Avatar of Partisan
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: Vuurvos
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2152 (0.59 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Partisan 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
I'm still God.


If we are marked to die, we are enough
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires;
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more, methinks, would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart. His passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse.
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.

Most Recent Posts

A surprising lack of posts tonight.

>not sure what i expected

1. Increase or Generate steel. How do you generate/increase steel? Either it needs to come from the body or it needs to somehow be fueled by something, i.e iron and flux.
2. Shape, compress, liquefy and/or otherwise manipulate all steel via contact. Liquify it without heat? So either that uses chakra to shape it into a liquid-like state, but it'll never be liquid without heat.
3. Efficacy Manipulation including speed, density, hardness and/or sharpness. I can get hardness/sharpness manipulation, since that's simply chakra/edge of the steel. But how do you increase the speed of a steel object? Sounds like wind release. So make it so. This has no basis in.. well, anything. Same goes for density.
4. Polish steel. So you can polish your grandma's steel beams?
5. Repair steel objects. I.. guess?
6. Ferro kinetic constructs using steel: walls and armour. yah all that will be techniques aye? No moving
7. Metal Attacks using steel. OK
8. Metal Detection steel only. ''I hear this band.. it's metal. But it's steel metal.'' ???
9. Move/lift steel at nearly any speed whether in/on surface, air or water. regardless of whether it's like magnet release, fuck no. You're saying you wanna lift an anvil-size steel at a fucking high speed while you also have the capability of manipulating it's density and speed? what the, just no. no.
@GrafRoy Zeppeli what the
I swear you weeaboo's are too much for me
You're lame.
Ofcourse. Hiden are acceptable but only barely so, hehe.
Yamato makes his spectacular re-entry as an even bigger asshole than Higoho.
Seijo Tametomo

Lady Commander Tametomo
Red Sage

@GrafRoy Zeppeli

宏光 上妻

Seijo walked straight into her personal room, beginning to lay out her pouches, kunai, explosive tags and other items. Mostly she had expended a few shuriken today while fighting that one jonin. Despite what they had said to eachother in attempts to hurt eachother, she had been impressed with the young jonin. If they hadn't been on opposing sides.. Well, now wasn't the time to think about that. Especially after she had just ordered that one mission.. Katsuko better succeed at it. She refilled her shurikens and put everything back in their pouches, before laying them on a table.

She raised her arm, scratched her head for a moment thinking on what to do. Would it be bad to eat with the rest? she thought to herself. She was the commander, surely she was supposed to be treated with respect, and was on a higher scale than the rest in regards to hierarchy. So, maybe not eat in the mess hall.. but I'm starving. Fine, eat in the mess hall. She grabbed the white cloak she wore almost all the times and put it on, fastening it with the purple sash, before heading out. She wanted to look presentable at least. For a small meeting like before that wasn't required as much, but now more people could see her, it'd be more important to be presentable.

She walked through the hallway, glancing at Arima, Naomi and Aro as she passed by them. They seemed to be heading to the messhall as well, but Seijo was walking a bit faster. Probably because, unlike Arima, she wasn't trying to put the moves on Naomi, unlocking full mental capacity to focus on other things, such as walking. A grin appeared on her face, not hidden and in full sight, however. She thought back of her first shinobi love. Not that this was Arima's first.. not by a long shot, she imagined. But the way he tried to put the moves on her made it sound like it was. Red dress.. how cute. She passed by quickly, heading into the mess hall and walking past the kitchen area. She grabbed some food, nothing special, just some rice and stew.

After going through the motions, she had to look for a spot. Luckily there was Anzai - a man she wasn't entirely familiar with. She just knew he was blind. An interesting person, but a strange shinobi. No, not just a strange shinobi, a strange man all together. Her footsteps approached rapidly, allowing Anzai to hear her characteristic approach, authoritarian and powerful, long before she entered his 'zone' where he could see. Once she'd reached him she'd simply sit down, putting her tray down and tapping on the table a few times. “I'm here.” she said, grinning at herself. She knew damn well he wasn't 100% blind, after all she'd tested him personally when he tried to join the Red Sages. She'd figured out quickly enough that he was useless if you stayed out of his zone - but nobody would know that on the Confederate side. “Do you need me to help you eat?” she said, trying her best to not laugh. Her voice couldn't hide that, deep inside, she was simply having a laugh with herself at the expense of the man. Once she was done having a good time, she started eating and didn't talk much anymore until she was finished.

