Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
6 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

So, the Pixie was staying, a slime seemed helpful while the other seemed a little odd, and they had the lizards. This could really -

Movement from the corner of her vision, and a barely noticeable, insidious smell, made her turn. Was that... They were near the bonfire, but one was rather large. And... Were they moving in this direction?

One thing she had learned in the streets is to never assume coincidence. If it seemed like it was, then it fucking was.

"Big guy and some small ones seem like they're heading this way. He look big. Really big. Problem?" Her speech was broken from nerves, her tongue flitting in and out, as she began backing away slowly. "I'm sneaky. Can try to distract?"

Caesar was impatient, it took ages before he got his popcorn, while Bullet Bill was talking about cheaters.

Seriously, who was pathetic enough to be a cheater?

Caesar shook his head, tossing what little remained of his popcorn towards Slick, what little remained of his cigar sticking out of the top. Stepping forward, he held up his hands. "Aye, I accept. I'll play this game of ball and Dodge. Amusing," he called over, starting to stretch before shrugging. Too much hassle, he was loose enough already.

He set his machete and new sword aside, near the crew for safe keeping, before he entered the arena proper.

"What's the rules? Just throw and Dodge? Heh. Dodge. Hehe," he asked as he broke into a fit of stifled laughter. "And where's the ball? Can't have mine."

Caesar was impatient, it took ages before he got his popcorn, while Bullet Bill was talking about cheaters.

Seriously, who was pathetic enough to be a cheater?

Caesar shook his head, tossing what little remained of his popcorn towards Slick, what little remained of his cigar sticking out of the top. Stepping forward, he held up his hands. "Aye, I accept. I'll play this game of ball and Dodge. Amusing," he called over, starting to stretch before shrugging. Too much hassle, he was loose enough already.

He set his machete and new sword aside, near the crew for safe keeping, before he entered the arena proper.

"What's the rules? Just throw and Dodge? Heh. Dodge. Hehe," he asked as he broke into a fit of stifled laughter. "And where's the ball? Can't have mine."
I'd also like to mention it's been almost a week on Mantis. I'm not in any rush to complete this little side quest since you'll need LF all together to finish it...

Anyways, if you update Swarm maybe update Mantis too?
In Hellpact 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Erin continued to stew over the entire situation, gradually deciding that this Sebastian was an annoying, self-centered pissant. No matter that the Lady was the root cause of the annoyance, he was the one who did it as such. She did not want to deal with him.

The others.... Well, besides Elizabeth she honestly felt rather unimpressed by the lot. Excepting Morgan, of course, the sweet little thing. So full of spunk and confidence, and a hint at possibilities.

The Lady was taking care of manners, and Erin moved before the child could. "Yes, I'll remain on the down-low if you please. And make Morgan my daughter, it'll be simpler to deal with any issues if they arise that way, and keep suspicion aside."

Finally, everything was settled. And finally..."Come, dear, I have a promise to keep. I'm sure there's somewhere nice enough to shop at around here."


The crystal dropped from the Pixie created an interesting reaction when combined with the obviously potent venom pool. It apparently had absorbed the venom and turned a shade of purple. Pretty purple, really.

Speaking of the flying bugger, he didn't seem all that inclined to join them despite Ash attempting to convince him before... Whatever had just happened had happened. Afraid of them hurting him?

As Ash tried to convince him forget, Rain decided on the intimidation route instead. "You do realize we could just venom you from here, right? With all of us, we'd surely hit you sooner than later. And we haven't. So, yeah, take that or leave it. We're going to better the cave."

Ash went on to explain reaction that had occurred, and Rain's tongue flicked out excitedly.

"That means if we could hit him with this he'll lose his magic fire, and even likely be stunned by the fumes! We could all hit him with our venom together and that Crispy will die!" she said excitedly.

There was a sound of a commotion outside of her sight, but did it suddenly seem a little darker in the cave? That don't make any sense.... Must be her imagination.

"Are you all up for it? Especially if the Pixie helps, there's no way we could lose. We've got the distance advantage, and I'm real good at being unnoticed!" The excitement in her voice was palpable.

This was.... Not what he expected. A room of cannons, of fights, of...

Was that food?

Caesar, ignoring the opponents, immediately flicked his cigar of ash and stalked forward to stand underneath the balcony. Eh? Hey, that popcorn smells good. Sell me some, eh?!" he yelled at the man holding the tray. "I'll come up if I need to, eh?"

Glancing at everyone else, he shrugged nonchalantly, taking a long toke before he looked at the enemy. "Eh? Yeah, yeah, let's do this. It's almost time for a nap, eh? Hey, what about that popcorn?!"0

This was.... Not what he expected. A room of cannons, of fights, of...

Was that food?

Caesar, ignoring the opponents, immediately flicked his cigar of ash and stalked forward to stand underneath the balcony. Eh? Hey, that popcorn smells good. Sell me some, eh?!" he yelled at the man holding the tray. "I'll come up if I need to, eh?"

Glancing at everyone else, he shrugged nonchalantly, taking a long toke before he looked at the enemy. "Eh? Yeah, yeah, let's do this. It's almost time for a nap, eh? Hey, what about that popcorn?!"0

Rain hissed with pleasure at the suggestion of a plan of attack, and at the apparent help the extra venom was. She was amused at the mentions of her attack, her eyes lighting up, and she stood a little straighter.... Or, well, as straight as a lizard could.

Before she could add her two cents on the matter, however, a crystal fell into the hole they had started making, causing her to back up several steps. The things weren't hard, she'd tried eating one once, but they thrummed with power that she didn't really understand.

A Pixie flew above them, and Ash wanted to reason with it. She'd seen Pixies using some form of healing magic, and could rally behind bringing one on board if possible. But if it wasn't like the four of them... Well, Target practice was always useful.

"About the goblins... That one calling himself Crispy seemed not much affected by my venom earlier. But if this hole is anything to judge, I bet if all four of us got him at the same time in the same spot we could kill him. I remember before all this that thugs would kinda scatter for a while if they lost their boss, right? Well, maybe we can break up the goblins some with his death, yeah? Just gotta watch, he got fireball hands." It was a simple bit of information, but every bit helped. "We'll have to wait a bit first though. Try and get him alone."

Why wasn't this just fascinating! Four of her kin, all speaking, what....fun.

Rain wanted to grin, but found her mouth just wasn't up to such an arduous task. Such a shame, a beautiful smile could do wonders.

Maybe she could consider dealing with Crispy sooner than later, if these lizards showed they could cooperate. That damned goblin has proven himself an irritant over the week, quite possibly one of the leaders of the local tribe. If he was gone, well, perhaps the rest might become scattered. With them mostly out of the way, or at least less organized, she'd have an easier time getting food and learning more about this new body.

Moving forward, Rain was the first to add her poison to the bit on the ground.

"Name's Rain, by the way. Ninja, assassin, thief.... Whatever you want to call it all. I've got plans, but I need to learn more first. So, for now, I'm happy to assist." It was a simple statement that left much implied about the future.

Her gaze flitted towards the dark waters again, considering her options further.
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