Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
5 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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@Rockettestill here. Not sure if I'm going to make a new character though, if that isn't a requirement.
Jaiden's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he gave the swordswoman before him a rather unimpressed look. He didn't even address her words, instead turning his attention to Justin as he found a shirt being tossed his way. Holding it up to inspect it, the naked man couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the gesture.

"I doubt this'll cover what needs to be covered, especially given the height difference, but thanks for the thought, err, Justin was it? Glad to see you've got more sense than the over-eager princess over there. Seriously, what kind of psychopath comes to threaten someone else without provocation." Jaiden shook his head in exaggerated exasperation as he took a step forward, twirling the shirt in his hands. "But you know what they say, let bygones be bygones and all that. I've never been one to hold a grudge. Just put the sword down and I won't report you to the Segaso police for assault with a deadly weapon. I know rich folk like you believe you're above the law, but please remember the time period you live, Miss. I've done no wrong, while you've out right threatened my life like some sort of sociopath. I'm sure the authorities would just love to hear about this, not to mention the company that invited us all here."

Jaiden's smile grew a tad wider as he pulled his Justin's shirt down over his head, though his eyes remained cold and piercing. As he made to take another step, it seemed for a moment that he would leave without further incident. Instead, however, his next step would take him somewhat dangerously close to the sword-wielding noblewoman, the smug look on his face seeming to dare her to do something about it.
"Now do us all a favor, your craziness, and put the sword down. You're getting just a little bit old for cosplay, don't ya think?"

Jaiden didn't respond at first, focused more on making sure his back was healed correctly. Once he was certain that his back would be more or less fine, give or take a few hours of less intensive healing, he turned his eyes towards the now-conscious pilot of the downed vessel.

"Neither." His voice came out oddly resonant and clear, the sides of his disconnected mouth moving more like insect-like mandibles as he spoke. "I just happened to be in the area when you made your lil' crash landing not too far away. I investigated, found you, moved you away from the ship when it started doing funny things, and right now, feeling a little annoyed I just fucked up my back for nothing." Jaiden might've continued, but the sound of voices nearby distracted him. Eyes narrowing slightly beneath the ivory shell of his current form, the man could only let out a sigh at the current situation before deciding on his next course of action. He did, however, have the frame of mind to issue a slight warning the pilot. "We got company, looks like. Be quiet and don't move."

With nary another word, Jaiden closed his eyes for a moment, only for them to spring open again with a menacing red glow behind them, the entirety of their body devolving into a mass of red and black tendrils spread rapidly across the ground in a somewhat sizable radius. As Ashley and Amie turned their attention in the direction where the two resided, the sound of wood cracking would resound through out the clearing as one of the trees was swiftly devoured by the slithering mass. By the time they made their way through the brush entirely, the event would be over before it began.

Where the mass of tendrils had been before was now only bare and soft earth like that of a freshly tilled field. The only patch of grass left was a small circle surrounding the pilot who, along with the two newcomers, would witness the congealing mass of tendrils form into Jaiden's human form, with only one issue.

He was completely in the buff.

"Huh, and here I was expecting those assholes the brat was talking about." Rubbing the back of his head, Jaiden couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by his actions. "Sorry about the scare, ladies, was just thinking you were some thugs in need of some spooking." Jaiden ceased his apology to look over the two before him, focusing first on Amie, her sword in particular, before switching his attention to Ashley.

"Is she for real here? Who uses a sword nowadays, especially a relic like that one? Normally I'd think she's an eccentric collector, but in this case, she must be pretty serious about using it." Chuckling a bit as he shook his head, Jaiden took a few moments to flex his hands and arms before, wincing slightly as his back continued to reject the notion of movement. Not only that, but his consumption of the tree had only done so much to hold back his inherent hunger. "So, are you peeps from that Lodge thing? Cause if so, I hope you got room for one more for a while. Oh, and my name is Jaiden. Jaiden Fairfield, and it's a pleasure to meet ya."
Okay, so she's not getting up. That's bad. Jaiden ceased his poking of the emo girl as he saw that she was either a really good faker or completely out cold and likely in need of medical attention. Okay, she doesn't seem to have any defense mechanisms installed that are ready to kill me in a gruesome fashion. That's good, means I can get to work tearing out of these restraints.

