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1 yr ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
6 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

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Roman Ravenwood

Roman watched violet leave, lingering on the balcony looking over towards where she said her family was. His thoughts wandered as he looked from Violet and over to her father, he needed to know more about her family he needed to talk to her again tonight maybe for the second dance. These dances, although troublesome in their own right, was something he guessed he missed. getting lost in his work too much these last few years made him forget about the dates.

Finding himself watching all those in the ballroom while he lurked in the back for a moment, he almost didn't notice the maid carrying the bowl of numbers up to him; he took one and thanked her. The man didn't know why she hurried off a bit quicker than she arrived but he figured it was due to his size. It wasn't often but occasionally others would stare and whisper things about barbarian or wanting to climb that mountain. He had been mountain climbing before and did not think the lady’s that spoke such things could handle it.

Glancing at the note again Roman began heading towards the line of male dancers waiting for their partners and paused seeing a familiar face. The two servants he had helped earlier stood hidden amongst the drapes and shadows of a pillar. He stopped and looked at the two who did not meet his gaze and stepped up to them. He could have sworn one of them was shaking as he stepped up to them.

As stoic as ever he was quiet while he stood before them for a moment, “My name is lord Roman Ravenwood, it seems I will be staying here for the summer. Please inform whomever is responsible for you two that I am requesting the two of you to assist me and only me. let them know that you will require extra rations, i will pay for it of course and you may find that you learn something from it. I expect to see the two of you in the morning.”

Stepping away from the duo and back towards where the dance pairing was being held. He was just as sure as to who his partner was as he was sure of what those young men were thinking when he left them, which was no idea at all.

It was only after a considerable time waiting that her number was finally called. Mayet, whom was already getting visibly annoyed and tired of waiting, moved to the front of the room with a confident stride and, as always, closely accompanied by Nala.

Much to her surprise, the man who approached her was... 'unique' to say the least. A single look was all it took for Mayet to realize that the mountain of a man who approached her definitely wasn't meant to be among nobles. It wasn't only his size that make him stood out among the other nobles, but his muscular physique made that fact even clearer.

What did make Mayet curious though was how was that huge man able to hide himself for her to not have noticed him when she entered the ballroom. Someone like him would certainly draw her attention, given how much he stood out from most other nobles. Either he had quite the talent in hiding himself despite his size or he wasn't one to socialize with the other nobles that much. Regardless, Mayet was undeniably curious about the man that approached her.

"Shehzadi Mayet Kadir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mayet said, greeting the man with a very slight and brief bow as she looked at him with a curious stare, studying his posture as he approached her.

"Don’t be afraid to approach us. Neither one of us will bite, unless provoked, of course.." she said with an amused chuckle.

When it was his turn to step forward to meet his dance partner he couldn't help but show a slight smile. the girl with the tiger, his eyes scanned over her for a moment as they stepped up to meet each other. tone muscles, a fierce gaze, confidence you only see in the most skilled knights and royalty, an exotic beauty that these royals are not prepared for. every step she took held its own grace and power, a fighter if he ever saw one, the headdress she wore like a crown facilitating her likeness to the tiger walking next to her.

Roman did not hesitate and walked with his own stoic confidence almost like two prize fighters entering a ring, where she was a predator he was a mountain, two spirits of fire. “Lord Roman Ravenwood, A pleasure to meet you as well.” the smirk he held faded for a moment with his own bow towards her.

“I've held the gaze of a predator before.” his rather deep voice matching his stature spoke nothing but truth, “and that of a tigress.” stepping respectfully up to her and offering his large hand to her. “A gorgeous specimen, large animals are not strange to me. I do believe my uncle still has his old brown bear with him back home.”

Mayet couldn't help but let out a satisfied smirk as Roman said that he was no strange to predators. His confidence as he walked towards her and Nala only further reaffirming that fact.

"A man who is no strange to the gaze of a predator... Interesting." Mayet said with a curious expression, watching as Roman offered her his hand.

"There are only three types of person who normally say such things. Those who respect them, those who have learned to fear them and those who have very short lives." Mayet said with a chuckle.

"Unlike most of these nobles, you know how to appreciate the deadly beauty of a predator, don't you?" Mayet asked, looking to Roman with an intrigued expression as she gently patted Nala, making it impossible if she was talking about the tigress or herself.

"That makes me curious though... Have you ever danced with one?" Mayet asked with a chuckle and a mischievous smirk, teasing Roman as she gently put her hands over his, which were easily twice the size of hers. At that moment, Mayet couldn't help but find the size difference between them rather amusing.

