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Resident Trash Goblin

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Ophelia Cayde

Fingers grasped up and into the night air above her while she let an exasperated sigh. The heat from her lips billowing and battering the chill that hung heavy and damp. Just above the stars swirled, bright and cold, and her fingertips seemed to just barely miss them. A wistful thought that dragged a shutter from her core while she toed along the well-beaten road. Finally, her mind mused as a warm glow pierced through the starry sky in an inviting halo. It had been a long trek but finally, there was a sign of civilization and warmth. As she drew nearer the muted songs of drunken cheer seeped out and filled her drowsy body with renewed vigor. Ophelia dropped her hand and touched it against the worn satchel that bopped against her hip. She was lower in coin than she liked, but she still had more than enough to enable a few bad habits for the night. And maybe liberate some from a couple of fools. Her lips pulled in a devilish grin.

Ophelia skirted past a few bodies hanging alongside of the tavern, flashing her bright eyes at them in pure excitement. Long gone was the feeling of lead that had poured through her limbs. Now she was ablaze, renewed, and eager as she pried open the tavern’s lavish doors just enough for her to squeeze her body through. The less attention she drew the better, at least for now. She was greeted with a revelry of mirth and delectable smells. Her stomach twisted and groaned in protest while her throat shrank and burned in thirst. ”Hmm,” she wet her lips, letting the heat soak deep into her cold bones. ”Drinks first then. She spun on her heel and edged past a drunken duo squabbling in a shadowed corner. It was definitely busy. Music and conversations all swirled around her in a new array of life.

Everywhere she looked, there was someone and something to do. Her heart fluttered beneath her ribs already feeling the intoxication of the rich décor and atmosphere. The air in here felt timeless. It was like the outside world all together had begun to bleed away from thought and memory. And all the better for it if you asked her. Ophelia finally bumped into what she assumed to be a waiter, shuffling around with several drinks perched upon a dark platter. ”Excuse me.” she tapped lightly upon their shoulde4, nearly startling the youth. ”The bar,” she asked with an arch of her brows. After settling the quivering drinks the man shot her a heavy-handed look of disgruntlement and defeat before pointing his chin off to the side.

”Back o’va there,” He said before turning to drop off drinks at a nearby table.

Ophelia laid her palm gently on his shoulder, leaning slightly in with a warm smile plastered across her face. ”Thank you so much,” her words oozed with a faux warmth while her free hand dipped into the soft opening of the waiters apron pockets. Nothing? Seriously? Her fingertips were met with nothing but the fabrics scratchy material and left her feeling a little less buzzed with excitement. She pulled away and marched over toward the bar, a little more than ready to drown out the first failure of the night. The bar was as cozy as the rest of the place, rich woods and polished brass. With a tilt of her hand Ophelia summoned a nearby bar tender. ”Whatever you got that’s cheap and strong, please.” The bar tender nodded and dashed off before returning shortly with a rounded mug of some sort of amber colored ale.

She dipped her head in thanks, pulling the mug up to her lips and drank it greedily. A mistake. Ophelia sputtered back into her drink, wincing as the liquor burned down her throat and lungs. Fuck. She was battling to keep her composure, shoulders twitching while holding back a series of coughs from her aching lungs. That’s what she gets for getting the cheap stuff. She sucked down some calming breathes before looking around misty eyed. Had anyone noticed? She prayed not. What an embarrassing way to introduce herself.

She smoothed down some wrinkles in her dark brown pants, taking another sip from her mug. It still grated as it went down but at least it went down correctly this time. Ophelia’s eyes danced over the patrons, making note of both the guards and any particular nasty looking guests. She could hold her own in a few different ways. But it was much easier and less effort to just avoid the drama in the first place. She went in for another drink. Maybe it would get better over time. An acquired taste. Her brows furrowed in disgust after sucking down another mouthful. Nope, still ass. She didn’t think she could take much more of it and turned to find the bar keep again.

”You, you, sir.” she waved at what she assumed to be another tender, a bottle of rum in his hand. ”Do you have something, I don’t know, less offensive in store?”

@Dark Cloud
Blep. I'll work on a post later~

Ophelia Cayde

"You let your inside thoughts out, again."

A brush just above five foot five if you ignore the subtle thick heels at the bottom of her boots. Long, thick, auburn locks are usually thrown back in a half-up pony tail, with a soft fridge falling to frame her sharp face. While her skin is fair, it carries a tinge of sunburn dusted across her cheeks and nose; leaving little splotches of freckles along the way. Despite carrying a small vile of cream in the tawny bag thrown across her shoulder, her lips seem to be permanently wind burned and chapped. She can often be seen chewing and peeling the skin off when focused. Her eyes are the same color of ash; a pale gray with plumes of rich brown that spread from her iris. She tends to stick to earthy, neutral tones no matter what she wears. And is never seen without a black corded necklace with a silver locket at its base.



