Avatar of ReusableSword


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1 yr ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
6 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

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i do hope this is acceptable... been trying to make this concept work for a little while now.

Edit: Reworked and renamed to be less OP sorry about that, sleep deprivation does funny things to me.

redux 2047

This looks fun. I haven't done an advanced rp in a while so if I'm not up to par I understand, but I'll do my best. Then again I am kind of self conscious about that part. I will work on getting a character up and going, too bad I'm gone this weekend.
Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
time to train and craft > more crafting /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning > Afternoon / Location - Forest

The high pixie only looked away briefly too see Steve using the rock and web combo as a makeshift weapon to use against the slime. That was actually an interesting idea, maybe seeing how his companion takes on different tasks would give them all more ideas. The makeshift flail found its mark and seemed like it could do a fair bit of damage with better equipment and training. At least they were being resourceful.

Turing his attention back to the task at hand he was pleased with the outcome of his work. He was certain it was not the best but it at least looked like it was going to be ok. “System” he proclaimed as he was observing the new material in his hands, pulling it tight to test its ability. “Put all skill points for tamed creature Steve into Poison Fang.” This gave him the chance to hopefully get some sort of poison resistance and could possibly be harvested and put on future weapons. As for the other skills? It would simply take some time and he knew he would be able to get it.

Ardur’s attention was pulled away from his work by the worried voice of Mother Slime, “Steve wait till mother slime is ok with what Asura is doing before trying to hit him again. Until then, just swing that rock over your head for practice.” He told her. The last thing he wanted to do was piss off the big slime, he did not want to deal with infighting at this very moment. “Yeah I’ll give you a heal when you want me too. I’m just going to try to get this armor up and going first.” He replied to his friend.

After setting the new material to the side, he began to think and look over the materials he had and the resources around him. They were not terribly in the open but were not entirely covered either. Keeping a lookout would be for the best. It seemed like he could get all the sap he would need for the other five tendons and maybe he could do something with the tree bark itself as well. He still had the mandible that was slowly degrading but it would have to do until he found another sharp rock.

Perhaps he could turn the bark into some sort of cordage like the Native Americans used to do. Then the pieces of “armor” that laid before him could be used to do something. Anything too complex wouldn’t pan out as he wanted it too, he knew that, but perhaps something simple. Ardur began to plan in his head how to proceed. He had six tendons and one was coated already, so the next step would be to coat the rest. After that, using the beetle parts as back armor wouldn’t work out as he wanted them too but they could be used as bracers and arm protection. It wouldn’t be pretty and might be a little awkward from the shape but as long as it worked right?

As for the bones? They could simply be used as a primitive breast plate no other armored points on his torso but at least it was a start. Then after all of that possibly using the bark cordage, if it worked, to fashion some type of skirt or tunic out of the local vegetation so he would blend in a little better. He remembered how his mud coating a few days ago helped and his green hair more than likely already helped. The last thing to do would be to try to make that frog skin into some sort of pack or bag.

Therefore, Ardur set to work on his plan of making some armor for himself while Steve practiced her fighting against Asura. All the while, the pixie would stop after every couple of minutes or so and just look around and listen, always weary of their surroundings. When he was not doing this he would offer up small bits of mana for Guidance I, he wasn’t doing it to get guidance on where to go or what to do. He was doing it too see if it did anything for his crafting. He also did this while muttering to himself what he thought would be things his gods would promote or like him to do.

The King, he rewards decisions and team work that benefit the group, Loyalty to those around and under you, and supports the Leader.” Another would be for, “The Protector, he rewards courage and bravery to stand your ground, to protect and fight for others either through words or actions. He doesn't care what side of a conflict is chosen, as long as a side is chosen.” Finally, “The Mother, she rewards growth and prosperity, whether it be food or wealth as long as what is gathered is shared and wealth not horded. So that everyone may grow and be strong.”


Victor Astorio

It was a cool evening and everyone seemed to be unwinding as expected. A few other noticeable faces passed by here and there, as he sat and waited for his mage to emerge. The one mage that did eventually emerge was Lille, the ghost haired mage from earlier. He could not help but smile at her.

Victor seemed to wait for a while longer before growing bored; his prize seemed to have exited out another entrance or was perhaps still inside. Either way he still wanted to venture around the perimeter of the compound and get a good feel for the number of paces between buildings. All things to figure out and remember with the hope that they would not need to be used.

Rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze, the odd giggle or whisper from those hidden in the foliage or up in the trees, footsteps down gravel walk ways, the odd clink of metal or glass that someone was carrying. All subtle sounds that filled the more heavily wooded park areas near the border of the school. He was sure he was being watched, they all were this close to the edge. The last thing a place like this would want was party crashers.