“I live far to the north at Emberstone stronghold. These southern provinces are rather tame compared to my home. The comparison does remind me of Alidasht, I have always found your land to hold that untamed beauty of Wildlands.” Roman guided the two of them down to the dance floor and took up his position to begin the dance.

“You must always respect those who are meant for the hunt and never underestimate them.” he continued to speak with a smile. Although being rather large and what one might expect to be clumsy, Roman danced quite well even with a partner that bearly stood up to his chest.

“I believe my favorite part about Alidasht is either the sea’s of sand or thick jungle forests. Our homes are similar, just opposite temperatures.” he did have fond memories of his time in their kingdom even if it was short.

Mayet heard with curiosity as Roman spoke about the territory he lived in, including the comparison he made with Alidasht, which made her undoubtedly interested.

"I would have found strange if you told me you live here like the rest of the nobles. The place of a wolf isn't among the sheep... With that said, it is curious that you are the second wolf I have met on this ball today..." she said with an amused expression.

"Or maybe I should say a bear? It would fit you way more than a wolf, wouldn't it?" Mayet said, raising an eyebrow as she looked to Roman with a chuckle and a teasing smirk.

"The northern territories of Emberstone do seem exactly like the place someone like me would enjoy." Mayet said as she followed Roman.

"The cold might be a challenge at first... But I'm sure if I ever go there, I will find something to keep me warm... Be it hunting or sparring." Mayet said with a smile.

As soon as the dance began, Mayet couldn't help but give a small smile as she realized that Roman danced with a surprising grace, despite both his size and being someone who seemed to be more suited to fighting.

"Normally I would never let anyone lead me, but this time, I'll allow it, since I'm not familiar with the Caesonian dances... Besides..." Mayet said as she followed Roman's lead, looking at him with a surprised expression.

"You move with a surprising grace for someone your size! I am impressed! Although... There is something you could improve..." Mayet said with a mischievous expression as she suddenly got closer to Roman, tightening her grasp around him.

"You should try getting a bit closer. Don't treat me like a precious little thing that might break should you mishandle it." she said with a provocative smirk, carefully watching Roman's reactions.

The smile on his face couldn't help but grow. This one definitely knew how to talk her way into trouble with the way she pulled herself closer to him and caught him off guard. Did not surprise him though. "I am proficient in many weapons and fighting styles. Dance fighting is one of my favorites."

With that Roman tightened his own grip around her waist taking her up to his full height for two steps with ease then returned her to the floor still tight to him. A thought flickered through his mind that she may think he was being childish showing off his strength but he doubted it. "I am a fighter but not a knight or soldier. My strength is due to my work as a master smith. That was actually the reason I was in Alidasht four years ago. And I would never think of you a porcelain doll especially with your physique."

" All Ravenwood's are craftsmen to some degree. Very few get to the title of master with armor, weapon, and jewelry smithing like I did. If you look closely at many of the high nobles, the kings and queens, you will find the ravenwood crest on their jewelry, weapons, and armor." His voice remained deep and stoic, he obviously took pride in his work and family. "For us, in order to make a weapon or armor we must be able to use it in the first place."

Mayet's reaction to Roman tightening his grip around her, picking her up for a few seconds wasn't one of embarrassment, but instead one of surprise and amusement. Few were those who had the courage of being this bold with her. After all, there was a very fine line between something that would amuse or impress Mayet and something that would offend her. Fortunately for Roman though, it didn't seem like she was offended by his little show of strength.

"You indeed weren't lying when you said you had already held the gaze of a predator before, were you?" Mayet asked, looking at Roman with an amused smirk and a chuckle as he put her down again.

"I would advise you to be careful though... Most predators are extremely competitive and most of them would recognize such a show of strength as a direct challenge..." Mayet said, looking deep within Roman's eyes with a piercing, dangerous stare. Despite the fact that Mayet was definitely amused by what he did, there was a subtle, but definite warning in her eyes as she said so.

"... And like most of them, I also hate losing..." she said, suddenly going back to her previous expression, showing only amusement and curiosity.

When Roman mentioned he was a master blacksmith, Mayet seemed to definitely be interested. Especially when he mentioned two words that were among her favorite words: Weapons and jewelry.

"A master smith that is not only experienced in making both weapons and armor, but jewelry as well? I almost have the urge to take you back to Alidasht with me and make you my own personal blacksmith..." she said, teasing Roman as she looked at him with a surprised expression.

