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That's a shame, but I understand. Keep us updated when you restart?
@Warriorbulb and @Shorticus, thanks so much for checking in! Warrior, don't worry about when you get it all finished, it is just nice to know that you are making progress. We all have work/school/life that gets in the way of what is really important (posting) at times, haha.

Hope the school stuff is going well, at least.
"Yes, I heard the news, mom. I’m being careful. No, I’m not—taking unnecessary risks. I told you, I’m doing journalism now. Totally calm. Yea, Listen, I gotta go. I’m about to—no, I’m not meeting with any strangers. Mom, calm yourself. I am just going to get something to eat. Yes…Yes. Love you, too. Bye.” A tap on her wrist-mounted ecto ended the call, and she turned her attention back to the bleeding person in front of her. The small ear-bud stayed in its place, so she could get other notifications from the Ecto if anything came up.

Of course she wasn’t going out to eat. She was meeting with one of her contacts, healing them for information. The Gemstone shortage was bad for the economy, but the desperation helped loosen people’s lips, which meant there was more information for someone like Adina. Her mother would have been incredibly disappointed, but she was doing what she needed to, for information, for the truth. ”Alright, stay still." She warned.

Her current patient was laying on a work table, with four of his friends standing around watching. Two of them had weapons out, in case Adina did something stupid. She wasn’t stupid, though. This was an even exchange. They didn’t have a healer, and the local ones were being stingy regarding their healing. She had a gemstone with…well admittedly not much of a charge left, but it was worth it. It had to be. The guy on the table had been shot, and while anyone could stitch it up, they thought they needed to have the bullet dug out. A bit of gentle probing revealed that no, he didn’t need it out. The bullet itself wasn’t causing more bleeding, and the heat of the bullet had basically self-sterilized.

She healed the internal bleeding, using most of her Gemstone as her focus, and then packed the rest of the wound with gauze and wrapped it. It would bleed a little more, and she recommended he take it easy for a few days, but what he actually chose to do was his choice. Turning to the leader of the group, Adina wiped her hands on a rag, and tapped a few buttons on her Ecto. ”So, ready to talk?” She looked up the length of the gun, and waited for the other man to lower it.

The mercenary leader looked over at his sweaty and still slightly-pale friend, and then looked down at his own Ecto. No doubt his entire crew’s devices were connected, and he could see their vitals and important information. Once he confirmed that the man’s vitals were stable, he lowered the weapon and gestured for Adina to follow him another area. “Here’s the pitch for our job.” He said, pressing some buttons on another computer. “Now you know all we know.”

”Except for what actually happened on the job." Adina corrected. This was what she had asked for, but she was still hoping to get a little more.

The man let out a snort of amusement and shook his head. “What happened is we did our damn jobs.” He said. “And now you’ve got what we agreed upon. Now I suggest you make yourself scarce, before my men want to start target practice to let out some of their aggression.” Adina tapped a few buttons on her Ecto, confirming the data transmission, and then nodded. She lifted up her bag once more, the one with gauze and medical supplies, and walked out of the office. The mercenaries grew silent as she passed, watching her leave the way she came. Adina kept her head down, and left the building, heading back to town. She probably did need to get that bite to eat.

Her ecto beeped when she was eating, a notification of a news report matching her search criteria. The ecto was programmed to constantly search for certain phrases. This search was for Umbra which traditionally gave her a lot of useless results. The problem with the major news outlets was that they were almost always the same thing, just with different words. Few really did investigative journalism anymore. They just regurgitated what they already knew.

Most of the time, when she thought she had something new, it was just someone getting the facts wrong, or mixing up old stories with new, or downright guessing. She had almost dismissed the news reports completely as a source of information. But she couldn’t just ignore what the mass population was being told. Even if the information wasn’t good, people’s reactions to it, the way they chose to clam up or open up—they were just as important to her making progress as the actual stories were.

Adina finished up the street-food, and pulled up the story, skimming through it. She wasn’t surprised, but she was a little disappointed when she found that it was same story she had read a few hours before, with no more than ten words changed. And they called that journalism? Pfft.
I know @Shorticus says he is really patient. @Warriorbulb was working on something with collaboration, and but he, @Eirene and @DeltaV hasn't been around in a few days. Who was the other newer player? I haven't seen them in the Character list and don't feel like digging through the OOC...
Mine is looking a bit abstract. But should come into a more...concrete form today. :)

Adina (Addy) Craft


15th Cycle – 24 years old


Standing at 5 feet 5 inches, Adina has a slim build. She is reasonably fit, and enjoys running, but dislikes most organized sports. She usually lets her hair fall wildly around her head, and often wears a hooded cloak when walking around.


