Avatar of Prosaic


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2 yrs ago
It's my birthday so I'm making it everyone's problem.
2 yrs ago
I figure my presence on this site is more of a curse than a blessing.
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2 yrs ago
Be the superhero roleplay that you want to see in the world.
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2 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just making another reappearance.
3 yrs ago
By no popular demand, I'm back.


Years after writing my original post and funnily enough, I'm still Prose!

I'm twenty something, I like superheroes, magic and well... anything that happens to catch my eye. Sometimes I take random breaks from this site and reappear when you least expect me. Sorry about that. It's the mental health. I thrive in high casual settings and I like to write the same characters over and over so expect to see them regurgitated across different threads.

Most Recent Posts

April 3, 2021, Saturday, 11:43PM
CH Motel, Caulder's Hollow, North Dakota


Every day since his arrival at Caulder's Hollow had been hectic, a fact that he attributed to his own growing agitation. He had never liked small towns much, he felt like he could not breathe in places where everyone seemed to know everyone. It was exhausting to be perceived by so many unfamiliar faces. Every time he looked at one of them looking back at him, he wondered if they'd known Farrah, if they felt the chill of her absence like he did. There was something kind of disturbing about it all, something kind of... ominous. However, despite this odd feeling in the pit of his stomach, he had managed to stay there for about a week and he'd uncovered... almost nothing.

He'd have to go home soon, he knew that. As much as he wanted to keep poking around Caulder's Hollow to no avail, he had a life outside of his obsession with his friend's disappearance. Elias couldn't feed his cats forever and sooner or later his mother would realize that he hadn't even attempted to call home. His therapist had certainly noticed his absence, as she had been calling him on and off since he'd left New York. It was a reminder that he was missing expensive meetings and worst of all, he was drinking. He didn't really want to stop drinking but he couldn't stand to see the stupid, pouty look on his little brother's face whenever he complained about stomach trouble.

"If you weren't drinking so much, you wouldn't be so sick." Fucking kid.

So, in good faith, he was trying to slow it down. However, once he'd arrived in Caulder's Hollow, he'd found himself staring down the bottom of multiple bottles and feeling too sick to eat again. He'd have to go home soon. At least he felt guilty at home when he drank too much and woke up with the light burning his eyes but here he was free to wander outside of the hotel and light up a cigarette instead. It was good weather for it, at any rate. If he closed his eyes he could imagine that he wasn't just here to avoid his issues in New York.

He could feel his phone buzzing in his pocket, he silenced it as he took another drag from the cigarette and looked up at the sky overhead. Good weather. He thought, watching smoke crawl towards the clouds overhead. Good weather but-

A sound resonated with him, briefly brought a chill up his spine. The sound of crackling fire, of crumbling wood. The cigarette fell from his fingers as he turned to face the hotel behind him, staring at the entrance. The door was ablaze, burning with an unnatural light, all except the handle which still looked cool to the touch. He froze for a moment, staring at the fire that ate at the wood and wondering why he was the only one staring at it. There was a sharp crack as the frame started to cave over the door and he tensed at the sound. There weren't many people outside but surely, surely someone inside would be grabbing a fire hydrant or--

I'm finally fucking losing it.

He took a hesitant step forward, heard someone say something behind him but it was lost in the sound of the fire. He placed a hand on the handle, the heat made his skin feel like it was blistering and he had to squint to avoid his eyes watering. He didn't hesitate again before he passed through the burning doorway, leaving the sound of someone shouting behind him.


He surfaced somewhere unfamiliar.

It was like no place he'd ever seen before, it certainly wasn't the hotel that he'd left behind. A black sky that looked as if the stars had been blot out, eight moons hung overhead and the buildings that stretched beyond them were alien. For a moment he thought that he had landed some place... that didn't exist at all. That maybe he'd stepped through the fire and promptly passed out but his dreams had never been so colorful or so unimaginably weird. He squinted at the neon sign ahead of him, cocked his head at it like the change of angles might clarify it. There was no clarification to be found.

Population infinity? Nonsense.

The sign flickered, light bouncing off their surroundings and making his bleary vision blearier. It flickered again and he saw the figure below the sign, how it stood long and dark, cloaked in shadows with a terrible and gaping maw. He nearly blanched in horror, wondered if it was too late to go back now that he was standing here, staring at it. It wasn't human or like any creature he'd ever seen before. He was ready to stumble backwards long before it's jaw unhinged to release the metal cords upon them. It was like something out of a horror film and he refused to stand about idly for it.

With a sharp gasp and a quick leap, he avoided the hooks with ease. He heard the one nearest to him hit the ground and scrape through it with a nasty claw. He might have felt elated but he was instead struck with concern because for the first time since he arrived, he realized he had companions. One looked a few years younger than him, the other looked a few years older, the sight of them brought him very little relief. They felt a lot like responsibility, but he had very little time to stress over it.

"Good fucking God." He said, voice a hiss through his teeth. "What the fuck?"