"I have already seen some works engraved with the Ravenwood crest... The quality behind these works are definitely undeniable. Both the jewelry, the armors and the weapons." she said, nodding to Roman as he mentioned his family's crest engraved on the works made by the Ravenwood smiths and their belief that in order to make a good weapon or armor, one should learn how to use it first.

"That makes me curious though... You mentioned you have already been to Alidasht four years ago. Not as a noble, but as a Blacksmith..." Mayet asked, looking at Roman with an intrigued expression, clearly wanting to know more about the time he spent on Alidasht and what he did there.

“Forgive me Shehzadi if i was too bold, picking up on subtle cues is not my best aspect. it does get me into trouble from time to time.'' Although proud in his own right, Roman still knew enough to at least try not to take things too far. “As for failing?” he couldn't help but chuckle, “I strive to fail, everyone should fail just like every predator does. Failure leads to wisdom and forces you to grow. For each of my masterpieces there are hundreds of failures behind it.”

The giant’s smile did not fade as he thought of what to say next. “thank you for your kind words. I'm afraid the most you could do would be to commission something from me. I can't tell you who commissioned the work or who it was for but I'm sure you would have seen it. an interesting contraption. a bracelet in the shape of a gold jewel encrusted scorpion. a hidden function, with the right flick of the wrist the tail strikes forward with speed, a hidden needle in the stinger holds a small reservoir containing whatever the user wants is emptied.” Technically the one who commissioned the piece did not sign the non-disclosure agreement so he could disclose the item itself but they never talk about who commissioned it directly unless otherwise agreed upon.

Roman could tell that the song was going to come to an end soon and sighed trying to think of something as she spoke of his and his family's ability and talent with metal working. “I can do one thing for you but it comes at a cost, one of these next few days we will spar, no weapons, best two out of three wins to submission or unconsciousness. if you win i'll make you something just for you. if i win…” he paused for dramatic effect with a devilish smile to throw her off. “I'll still make something for you but you have to help me make it.”

Mayet couldn't help but to laugh as she heard Roman's words about the work he was commissioned to do on Alidasht. She knew exactly who was the one who commissioned such bracelet... It simply had Munir's name written all over it.

"Munir... It has to be him!" Mayet said, still laughing a bit.

"In fact, I would be very surprised if it wasn't him." she said, shaking her head with a chuckle.

"Regardless of my dear brother's peculiar commission... It seems to be quite a complex piece... I'm impressed you were able to complete it. Assuming you did, of course." Mayet said, looking at Roman with an intrigued expression.

Just as the song was almost reaching it's end, Roman gave her an interesting offer. In exchange for a sparring session, he would offer Mayet his services. Should he win, she would help him and should he lose he would make it by himself. Normally Mayet would immediately agree with such a proposition, but the fact that Roman said that they would fight without weapons made her raise an eyebrow and chuckle as she looked at his devilish smile.

"Would you ask for a tigress to fight without using her claws?" She asked, laughing at his proposition.

"Besides... To fight someone of your size without using weapons would be putting myself in a heavy disadvantage... Unless that is what were you aiming for all along..." she said with a mischievous smirk.

“I was simply wondering if you would go for it or not. melee weapons it is then, i look forward to our bout and what you think you may want for your… gift.” he said with his continued smile. The sight of a small blonde girl running from the dance floor caught his attention for a moment then turned back to Mayet.

“I can't say for sure if it was your brother, all i can say is that i delivered it to the palace and a servant took the package from me.but yes it had several challenges but over the course of a few months we were able to get everything right and in working order. the tail was obviously the most challenging but it was not the most challenging thing we have made.'' The song came to an end and it seemed like there would be a brief pause before the next dance.

Before leaving to go and find his next dance partner he gave his dance partner a slight bow, “it was a pleasure to meet you Shehzadi Mayet Kadir. I do hope that you enjoy the rest of your evening.” His words were truthful, this one turned out to be a strong individual but not rude or annoying, someone who can get their hands dirty. perhaps someday they could grow to become good friends, maybe more but for now only the norn’s knew of that.

Mayet let out a discreet smile as she heard Roman saying he would look forward to their sparring session... and that she should start thinking about her gift...

"Don't worry, I promise you I will think of something rather special. All the tales about your skills made me look forward to my 'gift'..." Mayet said with a chuckle.

Mayet couldn't help but to let out a smile as she heard Roman speaking about the scorpion bracelet. Such a complex and 'unique' taste. It simply had to be Munir. She would definitely interrogate him about the bracelet later...

