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Tfw you wear a short skirt and sit down on a cold chair with nothing to protect your butt and you wana die
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Do no harm, but take no shit.
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6 yrs ago
Speaking of Naruto, I really wana do an RP like that again. But do I wana start one? Mehhh.
7 yrs ago
Writing: That weird place between torture and fun.



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I have a few questions.

-The Pyrrhic are described as physical manifestations and its also said that the Clairvoyants are the only ones capable of destroying them. This leads me to think that all Clairvoyants carry a common magical means of disposal? Perhaps a universal spell/object to banish them once weakened? It would have to be a means that normal humans wouldnt have access to or else they would help to dispose of them.

-Taking into account that assumption and looking at your character sheet and finding the magic your character is using to be a combative, albeit defensive, type of magic, im guessing we should focus our characters in the same way? Im trying to grasp what kind of magic Clairvoyants can have that would be of use. Obviously any manipulation of elements or energy would work. However if im not mistaken some magic would be kind of useless, such as: Necromancy, Flying/Telekinesis, Illusions/Mind Manipulation, Shapeshifting/Metamorphasis, Teleportation, etc etc. Anything that isnt specifically combative. Could they potentially be useful? Sure. But they wouldnt give you any way to physically dispatch enemies that normal humans couldnt also do. Unless perhaps Clairvoyants are never supposed to fight Pyrrhic alone since only some may have an ability that can physically destroy them?

-Switching gears. Are we apart of an Order of some kind or are Clairvoyants common enough that anyone who possesses the ability is encouraged to find/form a circle and fight the Pyrrhic? We dont quite have a grasp on the world other than it is fantasy-esque and without technology.

Obviously im interested im just trying to clarify some points before I develop a character!

Okay, you have a lot of good questions here and I will do my best to answer them all and try to make sense.

1. Pyrrhic's are physical manifestations of "dark" energy, and thus can only be destroyed by "pure" energy. This energy comes in the form of Mana or magical power that only Clairvoyants posses. Regular humans who are born without this extra trait if you will, do not have the ability to destroy them. If you or I took a swing at one, it would do little to it other than aggravate it. Those born with that extra trait, the ability to use magic, are the only ones that can completely erase a Pyrrhic.

2. All that being said, just as you noted, not all Clairvoyants develop a magic affinity that is useful for fighting. Not all Clairvoyants fight against Pyrrhics. There are some who just want to live normal lives, there are some who want to watch the world burn, etc. Our characters are Clairvoyants who chose to learn how to use their magic affinity to fight Pyrrhics. Anyone who choeses to do so would go to Helia (the tower where the headquarters is located) and learn to use their magical powers exclusively for fighting. No magic is considered "useless" because there is more out there than just Pyrrhics. You have animals, natural disasters, other people who would want to do you harm just for being different, and we will be coming across all those things as the story progresses.

3. Clairvoyants who decide to learn to use their magic to fight are all placed within groups by the leaders of Helia. Since its better to fight in a team than alone, this concept was put into place after people started going out on missions and never coming back.

@deadpixel101 I encourage everyone to be as creative with their characters as they want. If you have a different idea, go for it! There's no wrong way to make a character. I love your idea with lightning, and I cant wait to see where you take it.
@Cal finishing my workout and then I’ll reply to you! Great questions and some I formation I can put into the OP. Thanks!
@Cryfest no characters have been accepted yet so all nine spots are open at this time
@Tawny Swan Anything except dark magic and anything that falls under that is acceptable. The spells aren’t based on incantations, but... the characters augmentor works kind of like how a wizards staff would. It’s always on them, a personal item that channels their energy and allows them to create symbols that are woven together and thus magical things happen. The character doesn’t need to verbally say anything to cast a spell. An augmentor can be any solid personal object such as jewelry and anything like that. Keep in mind the size of it, you don’t want to be lugging around a hammer all the time... though you can if you really want to.

I hope that answers your question!
I posted my cs in the character section if you guys are looking for a lil bit of guidance.

"I seriously don't have the energy to pretend to like you today."

| NAME: |
Alessa Grimm

| AGE: |
Age Appearance: 18
Actual Age: 25

  • School of Magic:
    Abjuration Magic -a type of magic that deals in protective spells and the suppression of others' magic. Magic of this school creates physical or magical barriers, negates magical or physical abilities, harms trespassers, or even banishes the target of the spell to another plane of existence. Clairvoyants who specialize in this type of magic are known as Abjurers. While Abjurers are knows to have significantly higher Mana levels than other Clairvoyants, this type of magic is considered to be a rare and potentially dangerous due to the fact that large area spells can quickly deplete the casters Mana, leaving them weak and vulnerable.
  • Augmentor:
    A silver cuff bracelet given to Alessa by her Father.
  • Skills:
    Mana Shield - A spell that transmutes raw Mana into a shield that repels physical and magical attacks. The larger the barrier, the more magical energy it uses up, and it cannot be maintained for extended periods of time. Alessa is able to cast this spell on multiple targets at once, as well as up to a distance of a few yards. While this spell is active, she cannot move out of her casting circle, or her Mana flow will be cut off and the shield(s) will dissipate.

    Anti-magic Field - A spell in which a large circle is cast, creating an invisible barrier around the user that inhibits the flow of Mana while inside. Magical items and spells cannot be used within the barrier, and any magical effects that were cast prior are suppressed but not dispelled. Alessa is able to "overlay" only one spell while the barrier is up, allowing her, for example, to be able to cast a shield as well if need be.

    Spell Reflection - A powerful spell that absorbs magical energy from an attack and sends it back towards a target.

    Dispel - Abjurers specialize in dispelling, so this is not really a high level skill, though it is something she is able to do at an advanced level. This means she can break spells that have been placed on objects or individuals quite easily, unless placed by an Abjurer of a higher skill level than she is.

    Aura Field - A spell that allows for those within a veiled area around the caster to absorb Mana and replenish their own. While within the space, small surface wounds are healed and and spell based poisons/toxins are filtered out of the body.

    Glyphs - Alessa has a wide range of protective glyphs, temporary spells that she can place or bind to a certain object or person that allows for single target protection until the magical energy is spent. These sort of spells, though small, typically cannot be undone unless by another Abjurer and only fade once the magical energy is used up. These glyps have guards and wards that can repel negative energy as well as mask it, making it hard for someone or something to detect magical energy within a space.

Alessa is quiet and mostly likes to keep to herself rather than deal with people or be the center of attention. She doesn't have many people who are close to her and it's hard for her to form relationships with others because she is so guarded. When she does have to interact with others, she is the queen of sarcastic and snide remarks. Due to her traumatic childhood, Alessa has a hard time trusting and opening up to others. Even those who she considers friends are kept at a distance. She prefers not to be in a position of power or having to lead others, though her ability to think quickly and rationally often puts her in such a position. She can be a bit of a know it all, correcting people when they make mistakes and then teasing them about it afterwards. She has a difficult time dealing with children and animals and avoids them at all costs, almost as if she has an irrational fear of them; though she will never admit it.


@Gareth I dont imagine they'll all be full with accepted characters by the time you come back but I'll save ya a spot haha


Alessa Grimm
Moro Kahale
Nadia Olympus
Toron Henson
Candy Leitvol

Avo Montblanc
Luciel Young
Nikolas Tulley
Jerge Hostam
Isaac Redgrove
@Sierra@Duoya@Hawlin@Lurking Krog@Tendo@Tawny Swan@Gareth@Lord of Evil

OOC is up, I'll be posting my character shortly as a kind of example, but feel free to start working on yours. If ya need help or clarification, feel free to ask!

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