Avatar of Renny


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4 yrs ago
Current "An apology is a promise to do things differently next time, and to keep the promise." - Ging Freecss
4 yrs ago
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
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4 yrs ago
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” – Albert Einstein
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4 yrs ago
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi
4 yrs ago
“Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.” ― Javik
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He didn’t want to freak out but he could feel his pulse quickening, growing so loud that it drowned out everything else. Which in itself was different from the usual muffling of noise. He touched the angled knob in preparation to leave … more like flee to be honest.

Shouji, Sousuke, Nanashi; these three were so oblivious to him. They were just talking normally. And that hurt for some reason. He felt like he was screaming for help when in all actuality, he was just standing there with a quivering lip and straight-face.

Damn! he snapped to himself in anguish.

It took more effort than he wanted to admit but he softened his panicky expression. “Shouji-kun, it was … nice to meet you but I-I gotta go.” He jabbed his fidgety thumb towards the door with closed eyes. “A thing for my, mom. Groceries, eggs and milk, stuff like that.”

Before leaving he took a pause to address, Sousuke and Nanashi. “Sorry for bailing guys. Meet’cha at club tomorrow.” Without anyone moving to stop him, Natsu made short work of the distance between his home and the hospital.

Yuma was waiting for him, even called out to him twice but Natsu rushed into his room, taking the steps two at a time. Inside he deleted his brother's diary files off his phone and preceded to wreck his room out of rage and sadness.

“So much for being the hero!” he shouted, kicking his desk chair onto its side.

@Dezuel Hopefully we can get Crimson Lion on to post once more. If you'd like you can post something. If only to establish your place in the posting order.
He knew where he was going before he had actually arrived. There were clear-cut clues … splotches of colors on street signs, certain vehicles that he recognized as belonging to doctors or nurses. Like he said, his mind worked in often whimsical ways. As he paused at the same hospital his brother had been diagnosed at, a thumping his chest occurred. He froze for a moment then as Sousuke and Nanashi continued, he had as well.

Without much thought he placed a comforting hand on Echo’s case. Patting it every five or so seconds to ease his growing anxiety.

Once inside the hospital room, the sight of the young man had sent a stabbing chill down his spine. Shouji was around his age. Seeing the patient had officially warped Yuma and his own stations. Natsu could have just as easily been the sick one. The one on the chopping block. It was scary that he could think that way, heartless even, but he was aware that he valued himself just a bit more than everyone else.

He stayed near the door with a frustrated scowl on his face. “ ... Hey.”

I don't think I don't have a discord account

Its cool, you don't necessarily need one. If anything important comes up in the Discord, I'll be sure to feel you in in the OOC tab.

EDIT: Y'know once he gets it started.
@Crimson Lion Can we perform the practice behind the scenes and go ahead and get to the tournament?
... or you could just ignore my question. Natsu thought to himself.

He grabbed his Echo Barbatos and retrieve his GP base. The mechanical request came through with its usual pleasant tone. He slid the blocky base into its slot before setting his sleeker Barbatos down. His mind staid itself while thinking on how Sousuke-san had entered the field. It was like watching a real Gundam series. The protagonist would say his or her name, followed by their respective suits before launching deep into space warfare.

For once he had felt like being the center of attention too.

"Saisei deploying. Echo Barbatos, roar and go." The plavasky particles surged through the machine, it made a resonating sound, then flew into the brown canyon. Being there felt so real it was jarring.
@Dezuel lol just let me know when you need her. I'll be RPing from Natsu's POV for the majority of the tournament until Lisa is needed to be interacted it with.
@Dezuel lol should I be worried.
@Dezuel She won't be participating but she'll be there. Definitely
I'm down with a discord. Though it tends to become more of a hangout spot nine-times-out-of-ten
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