"I'm quite certain it was him. Nobody else has such complex and... 'unique' tastes... Well, maybe my sister Layla would also want something similar, although themed around serpents…" Mayet said with a thoughtful expression.

“Then… There’s me.” she said, with a smirk.

“Weapons and jewelry. Two of my favorite things to collect in this world. Guilty as charged.” she said, shrugging with a mischievous smirk on her face..

“As long as you’re willing to take mine and my siblings’ commissions, I am sure you will have plenty of challenging and exotic pieces to work with.” Mayet said, laughing.

As the dance finally ended, Mayet gave a step back, letting go of Roman as he did the same.

"The pleasure was all mine, Lord Roman Ravenwood. It was surprising to find someone so honest and straightforward to talk with. It was certainly refreshing." Mayet said with a small, brief bow, with a genuinely satisfied expression.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: Two big booms!

The path the unggoy ultra had chosen to keep him unnoticed was a bit more treacherous than he originally thought. Clinging to the stone walls and cliffs edge during a raging storm was the most fun he was having so far yet his main motivation other than completing the mission was knowing that his goblin was waiting for him with the hot drop of heavy weapons. That knowledge alone was enough for him to quicken his pace while he crawled hugging close to the stone and towards the platform.

Grik moved quickly under the platform and quickly looked around the pillars when something caught his attention. A small patrol of three Unggoy moving slowly under the structure, “why are we here?” one of the two orange-colored grunts spoke with an anxious tone. “Because yap-yap ate to much from the food nipple again.” The other orange grunt retorted quickly. “At least I don’t fall asleep on watch Blip.” The red colored unggoy among them spoke with an irritated tone that made the other two shut up as the slowly made there way through and around the support pillars.

Grikgar knew he couldn’t sneak around them forever and he needed to complete this quickly. Silently he moved from pillar to pillar until he was right behind the red grunt, ODST knife in hand. Plunging the knife into the back of the grunts neck and quickly with drawling it to lunge at the next closest squad mate who didn’t seem to be able to react in time as Grikgar buried his knife in its skull. The surprise and hesitation from the third were all he needed to tackle him and swiftly break his neck in a choke hold.

Grikgar remained still and quiet for a few moments before quickly carrying on with his objective and retrieving his knife. Picking up a small piece of scrap metal from the ground and climbing up to the base of one of the exterior pillars. Grik knew where he was in relation to the rest of the structures and placed the magazine where the platform and pillar met angling it towards the intersection of the two, then he glued it in place with the adhesive of the first plasma charge he had.

He did this again on another pillar a bit farther in towards the other side of the structure he knew was above him but outside of the blast zone of the first explosive. using the thick chunk of metal, ammo, and plasma charge with this one facing it straight up instead of into the pillar with the chunk of metal against the platform and the other two layered beneath it. Quickly the grunt slid down the pillar and to the opposite side of the platform from the others stopping only for a moment to pick up two more plasma pistols and a couple grenades off the dead grunts before continuing to sprint to cover up the hill with a bit of a height advantage over the platform below.

Grikgar blinked his indicator light green twice to signal the others that he would detonate the first explosive in 10 seconds. The reason he went to so much trouble to set up and layer the explosives like he did was to create a shaped charge that would sling a piece of super-heated metal through the structure along with the explosive. 4… 3… 2… 1… BOOM! A blinding light and deafening explosion for him but it was enough to shift the structure slightly. Then the dazed and disorientated defenders would wander into a kill zone.

His allies were making good work of the situation, Grikgar stayed hidden but watched with glee as the defenders began to rally themselves into cover and began to put up a fight. By what he could tell at least some of the defenders began taking up positions near where he had placed the second explosive. That is what you did after all, one explosive to scatter and send your prey into a choke point or central area then detonate the second explosive for maximum effect.

Sending a message to the rest of the team, {“Hold for secondary explosive.”} The glee in his voice was nearly unprofessional but he did not disappoint, setting off the secondary explosive and hopping his shaped charge idea would help to cut a hole in the platform and scattering the defenders once more.
Roman Ravenwood

Eavening Attire

Interacting With:@Tpartywithzombi

It took her a moment to respond to him, almost like she wasn’t used to being talked too. A strange occurrence but by the way her eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight of the ball room he didn’t mind at all almost not catching her words. He was about to reply to her when the clumsy oaf came in behind the foreign delegation. Watching the spectacle unfold he could only sigh and shake his head. He truly felt for the man, he himself wasn’t the best in social situations but where he approached new things with caution and care duke Lorenzo always seemed to come in with clumsy confidence.

