Avatar of RawrEspada4
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: RawrEspada4
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 492 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. RawrEspada4 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current It's my annual pilgrimage back to the Guild, maybe this time a game will catch my eye & I'll actually stay around. Here's hoping <3
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3 yrs ago
I AM BACK!!! I mean probably not really but I AM browsing interest checks. Cya all next year when I make another status about returning.
4 yrs ago
Been stuck inside and off work for a month thanks to the plague so thought I'd take a look around here again <3 ^_^
7 yrs ago
Stoked to dive back into some rps, can't wait to have my first IC post in something like 18 months ^_^
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9 yrs ago
Looks like it was temporary, I'm back guys. Sorry for disappearing was hard being here without Orch. Still is really.


I'm a 28 year old guy from Middle of Nowhere, USA. Nearest town of any size is nearly 30 minutes from where I live I now live in a slightly-larger-than-small-town I now live in an actually decent sized town. I spend most of my free time on a free to play Magic the Gathering client where I'm a mod and judge but I do still spend a little bit everyday on here. I now spend most of my free time working on my own creative endeavors which includes the media review podcast Copilots Review of which I am one half of. And basically spend no time on here. I have however not been overly active as of late on here. Anyways I've been roleplaying for about 15 years now, getting my start in tabletops and only recently joined the ranks of forum roleplay about 9 years ago. That said I love RPing, Magic the Gathering and music.

If anyone needs to reach me off the guild I'm very reachable on Kik at rawrespada4 and at my hotmail... which you guessed it is rawrespada4@hotmail.com. Honestly if you see a rawrespada4 somewhere it's probably me, this is my username for just about everything so feel free to say hey if you me somewhere. Best bet to reach me off guild now days though is on discord where my user is Rawrespada4 #0581.

Most Recent Posts

@RawrEspada4 exactly 999 hectares total area. That's 9.99 sq.km. I'll update the map tomorrow. Celebrating my birthday ahahaha.

Well happy birthday ^_^
I was thinking that it was just my phone and wasn't going to say something if it was just me, no point to inconvenience you just to convenience me.
Much better, thankies kindly~

I concur. Much easier to read now.
@TheHangedManhey I've just been looking over the map and was wondering what location 4-a was (as well as the other tower in that color) additionally could we get a rough size estimate of the campus?

@Ebil Bunny working on my post now, going to take up your open invite and have Iron be the one Theo was talking to.
I use anime character datebase. I don't remember the URL off hand but if you google that you should find it.

I'm also on that image 1 hype.
Will have my character up sometime tonight
@Natsu nope, introduction changes everytime, but yeah, generally people end up in the Mess Hall after everything.

Going to do a little edit to my post with this info reveal, mainly just changing the mentions of auditorium to train station.
I'm unfortunately constrained to roleplaying from my phone, a windows phone at that, so a discord channel wouldn't be something I could actually use.
Iron Atwood

The smooth melodies of Micheal Bublé belted out of the speaker of the smart phone that lay on the bedside table as Iron busied himself with the task of unpacking. He had intentionally arrived earlier than needed so that he could get some of the unpacking done before the opening ceremony. However the early arrival had other benefits that Iron enjoyed even more than that of having his unpacking done early chiefly that it meant he could avoid the arrival of the first years. It wasn’t that he had anything against the first years, it was just that after having been around for the arrival last year he was fairly certain it would play out in the same general manner each and every year moving forward. Beyond dodging the arrival of the first years Iron’s early arrival also meant that he had first choice of the beds. This happened to be a choice he exercised most happily as he lay back on the bed having just finished storing the last of his clothes in his armoire. After a few moments of laying arms spread wide with the sound of Sam Cooke serenading him Iron checked his watch and decided it was time to get a move on. Standing he grabbed his jacket and courier bag, adjust his tie in the mirror, slipped in a pair of earbuds and made his way out to the thoroughfare.

As he made his way through the crowds of new and returning students Iron hummed along to the music playing in his ears. Not having need of the map nor the need to stop and ask for directions it was a quick jaunt from the dorms to the train station where the student body had been asked to congregate for the opening ceremony. Arriving somewhat early Iron found himself a seat near the back of the room, just a few feet in front of two other students who had both positioned themselves against the back wall. Iron gave the girls a curt nod acknowledging their presence before settling into his seat, digging into his bag and pulling out a sketchbook. With his sketchbook out, and Micheal Bublé once again crooning into his ear Iron resumed work on the design of his newest automaton.

@Jay Kalton @Pleek
Thanks working on my first post now ^_^
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