Fortune teller/Con artist

Slight of hand: Ophelia is a ‘master’ of deception, leading the eyes elsewhere while those hand pilfer places they shouldn’t.
Body language: Reading people’s faces and posture is an art, one that leads to people handing over their cash.
Stealth: Gotta be able to slip away from those pesky guards.


A mini burnt out the day Ophelia was born. With more energy and pluck than a penny on a sunny day; she is always somewhere, doing something. With a cheerful disposition and a scathing wit the crowd is either annoyed or enthralled by her.


Ophelia's family name and home is a mystery she likes to keep to herself. No one has heard of the surname Cayde and often suspect that she picked it up herself along her travels. Rumors have spread throughout some outlying towns that her true identity lies within the silver locket kept tucked beneath her blouse. But rumors are as fickle as the stories she likes to spin.
Ever on the move she’s not one to stick around for long.

A strong drink
Easy marks
Dancing and music


Serious people

Theme Song:
"Borderline" by Nico Collins

ProxyInc, please. :)
I'd really appreciate if my username could be changed to Proxyinc or even just, Proxie.

Thanks you.

"So where do you come from?" Jade's question rolled down her spine. Mora let her eyes settle to the soft ground below her, rocking back onto her heels. What was she going to tell the girl? That she came from Krolva? The town didn't exactly have the best reputation. It's also probably why she didn't recognize any of her fellow cadets. A stray ribbon of hair escaped from its hold, twisting in the gentle breeze and tickling her cheek. She scraped it beneath her fingertips and attempted to tuck it away.

Maybe Jade noticed her hesitation or maybe she was just impatient. Either way Mora let out a soft sigh if relief as the smaller girl motioned for them to walk together. Movement was a welcome distraction from her growing discomfort. "No where special really. I doubt you've even heard of it," she began to explain while the two begun to pick their way across the field. Mora noticed her companion's stride falter midstep; those lavender eye's growing round while her mouth fell softly a gap. "No way," Jade whispered.

"Huh," Mora question, her brows knitting together in confusion. The petite girl's dark head turned to face away from her, scanning across the field. Mora looked out over in the direction Jade was faced but saw nothing unusual. Was she missing something? "Are you okay?" Her voice was laden with confusion and worry. But as she looked down at the smile that graced Jade's upward tilted face Mora found herself even more confused.

"Oh, Mora, would you like to meet someone?"

Meet someone? Her eyes traveled around the many faces around them. Who? Where? She felt her confusion rise another level as Jade sprung into high spirited waves and cheers towards another girl. "Lauren! Come on, Mora," she said, a delicate hand reaching back to grasp hers with a surprisingly solid tug. Mora lurched forward a half step before the girl quickly released her ans sprang forward. She trailed behind eyeing the pair of girls she bounded towards; one was a rather tall blonde girl whose long hair was put up in a much neater fashion than Mora was able to accomplish. The other being the smaller brunette, her face flushed a soft pink from being sent out on a punishment run earlier.

Mora couldn't stifle a grin while she watched Jade practically leap into the brunette's arms. That one must be Lauren then. She picked up her pace and closed the distance between them as Jade apologized with a, "“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize . . ." Her face burning bright with embaressment once again.

She lifted her right hand and rested it on the nape of her neck, the other planting firmly on her hip. "Ah, so you're Lauren. Jade's spoken highly of you." It was a lie of course. Mora didn't know any of these girls from atom but she wanted to help ease past Jade's obvious discomfort. "I'm Mora by the way. And who might you be?" She cocked her head to the side and locked eyes with the blonde, flashing her best grin at her.


Tsk. The thought rolled around in her head like her eyes in her skull. Tomorrow, really? The build up. The belting of steam and vigor pissed away at what boiled down to a basic punishment parade. Speak out of place and you'll be, blah, blah, blah. This was not what she had in mind her first real day. She expected drills. Sweat. Tears. That old familar ache of her muscles pulsating after a particularly grueling workout. Instead all around her was the hissing relief of her shaken comrades. The faint echo of nervous laughter while the tension dispelled from the air.

Well she supposed it wasn't that way for everyone. Her eyes flickered over to the small group whose heels now dug into the damp earth. Should she? No, I shouldn't. The thought was as sour as her mood. Technically, Maurer hadn't forbidden anyone from joining the punishment crew on their run. But while her instincts pushed her to join the team her head planted her feet firmly in the ground. She had to listen. That was something her father had stressed the moment she opened her mouth about joining. She would need to learn to listen. Even if listening meant having to wait another day.