The raising voices and anger were enough to put off the one before him making her more uncomfortable. He didn’t blame her emotions and how to deal with people experiencing them were not his forte. Instead, Roman watched with interest for a moment scanning all those near the royals, watching where people were looking and what their hands were doing. He was sworn to protect the royals after all, technically all the nobles were.

Hearing the women’s invitation to join her out on the balcony sounded like a good idea. Still, he hesitated for a moment to make sure the delegation wouldn’t erupt into violence as the other nobles began to grovel towards the foreigners. They were doing their jobs just as they were supposed to. But Leo’s comment stressed a few of the servants more than was necessary. Sure, they were commoners, but they were people too he guessed that was one of the reasons he didn’t like these things to much.

Seeing one such servant nearly falls to the floor near him Roman moved over to him and effortlessly picked the young man up helping him back to his feet he whispered, “Don’t let them see your weakness or you will be eaten alive.” He doubted the lad didn’t know that, but it was encouragement all the same. He held him up for a moment longer before another servant moved over to assist him. Just giving them a nod, the two didn’t seem to know just how to process him helping them and went off instinct. Roman paused for a moment looking back to the royalty hearing Lorenzo begin to weep before smiling at the dark-haired young lady and finally joining her outside.

Quietly he walked to the balcony and took a deep breath as she joined him and began talking. The comment about her bodice caught him off guard and he looked as if he had offended her, but the look changed back to a small smile quickly. He wasn’t sure if she was insulted or not, so he just brushed it off as sarcasm as he listened to her talk about Ravens. He found himself likening how she talked about the birds but had to compose his words properly before answering her question. this was why he liked writing letters, he could stop and think about his next words without being awkward or having to explain himself.

“well, when you have an eye for detail and you grow up around ravens its easy to pick them out. Besides I’ve been to the kingdom of Alidasht once before and these things are not entirely new to me. I did not enjoy the heat of that place but seeing the lights of their capitol from the palace walls is spectacular with the narrow sea on one end and the sea of sands on the other it is quite beautiful.” Roman found that he was still holding the cup and took another sip of the red wine.

“Still, id rather stick to the cold mountains of home. Which is why I asked about the ravens.” Pulling a part of his jacket to the side revealing an ornate raven perched on a mountain top etched into a metal badge attached to his jacket. “It is our family crest.” It took him a minute to remember he hadn’t introduced himself. “Uhh forgive me I forgot introductions. My name is Roman Ravenwood of Emberrock city.” finishing with a polite bow and a smile.
Roman Ravenwood

Eavening Attire

Interacting With:@Tpartywithzombi

Roman sighed with the warm city air that flowed through the carriage. This city and this part of the kingdom was warmer than he expected but still not as warm as the deserts of Alidasht. His mind drifted to the memories of that strange kingdom. It was only a few years ago that his father sent him there to hand deliver a piece of jewelry some one there had commissioned his father to make, they were fond of the desert insects. Roman never met who it was that it was for he handed it off to some advisor of some sort. The rest of that trip was interesting, he spent quite a while at the local forges and bought many pieces of armor and weapons to try. The smiths of the southern kingdom had some very interesting items and drinks.

A bump in the road jostled the man back to reality as the metal around his fingertips clinked together. For the evening he chose traditional formal clothes from his home just without a few of the extra layers. A Royal blue tunic with a longer black kilt falling from the waist and nearly touching the floor, accented by a black half cape flowing down the back of his left shoulder and a few pieces of armor around the shoulders, chest, forearms, and hands. The armor was something both his mother and father made for him as a gift, intricate silver inlays and carved metal and leather work. It was clear that a great amount of care was put into this and was tailor made for a man of his stature. Finishing off the look with tight black pants and polished black leather boots.

The entire ordeal was not exactly what Roman wanted but he knew this was important for his family and maybe he would find someone that could help him grow that family here. All he could hope for was that he didn’t start a war, even if it would be good for business, it’s not what anyone wanted right now. Rubbing the crystal pendant around his neck it was a nervous tick of his, anxiety wasn’t always an issue, but these kinds of gatherings tended to get under his skin a bit. “You look fabulous for a half giant.” The all to familiar voice of his old friend filled his ears. “Not now Salem, you be quiet tonight.” A subtle laugh was all he heard as the presence faded. He could see the castle now; it was hard to miss Afterall he just hoped that he wasn’t going to be too late.


