Avatar of Nyahahameha


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2 yrs ago
Current Loved Xenoblade 3, and I just got done with Astral Chain my friend lent me. Monster Hunter Stories 2 is next, and so far I'm liking it!
5 yrs ago
I love the dance Sekiro has me doing, but I think I need a break. Thinking I'll SwitchTM it up with Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


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now would be a difficult time for a character to join in with events anyway, so you haven't missed much.
Sooooo...does that mean I should postpone responding to Izurich's invitation? ^^; 'Cuz I was looking at this RP with some interest, and I have a character in mind I'd like to submit, but if it's not a good time, I'm okay waiting...
Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Semi Trailer Rooftop


She wasn't even aware her voice could produce a shriek that high-pitched. But as the blood poured from her shoulder, so did the blood-curdling noise pour from her throat. She stumbled back a step, just from the shock of the sudden pain, and of seeing her arm dangling in the grasp of her adversary. Rage (and a healthy dose of adrenaline) soon quelled the pain - the first plan of action to form in Kira's mind was to grab her arm back from the palemancer and proceed to beat him to death with it, even as he raised his weapon for another swing at her. But she never got the chance to act on that idea and bring the mental image to life, as the next thing she knew, the trailer beneath her feet was lurching toward the side she was facing. She watched the palemancer get thrown from the trailer entirely, taking her arm with him, while the diagonal pull of gravity on her body caused her to turn toward the front of the truck and fall onto her back on the edge of the trailer rather than off of it completely.

The collision with the cold metal forced her mind to clear, causing her to register the wetness running down her right side. Fuckin' prick! Just haaaad to give 'im my right arm. Idiot! Next she registered the night sky above her, which was soon eclipsed by one of the zombie lizardpeople attempting to leap on top of her, the figure appearing upside-down in her vision. Acting completely on instinct, Kira performed a side roll, moving her not only out of the paleguard's path, but also off the trailer entirely.

Or it would have, had she not shifted her gravity to pull herself onto the side wall of the trailer. She'd gotten just enough airtime from the change in surface orientation to swing her legs under herself, allowing her to quickly get to her feet and stand sideways on the top edge of trailer's wall - placing her directly between the paleguard and the still airborne palemancer. Bending down to hold her torso upright, Kira held her left arm up in front of her and fired off a Melody.

"Fuck off!"

Kira then fell backward, bending her knees and using her left arm to hold herself in a bridge pose on the wall of the trailer, in order to dodge out of the way of the palemancer's soon to be airborne body.


The projectile struck the paleguard just after it landed where she'd been laying, and the gravitational pull that acted on it sent it flying directly above Kira - putting it on a collision course with the palemancer. With the most immediate threat out of her hair for a moment, she quickly assessed the situation she now found herself in. She knew Espers were a hardy bunch, capable of regrowing limbs if needed, but not fast enough to avoid bleeding out from an untreated wound, and being down an entire limb would make her much less effective in a fight. She had to take care of her shoulder now.

Deciding the best course of action was to get the hell out of the fight for a moment, Kira dropped from her bridge pose to lay on her back, hugged her remaining arm to herself, and side rolled down the wall of the trailer. Her speedy little side roll carried her down toward the ground, though moving this way prevented her from even seeing what had become of her earlier Zone Melody. When she reached the bottom of the trailer, she altered her gravity one more time, pulling upward to keep herself from touching the ground. Even with the reduced space between the ground and the now dipped trailer, Kira was able to slip in and hide herself beneath the hulking mass of metal.

Finally, her rolling came to a stop, leaving her laying on her back on the underside of the trailer, facing the pavement. If someone looked under from the dipped side, she'd be completely hidden from view, albeit completely visible to anyone looking from the side that's now lifted. With hopefully a moment's peace, Kira reached under the hem of her now blood soaked white hoodie and pulled it up over her head, freeing most of her torso and her right shoulder from the garment. She also produced one of the several packs of medical supplies she had taken with her from one of the pockets lining the inside. Using her one remaining non-dominant hand, along with her teeth, she began the process of stemming, cleaning, and bandaging up her shoulder, which would have to involve bandaging across her torso and under her left arm.

Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Semi Trailer Rooftop

”So says the privileged celebrity?”

It took a few moments for the retort to register in Kira's mind. Understandable, given she had to contend with the pain of being kneed in the stomach, the frustration of having her counter countered, and the extra pain of slamming back-first onto the top of the semi. At least she was practiced enough voice-wise that the grunts of pain didn't hurt her throat. And her Esper form's physical defenses meant the palemancer's attacks wouldn't get anywhere close to putting her down for good.

”So says the privileged celebrity?”

Eyes closed from the pain, images flashed by in her mind. Of being kicked out of her house by her parents for her sexual orientation "of choice". Of all the fights she got in trying to just find somewhere she could sleep. Of the looks passersby gave her when they saw how gross her hair was and how dirty her face was. Of spending the harsh winter of Edmonton warming herself up by getting into even more fights with others living on the street. Of doing something similar in a more organized manner by practicing her capoeira in Toronto. Of all the train rides across Canada she couldn't enjoy much scenery of without risking getting caught by security or falling off the damn thing like she had while going through that one tunnel in the Rockies. Of suddenly finding herself up on stage, in front of thousands of people, putting on what she thought would be her best show ever, not realizing she'd top it mere months later.

