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Someone didn't pay attention to the request not to put apps in spoilers anymore.

Z A T A N N A Z A T A R A S T U D E N T N E W Y O R K C I T Y / M I S C E L L A N E O U S U N A F F I L I A T E D
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Hey, pay attention to me! I'm fascinating."

Born with incredible, innate magical power, Zatanna was taught from an early age how to control her abilities for her own safety as well as those around her. Her father, Giovanni Zatara, a renowned demonologist and highly skilled magician. decided to retire from the occult and raise his daughter as normally as possible. Although she understood the existence of magic was real, as evident by her own abilities, Zatara never once shared any details of the larger mystical world with her. Although, Zatanna tried more than once to access his private study as a young girl in the hopes of learning about witches and dragons and fairies.

She said goodbye to her father after graduating high school, moving to New York City to continue her education there. Although they did not see each other often anymore, Giovanni would always make sure to call his daughter and spend time with her through video chats every week. They kept up this routine for several years until last week when, at the scheduled time, Giovanni didn't call. Zatanna tried not to think much of it at first, knowing her father had been traveling recently. But later that night she dreamed of her father being dragged into the abyss by inky black tendrils of shadow. When she awoke, screaming in fright, she felt within her chest a dully warm pulsing sensation that faded within moments.

Confused and scared, Zatanna spent hours trying to reach her father to no avail. Eventually, she booked a flight back to her hometown later that day. When she arrived at her childhood home, she found it largely empty. In fact, aside from minor housekeeping, the place barely looked lived in. Deciding she desperately needed answers, Zatanna used her abilities to break into her father's study, accessing the room for the very first time. Inside, she found copious notes and photographs strung up on the wall. Pages of printed off documents and thick books on occult topics littered his desk. Among them was a handwritten letter by her father and addressed to her.

It explained that, after Zatanna had left for university, Giovanni had resumed his previous life's work. For three years now he had been traveling the world to investigate various reports of demon sightings, cults abusing the black magics, and using his considerable knowledge and skill to put a stop to any supernatural threats he came across. His role, he told her in the letter, was as a defender of the common people who had no knowledge of the greater dangers lurking behind every shadow. For decades he had been working to maintain the careful balance between the natural and supernatural worlds, only stopping when it came time to raise her.

Recently, he had received warning of a dangerous group of individuals, the Circle of the Cold Flame, who intended to call upon an ancient evil and bring rise to it here on the mortal plane. Fearing that things could go wrongly, but knowing he had no choice but to act, Giovanni had decided to leave behind several precautionary measures. Including bestowing upon his daughter the source of his power: The Books of Magick.

Now, Zatanna, having been kept away from the occult her entire life, must dive deep into a world she knows little of in order to find and save her father.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I'll do some magic shit. Probably some non-magic shit.

And I gave her pants.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

To be updated as the IC progresses.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

I would also like to request that in the future, all applications avoid using the hider tag for their sheet.

Alright, it's been a long and taxing day but I finally wrote a sample for the sheet. It's short and dumb but it fits the criteria.
More importantly, I completely revised the character concept yesterday. So if you haven't read the new version you may want to.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go collapse into a coma.
I never said it was a good life.
<Snipped quote by Retired>

You clearly don't spend time in the same chatrooms that I do.

You're right. I have a life outside the internet.
No one would ever seriously call you "our dear Roman," though. I'm starting to suspect those weren't genuine quotes.
Yeah, if you and Hillan are all set with whatever the opening post is, then there is zero logistical difference between Friday and Saturday start dates.
I'll be out of the house all of Saturday, so doesn't make a difference to me.

Not that I can technically vote for either option, anyway.

Jesus, I don't think there's been this many people looking at a thread for one of these since UOU or the first season of Absolute lol.

There was more yesterday.
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