Avatar of Prince Potter


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1 yr ago
Current I don’t use ghost mode because I want you to know I’m online and ignoring you
1 yr ago
While we are talking about XIV I just want to mention how much I love Poro Roggo
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1 yr ago
What does a clock do when it is still hungry after eating a meal? It goes back four seconds.
2 yrs ago
Ebbs and Flows, Highs and Lows
2 yrs ago
Sometimes you get it, sometimes you get got.
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I am a man in my mid twenties who has been role playing since I was 10. I just recently moved to a new town to attend university, and I'm attempting to open up to new people, both in-person and online. I'm part of the official guild discord, so feel free to add me if you want. I love reading and writing, science fiction, and fantasy. In my off time if I feel like using my brain I enjoy reading classical literature. I recently finished Anna Karenina and have started Tale of Two Cities. I have also been slowly studying and learning French. Don't mind the low post count I normally do my RPing through private messaging.

Most Recent Posts


I figured as much. Yeah, I plan on giving my guy some 'weird vibes' but not much actual substance to it. Chalk it up to nerves and not trusting the new guy.
@daltar On it! I'm not too keen about usurping our glorious leader, but it's starting to look like we don't have much of a choice. I can't believe we spent as much time as we did Pre-Game, just for it to fall apart now?
@Gisk Alright, Stealth and Evasion Proficiency aren't Force related.
Altarae was right to come to Korriban. Simply being on the planet seemed to fill him with strength and energy, brightening his senses and increasing his endurance. He had found a man named Siador Dren, who seemed powerful and intimidating. Having tried to look into the man’s mind with the Force only once, he found himself utterly rejected. He had then pledged himself to the man then and there, revealing the rusted hilt of the lightsaber he had brought with him.

Siador had aided him in reconstructing the lightsaber, and he had been given his own red colored sith crystal. Altarae was then given an entry level position working for Siador as an Archaeologist, to help explain their relationship and time spent together. They trained with their lightsabers as often as they could, and his skill has slowly begun to grow, though it is obvious that he’s much stronger with the Force than his weapon currently.

Today he was leading a small excavation team on the surface, not far from where his Master was waiting for the new Chief of Security. His small team scurried about in the dust wiping and dusting at long ancient artifacts. The youth on the other hand, supervised, and kept an eye on his Master. Altarae had to admit, he was also curious to get a look of this new guy. He wasn’t sure many would have the fortitude to endure such a planet. Watching a Chiss make his way down the rampart, he nodded slightly to himself. He’d never met a Chiss before, but he’d heard the Ascendency was ruthless in its efficiency.

This could be interesting…

@Gisk Alright I'm gonna roll with 22 and Dominate Mind. Thanks, man! I look forward to getting at it.
@Gisk Thanks for letting him have active Force powers, it is a fair part of their culture and society, even if the Jedi and Sith are gone. I was under the impression I would've already met him and become some kind of pupil by the beginning of the RP, but I don't care either way.

As for his powers, that all sounds fine to me. Though I did want to ask if it was alright to use instead of Mind Trick, some kind of minor Mind Control? Allowing him to temporarily control weaker willed people. As for the whole powers thing, I'm just trying to use some uncommon stuff to spice things up a bit.
@Doc DoctorHa! I think we're full, but I hope @GodofWar makes an exception for you. You seem like you'll be a lot of fun.
Whoops! Sorry, should probably ask first. Room for one more? I heard we need more baddies!
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