Leaning into the ship's tiny cockpit, Jaiden struggled to unfastened the girl from her contained, but the damn buckles seemed barely workable for human hands. After a couple secs of pointless fumbling and muttered curses, however, a sudden flash of red light quickly brought his attention on something else as one of the computers seemed to fire up some sort of protocol. Jaiden didn't understand a single thing that was flashing by on the damaged screen, nor what the voice was attempting to communicate to him. One thing that he did understand, however, was the sound of a count-down. That wasn't something he wanted to hear coming from a downed alien fighter.

"Alright, fuck being careful about this. I'm getting you out of here now." Quickly slipped his fingers under the straps, biting his lips in discomfort as he turned each of them into a small, sharp blade. Metamorphing his arms a tiny bit, he pulled upward with as much strength as he could muster in the short time he had, the straps straining against his blades before finally giving way with a snap. Not taking the time to declaw himself, he grabbed at Emo girl's shirt and launched the both of them away from the ship with a mighty leap. Holding her close to his front, he could only grit his teeth in pain as his body went skidding across the ground, various bits of forest debris and and what not tearing through his thin shirt to end up in her back due to the strength of his leap. When he finally slowed to a halt, stopping just shy of smacking into a tree, he pushed emo-girl to the side and rose up, his form lost beneath a mass of tendrils, only for them to harden into a ivory carapace, his face having shifted into a much more monstrous visage.

Ignoring the pain that still resonated in his back, he stepped forward ready to block the unprotected girl from any possible debris that could be heading there way, eyes of glowing red narrowed in anticipation for the coming explosion. There was only one teeny-tiny issue.

The explosion didn't come. It was obvious that something was happening to the craft, though Jaiden couldn't really figure out exactly what that was, but it sure wasn't doing any exploding. Not that Jaiden was complaining, quite the opposite infact, but he could help but wonder what that countdown had been about.

"Welp, question for another day. Right now I need to sit down and focus on fixing up my back before I take this chick to the lodge." Allowing himself to rest beneath a nearby tree that was only slightly singed and damaged from the craft's descent, the man closed his eyes and began to put more energy into accelerating his healing factor. While he patched himself, he considered changing back to his less terrifying form, but the energy cost would likely push him over the line as far as how 'hungry' he could be without being a possible danger. Something that he didn't want to have to deal with at the moment, especially when taking into account the defenseless survivor that was current lying on the ground next to him. Even now, he couldn't help but focus some attention to his ears, sensing the almost melodious beat of her heart. It was the music of life, and it called to a deep, primal nature. But for now, it was best to ignore it.

"Plenty of animals around here. . . It'll be easy to get my fill sometime tonight."
Ye, he said it's cool on the discord. Are you going to join sometime soon, or should i be ready to keep ya posted on discord news?

He had a thing to do tonight, by-the-by.
@MatthiasAngelI'll get to it. Just kinda slipped my mind yesterday, that's all.
@BlessedWrathNeat Description. I'll get to editing my post to reflect this some time tomorrow before or after work.
@BlessedWrathNo problem, take as long as you need. I'm kinda rusty myself in a fashion, as I haven't really written up an actual post that I like in a while. I feel good about this one though, even if it isn't my best by a long shot. It feels like a step in the proper direction, if ya get what I mean.
@BlessedWrathYe, sounds about right. Either way, I'm sure Terg will address it when he sees the convo. Also, post is up. Hope you enjoy it. I left the description of the craft vague since you didn't have a solid definition of what it looked like in your post, but I assume it's only a 1-person sized vessel, ye?
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