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female ✦ thirty one ✦ b-negative

✦ Enhanced Strength and Reaction Time
The muscles in Cerridwen's body have grown in a way that grants her the strength of a man double her size, and the speed of a trained athlete. The difficulty in this mutation is that her appetite has increased and prolonged exertion of her abilities can tire her out, forcing her to rest more often than normal.
✦ Tough Hide
As the virus slowly takes over her body it has started to leave a series of dark marks, some of which have hardened into calluses. While these calluses do not act like a natural body armour, they do present the occasional some resistance to any slash like attacks.
✦ Razor Sharp Claws and Teeth
The nails on Cerridwen's hands and feet have grown into a series of sharp, hardened talons while her teeth have also gone the process of being replaced with a set of razor-edged canines. They both have the ability to slash and tear through skin, clothing and even hard leather.
✦ A Long, Vigorous Tail
A peculiar mutation, but one with several advantages is the long tail that has grown from the base Cerridwen's spine. This bodily extension has improved her balance and manoeuvrability much like that of a typical animal, while also allowing her to control it like an extra limb. It holds enough strength to be used as a blunt force weapon, while it's sharp spines can leave deep cuts on those who have been unlucky enough to make contact wih it.


With long black hair, a thick set of defining eyebrows and a face that can intimidate those around her, Cerridwen was a woman who can resonate authority and submission with a simple look into your very soul. She doesn't have a keen sense of style and instead opts for the more casual look with leather jackets, boots and an old pair of jeans. As the virus eventually began to take over her body, it started to shift, alter and change her appearance into something that resembles more of an animal than human being.

Her skin began to form lesions, blistering into black sores that hardened into calluses; her fingertips slowly turned into beast-like claws as the nails have begun to grow out into long, curved talons; while her bones have started to calcify, causing her hands and feet to mutate, grow, and increase in size and density. The two most unusual of changes are both her spine, to which it has begun to extrude out of the skin on her back and grow into a long, muscular tail, and her teeth, that are slowly falling out to eventually be replaced by a set of long, flesh tearing canines.

Cerridwen can be considered quite a smart individual with personality traits that are are both observant and cunning in nature. During her time in the precinct she was noted to be forceful, dominating and self-confident; attributes that helped accelerate her difficult and demanding career. She was not afraid to push the rules and boundaries and enjoyed seeing justice be served to those who committed any wrongdoings... At least this was how the public viewed her.

Magnify those traits and pay close intention to her inner most desires and you will soon realise that Cerridwen holds a deeper, darker secret. Her hobby is homicide, her skills are in the kills, and she has a craving for watching people suffering time and time again. Borderline psychopath, a nightmare in the making, Cerridwen is a monster down to her very core.

The heart breaking part of all this is that she once had a softer, more compassionate side for others. As a young woman she was loving, caring and playful, but something happened during those years and her mind broke, leaving people to wonder what her true intentions were for joining the police force in the first place.


The room was shrouded in darkness, even with the knee to ceiling window that occupied one of the facing walls. There was a reason for this absence of light and it all had to do with that special coating on the glass surface; a mirror finish that allowed any individual to view directly through the surface without the risk of being seen from the other side. One of these occupants wearily leaned over and place his finger on a rather large trigger button, pushing it down before directing his voice into the microphone piece hanging before his face.

"Can prisoner one-five-five-eight-dash-jay please step through and into the examination room?" The voice acoustically echoed into the brightly lit chamber that laid on the opposite side of the glass. With a silence shattering click the handle of the door snapped opened to allow a certain inmate to enter. Heavy chains rattled around her ankles, her feet shuffled along the tiled floor, all while she was cautiously escorted in by two faceless guards towards a steel chair. They pushed her down into the seat, shackling the cuff chains to the eyebolts on the floor as to prevent her from moving about of her own free will.

"She looks rather familiar, where do I know her from?" one of the younger observers spoke out, curious as to how he recognised the cold expression of the criminal that sat a few meters away from him. His young inquisitiveness drew him closer to the glass, begging him to place his face and hand against its surface so that he could get a closer look at the female.

"Cadet," the examiner opened his mouth as he turned his aged, burly face towards the youngster. The trainee returned the look as the examiner once again pressed the button and expressed his commands down the intercom line, "Will the convicted state their full name."

Silence fell long enough to almost warrant a repeat of the request before the feminine voice responded coldly to the examiner's demands, "Cerridwen, Lankerfield."

"No way? You are telling me that that is Detective Lankerfield?" By this point the cadet had turned his full attention to the other observers, one of them being the Bronx District Attorney, Miss Harper. The DA was currently enjoying the soothing aroma of a two dollar cup of coffee when she gently pulled the beverage away from her lips in order to respond to his query.

"Yes, the woman sitting there before you is former Detective Cerridwen Lankerfield," Miss Harper began as she leaned into her briefcase in order to pull out a thick, heavy case file. Reaching out, she handed it over to the cadet who seemed quite eager to see the confidential information that was contained inside. "What you have there in your hands is four years of hard work; and many, many mistaken arrest. Evidence tampering, forced confessions, and even a miscarriage of justice; all performed by her to cover her own acts of crime, the multiple homicide of case victims."

