Avatar of Rilla


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6 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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Translation: Dance monkeys, dance!

Exactly this.
What's a Baron?
<Snipped quote by ImportantNobody>

Nice to hear that you'll be around again!

As for the pokemon, it's apparently an evolution (which tend to be seen less often) from gen V (black/white). If you didn't play those games that much, you may have just missed it.

Also worth noting is that this is pokemon 542- and the number has only grown since then. As the number of pokemon grows, the harder it becomes to remember them all, and so it could be that you've seen it, but simply never remembered it (it is a fairly generic leaf pokemon by the look of it).

I remember all of them.

Ash had a Leavanny which put up a fantastic fight against a Sawk, a fighting type Pokemon from Gen 5.
Who here remembers GFFNR?
Oh. Gaia.
What the hell have I missed? Jump ship? GCL?
You should join :V

Seriously, someone needs to kick this roleplay in the ribs because it's literally dying and the EMTs are just standing by instead of giving CPR.

Instead, the guy who doesn't know CPR (Me) is sitting next to the unconscious body sort of slapping the face over and over again in the hopes of rousing it.

I literally have no time, even if I had access to a computer. My schedule, commonly. Looks like this.

10-7 7:45 to 3. 6:30-9(sleep) 10-7. In other words I go from one job to the other, have 3 hours with my kid, then sleep. Hahah.
Oh Rabbit doubts. The things you could do in them. The old fake role. With proper help. Haha.
11 days is far too long to wait.
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