Avatar of Rabidporcupine


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4 yrs ago
Current I eat negativity and shit out hopes and dreams. Like a tree, but for pessimism.
5 yrs ago
Good news, I'm not failing out of my cooking course tomorrow! Bad news, it's only because I nearly sliced a chunk off my finger practicing for it and needed stitches.
6 yrs ago
Desu before dishonour.
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6 yrs ago
It's days like today that I truly believe this ADHD is both a blessing AND a curse.
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Yo I probably shouldn't because I have a bunch of other stuff I'm behind on, but at the same time, I was heartbroken when it died last time, so I'll dust Ed off and chuck him back in here.
@Kierax Yep! We weren't for a bit, but a lot of people ended up getting too busy, so now we're down to a relatively small number again.

Here is link

The giant turned to greet the new arrival. He seemed normal enough, but if the little theory worming it's way into his head was correct, then it was exceedingly possible that this observation would be quite wrong.

"Hey... Guy." He said, sending the guy a nod. After another giving him another quick look over, he nodded again, mumbling to himself. "Another red, huh?"

As he did so, the man asked if either of them knew what was going on, to which the woman responded by saying that unless he or the guy who first asked had any idea, then they should get moving to find out. However, if his theory was anywhere even close to the truth, then he should definitely mention it now. If he didn't, then they might end up walking blindly into what could very well be an even more dangerous situation than the flickering lights and shit might suggest.

"Uh, well, I'm not gonna pretend I know for certain, but I think I might have a theory... or something, I guess."

He took a deep breath to steady himself, hoping that this wouldn't go over too badly.

"Ok, so from what I can tell, this is some kind of... facility... I think. When I woke up, I was in a cell which I'm guessing was probably built for me, considering how big it was. It was also pretty well furnished, so I don't think it's an actual prison, or at least not a normal one. More like they were trying to encourage me to want to stay there. I'm pretty sure there was probably some way for them to stop me if I didn't though, but whatever, that's not the main point. My guess is this is some kind of facility meant to keep freaks like me here. Probably permanently."

Ok, he was beating around the bush. He had to get to the point.

"Ok, so it's obvious why I'm here, because... well, look at me. I'm not exactly blending into society any time soon. You guys though... Ok, I'm just gonna come out and ask. Please don't take this the wrong way, but do you guys also have something that makes you... I don't know, not entirely human?"
The young man blinked awake as the alarm began, trying to figure out just what was going on. Despite not recognizing it, he still somehow felt that the room was kind of familiar. A couple of seconds later, he decided he was extremely grateful of that fact, as he realised that he couldn't even remember his own name.

"I guess I should just be glad I remember how to speak english..."

Taking a closer look around the room, he had to say that most of it seemed relatively normal. There was a nice big mirror, a bed, a desk, a dresser filled with clothes identical to what he was currently wearing apart from the collar around his neck, which he would concede as one of the first things to tip him off that something wasn't quite right apart from the alarms, which was obviously strange as well. There were a few other things that really sealed the deal, or wait, maybe it just counted as one thing. That thing, or those things depending on how you decided to look at it, was that no matter how he looked at it, the TV that sat in the corner of his room was just *too damn small.* The same could be said for the bookshelf, filled with novels that he was pretty sure could probably fit in the palm of his hand with little to no trouble.

And, perhaps most importantly, the door into the room was maybe a little under two thirds of his height at best. No matter what he told himself, there was no way he could justify that. True, he couldn't remember anything about himself or his situation, but he was like, seventy percent sure that a door would usually be tall enough for people to get through without squatting.

And then he was distracted by a loud growl. Thankfully though, the feeling that accompanied it meant that he didn't have as much to fear as something deep down in the back of his mind told him he otherwise should have.

"I'm really hungry."

Turning to the mirror, he did a quick double take as he noticed something else which he was pretty sure wasn't especially normal, in that much like the uniform he was wearing, his skin also held a distinctly grey shade. He considered taking more time to ponder this latest development, which he was pretty damn sure was definitely out of the ordinary, but another growl of protest from his stomach reminded him that he had a matter that may not be objectively more pressing, but certainly felt that way to him.

