Avatar of Pundii
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  • Posts: 1165 (0.37 / day)
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    1. Pundii 9 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Getting new RP ideas is agonizing when you realize you need to shelf them until you're less busy.
7 yrs ago
The Owls are not what they seem... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Oh hey now, I just passed 1000 posts. Good god.
7 yrs ago
Exams are done, Thesis is done, alright let's get back into this 'RP' thing, huh?
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7 yrs ago
Thesis is finally complete, now to curl up and die (but probably rp a bit first)


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I'll probably be putting together some relationships of my own for Aedan when I get the chance (Probably tomorrow, birthday celebrations today are killing me) so if anyone has any ideas, feel free to message me!


Decided to stick with what I know, just adjusted the history slightly considering the new roles, so let me know if all is well!
@Mike73@Nallore@FantasyChic@Morose@Zoey White@S0up

Our small hiatus is over friends. I appreciate very muchly your guys' patience with this, and counters are officially reset from now, they'll be based off the update I just made.

The Lumber Mill: It's not too difficult for Mariana to find the entrances she's looking for. Inside the lumber yard are three buildings, two smaller offices and the larger mill itself. The mill and smallest office by the entrance appear to be unlocked, but the larger office building seems to have been barricaded from within. When Marian passes by it towards the mill she hears the faint sound of whispering from inside. Outside, the axe-wielding mill worker doesn't even seem to hear Alice as he takes a few heavy steps towards her, unaffected by the threat of her gun as he took hold of the axe to swing it again, Alice's distance saving her as the blade swung a few inches away from her through the air. The expression of the man remains crazed and intent on murder.

Outside the Community Center: The parking lot outside the community center remains relatively quiet after the car has driven off. The two girls are left alone with that strange and immense hunger. Luckily for them as Felicia has suggested,
P&W's is not far from the community center, and the two of them would be able to get there before too long, and ideally without any incident.

August Street: As Jennifer ran between the houses, screaming for help, no answers are coming, it is as if she is the only person home. However, before long the fight comes to an end. Grabbing a rock nearby, the woman brings it up to smash in the head of the man, forcing him off her as she kicked him aside and stood up, dropping the bloodied rock as she looked over to see Jennifer, waving her arms and calling out. "It's okay! I-i'm going to be okay! He's dealt with!" The woman called as she moved to take a seat beside the road, staring at the body with an expression somewhere between confusion and fear.

Donald Baker

Location: Silver Falls Community Center

Donald had been ready for Scarlett's response when he heard the voice over her shoulder. Glancing past her towards the doorway, his gaze fixed upon Richard as he took his steps into the room. For a moment Donald eyed him up and down, considering what he had said and briefly noting the information the man had provided. He had been about to question Richard when he chose to introduce himself, giving the man a nod as he shook his hand. "I appreciate the information, doctor." He was somewhat surprised that the question had prompted a legitimate answer from Richard, but he had already expected some aspect of the investigation had this aspect.

Turning his gaze back to Scarlett, he raised an eyebrow at her quip. He had not openly considered Scarlett as a major suspect, but even he couldn't ignore the clear threat she had made in his direction as he watched her. Still, he cleared his throat, maintaining a professional posture as he closed his notebook, tucking it away as he watched her. "Cult ritual murders tend to involve willing participants, there were no signs of resistance at the murder scene from your friend Lucy, so that's a lead I was crossing off." He narrowed his eyes briefly at the woman, watching her closely for any hint of a reaction to his words, or lack thereof.

"Is there anything else you needed, miss Cromwell?" He asked politely then, giving her a gentle dismissing.
Darren Andrews

Location: Coventry Circus Grounds, Main Tent
Interacting With: Everyone in the Circus Tent, Aloise Zamora @Morose

Darren went white when he saw who the blade hit. Every rational thought in his mind left at that very moment as his concerns of the mullo left too. Any reasonable course of action that he had possibly considered to assist in destroying the creature fled from his mind as he was struck with an incredible, unshakeable grief. Things were not the same with Aloise in this timeline, and indeed by now they had separated, and he was in reality, dead. However, he had still seen the woman he loved, the person he held most dear at that point in his life, fall to the ground to die.