The vampire felt a familiar vibration in his coat pocket while he continued with his slow stroll, the name “High and Mighty” came across the old screen. The contact name and number for his father or one of his father’s advisors. Pondering to answer the phone for a brief moment or toss it into the woods, he hesitated before answering on the fifth ring. “Hello.”

He was met with silence but he could tell someone was there, “not a strong start.” The voice sounded disappointed but was obviously his fathers, “you are supposed to befriend the mages not toss them across the arena. Lord Perion would find that amusing but I don’t.” the irritation in the voice soon overcame the disappointment. “Do not think that I won’t brand you as a traitor and take your standing with the council away from you. You are not invincible and we cannot look inept in front of the clan.”

Silence on both sides of the phone for an awkward few moments, “Yes Sir, I understand.” Was all Victor could muster through his gritting teeth. Always judging his every move like he know better or knows how to read people. His father never wanted to see his plans through, thinking they were always dependent on too many variables and not worth the risk.

“Fix yourself before I have to remind your friend here why she is in the position that she is in.” his father never gave idle threats and he did have the one thing left that could control his son by his side every day as one of his personal mages and assistants. An unknowing hostage.

“The situation will be handled, there is no need to go to such lengths for punishment.” All he got in return was the click of the phone and the conversation ending. Quickly victor dropped the phone before he crushed it and punched a nearby tree, splintering wood and sending cracks through the tree.

It took him more than a few moments to regain his composure. Picking up his phone, he carried on towards his dorm. Not only was his father ever paranoid of his progress but he probably had a spy or two on the grounds here, not to mention his sister monitoring social media from some of the students here. It would be tricky to take any sort of action against his father or their house from here. a dangerous thing to have at the princesses school but he wouldn't put it past him.

Perhaps he could find an audience with the princess; he does have enough information to at least bring his family down currently not the whole Astorio line but at least the Strigois clan. First things first he would have to free the hostage and be taken in to speak with the princess without asking. That way he could at least avoid suspicion there. He would lose all standing with his family and branded a traitor if he was not careful. He has been to imprisoned once but Victor was aware that they would kill him rather than have him speak. It is a fight either way, but one way or another his father would pay for what he has done.

Emerging from the park area the tall vampire continued to his dorm. The Astorio Dorm looked quite well off and it was not hard to find. He opened the front door with the key he had been given when he arrived and set the one that was for his mage on a small table next to the door. He left his coat on a rack next to the door and took his shoes off before entering his new home. Victor checked on one of the small office rooms, it was rather plain but at least the furnishings seemed appropriate.

Continuing on to his room he noticed it was rather plain, a desk in one corner of the room and a small covered area for sleeping if he so wished. Then back towards the far wall stood what almost looked like a shrine. Burning candles and incense ready to be used, sitting on top of this small table was his family’s heirloom. The sword he brought with him titled, “Moon Slayer” for its use in a time long since passed. it was set up the same way he had left it at home. clearly set up that way on purpose.

Victor picked up the well-maintained and well-balanced long sword, looking at it and the inscriptions that covered it for a few moments. After a little while, he picked up one of the candles and a stick of incense and walked to the back yard. Lighting the stick and blowing out its flame he set it down on the swords scabbard in front of him so it could burn, the candle was set just behind that.

After taking off his shirt he sat down in the grass, his legs crossed in front of him. The sword was being held with his left hand on the flat side of the blade and his right hand holding the hilt. This was another way for him to meditate and listen to the world around him as well as plan and think about what he had to do next.
Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
What was that? > time to train and craft /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning > Afternoon / Location - Forest

The frogs were an issue but seemed to be more of an annoyance than a threat; this could easily change in large numbers. Those frogs were strong but had obvious weakness to sharp objects or attacks. However, the way they expanded although strange gave the high pixie an idea; they more than likely could make a good backpack.

The forest had grown silent after the encounter with the frog, whatever had destroyed that mountain top surely scared out most if not all the other creatures of the forest. He could only assume that whatever was not sheltered in place simply ran away.

The notification that Steve had leveled up filled his mind for a second and he could not help but smile. Soon his friend would evolve and their group would be much stronger for it. “System, display tamed creatures skills and points.” He said aloud and with authority thinking, it may change the response in some way. Then his friend’s voice caught his attention.

Mother slime seemed to be excited about leveling up as well and it would seem Asura was content with staying where they were and training. He had to admit it was a good idea for the time being. Seeing as how most other creatures went to ground already. “Alright I’m good with staying put currently as well.” Then Asura told them to throw rocks at him, he figured it was to raise some sort of resistance but right now all Ardur wanted to do was make his armor.

