that I'm gone. I'm sure he's got his hands full with the baby. Between him and mother, that kid is going to grow up spoiled rotten.

After finishing the last of his potatoes, he stood up from his stool. "Thanks for that, and for the conversation." With that, he walked over to the job board, hoping for something that paid decently well.
Reynault shook his head and quickly drained his ale. "So no one around here has ever heard of Neverwinter? Or Faerun?" Reynault set his now empty tankard back onto the bar and wondered if this bar had anything stronger than ale.

"So that Runescribe fellow, he sounds like a magic expert, right? Maybe I should go talk to him next and find out how in the nine hells I got here." As he spoke, he could smell the aroma of his meal from the kitchen. Well, maybe not on an empty stomach. Now would be a good time to start stress eating.

"Okay, easier question. What can a man with sword do for work around here?"
"Vox what now?" Reynault said, trying to keep his voice down. The last thing he wanted was for people to know that he wasn't from around here. He rubbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "Okay then, let's start simple, and lets pretend for the sake of argument that I'm an idiot with no clue about what's going on."

His ale arrived and Reynault took a drink. Tastes normal enough. he thought before putting it back down on the bar. "This town is called Stilben, I gathered that, but where am I?"
"Whatever the special is, thank you." Reynault said before dropping a gold coin on the bar and sliding it towards the dwarf. "And maybe some information."

Reynault, despite never being an adventurer, knew well enough that bartenders and tavern owners are infamous gossipers. A nudge in the right direction, and maybe this dwarf can tell Reynault exactly where the hell was he and how could he get home? If not, then maybe he could help him find a way to make money.
Being from the Frozen North, Reynault had never felt so hot and muggy in his entire life. Where the hell am I? How come I've never heard of Stilben? he thought to himself as he walked through the town. The townsfolk he ran into generally kept a wide berth, but some looked at him with predatory eyes.

Keeping a strong hand on his money pouch, Reynault looked to the sun, gently rising over the bay and lighting up the masts of many docked ships in the harbor. At least the mornings here are nice. That already makes this place better than Luskan. While walking, Reynault felt the all too familiar pangs of hunger. Maybe this place had a tavern, preferably open for breakfast.
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