“Look, we need to have a talk about the mission.” her voice finally rang again, as she finished eating her stew and rice. She shoved the tray slightly forwards and leaned on the table, exposing her bussom a bit. “While I don't particularly care if the other missions fail or succeed, ours has to succeed. I want that Gunbai. It'll be key to an upcoming mission. I need you to be on your best tomorrow, or else I'll find a way to extradite you and all others that fail me to the Confederation. Is that understood, Anzai?” Her demeanor changed entirely now, being much more serious. She didn't have much else to do - and if she went back, she'd have to do paperwork, so she decided to stick around for now and see what else would happen.

Higōhō Hyuga

Hamajō Confederation

@tex @nero

Higoho was standing around some more, noticing that Tetsuba was glaring at him slightly before the boy looked away again. Ksu.. bastard. Higoho hadn't even spoken to him but the guy already annoyed him. Any motivation he might've had to talk to the guy was gone in an instant, and Higoho couldn't help but bore his eyes into the back of Tetsuba's head. He stood like that for a moment, watching Tetsuba. Even if Tetsuba looked back at Higoho again, Higoho wouldn't look away. He'd like it very much if Tetsuba knew that Higoho had seen him glare, and was returning the favour. However after some time his attention waned, not finding any interest in the boy anymore. Nearby he spotted Kaori sitting, and she hadn't gotten on Higoho's nerves as much. Probably the only one that hadn't in all honesty.

Higoho decided to have a talk with her, or rather see what she'd have to say. On his way towards her, Setsuko had appeared. He looked her dead in the eye as he walked past, not forgetting nor forgiving her for what she'd said to him. Even if it wasn't that bad, she'd hurt his ego, and there was no way he'd forget that so quickly. As he walked past her, his shoulder brushed against hers, a testament that he wasn't going to move away for her. He should've pummeled her when she decided to speak out against him, but the only thing that had saved her from that was the fact that they were family. In Higoho's mind, anyway, it was likely she saw it otherwise.

He turned a corner and dove into the rows of tabels and chairs, walking past in front of Tetsuba and arriving near Kaori. He grabbed an empty seat next to her, and then sat down, kicking his feet onto the table in front of himself and Kaori leisurely. He seemed largely unbothered by the entire 'we're at war thing' as that probably meant that he got to prove himself - to Yakoul, to the Hyuga.. and it also meant that he could show everyone he was better than them - Setsuko, Zetsuba, Kaori.. all of them were worse than him he found. Now to show him. “Hey, Uchiha,” he'd say. He had never caught her first name after all and it was relatively clear she was an Uchiha, or else she'd stolen some eyes. Both were equally impressive, he figured. It was either being a part of the clan that spawned the great Madara Uchiha, destroyer of the world and super-bad guy, or stealing eyes from the clan that was renowned for being strong. Whichever of the two, they were equally bad. It's just that being a part of the Uchiha clan was less prestigious now, as they've fallen low ever since Madara and Obito tried the whole 'lets destroy the world' thing.

“How'd you like the speech? Must be nice, not having to fight. You were almost dead in that battle, do you know that? You got lucky I was there.” he said, sounding very sure of himself. Normally, anyone would've seen it as a bit of a joke, but with Higoho it was very, very clear he wasn't joking. Not at all. And who could blame him.. he was right. Kaori was very close to death in that battle with the red wearing guy. “Maybe you should come train with the Hyuga once. Maybe we can teach you not to fall for easy traps. And I'm sure I can find some people who are interested to test their skill against a Sharingan..”

Yamato Minamoru

Hamajō Confederation

@l0ck0n @FallenTrinity @Lost in my Mind

Yamato had left his backpack behind in his room, and had actually.. dressed up for the occasion. He was wearing a grey sweater with a piece of black shinobi armor over it. Normally this wasn't worn, but since he was a recent arrival and an important figure when it came to the Hamajo military, he was expected to wear it atleast on this public occasion. On the armour piece, the logo of the Hamajo confederation was painted, indicating his allegiance to the confederation. Underneath it he had simple grey pants, tucked neatly into his combat boots.