He saw as Eudora made her way over to Aloise, and soon enough he followed suit, listening as the witch uttered her spell, he reached down and took Aloise's other hand in his own. "Don't you fucking even think about dying, you asshole. Somebody's gotta help me get back to my time, and you still owe me from the vampire incident." Whether or not that was a debt properly repaid, Darren didn't care, he was focused on the woman before him, hoping beyond hope that this would not be her end.

James Murphy

Location: Coventry Circus Grounds
Interacting With: Everyone in the Circus Tent

The fact that the Mullo was so close to everyone was proving to be one of the most irritating circumstances of this evening. No shots or blades had managed to hit the target, and as it continued to dive between person to person, little could be done without the risk of hurting others. He heard the shouting between everyone, all pushing Folly to say the creature's name. He knew little of the creature, in fact, nothing, and didn't quite understand how it would work. He could see most standing around, waiting with weapons drawn for an opening, aside from the angel who began to wrench the mullo off.

James decided he was done standing around. Sliding his handgun into its holster, James lowered his shoulders, going for his best football charge possible as he ran forward, sprinting across the tent towards Seraphina and the Mullo as he reached out for its own neck. He had no idea if such a thing would work, the thing likely didn't even need to breathe, but he was relying more on his force than anything as he tried to force the Mullo off and pin it to the floor, if he could choke it or just pin it down away from everyone else, it would at least be something.
Harry Walsh

Location: Gheit el Idda

Even before Aziza motioned towards the bag, Harry had moved to retrieve it. Adjusting his slings somewhat, he hauled it over his shoulder along with his own bag, his rifle tucked nicely between them as well as he followed her out of the room and back down the stairs. Moving into the stall with her, he glanced around briefly, examining each of the horses before he set his gaze upon Dralh. He smiled as he looked the creature up and down, letting Aziza comfort and saddle it as he stared. Horses were something Harry had grown used to seeing during the war, but a creature as fine as this one was still a rarity, indeed - only the bedouins ever had horses as beautiful as Dralh was as far as Harry had recalled. All of Aziza's praise of the creature suddenly made an incredible degree of sense in his mind.

As Aziza mounted Dralh, Harry gave her a smile and nodded, carefully opening the gate and taking a step aside so Dralh could momentarily stretch his legs. He moved closer and ran a gentle hand along the side of the beasts' neck, speaking in a hushed, warm tone to him as he walked back outside with Aziza and Dralh, allowing the horse to get used to his voice briefly as he walked along. He knew horses well after all, and knew that it would be foolish to have taken Dralh's reigns to lead the creature, or to have disrespected it in any way. Horses were noble beasts, and they demanded respect.

When they returned to Roach, Harry took a moment to climb back up into his saddle, adjusting the reigns in his hands as he glanced over to Aziza with a smile. "Back to the barracks, then." He nodded, as if to confirm that there was nowhere else she planned to visit before they returned, though for now, he began to canter through the clearer streets, occasionally glancing back to ensure Aziza was close enough for conversation at the very least.

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

William was somewhat surprised as Vera chose to remain against him, but it was not an unpleasant feeling. The small, miniscule part of his conscience that tried to ensure he held himself with some modicum of respect assured him that it would be best to help her stand up straight, even if she made no effort to himself. Yet, a far stronger part of his heart had no desire to. He welcomed the closeness the two of them had then, even with the tension that still kept them separated by a miles' length. His expression made no change as she spoke originally, it had been the answer he expected, even if he knew she was not talking about a sore ankle or a bruise, but something far more complicated.

As she asked her question, William sighed. There were times he had been on a dig, locked in the darkness of an ancient ruin, puzzled by some ancient riddle or puzzle which kept him locked away from some great secret or treasure. He would sit for hours, days, even weeks, perplexed and entranced by this riddle. At that moment he realized that Vera had been such a riddle, yet there was no treasure in it, she was not a prize, as she insisted he viewed her. And in fact he knew that this was why he was drawn to her, Vera was an engima, a puzzle and a mystery which defied explanation in all ways men can conceive. "Because I don't want to pretend anymore." The answer came from his lips, but it was not anything he had thought to say. It came from the soul, and even had he attempted to stop it, there would have been no luck. His eyes remained locked on her, his hands still holding her as she stood against him, silence filling the room aside from the two of them, as he waited for her response.
I'll be posting this afternoon

Still here! Just been busy going into finals season, trying to decide if I'm sticking with my old CS or going with a new one.

I suppose I'll step in to take my old role as Lord of Sliabh, if you'll have me.
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