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Poke from Sydney!
Thanks for the reply, @Wild. Send me a pm with a writing sample (preferably not an introduction). It's okay that it will be out of context.
*bump* added specific plot ideas.
*bump* Still looking for a few new partners, preferably with fresh ideas!
I have returned! Everything was great, everyone lived! But I think I am coming down with a cold. Blarg.
@Carantathraiel Heh, thanks!

And as a present for you all, my first group post in like 7 months...
“How did you get that?” Penny asked as soon as she had sat down at the table. Deedee’s gaze flickered to her wrist before looking up at Penny. “I applied for a few different positions, got this one.” She said plainly.

Rhonda sat down with a huff. Deidre didn’t need to look over at her roommate to know what the fuss was about. Rhonda wanted to finish her story, and was jealous that Penny’s attention was on her instead. Penny didn’t seem to know what was wrong, and Lola didn’t care, so Deedee turned to her roommate to continue the story from the previous day. “So will you tell us what happened next?” She asked. That earned a large smile from the woman, and Deidre was happy to have the attention off of her.

“Of course I will! So where was I… Oh, so he was hitting his own car, chasing me around, when…” Rhonda went on with her story, and by all appearances, Deidre was watching her and paying attention. On the inside, though, she just found herself not caring. The story was outlandish, but what was more, Rhonda wasn’t genuine. It was completely contradictory for Deidre to be so bothered by this, of course. She was hiding the biggest secret just beneath the surface, and she was silently condemning Rhonda for not sharing the truthful story behind her imprisonment. It is different. She tried to reason. She is going out of her way to draw attention to herself and her lies. I am just…trying to blend in.

Everyone was looking at her, and Deidre quickly glanced around, realizing that they were waiting for her to speak. Had Rhonda asked her a question. “That’s just…wow, I’m speechless…You know?” She said after a few moments, confident that they would call her out for missing whatever the question had been.

“Exactly!” Rhonda slammed the table emphatically, and one of the guards came over, baton raised to quell any unruly behaviors that arose from the group. Deedee immediately looked down at her plate, sitting very still. The last thing she wanted was a fight. Lola, on the other hand, glared at the guard, nearly bucking at the woman with her head. The guard didn’t appreciate the disrespect, of course, and Lola was forcefully removed from the meal.

With the mood sufficiently brought down by the interruption, even Rhonda grew quiet. The rest of the meal passed calmly, apart from Penny asking a few questions about routines around the facility, like when she would see Lola again. Deidre didn’t have a whole lot of answers, but Rhonda had enough speculation for the both of them.

At the end of the meal, Deidre reported to the shift-workers exit, and waited for her bracelet to be scanned that would say she was allowed to leave. She waited quietly for the positive tone, and then for the guard to wave her through. The man who was there scanning, however, didn’t pass her on right away. “First day at laundry, right?”

“Yes, sir.” Deidre said, looking up at him briefly but keeping her gaze low. She didn’t want to make enemies here, especially of the guard.

The man thought for a moment or two before he spoke again. “And you know how to get there?” He asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Is this going to be your shift every day?” He asked, making Deidre realize that his questions were going a bit beyond essential information. She hesitated for a moment before answering affirmatively again. The man checked his computer once more before shaking his head. “Except tomorrow.” He interjected.

“I’m sorry…?” Deidre looked up at him once more, holding his gaze for a few moments in confusion. “What is different about tomorrow, I thought I had this work every day…” She wasn’t trying to be argumentative, and fortunately, the man didn’t seem to think that she was.

“Docket says tomorrow you have an appointment with the medical wing. Something needs to be checked in your blood. Don’t know more. But after breakfast, report here to be escorted to Med bay. For now, you are dismissed to laundry.” He finally waved her through, and Deidre slowly began the trek to the laundry area, barely keeping up with the few who were dismissed at the same time. Her mind was having a hard time focusing on where she was going, and if she weren’t with two others, she might have taken a wrong turn.

They needed her to do blood work. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had assumed that her blood was normal. But now she was sure that it wasn’t. Normal people didn’t…look like she looked. If they were calling her to the medical wing, though, they weren’t yet sure of what was going on. That meant there was still time. Time for what?

Time to get out. Deidre had considered escape before, the pros and cons, and the potential ease of changing her appearance to get out, but she had decided that the steady meals and routine was far from the worst situation in which she had found herself. Now, with the threat of blood work hanging overhead, her perspective had changed. She needed to get out of here before they pulled her in to poke and prod at her—before they figured out just how different she was.
Keep those kidlets in line!

We shall be making s'mores and having ALL of the fun. Apart from all of the bugs, and outdoor showers, and the whole moody-teenagers part. But no letting them cut in line at the amusement park, got it! :)
Thanks for your support! It didn't blister, and I was able to finish prepping the food for my trip tomorrow.

By the way, I will be out tomorrow through Friday night (EST). Will likely catch up on on Sunday, as I have a graduation to attend Sat. No wifi where I am going, so I won't be able to keep up with things. I trust Cara to make appropriately witty jokes in my absence.
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