The cadet looked up as the DA, slightly bewildered with what she was saying. "So she targeted the actual victims themselves?" He flipped to one of the pages, "That means Michael White here was murdered because he was the sole survivor of an armed robbery and—" quickly the rookie flipped to the next page, "—Vicky Walker was killed because she was a rape victim?"

"Hard to believe, but you are correct. At first we thought they were simply revenge killings, but as time went on we soon realised that it was an internal job since much of the evidence presented at court didn't quite match that which was discovered at the crime scenes; and so we fabricated a case in order to entrap our unsub," Miss Harper took a short sip of her coffee, "Lo and behold it came as a shock to many when Miss Lankerfield here was the one that we had to place the cuffs on."

The cadet turned back to the front page and decided to read through Cerridwen's personal details, muttering out loud some of the findings. "Orphaned at 8... Grew up in a foster home til the age of 18... Graduated NWPD Police Academy at 21, top of the class... Promoted to detective at 25." He felt like he had read enough and closed the document folder, turning his gaze back at the woman in the room. "I just don't understand. How can such a valuable member of the force fall from grace so willingly?"

The DA walked over towards the glass, standing between the cadet and examiner, "It's best not to think about it," she reluctantly whispered, looking at the criminal beyond the glass. She could faintly see the smile on the woman's face, a slight grin hidden behind a mess of long hair. "Let's just hope that it's a long time before she has the opportunity to ever walk free once more."

✦ Police Issue Pistol
Not the weapon that she held while on the force, but one that she managed to acquire from a guard in the Riker's Island prison compound.

✦ Trained Enforcer
Years on the police force have taught Cerridwen well. She is a woman skilled in both hand to hand combat while educated in how to use a variety of firearms—most notably pistols and shotguns.
✦ Observant
Collecting crime scene evidence, and learning how to hide evidence of her own, have all been possible through Cerridwen's observant nature. She notices when things go amiss, she can spot the subtle changes and she has very well developed set problem solving skills.
✦ The Alpha Female
Cerridwen has a way to convince and manipulate those around her into doing her dirty bidding. She has a level of charisma and charm that meshes well with intimidation and fear. As a result she feels most comfortable when she is in control of a situation.

✦ Running on Fumes
The mutations that have altered Cerridwen's body have drastically increased her strength but at the cost of making her prone to exhaustion, and increasing her metabolism to a level where she has to eat more often. Failing to conserve her energy and eat at regular intervals will drain her stamina levels to a point where she may feel tired, weak, but worse of all her natural regenerative abilities will shut down completely. This can pose as a major problem in a world where available food sources may be sparse leaving her to find anything that may be somewhat edible, even if that happens to be the human companion next to you.
✦ Prone to Injury
Cerridwen's sudden changes in muscle mass and bone structure have placed her at risk of easily injuring herself. Pulling a muscle, straining a tendon and even popping a joint out of place are all possibilities when she hasn't had the time to understand what these mutations are changing. By continuing to push herself Cerridwen can suffer some of the more severe problems of internal hemorrhaging and even organ failure.
✦ Not your Friendly Neighbour
The New Windsor news channels all kept very will up to date on the arrest, trial and conviction of Cerridwen Lankerfield, labelling her as "The Victimiser" killer. This reputation, the nature of her mental health, and her time within prison have gradually blurred the lines for what it was like to feel compassion, sympathy and even love. She is confused and conflicted about her own humanity, leaving with very few that she can trust.

C O M P A N I O N S / F R I E N D S / R E L A T I O N S
(Unknown at this point)
Still plenty of room, the more the merrier.
Just knocking this up the forum listings for some more interest. If you have any questions be sure to ask away.
Giving this a Bump for more peeps to see. We have an Advanced Interest Check too that's going strong, so leave a remark her or there and we'll let you know when the RP is bout to start. :)
We figured it would be easier to create a unique location/time period, but use the skeleton of a well known one like New York. It grants us a lot of capabilities in what we can modify in the city without sticking too close to what is actually there.

As an example, there is no Statue of Liberty, but instead a Statue of Justice [Image]. Stating why a Statue of Justice is in the landscape is a lot easier than where the Statue of Liberty has gone.

The biggest advantage is that it gives players an idea of scale and size. Knowing that one character is in the Bronx and another is in Manhattan will eliminate those accidental errors of distance teleporting or unintentional metagaming.
You know me, I helped with this so of course I'm interested! ;D
@SoulEater Thank you. Much appreciated. :)
So got a few questions to run by you two.

Roughly what sort of lurker zombies will we be encountering? Are they going to be able to run, will they be brainless or semi-smart? Will there be variants like fatties or screechers? Things like that.

Since it is several years into the future I'm assuming things like fuel will be used up and people will really be roughing it? Just curious as to what the world will be like in the present day.
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