Throughout the 'speech' if you could call it that, Yamato was sitting next to Aoi, his 'faithful companion' when it came to bussiness for the Confederation. Despite not officially being a team, they were usually seen together for work, which included a great many things. However unlike Aoi, Yamato wasn't taking notes, instead simply looking into the large hall and scanning the faces of those present. He didn't recognise many of them. Chokurou, whose uncle Yamato was familiar with, was in the back. In the crowd Yamato also noticed a familiar face. Perhaps too familiar. Aoi's ex lover, Akio Tendou.

While Aoi was professional - and perhaps caring enough - to not bring up Yamato's past, or his father and clan, too much.. Akio Tendou would likely not have that same restraint. Yamato was uninterested in the whole affair between Akio and Aoi, so he'd never pondered on it too long, but it was clear that Aoi definetely was in a better place than Akio at this point. Aoi was the shining star of the Hamajo Confederation, everyone knew her, young shinobi fell in love with her and she was on air almost around the clock in every large district in Amegakure and other cities. And then there was Akio. He couldn't help but find it funny. The girl he expected the least of, Aoi, had proven to be more than valuable. And Akio, who had always been more serious, better and, well, stronger than Aoi in the eyes of everyone else.. was a drunken, unprofessional tool.

Fate was a strange, strange experience.

He scanned around the hall some more, but didn't really find anything or anyone of great importance. As soon as Yakoul was done with her little tirade, Yamato got up for that reason. He turned to Aoi, letting her know that he'd be back soon. “I'll meet up with you later to discuss our goals. For now, I want to inspect the shinobi.” he said, before turning and walking down the center of the stage, not bothering to go around. He stepped down and walked down the main passage in the center, passing everyone by. Some people went out of the way for him, others stepped aside and bowed slightly - those who were unfamiliar with him would be sure to know that he was atleast of grave importance. While Aoi always got recognized, given her face was on the wall of every city, Yamato preferred to stay in the background. He was a military advisor of the Hamajo confederation, and visited almost every village in the Confederation every year to inspect their combat capabilities. Because of that, he was well known amongst the shinobi, atleast the higher ranks.

As he walked past the people in the passage in the center, he looked left and right inspecting some of the shinobi. Most seemed capable. Not above the average, that's for sure. But capable to kill atleast one Red Sage before they kicked the bin. That's all they had to do - kill 1 Red Sage, then die. If they could all do that, the war was won already. Ever Red Sage dead above that initial one, that was just a bonus.

Then, he passed by Akio, walking swiftly as he always did. His eyes shifted towards her, looking her into the eyes to see if she responded in the same way. He didn't greet her, or say anything, he simply walked past. He had no intent to talk to her right now, and Akio likely didn't feel like conversing either.

Finally he reached his destination - the back of the hall, where he'd spotted several shinobi standing together. He approached them, Chokurou, Setsuko and Masato. “Chokurou.” he said, nodding his head at the man. The only reason he knew him was because his uncle was familiar with Yamato, and Konohagakure was not big enough for shinobi not to know eachother. Yamato quickly glanced at the rest of the people in the small conversation circle, inspecting their uniforms and such. “You.” he said, looking at Setsuko with a deadly glare. His eyes locked with hers if she'd allow it, and he got a dirty feeling looking into her eyes. It was clear that she was Hyuga - the colour of her eyes betrayed it.

Those with kekkei genkai are cursed, he thought to himself as he looked at her ears, specifically her earrings. “It's bad enough that you're cursed.” he then told her, not indicating what he meant with that. He wasn't about to explain in this busy hall, either. “But you're violating uniform regulations. Take off those earrings.” he said, locking eyes with her again. Filthy kekkei genkai. They ought to be exterminated so the world may know peace. His eyes shifted over the group now, looking at the three individuals. “I hope you know you're doing the Confederation a great service...” Even that cursed girl.. “... and the president is proud of you all.” Yes. The president..

“We're happy to see you survived this treacherous attack. The Red Sages will be terminated. I can assure you that. Peace will return to the Hamajo Confederation.” he then added, before nodding in the general direction of those in the group. “That's all. Return to your duties at once.” he said authoritatively, with a voice both ringing with strength as well as a hint of a threat.

