Avatar of Potemking
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    1. Potemking 4 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current One month away from SMT V's release. Super hyped
3 yrs ago
Rest in peace, Koichi Sugiyama. Dragon Quest won't be the same without you
3 yrs ago
Timeless River Sora mains unite
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3 yrs ago
Writing is a fickle process. Sometimes you're not sure what to put down, sometimes you write way more than you ever intended.
3 yrs ago
Excited to play Deltarune Chapter 2 tonight. What a perfect start to the weekend!


~ 27 Years Old.
~ Enjoys all sorts of settings, and genres. Fandom and Original. Loves writing combat, and sappy stuff.
~ Slow but steady posting schedule, and notifies you of complications!
~ Stupid funny meme guy that prefers friends rather than flame wars.

Most Recent Posts

In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sloane wondering who the fuck these LARPers are.

Little Orphan Annie school


LOCATION: Edge Of The Blue - Luma Pools
WORD COUNT: 879(+2 EXP) Level up!

Elliot eyed the innertube creature, watching as it truly proved to be alive by trying to hunt. Honestly, this just made him feel glad he hadn't actually jumped onto the thing, considering it was going for fish it might have actually bitten him, or worse. He had a small fantasy about catching fish for it, taming it, then riding it around the lake, but that was horridly cut short as it seemingly caught a fish, he might have winced had the thing not deflated like a whoopee cushion before it ended up dead. For looking like it could pop from being poked with a pin, the surface-swimming creature must've had some dangerous teeth go through that weird critter like it did. "Kay, noted. Don't let that bite you." He spoke to himself, with an affirmative nod. Thankfully this weird, round, and not very big or speedy fella was all he had to worry about in the water, as far as he could tell.

At least, until he noticed something coming from up the river. His eyes widened, at first thinking it was a boat, but soon discovering it was another sea-craft looking creature, just much bigger. It seemed like it was almost about to run over or destroy the smaller one, and Elliot found himself panicking and reaching for his revolver... But stopped once his hand was resting on it, since the smaller creature cried out not in fear, but some sort of affectionate joy. His head tilted, as the large boat-like monster opened up and revealed a stash of caught prey. This thing wasn't trying to eat the tiny tube-creature, it was feeding it! It must've been a parent or something. Did that mean the tube-thing would become... A full ship-thing like this one? Elliot had been staring intently, but the big boat seemed to not like that, glaring at him with a glowing eye that caused him to scoot backwards in the sand, rubbing the egg he was holding to quell his worry as he smiled awkwardly at the creature until it finally ignored him. "Okay, really don't let that bite you."

Though, it did make him think. This little egg would need food once it hatched, right? He had a coconut, but he didn't think that'd be enough. Would it even drink the stuff inside? Did it need vegetables? Meat? Just plants, or grass? Being the owner of a mystery creature was hard. He needed some sort of food for it, and swore he saw some of the monkey-creatures from earlier playing with some fruit. He could possibly harvest some of those if he found a source, or just pick some up from where the wildlife was playing. Anything seemed better than sitting here with this boat that looked ready to charge straight onto the shore to get to him. Didn't it realize he was a parent, too? He'd like to see that big boat try and charge him and endanger his baby! Well, actually he wouldn't, but he'd protect it regardless! Jeez...

Speaking of fruit, a noise caught Elliot's attention. Some orange ape was swinging around up above, with a bundle of bananas in his possession. This wouldn't have been much of a problem, if he wasn't throwing the peels everywhere, some of them almost hitting the bloodsport star by landing in his luscious hair. He would have shouted at the ape if it wasn't for a sudden loud blast of water startling him, the man turning to look at the sight of the hot water erupting from an outcropping in the lake, the sight being followed up by the shining, beautiful crystal exterior of the source of that heated water blast. His eyes glimmered at the sight of the crystals, the beautiful natural growths reflecting in his eyes, at least until he stumbled backwards into a banana peel.

Slipping in comedic fashion, Elliot promptly landed on his buttocks, a grunt of pain escaping him as he wished he had more rear padding. Thankfully he kept a good grip on the egg, or else it could've ended up hitting the ground! However, this mishap and the endangerment of the egg caused his head to turn, one stink-eye meeting with the orangutan in the trees. On one hand, it was just a monkey throwing its trash around in the wilderness. Probably normal stuff? But to Elliot, it had gotten on his nerves. Fortunately, he wasn't petty or angry enough to open fire on an ape for throwing a banana peel on the ground. Though, that bundle of bananas did look delicious. He wouldn't mind having the food for himself, but at the same time, he wasn't about to gun down the monkey for them. He was still cautious about firing off shots in the wilderness, and shooting this overall-wearing creature for a few bananas seemed extreme anyways.

He was, however, petty enough to raise a fist and yell at it.

"Watch where you're throwing your peels, ya funny looking chimpanzee!" Elliot shouted, not exactly knowing his monkeys very well. His arm fell as he realized it was a monkey and probably didn't understand him anyways. Of course an animal wouldn't have style or grace like he did; Though they were brothers-in-arms about having funny faces.

At least according to other people...

In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Just waiting for my time to strike.


You know me, I can't help but have something weird in my sig.
Hello, I was talking with a friend

Welcome back, friend. Hopefully you can find some fun projects to jump into and send that creative mind of yours on a roll!

Hopefully I'll be in some of them, too. =w=
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gonna let some rookie posts flow in before I post, I think. Don't want Clint reacting before they do lol
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

You can act innocent but I'm a witness. I know what you're capable of XD
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

It's like hell freezing over, or the apocalypse. You don't just make Kaya vocally upset. That's how murders happen.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I couldn't relate, I'm never wrong. Always right. A flawless specimen.

Clint dipped out exactly like I have in past experiences, RIP
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