And so he opened the door and ducked to get through, although apparently not low enough if the sudden pain in his forehead was any indication. Thankfully though, once he'd clambered through he found himself in a nice normal-sized hallway, colored the same sterile white as his room if the flickering lights weren't playing tricks on him.

No sooner had he made it out though that he heard a woman's voice, calling out in a language he thought he recognized somewhat but couldn't quite manage to understand. The woman repeated herself a few times, before eventually switching to english to his relief.

"Yeah." He called out in response when the woman asked if anyone was around. "I'm here."

He made his way towards the area he thought the voice was coming from, before eventually finding a woman who appeared to be... well, he wasn't fully sure where she was from specifically, but he was going to take a wild guess at it being somewhere in Asia, and he noted that she was dressed pretty much exactly the same as he was, right down to the collar and red patch.

Another thing he noted was that she was *maybe* half his height at most.

"You know what?" He asked no one in particular. "This might actually explain a lot."
Heya you frickers! I'm here first!
Alright, here's Malcolm. Hopefully I didn't get any of that science jargon too wrong, I don't have a good enough brain to remember most of my highschool biology classes.

Just pictures for now. Real sheet coming... well, probably some time...

@Satoshi Kyou
Thanks man, my memories really beginning to disintegrate away to nothing these days.

Feast Fantasy

Calling all adventurers, monster hunters, and cooks!

The opportunity of a lifetime awaits you! Enlist in the Wild Hunt at your local guild hall, and you will get the chance to see the world, try exotic new foods, and be handsomely rewarded for doing so, all for simple monster hunting! Further details will be provided prior to enlistment by your local guildmaster.

The notice, despite seemingly having made its way onto just about every noticeboard in the city, didn’t seem to have grabbed the attention of anywhere near as many people as you might’ve expected it to. Then again, measuring the rewards that were promised to the seeming lack of information provided, it was exceedingly possible that most of those who might have taken it had deemed it too good to be true, if not just a little too sketchy to get themselves involved with.

For reasons known only to you though, the advertisement had managed to get you intrigued enough to, if nothing else, at least see what it’s all about.

Time to see if this ‘opportunity of a lifetime’ is the real deal…

Alright, we’re finally here and ready to get this started! As most of you guys know, the idea of the RP is that you guys will be working for the guild as a team of monster hunters and cooks. Many of the worlds nations and guilds, believe that a great famine may be on the way. In addition to this, monster attacks are on the rise. In an attempt to find a solution, the guild is recruiting adventurers and chefs to go on an epic quest to take ‘em down, cook ‘em up, and see which ones taste good enough that the guild can present them as an alternative food source to last through the famine.

Of course, the way most civilized people view monsters, especially the concept of eating them, means this will be an uphill battle, hence the omission of that particular detail in the initial advertisement.

While I do have a bit of plot ready and waiting, this is still going to largely be a sandbox fantasy cooking adventure. The group/s can explore the world freely. I promise this isn’t just my way of tricking all of you into teaching me how to write cooking well.


[center][h2]Name here, image goes above this text (center it please!)[/h2][/center]
[sub][h3][indent][i]𝔽irst 𝕀mpressions[/i][/indent][/h3][/sub]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Who are you?[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Gnome, Greater/Lesser Beastfolk, Lizardman, Red/Blue Oni[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Babey or Boomer?[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Are you a boy? Or a Girl?[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Judge the book by its cover.[/i][/color]

[sub][h3][indent][i]𝔾et to 𝕂now 𝕐ou[/i][/indent][/h3][/sub]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Cook, Mercenary, Researcher, Accountant, Dermatologist, Babysitter, Rental Boyfriend...[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]How do those around your character see them? Are they renowned across the land? This is like a personality section, but it's from the point of view of someone who knows your character.[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]Guild, country of origin, etc.[/i][/color]

[color=d3d3d3][i]"Ever since I was a child, I had to grow up on the back streets... wrestling alley bears for food and fighting guards for my own freedom...[/i][/color]


[color=d3d3d3][i]What are you capable of?[/i][/color]




[b]Favorite Foods:[/b]

[b]Disliked Foods:[/b]

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