Yamato turned around again and proceeded to take the time to inspect the shinobi that didn't leave the hall already. After some time, he too would dissapear as he headed towards the Sunagakure political center, where he'd been given accommodation in the form of a luxurious room with a nice view over the city - desert, spread far and wide, laid beyond that. There were better places to spend your day.
@Kal-El took you about 5 days
Seijo Tametomo

Lady Commander Tametomo
Red Sage

@j8cob @GrafRoy Zeppeli @Savato @Hillan
@Nero @Hatman1801 @Blue Demon

宏光 上妻

Seijo kept an eye on Yudai as he was the first to enter. Unbeknownst to him he would be stuck with Seijo once more for the upcoming mission. This time they formed a real team, rather than the ramshackle combination they'd formed over the course of the attack on the compound. Nori was second - an uninteresting fellow, but.. Seijo knew he meant well. He was a good support shinobi from what she'd heard, and from the way he spoke. He, too, would be stuck with Seijo in the next mission. Anzai had also appeared, filling the Seijo's squad in completely as he'd be coming too. It was almost like fate had instructed them to come early. Must be a sign that their mission was going to be a success. She didn't give away that she felt this way however - she knew that becoming sure of the success of a mission could easily turn it the other way.

As the other people dripped in, Seijo listened to their respective comments. Mikoto had the audacity to request the privilege of killing a certain someone. Besides that, Katsuko warned her of Yakoul. A warning that she did not need, as she was aware of Yakouls power having seen.. it, in combat a few times during the wars 11 years ago. Never the less it was appreciated. But she wouldn't let on to that either. As everyone finished their little comments on the mission, she stood up and placed her hands on the table loudly.

“Great! Now that everyone has had their say I can say with utmost certainty that I do not give a shit about anything that was just mentioned.” she said looking at Mikoto specifically. Katsuko was not exempt from her outburst either, but at least he had something a bit more worthwhile to mention. “Request denied. If I have to give every Red Sage a specific wish to fulfill there wouldn't be any time to fight the Confederation. She'll die like any other Confederate Shinobi, and whether that is by your hands or not remains to be seen.”

Finishing her little tantrum, which was no doubt a ploy to assert herself as the absolute leader, and to showcase she wasn't one to be trifled with, she sat down again. Almost as if she'd been waiting for the tantrum to happen, the secretary walked in again, dropping off four clipboards with papers on them in front of Seijo. “Thank you.” was the only answer that was given, a testament that Seijo was not all fire and fury. She took a very rapid look at the clipboards, setting them aside for herself to organise them. Her breath slowed down for a moment, as she inhaled deep and then exhaled to calm herself a bit before continuing. “Very well. Here are the assignments.” she said, obviously more calm and.. relaxed than before hand. “The only mission I can detail publicly is my own. Reason for that being that my mission is the most important, and it must succeed under all circumstances.”

She stood up now and pointed at the various pictures above her on the screens, showcasing the Kohonjenpou Warehouses which were in the outer districts of Amegakure. “This looks like a shithole. That's cause it is - it's in Amegakure, it's my hometown, and I can assure you everything is a shithole there now with the Hamajo Confederation taking it.”

Her hand reached for a button on the screens and the images switched to an inside view through a skylight. There were several shinobi standing guard, which seemed to not have noticed the intruder making pictures. On the far end of the warehouse there was a heavy vault door. “That's our target. Madara's Gunbai and Sasuke's sword are stored there. While Sasuke's sword is merely a sword with no special qualities, Madara's Gunbai isn't. And I want it. Sasuke's sword.. well, we'll divide the loot after we get back.” she'd say, looking around the room to see her own team. They were all here, she was sure of that, but she was looking around trying to see peoples facial expressions, to see if they'd be fit for the mission. If you were already pissing your pants at hearing about some guards, you might not be fit for this mission.. “Yudai, Nori and god forbid Anzai. You're all with me. Resupply before we head out. You'll need it.”

She didn't dwell on the subject too long, and didn't even offer them a chance to interject or comment on the mission with possible strategies. That was because there was no strategy. The plan was simple. Go in, kill those who oppose you, steal all the weapons you can find, and go home. The other missions were.. more delicate. The clipboards were still laying there, and her hand reached for one of them, taking a look before sliding it towards Arima. “Congratulations cousin. Try not to die. Neki won't be there to sav- I mean.. Neki won't be there to get orders from you. It's all you. You can manage, right?” she said, grinning slightly. She always liked to toy around with Arima's fragile popularity in the Red Sages. “Naomi, Chieko.. and this new recruit called Aroshima? You're with Arima.”

