Avatar of Nyahahameha


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2 yrs ago
Current Loved Xenoblade 3, and I just got done with Astral Chain my friend lent me. Monster Hunter Stories 2 is next, and so far I'm liking it!
5 yrs ago
I love the dance Sekiro has me doing, but I think I need a break. Thinking I'll SwitchTM it up with Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


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I had the thread in my subs so I needn't have been @ed. Hope you guys have fun with this one! In the meantime, I don't suppose any of you (accepted or not) are part of other RPs that need someone, are you? XD If not, maybe I'll make my own RP, with Gunpla and shounen protagonists.
I assume the former. But since I'm already putting myself out there. (I know, no likes 'the questions guy'. But I ask, because I want things to be fair for everyone.) I hope (and politely suggest) whoever isn't originally selected, can still take part in the RP. If someone ghosts, or decides to drop out early. So the RP doesn't die.

And with that said, I hope everyone is able to take part as well.

Oh! I'm sorry, I actually got an answer on this because I'm in a discord with NoCo for a different RP. I should have shared the answer here as soon as I got it. Yes, the GM and Co-GM's characters are automatically accepted, and yes they count for the character limit, so in total there's space for seven other players.

I'm really hoping now that it's been 24 hours since NoCo said there would be a 24 hour window that we hear who's accepted soon. This process has been a lot worse for my anxiety than I thought it would be. X.x
I really like how everyone else's characters are turning out so far. Especially the music lovers Rhea and Renata. I bet Nina will get along great with both of them! I can also see Nina's Hitmonlee and Gigantor trying their best to show each other up in fun ways. And I also really want to see how Lennox reacts to Nina, that's sure to be hilarious. Semilla seems easy to get along with, too, fitting for someone who can appreciate Hassel.

I hope everyone is accepted! Oh, wait, are the GM and Co-GM characters automatically accepted? Does that mean there's only seven other characters that will be accepted? Or is it ten plus those three?
No, I'm not giving up! I will embody the Fighting spirit that a Fighting type specialist should let motivate them!

It's probably a product of my spoiled upbringing, but I can't overcome myself for recreation. ^^; I got too invested in my mental images of Nina's team and it just won't be the same if she can't have Meloetta. I'm going to withdraw my submission.
For the sake of everyone's eyes, no, I won't be colouring her dialogue. XD Welp, here goes.
Nyaha has questions!

1. Does the "Starter" slot in the CS have to be a region's starter Pokemon? Or is it just for whatever Pokemon the character first met?

2. Can we include a section for each Pokemon's currently memorized moves on the CS? It'd just make it easier for me to remember.

3. Are we meant to change the brown colour of the segment headers to our own character's colour?
I'm still interested in this. I don't plan on going with a specialization, but a lot of my character's team will probably be Fighting type anyway to fit the theme I want to go for so I'll take it unless someone else wants it. :)
Marie O'Hare
Queen Morag

"We'll just have to do what we do best."

"And that's kicking copious amounts of butt!" Marie chimed in, punctuating her statement with a "clack!" created by pounding the butt of her vertically-held halberd on the marble floor. "Which I'm guessing is where our, uh, "avatars" come in? I'm gonna' go out on a limb and assume these getups aren't just for show. So, if I wanna' open a portal like Morag does, do I just need to think about it...?"

The natural order of operations for a gamer to follow when starting a game they aren't familiar with is to practice controlling their character; test all the buttons, memorize what they do, make sure the camera controls aren't reversed, stuff like that. Thus, when a vertical portal opened in the air next to the closed-eyed Marie, it looked almost natural as Marie opened her eyes, reached through with the hand holding her halberd and placed it upon an empty weapon rack that looked to be located in the armory of Queen Morag's castle. She pulled her arm out of the portal, and just as effortlessly as the circular doorway in space had appeared, it was gone.

"...Cool. Anyway, I'm with Ellen; not super jazzed at the prospect of continuing to force living people to be characters in a video game under other peoples' control, though the fact that their values are severely outdated and shaped by time periods whence violent conflict was rampant--" Marie paused to inhale. "--does kind of necessitate some kind of rehabilitation program, I think. Masada should probably get started on that next after we rescue him instead of immediately diving into Rift Warriors XI."

Although, the biggest question she wanted answered was about this supposed "virus". A computer virus creating an entire separate universe from a video game, bringing everything in it to life while keeping it connected to the universe it originated from and giving control of the people now living in the separate universe to the people in the universe of origin seems...unlikely. Clearly this "virus" was as supernatural in origin as everything else that was just explained to them.
Marie O'Hare
Queen Morag

"Sorry to interrupt, but if you both have a moment, I was wondering if you guys happened to open a copy of Rift Warriors X only to be greeted by a blank character portrait?"

Marie pulled her eyes away from the unclear reflection in her armor and looked forward as two figures that had previously escaped her notice approached. She blinked once as astonishment washed over her. Sitra and...HellfireRider in Jesse cosplay? Wait...

"ClawsOfTheLioness? And--"

"I'm sorry, I guess I should have introduced myself first. I'm Thomas or you may know my screen name HellfireRider. Based on your outfits, I can only assume you are ForTheRedQueen, and you...You must be that rookie player who came out of nowhere in the last few months? Sorry if I can't remember your screen name. Rather impressive feat regardless."

Marie nodded her head at Thomas. She'd met him and ClawsOfTheLioness a few times at tournaments. Thomas in particular seemed personable enough for the handful of time she'd met him, and had helped her with a few of her hurdles. It was reassuring to have him along for whatever kind of ride this was going to be.

“Ohmigosh, hi! I’ve heard of you! Yeah, uh… that’s me… I’m a filthy casual as they say… Um… I never expected to make it this far, I’m shocked as everyone else… Uh, my username is TwinkleStar. Um… I-I-I know it doesn’t go with the whole Spartan thing. It’s a username I made up when I was younger and I kind of use it for everything… Um… you know what… just… just… call me Danny…”

"Filthy casual," he says after giving me so many problems. The Spartan was a particularly annoying character to fight against, what with all the special effects and ailments his kit could inflict, and this Danny had proven to be enough of an expert at exploiting that annoyance to almost take the fourth spot from her, and the player who'd ended up in the sixth spot had been no pushover, either. To think it'd turn out to be a kid even worse at personing than me. Huh.

"So if four of us are here, that can only mean we're waiting on one last player to arrive."

"...And the devil shall appear. I'm Ren."

Now this was a guy who was even more of a mystery than Marie tried to be. He was fairly personable to interact with, and he'd been a good enough sport to give her advice during the couple times she'd met him at tournaments, but their interactions never really went beyond that. She'd be tempted to call Thomas a friend, but this guy was definitely still in "acquaintance" territory.

“Hello to you too. I think Aster Wilde is really cute! Oh gosh, I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable… Um… You know what I’m just going to stop talking now…”

"Good, that means I can start," Marie announced, stepping between Ren and Danny halberd-first. "ANYWAY, that's right, I'm RedQueen, though Lioness and Heckrider know me as Marie. And yeah, I saw the blank character portrait on the select screen of ten, too. Soooooo, we all put in our copy, saw a character select screen with only our main on it, and now we're in Rift Warriors itself and dressed as our character? Why? Did Masada agree to sacrifice us to the elder god he made a pact with in exchange for his game dev skills?"
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