Flex Cutter: The machete-like weapon has a memory polymer blade. It can be easily rolled up and concealed. When activated, the blade stiffens and sharpens. Ideal for cutting away fabric or flexible metals to get to a wound. *
SIG Sauer P226 Pistols x2: These rather light pistols use staggered-column magazines, with a short-recoil lock breech method. They can be duel-wielded, though Addy has only used them that way when she was trained how to use to fire them. They are for self-defense, and she has only had to shoot one person. It was very traumatizing. She begged for some sort of tranquilizer gun instead, and was eventually granted non-lethal ammunition, which she keeps loaded in the gun on her left hip.

Standard Armor clothing- Clothing with extra-resilient organoweave fibers and fullerene materials. It provides some degrees of protection against kinetic and energy weapons.*
Ecto- A bracelet that functions as a PDA, locator, camera phone and other information.*


Basic Med Kit- Bandages, Needle and Thread, gauze pads, gloves, instant cold compress, tweezers, hydrocortisone ointment. She knows how much healing hurts her, and tries to mend some of the less serious ones with other means, rather than by using her own lifeforce.

Food/Provisions- Even with most food in plentiful supply on Awilix, growing up on the Husk made her wary about waste. She never eats all of her food, and stores away what she doesn’t eat to make sure that she never runs out completely.

Character Bio:

Adina grew up on Husk, her family was mostly made up of miners. The miners were far from wealthy, but they had enough to get by, so long as they made good choices. Her father had the tech ability, and in all of her memories, he had been in a humanoid robot. When she asked why, as a child, he stated it was so his body would be more durable, and so that he could come back after every shift to his family. Her mother had the Gravity variation, which she used in her work. It was a rather common ability for miners, and two of her older brothers had it as well. Her cousin, as they all lived together in a rather humble abode, could Fade, which he enjoyed using for pranks, on occasion. Her eldest sister died some time ago, but Adina knew that she was of the climate variety.

Still, she had expected to fall in line with one of her family members, to be a part of their unit. So when a mining accident revealed that her variation was healing, they were all shocked. They were able to keep the powers secret for a little while, their outpost not regularly visited, but they all knew that eventually she would be picked up and ‘reassigned’ to a more important place. These miners were considered expendable, for the most part. Healers were more valuable in other regions, namely, protecting the elite upper echelon.

She received a transmission on the family account, requesting her appearance for transfer to Awilix and training. The date was set, and she knew she had no choice but to appear. Her elder brothers thought otherwise. They tried to convince her to meet a friend of theirs, a revolutionary who worked for a real cause. But she didn’t want to hurt people. She didn’t want them to go either, but it seemed that she hadn’t noticed they already pledged their allegiance to the group. She told them that their actions would get them killed, but they said they would be stronger with her around. Their last words to each other were harsh ones, calling the other names like coward, hoodlum, puppet. Adina left to report for transport, and she never saw them again.

When she was able, Adina contacted home, but her brothers and cousin had left. Her parents wouldn’t talk about them, and eventually she dropped the subject, at least to them. She was trained in some medicine, and taught how to channel the gems to avoid taking her own life force. But there were never enough gems, and always more people hurt. She lost track of how many bodies she had, but at least she was never on a waiting list long. Trained healers dedicated to the government’s cause rarely had to wait.

Adina completed a few cycles with the military, moving into various positions. She had tried to leave numerous times, but their promises of security, in terms of having a place to sleep and food to eat, kept her working for them. If she stopped, that support might run out, and then she would have nothing. Fear of poverty kept her complacent, and renewing her contract with the military.

Another mining accident had taken her home on Husk away a few cycles ago as well, though she knew that her parents had moved in with another family and continued working. She asked them when the last time was that the equipment had been repaired, and her parents avoided the question completely. She did some digging anyway, and found out that sure enough, their entire region was being neglected. She couldn’t find the official reports that said where the funds had been appropriated, but she could guess.

Fed up with not knowing anything, Adina coined herself an investigative reporter, and got a position with an independent news organization called The Public Eye. Rather than having a constant payroll, The Public Eye paid people when they brought good stories. Thus, every broadcast, every conversation, every interaction she had might be one step closer to the truth. And for Adina, the most important truth was finding out what happened to her brothers.

Long Term Motivation:
Adina would like to reunite with her siblings, or at least find out what happened to them. She doesn’t want to join the rebel group, but when she hears rumors, she goes out of her way to try to learn names, dates, and events.

*Some of the weapons/equipment were modified from Eclipse Phase
If you are still accepting, I will try to whip something up today and PM you with it. Skimmed through the info, but want to re-read the details and see what other characters' abilities are before I go writing it up.
Hello again, folks. I hope all of your collaborations are going well! I'll have another update up once everyone's made a post (or enough time has passed that we need to move on).

Sounds good! Ideally, I would love to see posts from our new people @HueMan @Warriorbulb, and maybe they can add their characters to the list. Actually, I am rather needy, I would love to see posts from everyone! Where has Heinz been? @Eirene

Just kidding. I am patient. Totally patient...yup.
Clearly, we all want to interact with Amos :P

I had some follow up to our convo in my last. If Amos feels inclined to bring anything else up, then feel free to message me.

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