She picked up another clipboard, taking a quick look with a frown before grabbing the other one, taking it's papers and adding it to the other clipboard. She then threw the clipboard over the table, towards Katsuko, landing neatly in front of the man who had it's eyes shut. They landed with a loud SLAP! no doubt alerting the man to the fact that there was something on his table. “Katsuko! Congratulations. You have two missions. Don't ask me how or why - just get it done. Mikoto is with you. Try not to get him killed. You have a dangerous mission in one of these two, perfect for you.” she said with a smile. There was nobody more perfect for the mission than Katsuko, that much was sure, although she wasn't sure about the other mission.

“Great, if there aren't any more comments or questions, you can all go to your rooms, or to the mess hall and eat. Me, I'm probably going to get forced to do paperwork again. Being important is so tiring.” Her words were meant as a small joke, but quickly turned sour when she realized that, well, she was probably going to actually get forced to do paperwork.. not so funny now. She sighed and wiped her forehead as she walked out the room, leaving everyone inside to do whatever they wanted. The missions wouldn't start until the next day, so there was some time to chat to others.

Higōhō Hyuga

Hamajō Confederation

@Raijinslayer @l0ck0n [@.. all other involved]

Tatsuya responded like a coward would - that much was right - bowing down low as if to ask for forgiveness and show his respect. Meanwhile Tanji was trying to save this kid's life, which only resulted in Higoho reacting in an annoyed fashion to him too. “Baka, you have no idea what it is to have your honour insulted when you're a Hyuga. If I let this one go off lightly, what about the next one that thinks it's okay to insult my clan, huh? Soon enough everyone will think the Hyuga's are weak.” His words were harsh, but somewhat true. Slippery slopes were dangerous, more so when you are of a noble clan.

Higoho then turned to Tatsuya again, continuing his tirade. “And you, you expect me to believe your lies?! You're just trying to play the victim here. Nobody has such bad chakra control that they can't even control their own clones. Get a grip, bastard! At this point Setsuko stepped in too, threatening Tatsuya as well, but acting like a sassy spoiled child to Higoho at the same time. He furrowed his brows at what she said, before taking his Konoha headband off, showcasing the cursed mark. “You see this mark? This is what it means to be a protector. So I don't care what the main branch thinks of me. I know my duties, and I know my place in life. I may be a bastard, but I'm not stupid enough to think that the main branch doesn't need me. Even if I am trash, I am still Hyuga. Keep that in your ears for the next time you try to tell me what's what, you spoiled brat. You don't deserve your Byakugan.” he'd say to her angrily as she made her exit from the situation, before he turned back to Tatsuya.

“Come here and take your beating you bastard, and don't let it happen again!” he'd say as he raised his right fist, which was still holding his Konoha headband, high above his head before sending it down towards Tatsuya's jaw. It was maybe not as harsh a beating as Tanji had received earlier, but Tatsuya would probably feel it in his jaw later. As soon as he'd done his thing, Higoho would turn around and try to go home, being interrupted only to hear that he'd go to Sunagakure. Tsk. As if the day could get any worse. Now he'd have to go play in a sandbox the rest of the day..

Higoho arrived at the meeting a bit late, walking in when Yakoul had just politely encouraged everyone to shut up. The question was raised if anyone had any comments, and as much as Higoho wanted to tell everyone to stay out of his way next time, he refrained from doing so. He'd just shove them aside, like he'd done with Tatsuya, or tell them to stay out of his fight, like he'd done with Kaori. Perhaps some of them might even be useful one day. Tanji, for all he was worth, which wasn't much.. had proven to be useful slightly so. Never the less his tricks with the clones, going around pretending to be Higoho, that was a low blow. All respect Tanji had gained from supporting Higoho had been lost in that instance alone.

Higoho stood in the far end of the hall, looking around a bit as he was bored to death already. He'd rather be home doing something better. But Confederate duty was Confederate duty. So he boded his time, waited for Yakoul to finish and he'd get to go home. Atleast, so he thought. “What's this meeting for anyway.. baka Yakoul.. bet this was that thing's idea. It has no respect for other people's time..” Higoho mumbled to himself.

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