With a groan, Kira forced herself into seated position, opening her eyes just in time to witness everything go even more to shit upon the arrival of the true freak show. Looking past the palemancer, she could only watch as the cultists approached the crowd of homeless people, and began summarily slaughtering them. Heart beating in her throat, she began moving without thinking, running toward the back of the semi, planning to hop over the skelly-hand man and cast a Melody to get as many of them away from the killers as she could, but was forced back into a crouching position when the floor beneath her feet lurched forward, punctuated by the roar of the semi's engine.

"Fuck shit!"

The forced moment of pause allowed her mind to run. At that point, the homeless people were spread too thin for her to effectively help them move away. The better idea would be to lock down the cultists, but she was willing to bet they had Espers among their ranks, and given how out of nowhere they showed up, they must have at least one adept with movement-based Melodies. Plus, if she and skelly-hand were still going at it, neither of them would be able to focus on the new threat.

”So says the privileged celebrity?”

Kira got back on her feet and closed the rest of the distance to the palemancer. She threw her right arm over his shoulders while altering gravity on herself, tilting it slightly the direction so it pulled both downward and also in the direction the semi beneath them was moving, in order to keep her steady on top of it and prevent skelly-hand from falling off as well.


With her outstretched left hand, Kira fired a projectile Melody at the thickest part of the group of cultists. Upon hitting, it created a 20 x 20 x 10-foot zone identical to the one she'd made earlier, visible only by the darkening of things seen through its limits. She pointed her finger to her direct right, changing gravity for enemies inside the zone to pull in the direction of the side of the MicroMart with enough force to throw them out of the side of the zone and slam them against the wall. Any of the homeless people caught in the zone would be unaffected this time.

”So says the privileged celebrity?”

"Fine, I can admit it: I coulda' done a better job a' pullin' other people up with me," Kira said, keeping her eyes on the cultist group as she spoke to the palemancer. "In my defense, the rise was so quick, I barely had time to really notice I ain't in the same place I was. Like, socioeconomically-speakin'. So says the privileged celebrity who used t' worry if I'd find my box trashed after I was done dancin' on the street for..."

Her face scrunched in thought, then turned to meet the palemancer's eyes with a nostalgic look in her own as she smirked weakly. "...average a' maybe thirty bucks a day, if I was lucky? That's in Canadian, mind. But I ain't gonna' have the chance t' correct that mistake if the people I owe it to get done in here. "

Kira stood up on the still-moving semi trailer, and offered her hand to the palemancer to help him stand, too.

Here's another one. XD I think I managed to balance her! It was fun working out how to make her weird power set work here.

Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Air Above Street

Having correctly anticipated how their speedy enemies would move, Kira had already turned her gaze to where she'd come from, and the sight of the undead lizard people and their ringleader approaching her previous position had prepared her well for their next move against her. The sight of the palemancer leaping into the air and brandishing a weapon made a smirk form on Kira's face, having every confidence in her ability to engage in close range aerial combat. Boy, you're just fulla' bad ideas, aren't'cha?

She started by altering gravity's pull on her body again, bringing her horizontal freefall in the direction of the truck to a halt as if she'd used a Self Suspend Melody. She rotated her body, leaving her floating upside-down in midair as the palemancer closed the distance. Kira intercepted the blade of the palemancer's scythe with her right foot while channeling her magic through it, casting a Melody that would suspend the next thing her foot came into contact with using gravitational force on all sides. The movement of the scythe's center of gravity would be slowed to the point of no longer having enough force to cut, if it was able to be moved at all, and she didn't plan on giving her bone-armed assailant enough time to figure out it could still be rotated around its center of gravity while suspended.

"You got some nerve, takin' advantage of the most vulnerable period a' these people's lives..."

Her confident expression fully soured as Kira allowed to surface the feelings that had been stewing since being greeted by the sight of a crowd of homeless people as her foes, and she reached forward in an attempt to grab the palemancer's left ankle with her right hand. If she succeeded, Kira would immediately cast a high grade Melody on herself - a huge gravitational force acting on her body would bring both her and the palemancer she would have grip of hurtling toward the side of the semi's trailer, Kira falling feet-first with the palemancer trailing over her head.

"...to manipulate 'em to your own shitty ends!"

Kira would transfer this force directly into the palemancer by overhead swinging him face-down onto the wall of the trailer, while making adjustments to gravity's pull on her body to avoid shattering her own ankles upon landing on the side of the trailer herself. With the amount of force the palemancer would hit the trailer with, the entire thing would begin to tilt sideways, with Kira's altered gravity letting her stand on the wall and raise her head upward.

"TOBIKATTE KIRA IS NOT GONNA' STAND FOR THIS SHIT!!!" she would roar, loud enough to be heard even over the metallic creaking of the semi settling back into position as it recovered from the force that tilted it.

Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Roof Across Street

The truck came to a stop. Kira's eyes narrowed as her brain shot into overtime to reassess. She had figured the truck had been moving in the first place because they were planning to take the water somewhere, and the presence of Espers would just make them more eager to get it to its destination. But instead, it stopped when they were spotted. No, forget why. Stopped truck doesn't need to be prevented from getting away. New plan, now!

Kira looked down at the crowd below, a smile spreading across her face as her new course of action formed in her mind. Please, I control bigger crowds than this once every month.

Before she could act on it, her attention was drawn by the man on the hood rallying the crowd around the truck, but the moment his hired help burst out from the truck, Kira's mind gave her a swift figurative kick in the pants. She leapt into the air while zeroing out gravity's pull on her body, imitating the effect of a [Self][Weightless] Melody and allowing her to soar off the rooftop with some forward momentum, moving her in the direction of the MicroMart as her floating body turned horizontal. At the same time, she held out her hand in front of her toward the ground with fingers splayed, and cast a Melody.

"Room!" called out Kira, floating about 18 feet in the air above the street, having leapt from the roof of a one-story building. Beneath her grew a rectangle, visible only by the way it darkened the view of things seen through it, that reached 20 by 20 by 10 feet, covering from the direct outside of the MicroMart where Sovereign was, to just past the middle of the road. Kira then pointed her finger toward the sky behind her. In response, all of the vagrants within the zone, and the pale guards rushing Himiko, would feel themselves begin to be pulled upward into the air. Those who eventually reached the top of the cube would exit it, only for Earth's normal gravity to make them fall back into it, leaving them bobbing up and down about 10 feet off the ground.

Afterward, Kira would alter gravity's pull on her body, causing her to list in the direction the now parked semi while maintaining her ~20 foot altitude. Her body twisted in midair, her head angled toward the truck while turned to face back toward the rooftop she'd come from. She had moved before observing, so she wasn't sure, but at the speed those creepy dead lizardmen looked like they were moving toward the blonde girl in front of the MicroMart at, if any of them had been targeting her before she moved, chances were they would be coming from that roof.

Alright, all my CSes have Graded Leitmotifs now.
@PonnWell, Mika's didn't, so I thought they weren't supposed to be listed, since you can usually just process of elimination it O.o I can correct that though if it's too confusing.
Here's another one. Why not? :)

Tobikatte Kira

MicroMart Front - Roof Across Street

Kira had taken note of the arrival of two other people in front of the MicroMart as she continued humming. She wasn't too concerned with the movement on the distant hill she'd noticed before laying down, either; cultists weren't known for having immediate access to long range weaponry nor were they known for having a high number of Espers in their ranks, so chances were, if the distant figures presented a threat at all, it wouldn't be immediate. What did cause her to cease humming and sit up, however, was the faint sound of voices coming from the rear of the mart.

Narrowing her eyes as she gazed at the top of the MicroMart across the street, she tried to concentrate on what she was hearing, but she was too far away to catch most of it. What was most audible were the cheers of a crowd of some size, which seemed to be responding to a single voice. Is there some kinda' rally happenin' back there?! That sounds like way more people than I was hopin' to have to fight, Kira remarked inwardly, slowly moving to standing position. The thought occurred to her that, if there were that many cultists here, they'd probably have plenty extra to leave on watch. Chances are the Freelancers here wouldn't have as much of the element of surprise as she'd hoped they would.

The roar of a diesel engine confirmed Kira's concerns, making her grit her teeth in consternation. She almost didn't hear the footsteps of the congregation that were moving alongside it. But she wasn't about to miss the sight of them, pouring out of the front entrance of the MicroMart. Nor was she about to miss that the semi was being driven out from behind the MicroMart, coming around from behind the building and driving down the side of it toward them. She wasn't sure what the two other Espers here were capable of, but she did know she could stop that truck from leaving. She didn't want to damage its contents, though, and it was also surrounded by people, so simply pulling it over wasn't the best plan. No, if she wanted to flip it without harming the people currently surrounding it, she'd need to wait for the right moment.

Kira's eyes darted back and forth between truck and the crowd of...homeless people? Right...wouldn't be hard to get people who feel like they have nothin' left to lose to join a cult. Probably told 'em they'd make the world that failed them a better place or somethin'.

From what she could tell, the people in the crowd had no projectile weapons, if they were armed at all. Could those weapons even hurt an Esper? No, don't underestimate them, Kira told herself. She decided to begin doing a simple dance that kept her moving from side to side, making her a more difficult target in the event something was thrown at her. It would also help her keep their attention on her.

"Where ya' goin' in such a hurry?! The party hasn't even started yet!" Kira taunted, her already gravelly voice full of vocal fry and her consternation having given way into a confident-looking grin. She wasn't addressing anyone in particular, but if anyone was going to answer, she would bet the important-looking one on the hood of the truck would be it, given how much he stood out from the rest. Which worked for her - she could make it look like she was talking to him while actually keeping an eye on the truck. She just had to wait for it to start turning onto the road in front of the MicroMart...

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