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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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Dorm Floor
Saturday, 6:00 pm

Preparing for the dorm party was certainly quite a ride - and this was only the end of the first week. This made her a bit unsure of what to expect from her floor after this. Certainly, it'll be wild. If it wasn't for the extra pay she would get from being the floor manager, she would have maybe regretted ever being one. It was just as much work as she expected it to be - and it fell upon her and a few others to convince the faculty to not crack down on them.

There were a lot of promises she had to give. A lot of "Don't worry sir, I'll make sure no one gets hurt." and "We'll take full responsibility if something gets broken." Lilly wanted to make sure that none of that happens though. She'd rather not have to find a way to hide something long enough for them to be able to replace them - especially if the something they broke was actually someone. She doubted they could find a student in under five hours, that's for sure.

But everything paid off. It was drawing close to night and she had emerged from her room after squeezing in an hour of peace to get something done. She did not, having been distracted by the thoughts of the party, but she did get some frames done so that was already a blessing. She wasn't going to complain. She could leave that for later. Perhaps after the party if she wasn't too thrashed to work. She promised not to get drunk or high so she could provide aid quickly, but she doubted she would get away from drinking even a bit. It was the curse and the allure of partying - well, at least she'd stay away from the weed. She remained cautious but didn't know who brought it in so she guessed she'd just need to keep an eye out.

Music blaring in her ears and a smile adorning her face, she grabbed a plastic cup filled with whatever booze they took inside and began to walk around. It would be for the best if she kept an eye out for all of the dorms and their inhabitants.

"I just hope no one gets drunk early." A whispered hope only heard by the wind around her - disturbed by the loud sounds permeating throughout the hall. And yet, an excited smile adorned her face.

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki grunted out an agreement. They needed to get out of the clothing quickly - it was the first thing that made them stick out like a sore thumb. Even without the injuries, they would be pinpointed the second someone glanced to their direction. Rila had a point, however, and they could simply steal from someone. While he personally didn't like stealing, they were few options that would end with them alive and well. It would only be a few articles of clothing, harmless really.

As they entered the village, most simply passed them by. Hiroyuki would have felt a bit at ease if not for the fact that there was one man who stared at them. He must have recognized their uniform. He tensed up. Would he alert the guards and send them their way? They couldn't fight well in their condition. It was lucky enough that they managed to escape, he wasn't sure if they could do it twice. "Sticking together is the better option." He seconded. They could split up later, if they so wish, but they needed to get far away from here first.

The man closed in and quickly offered up a place of residence. He then followed up with a name after Hikaru had asked it - proving that he was unafraid with letting his name go. But could they really trust the man? Were they really lucky enough to find an ally in the village? They wouldn't have much of a choice either way. If they didn't accept his offer, they might end up with struggling to find clothing and a roof above their heads to hide from the soldiers. If they did accept the offer, there was still the possibility of being betrayed and handed over to the guards on a silver platter. He simply kept quiet about it, looking towards Rila as she offered up questions to the man.



We needed that. Praise.

Hiroyuki Duma

Seeing that they were out of the danger zone of the fire by the time he felt like he could, perhaps, bend again, Hiroyuki had decided to conserve energy. "Focused on the wildfire or not, it would be best if we hide ourselves quickly." He said. He turned back for a moment to see if someone had burst through the flames - someone did, but Hikaru had made quick work on that one and was sent hurtling back to the flames. Even firebenders can get burnt - it's an ironic way to go or get injured. He then turned back and started to jog behind the group.

Hearing that one of them - the non-bender - had a brother within the Fire Nation he could pretend as came as a relief but the problem about all of them still remained. However unfortunate it may be, he supposed that the guards would know all of their faces by now. "No guards? Good. But we must hurry and change out of these." He said as he lifted the garment a bit. "It would be ideal to simply hide or else we'd need a cover up story as to why we have our wounds if a guard ever saw us." They could always reason out that they were just a merry band of travelers who had a run in with wild animals to cover up the fact that someone was injured - but then there were the burns and the fact that they didn't even know each other.
Pfft, so I just have to make the answers to the questions more enthusiastic!

Time to go edit~
Well, here we go.

This sounds hella interesting. Lemme throw my name into the hat.

Forest - ???
Forget about this ordeal - now there was something Hiroko also wanted to do once she got back home. Certainly, it was an experience that you would want to tell your friends and family eventually, but she would also like to erase this from her mind. It was much too odd and much too freaky to really happily recount to anyone. When they had encountered a road, Hiroko had breathed a sigh of relief. Even though it didn't look like it had been maintained, surely it meant that it lead somewhere. Aside from the temple, it had to branch off to a town close to them and they would finally be able to find some form of civilization, get a signal and call for help.

Noticing the statues as well, she squinted at them. Hiroko wasn't the best at memorizing the various deities her culture had, but she was pretty sure that these two were not statues of them. They looked unfamiliar - absolutely foreign. The words inscribed seemed to be of another language and she would have looked away had it not been for the fact that she understood them a second later. She blinked once. Then twice. And then looked at it with confusion. Hiroko was certain she had not studied whatever language that was. The most she knew was English and Japanese and she was pretty sure that it was neither.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a loud sound - what seemed to be thunder - followed by a very strong breeze that was enough to lift her coat a bit as she shoved her hands inside the pockets to keep it down. With Honami's comment, Hiroko had looekd up to see what she saw - clear skies. "Well, hopefully the temple is still intact so we can spend some time there should it rain." She said with a resolute nod before moving forward again and keeping her eyes out for anything that moved. For all she knew, an animal could be stalking them right now and thought of them as easy prey.

Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki turned and fired aimless shots at the guards - sure that none of them will hit. Nevertheless, he ran with the group in the direction Ryuu had directed them to where this supposed village was. Their pursuers were relentless, still, as they blasted shot after shot towards them. He hissed when he felt the familiar sensation of fire making contact with his skin - leaving another burn to worry about. He had staggered both in pain and in surprise.

The next thing he knew, Rila had ordered them to bend and then the forest was up in flames. Shocked, tired and unfocused, Hiroyuki attempted to bend water around them only to miserably fail in controlling anything. He had shaken his head and said to the others, "Sorry. I need some time..." He needed to get his bearings again. This wasn't his first time having to work under pressure, but he supposed he couldn't just suddenly force himself into the thick of battle after months of being idle and expect that he can fight as perfectly as he did before. He hoped the other waterbender faired better than his poor attempt at his trade.
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