“Alright Steve, start throwing rocks at Asura if you can, if you can’t, just pick up a few and drop it on him from up above. In the meantime, I am going to work on putting this armor together.” Moreover, with that Ardur left Steve to train with the slime as he set to work on putting the armor together before the tendons dried out. He would still need to find something to waterproof the tendons and he got an idea while watching Steve climb the trees. Seeing the slight glisten of tree sap running down the bark of the tree, something like that could be useful in waterproofing these tendons.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Hungry Hungry Hippo > What was that? /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Forests edge

He was quite pleased with himself, being able to possess even just these two legs with the rough blade was difficult yet rewarding. Continuing to eat the meat by taking bites out of the chunks that were left, the high pixie tossed the meat that came off the front leg near where Steve had the other leg wrapped up. Picking up one of the leg bones and realizing how heavy it was, he knew right away that he would need some training with this weapon to make it effective. Looking at what was left of the beetle and the two bone plates he was sure he could at least make a chest piece or tunic of sorts out of it… hopefully.

Ardur started right away processing the strands of tendons. He remembered something about Native Americans using it for cordage because it was strong and its strength only improved once it dried into place. He also remembered something about keeping it dry so it did not come loose again. Using what he had available to him he took the mandible and with the blunt side began to roll the tendons in between the blunt mandible and one of the leg bones so he could get to the individual strands and loosen the tendons up enough to be workable.

Once he had completed this, he set out the flat bones and the pieces of flack beetle exoskeleton. The exoskeleton felt lighter but more brittle than the bone and the bones themselves still needed to be strapped together. Ardur figured he could use two sections of tendons to strap the bones together, and then use the other four to connect the pieces of beetle shell together with room for his wings and still have enough to have two straps for his shoulders and two straps to connect under his arms. All he would need to do after this was let everything dry and then find something to waterproof it.

He had the pieces laid out before him in a neat diagram he figured would fit but he would only know once he put it together. Ardur was about to begin when he froze, the sound of thunder in the distance made him freeze. It wasn’t just the thunder that made him freeze. Something about the area changed, everything seemed to grow darker, more menacing. It made the small hairs on his arms and legs stand up and sent a shiver through his body. Watching the clouds closely he saw a shimmer of blue fly from the dark clouds and nearly vaporizing a mountain on the horizon. “What the fuck?” was all he could mutter seeming to agree with the big slime nearby.

Seemingly frozen in place the high pixie hesitated as his friend began to roll away towards the forest. "W-wait, my stuff." He finally stammered out as he picked up the armor bits, tendons, and meat. At this rate he wouldn't be able to carry the heavy bones instead choosing to carry the meat. Something to come back too at some point maybe. The mighty high pixie followed slowly behind the red slime into the forest, once they stopped he would set forth into crafting the armor for himself. He would have to settle for making a small fire to attempt to dry the tendons quicker once they were set in place.


What about the promise of freedom, exploration, and relative saftey?
Oooo another pixie come find the slime pixie alliance we have cookies.
Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
time to plan > Hungry Hungry Hippo /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Forests edge

He watched closely as his friend continued to try to adhere, himself to the skull while the big slime lingered nearby, “Heal is magic I can use, it makes you feel better when you’re hurt.” Trying to do as Asura suggested and talk to the large slime like a small child. Asura did not seem to off put by the religious stuff but ultimately Ardur was doing it just to see how it worked in this realm. However, the slime still did not seem to want to talk about what he wanted to do or go. To Ardur this his friend seemed to be the type to just go with the flow and roll with the punches. The slimes interpretation as to why he was doing what he was doing to the skull in the first place was also interesting. Watching the two slimes talk to each other with their touch telepathy was curious and Ardur could only wonder at what was said before receiving his answer.

Seeing the larger of the two slimes attach itself to the neck of the beast was interesting to watch. The sudden appearance of a slightly agitated Steve grabbed his attention for a moment as the spider pointed and danced about near the front leg of the deer. Seeing that Mother slime was likely to devour the rest of the deer without intervention the pixie picked up the mandible and moved to the other side of the carcass. “Mother slime wait, let me cut off these legs for us and you can have the rest. This rib cage and spine might be a good shell for you.”

There was still plenty of meat and food to go around, but he really wanted that back leg to use the sinew to strap that beetle exoskeleton together. He was not expecting a lot from it but it was what these two slimes were attempting as well. Taking the now hopefully reinforced mandible, Ardur began to cut along the skin and muscle until he could cut and pop the legs off the rest of the body and move them out of the way of the large slime. It was slow going but quicker than what he could do without it. Making sure to put the front leg by Steve’s other leg and pulling the larger back leg over near the dead beetle so that he could start cutting the tendons and muscle free from the bone.


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