The younger of the two was not fortunate enough to dodge the hooks, one burying into the skin of his leg and tightening to prepare to pull him back towards the waiting jaws of the monster. He tensed, prepared to spring forward to try to help because even if he couldn't dislodge the hook, he could at least try to keep the kid from getting dragged to his doom.

San Francisco, California - Dark Ideas (Psychic Readings & Enlightenment)

Money meant a lot to Simon Hart.
It was the difference between his childhood and where he stood now. Of course, many had tried to have him believe things like "money isn't everything" or "you should find joy in what you do and money will follow". He mostly attributed these teachings to bullshit. Simon Hart had seen what it was like to be poor in San Francisco, hell, he'd lived it and there was no joy to be found in crawling through the slums to afford a sandwich at the corner store. Money was everything and if he intended to stay on top of the game, he'd need to keep his audience.

The problem with Simon Hart was that he couldn't ever just... stay on one venture. It had started with petty theft (which had quickly grown boring) and it had escalated into dealings with money launderers. He didn't consider himself a criminal, not really, just someone very familiar with criminals. Sure, he'd hacked a few things, transferred a couple hundred dollars into his own accounts, lobster-trapped a few ATM cards- sure, but he wasn't a criminal. Personally he thought that "criminal" was a very dirty word to describe someone with.

He liked to consider himself an... entrepreneur. He was constantly scheming and planning and cooking up new ideas all in the pursuit of gaining money. He was good at it too, absolutely fucking great at it. It wasn't criminal to have a talent, was it? It wasn't criminal to be good at something. After his divorce with Erin, he had fallen into a slump, a dark, dark pit where he had thought he was doomed to stay. She had moved on, started dating some blond guy and taken their cat and he was just stuck.

He had remained stuck for nearly four months and it had taken a lot of work on the behalf of Amalia Mendoza to even get him moving again. Once he did start moving though, he'd fallen into his latest scheme and that was Dark Ideas. Dark Ideas was nothing special, a shitty little storefront he'd purchased on a whim but he'd turned it into a home of sorts. A ridiculous, terrible little home. The bulk of his business was rich, old white ladies and edgy people with tattoos. He kind of liked it that way.

He didn't know if he would stick to this gig forever but for now it was amusing. Mostly it was amusing how people just ate up whatever faux-prophetic nonsense he spat. He had gotten pretty good at cold-reading but it was still no exact science, every so often he'd fumble a name or a guess and he'd spend the next few minutes trying to recover his image. Sometimes people would cut the session short and demand a refund when he fumbled, sometimes they'd threaten him. He was learning to roll with the punches (sometimes literally).

Between running his business and counting his money, he hardly had time to worry about what was going on around the city. Heroes and angry government officials, it's not my business. He thought, watching the broadcast on his phone. There was always down time at Dark Ideas, quiet intervals where he could gather his thoughts or catch up with the news. More and more of this hate-mongering, on both sides. He thought grimly, deciding to stop while he was ahead. "Dangerous" this, "dangerous" that, if I could actually read the future then I'd be rolling in it. Wonder if one of those bastards is looking for a job.

"I think I'll finish another cigarette," he responded to auburn-haired gentleman, fishing the pack from his pocket at a leisurely pace. "Don't hold up on my account. We'll certainly see you there." It was as polite as he was capable of being, because he wasn't sure he wanted to make an enemy of Doctor Green so early in this game. People tended to appear to Simon on a sliding scale of usefulness and Doctor Green struck him as someone potentially useful, maybe later on, preferably as far from Miss White as he was capable of being. Simon Hart was not cruel and he could see there was some history between the two and whatever that history was, it was not good.

It might be as simple as a disagreement or as drawn out as a past relationship, there was no way of telling without asking one of them. Which he was considering but now was not the time or the place. Another match struck in the darkness, highlighting his face in bouncing shadows before another cigarette was lit. He watched as Doctor Green waved the hawk-faced man over to join him, took a long drag on the cigarette between his fingers and exhaled tendrils of smoke into the air. Late or not, it was hard not to feel better with a cigarette in his hand.

He didn't imagine it would take too long for the proper carriage to arrive, long enough for him to try to ask Miss White what the deal with Doctor Green was, at least. Another drag was taken from the cigarette perched in his hand as he watched and waited to see if Mister Strawberry would be keen on taking the faster route to the Hall. He wouldn't blame him, it did seem inviting before all the warning bells started to go off. He supposed if it turned out that Doctor Green was some kind of grisly murderer, they'd know when they didn't see the hawkish fellow again.

Rather grim. He squashed the thought before he could expand on it. I'm sure he's not dangerous.

And at any rate, Mister Strawberry seemed capable. He didn't know why but he got the impression that the man had seen some things in his time. He didn't think he had to worry about him. For now, he'd worry about Miss White, who, even if he hadn't caught wind of discomfort from, he wouldn't have felt great about leaving in the dark with no one.

Should have my next post up sometime this week!

I'll be getting started on a sheet tonight, I'm sort of debating on which of my characters I want to use but I'm excited!
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