Stepping out of the carriage he was met with the tail end of the Alidasht procession as it moved towards the ball room. So, he was a little late, but it wasn’t something he couldn’t work around. What he couldn’t work around was what was Infront of him, a parade of animals, flower petals, and many of the sultans’ children and family it seemed. Seeing nobles and royals be carried wasn’t new to him but he didn’t really approve of it either, one should be proud that they can walk on their own two feet rather than be carried by their subjects. This however wasn’t his place to say anything he simply waited and watched taking in all the details of the foreign strangers.

After a few more minutes it seemed they made their way far enough out that he could wave a thank you to his carriage driver and begin the slow walk towards the ball room as not to be confused, if one could be confused, with the beautiful southern peoples. At least they were drawing all the attention away from him, for that they had his thanks. Normally being his size and wearing armor of some type as was customary with the nobles from his home, Roman tended to draw more attention at other gatherings. At least the smell of the flower petal he picked up was a very nice, sweet smell from the jungles. There weren’t many other places in their home that he knew of that had plants like that.

After giving some time for the parade Infront of him to move into the ball room Roman began to walk through the doors just as a mighty roar came from what looked to be a rather well-mannered tiger. He did have to stare at it for a moment, as he had only seen them in the books at the library. Moving his gaze amongst the people from left to right so he could pick up more detail, other than of course the kings and queens that he gave a polite bow to there was not many here he recognized.

With the attention mostly still on the newcomers he slipped into the crowd of people on the edges and walked to where the food was. Most people moved out of his way likely because of his intimidating size he figured. They had more than a few delicacies and rare treats at the table, he found a few fancy meats and cheese before looking around once more. It didn’t take him long to eat the meager portions he had picked up with a cup of wine to help wash it down.

Through his observations a image caught his attention and he had to do a double take. Seeing ravens among the nobility was rare as most saw them as bad omens or just birds. However, Roman could always pick up on the image of the bird as he was basically surrounded by it being from the Ravenwood family. The raven was part of someone’s clothes, this one seemed to be tucked away almost out of sight, but he couldn’t quite tell what they were doing from his angle. Slowly he moved to get a better look at the person then he saw the book and could tell that she was indeed reading and not just listening to everyone around her.

Roman turned and looked back out among the crowds. He could see the kings and queens, the sultan and his advisor, the prince who he met earlier this year, a few other nobles from his kingdom and neighboring cities, even possibly the doctor. Maybe he only met the man once after all when delivering aid to the neighboring city of kolonivka during one of their emergency’s. He was even able to see a rather spry looking count blackwood, it was good to see the duke out and about and that means that Mia should obviously be around somewhere. He would have to try and meet up with his old friend at some point during this party.

Working up his courage but still feeling awkward, Roman walked past the tables of food to where the raven girl had hidden herself away near the back of the room. Slowly he moved into the opposite side of the nook as the lady before him and smiled, “umm excuse me miss, I have a quick question for you if you don’t mind. The raven on your dress, is it for fashion where you’re from or a personal choice?” he found his eyes wandering her form while he spoke to her picking up many details including some interesting scarring that he caught himself staring at for a little longer than he thought might be appropriate and quickly switched his gaze back to her face and if she was looking at him into her eyes. all while holding the glass of wine he has barely drank out of in his hand.

WIP Daggers and roses

this looks fun, i like the culture of the Alidasht Kingdom the most.
Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker

// Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Location: setting up for the big boom

Grik nodded in agreement with Vael’s decision and began to get his gear situated. Turning off his shield and camo he looked to the leader. “Ok Grik will move to the position and plant the explosives. It might take Grik a little while, might have to crawl or climb over the edge momentarily depends on cover.” Turning for a moment to survey the land in front of them that he could see to plan his course accordingly. “If there is nothing else, Grik will head out now while the storm is still providing cover.”

The grunt sounded excited to go and blow something up. He was well aware of what he needed to do and how to do it. His low sturdy frame making the strong winds less effective against him and would help to blind the grunts on patrol if they didn’t have goggles. The rocky sometimes steep terrain was well suited to his climbing ability. All he had to do was stay low and slow but still move with purpose to lay the explosives and start their assault. With the rest of his ammunition and his proximity to the structure when he arrived Grik decided that he would take a flanking position on the opposite side of the structure after the explosives were set and open fire after the others start to. Giving them a false sense of a larger force and to give them nowhere to hide.
might have to just skip them for the time being

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