Mora let her eyes slide away, scanning over the training field idly. Already people had begun to pair off; friends from the same district enlisting together. She recognized a few familiar faces from home. But none close enough that she would call a friend. No, Mora never really sought out to make those. Everyone was just competition in the end. A needless drive to push herself beyond them. Her fingertips pressed into the sides of her thighs. A subtle pressure to stop her head from spiraling into the mess that was the ache that missed her family. Focus.

Something hard knocked her out of her thoughts, just a slight nump that send her body tettering momentarily. Mora shifted her head to glimpse over what looked to be slightly frayed raven Down, her brain direcred her before her eyes followed suit, looking into the surprised face of a smaller girl. The girl's lavender eyes mirrored her own surprise before quickly shifting to embarrassment. “I am so, so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention…”

Mora could feel the corner of her lip begin to peak in a small half smile. "It's fi--"

"Wow! You’re so pretty." The smaller girl cut her off with a bright voice. Mora watched her face light up with a tinge of pink blooming across her cheeks, letting her own eyes drift off to focus on something off in the distance. Pretty? She felt her face burn with embaressment at the word. "Oh, I’m sorry for that too.” The girl's voice rattled her nerves and anxiety. Her laugh breathy and awkward. "“I’m Jade. This whole thing is a bit awkward.”

Jade, Mora made a mental note, her eyes sliding back to lock on with hers for a swollen moment. The name was nice and very fitting for the girl. Mora quickly broke eye contact once again, digging the toe of her shoe into the dirt below. Jade was pretty in a delicate way Mora wasn't prepared for. And the bluster of her nervousness only deepened the burn she could feel creeping toward her ears. "Nah, don't worry about it. I wasn't paying attention myself." Mora brushed off the apology, hoping to dispel the girl's worries while masking her own thrumming heartbeat. She jutted out a hand toward Jade, giving her best cocky grin. "I'm Mora, it's nice to meetcha."


Should it be this hot? The morning sun rolled across the fog streaked sky. It was just chill enough that the huff her breath clung to the dewy air. But the heat that beamed down from the bitter sun was enough to form little beads of sweat upon her brow; matting the small flyaway hairs that refused her early morning attempt to neatly comb them back into their ponytail prison. Or maybe it was the thick material of her uniform that chafed with every small movement, trapping in the excess heat pluming off her skin.

Regardless of the matter, Mora could feel the adrenaline pump through her veins. A turbulent mixture of what she assumed was nerves and thrill. This was it. This was her crew. The cadets all lined up, faces graven with fear and anxiety while they awaited their first real day. She couldn’t resist the urge to lightly bounce on balls of her feet. Her muscles screamed at her to flex, move, anything to rid the building energy that sparked between them. Though as the Head instructors voice pierced the morning veil around, Mora felt part of her reach a calm as her body moved to snap to attention.

One by one, he traipsed down the line. His words a booming cloud of brimstone that was meant to provoke. This was something she recognized from time with her brothers. It would push them, bring out the fires in them that would help forge the soldiers they had yet to become. And the corners of her lips pulled into a small smile with every taunt that fell from his mouth. The air practically shivered from her fellow unit members, their voices a steady chorus of practical answers that echoed with unease while they answered to his abuse.

It was beginning to fell like ages was passing. Her eyes straining against the harsh brightness of the blue sky, watching some bird mar it’s uniform beauty as it soared. She just wanted to move on. Past the bluffs, the gruffness of the instructor’s voice and onto what she came here to do; train. But then some boy caught her attention. His voice clean, collected as it barked back. Mora dared a slight turn of her head, resting her eyes against he who dared to speak up and against Maurer. Plucky, she thought with an emboldened smile splitting her lips. He was entirely stupid but she liked his willing defiance. He was exactly what Maurer was looking for. That unkempt fire that would bite back.

Maurer's face barely even registered the bite of the boy’s words. Calm, smooth, and as equally sour as it was when he first stepped into view. It wasn’t his first round with a spirited cadet, no doubt. And Mora would easily bet it wouldn’t be his last while she watched as he coolly berated the boy, making him point out five of their unit. That wasn’t going to earn him any favors in the future. She could imagine the flick of pointed rage and sneers that would follow. Though there was a small part of her that was disappointed at not being signaled out herself. A three hour run? In this sweltering heat? Awful, really it was. But the idea of pushing herself instead of being stuck standing at attention for God knows how long? Blessed. She rocked back and forth to shake off the notion. Right now she needed to be calm, collected, and force her smile back down to a hard line. She needed to show that she had what it meant to be a disciplined soldier.

I can do this.

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